Party affiliation - 50th Legislature

  Totals based on membership as of first day of the regular session, January 14, 1947

House of Representatives

Democrats in the House of Representatives [150 of 150 = 100%]

William Henry Abington
Henry Lee Atkinson
J.K. Aynesworth
William Arthur Barber
Woodrow Wilson Bean
John Junior Bell
Marshall Odom Bell
Joseph Ogden Berry
Dallas Averd Blankenship
Ralph Eugene Blount
Searcy Bracewell
Jack Bascom Brooks
Claude Callaway
Oscar Eli Cannon
Augustine Celaya
Edgar Octave Chapman
Truett Davis Clifton
Turner Morris Collie
Neveille Colson
Charles Montgomery Conner
Warren Clay Cowen
Jack Cox
William Jenkins Craig
Carlton Wesley Crawford
John Leake Crosthwait
Gordon Reece Davis
Britton Thomas Edwards
George Washington Elliott
Mode Barbee Etheredge
Roger Quincy Evans
John Preston Fant
Marvin Daniel Fertsch
Rae Files Still
Alford Henderson Flanagan
Joe Berryman Fleming
William Stoner Fly
John Kennedy Ford
Joseph Warren Gandy
Clifton Clinton Gardner
Douglas David Gathings
Claud Henry Gilmer
Louis Donald Godard
Albert Nelson Green
Sidney Y. Gregory
Lloyd Myron Guffey
Sam C. Hanna
William Elbert Heatly
James McDonald Heflin
Herman August Heideke
Jewell Huntington Helpinstill
Aaron Robin Henderson
Ligon L. Holstein
Ivey Blanton Holt
James Phillip Horany
Edward Preston Hughes
Isom Price Hydrick
Samuel Jackson Isaacks
Robert Hal Jackson
Andy Maynor James
William S. Jameson
Pearce Johnson
Albert Martin Jones
Fred Jesse Jones
Obie E. Jones
Abraham Kazen
Joe Tom Kennington
Joe Madison Kilgore
Leslie King
Ray Kirkpatrick
Gus Myers Lanier
Oswell Eugene Latimer
Otis H. Lee
Henry Grady Lehman
Donald A. Lewis
Carswell Gilford Lightfoot
Ottis Elmer Lock
John Albert Luedemann
Sheffy Mahan
Durwood Manford
Preston P. Mangum
Donald Moore Markle
Thomas Johnson Martin
Charles Sidney McClain
Vernon Vaughn McDaniel
Charles Melford McFarland
Charles Samuel McLellan
Elmer McVey
William Andrew Miller
Carlton Moore
Charles Beaty Moore
Grady Moore
William T. 'Bill' Moore
Charles Alfred Murphy, Jr.
George O. Nokes
Frank Calvert Oltorf
Andrew Jackson Overton
George Marshall Parkhouse
Lee Roy Pearson
Donald Isaac Peters
Joseph H. Pyle
William Henry Rampy
David Read
Samuel G. Reams
William Otey Reed
William George Richards
Jack F. Ridgeway
Harley Herman Sadler
Jonathan Benjamin Sallas
Samuel Columbus Sellers
Reuben E. Senterfitt
Lesta E. Shackelford
James William Shannon
Thomas Harris Sharp
Landon Clyde Slimp
Max Carlton Smith
Newton Franklin Smith
Preston Smith
Charles Lacy South
Rudolph Benjamin Spacek
James Thomas Sparks
James Clarence Spencer
Jerry Todd Stockard
Cecil Storey
William R. Stump
Elizabeth Suiter
Frank G. Svadlenak
Frederick G. Swanson
William Bradford Teague
R.L. Templeton
Marmaduke Keyes Thomas
Jerome Blake Timmons
William Kenton Tippen
Surry Turner
Wayne Warren Wagonseller
Miller B. Walker
John Leroy Wallace
Jesse Floyd Ward
George W. Watson
Harry Philip Whitworth
Eugene Charles Williams
Sterling Whitfield Williams
W. Albert Williamson
Doyle Willis
Phillip L. Willis
Paul Shirley Wilson
Albert Patrick Wiseman
Bill D. Wood
Jim Wright
Herman R. Yezak
Lamar Acker Zivley


Democrats in the Senate [31 of 31 = 100%]

Districts represented by more than one person
H District 3 John Preston Fant Democrat 01/14/1947 - 05/27/1947  
H District 3 Newton Washington McCann Democrat 08/23/1947 - 01/11/1949   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 68 John Junior Bell Democrat 01/14/1947 - 06/15/1947  
H District 68 Thomas Cook Cheatham Democrat 11/08/1947 - 01/11/1949   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 70 Henry Lee Atkinson Democrat 01/14/1947 - 03/15/1947  
H District 70 James Harvey Shell Democrat 04/28/1947 - 01/11/1949   Not included in the statistics above.
S District 16 W. Lacy Stewart Democrat 01/14/1947 - 03/22/1947  
S District 16 Maribelle Stewart Democrat 04/23/1947 - 12/03/1948   Not included in the statistics above.
S District 18 Fred Mauritz Democrat 01/09/1945 - 05/24/1947  
S District 18 John Junior Bell Democrat 09/20/1947 - 01/11/1949   Not included in the statistics above.