Party affiliation - 51st Legislature

  Totals based on membership as of first day of the regular session, January 11, 1949

House of Representatives

Democrats in the House of Representatives [149 of 149 = 100%]

William Henry Abington
J.K. Aynesworth
Marshall Odom Bell
Jonas Alfred Benton
Douglas Ernest Bergman
Ralph Eugene Blount
Floyd Francis Bradshaw
Dolph Briscoe
Benjamin Phil Brooks
Jack Bascom Brooks
Jack Cook Bryan
Oscar Eli Cannon
Joseph Daniel Carter
Robert Randolph Casey
Osceola A. Cassity
Luther Preston Caston
Walter Thomas Caven
William Raleigh Chambers
Thomas Cook Cheatham
Hiram O'Keefe Childress
Truett Davis Clifton
Turner Morris Collie
Jack Cox
William Jenkins Craig
John Leake Crosthwait
Bill Daniel
Mode Barbee Etheredge
Rae Files Still
Alford Henderson Flanagan
Joe Berryman Fleming
William Stoner Fly
Joseph Warren Gandy
Clifton Clinton Gardner
Douglas David Gathings
Louis Donald Godard
Callan Graham
Jessy Franklin Gray
Sidney Y. Gregory
Sam C. Hanna
Jack Yarbrough Hardee
James McDonald Heflin
Herman August Heideke
Aaron Robin Henderson
Ligon L. Holstein
Ivey Blanton Holt
James Phillip Horany
Edward Preston Hughes
Henry Anton Hull
Samuel Jackson Isaacks
Louis Joseph Ivey
Robert Hal Jackson
Andy Maynor James
William S. Jameson
Billie Mac Jobe
Pearce Johnson
Albert Martin Jones
Abraham Kazen
Joe Madison Kilgore
Leslie King
Ray Kirkpatrick
Oswell Eugene Latimer
Otis H. Lee
Henry Grady Lehman
Donald A. Lewis
Jim T. Lindsey
James William Loving
John Albert Luedemann
Durwood Manford
Preston P. Mangum
Newton Washington McCann
Claude Hill McCorkle
Vernon Vaughn McDaniel
John Bethune McDonald
Frank Bobbitt McGregor
Grainger Walter McIlhany
Peyton McKnight
Charles Samuel McLellan
William Andrew Miller
Carlton Moore
John Edward Morrison
Albert Wadell Moursund III
Menton J. Murray
Fredrick A. Niemann
George O. Nokes
James L. Norton
Frank Calvert Oltorf
George Marshall Parkhouse
Hubert Franklin Paschall
James Bell Pattison
Gary Pinkney Pearson
Henry Grady Perry
James Franklin Perry
Dudley Wilkes Peterson
James K. Presnal
Joseph H. Pyle
William Henry Rampy
William Otey Reed
William George Richards
Jack F. Ridgeway
Andrew Jacob Rogers
Johnnie Beverly Rogers
Lloyd Gates Rust
James T. Rutherford
Reuben E. Senterfitt
Joe Shannon, Sr.
James Harvey Shell
Landon Clyde Slimp
Max Carlton Smith
Preston Smith
Rudolph Benjamin Spacek
James Thomas Sparks
Hiram Staton
Jerry Alexander Steward
Jerry Todd Stockard
Cecil Storey
Tom Hugh Stovell
William R. Stump
Frank G. Svadlenak
William Agnew Swindell
Raymond T.R. Tatum
William Bradford Teague
Marmaduke Keyes Thomas
Jerome Blake Timmons
Byron Ray Tinsley
William Kenton Tippen
Deno Arthur Tufares
Surry Turner
Arnold J. Vale
Wayne Warren Wagonseller
Miller B. Walker
George W. Watson
Clyde Emerson Whiteside
Thomas Elbert Whiteside
Harry Philip Whitworth
Milton D. Wilkinson
Eugene Charles Williams
Sterling Whitfield Williams
W. Albert Williamson
Doyle Willis
Phillip L. Willis
Paul Shirley Wilson
James Marvin Windham
Jack King Wisener
Bill D. Wood
Clifford Warren Wood
George Jefferson Woodruff II
Herman R. Yezak
Cloyd D. Young
Lamar Acker Zivley


Democrats in the Senate [31 of 31 = 100%]

Districts represented by more than one person
H District 52 Phillip L. Willis Democrat 01/11/1949 - 08/28/1949  
H District 52 Frederick Van Cleve Meridith Democrat 01/31/1950 - 01/09/1951   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 58 George O. Nokes Democrat 01/01/1949 - 08/27/1949  
H District 58 James Carroll Sewell Democrat 01/31/1950 - 01/09/1951   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 61 Aaron Robin Henderson Democrat 01/11/1949 - 03/15/1949  
H District 61 Persis Henderson Democrat 04/13/1949 - 01/09/1951   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 89-2 William S. Jameson Democrat 01/11/1949 - 09/19/1949  
H District 89-2 Woodrow Wilson Bean Democrat 01/31/1950 - 01/09/1951   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 104 James Ryland Eanes Democrat Elected but never sworn   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 104 William Elbert Heatly Democrat 01/26/1949 - 02/15/1949   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 104 Arthur Edmund Gromatzky Democrat 02/15/1949 - 01/09/1951   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 120 Ivey Blanton Holt Democrat 01/11/1949 - 06/30/1949  
H District 120 Harold M. LaFont Democrat 01/31/1950 - 01/09/1951   Not included in the statistics above.
S District 6 James Edward Taylor Democrat 01/14/1947 - 08/15/1949  
S District 6 George O. Nokes Democrat 01/31/1950 - 01/09/1951   Not included in the statistics above.