Party affiliation - 54th Legislature

  Totals based on membership as of first day of the regular session, January 11, 1955

House of Representatives

Democrats in the House of Representatives [148 of 148 = 100%]

William Whipple Allen
John Mack Allison
Louis Henry Anderson
Bill R. Andis
Lemuel Lawrence Armor
Ben Atwell
Robert Wayne Baker
Stanley Banks
Garth C. Bates
Marshall Odom Bell
Jonas Alfred Benton
Douglas Ernest Bergman
Edgar Lee Berlin
George Sebastian Berry
A.J. Bishop
John E. Blaine
Floyd Francis Bradshaw
Paul Brashear
Dolph Briscoe
Jessie Gordon Bristow
Jack Cook Bryan
Joseph Washington Burkett, Jr.
Jim J. Carmichall
Frank Herman Carpenter
Waggoner Carr
William Raleigh Chambers
Joseph Norwin Chapman
Thomas Cook Cheatham
Jamie Hager Clements
Edward Jacob Cloud
Carroll Cobb
Criss Cole
J.W. Cooper
R.H. 'Dick' Cory
Warren Clay Cowen
James Edward Cox
John Trimmier Morrison Cox
Elias Fleming Crim
John Leake Crosthwait
Eligio de la Garza
Brownrigg Hefferron Dewey
Virginia Elizabeth Duff
Louis Dugas
William Marshall Elliott
John Taylor Ellis, Jr.
Anthony Paul Fenoglio
Benjamin Butler Ferrell
Curtis E. Ford
George D. Ford
Gustin C. Garrett
James Odell Gillham
Webster Winifred Glass
Benjamin Albert Glusing
L. DeWitt Hale
D. Barnard Hardeman
Guy Hazlett
W.S. 'Bill' Heatly
Herman August Heideke
Charles Heitman
Grady Claude Hogue
Ligon L. Holstein
Jean Edmond Hosey
Horace Ben Houston
Reagan Russell Huffman
Charles Ervin Hughes
Billy Eugene Hunt
Edgar Hutchins, Jr.
Maud Isaacks
James Horace Jackson
Robert Clifton Jackson
Alonzo Wesley Jamison
Pearce Johnson
Obie E. Jones
Thomas Roger Joseph
Don Kennard
Harold Grant Kennedy
Tom E. King
Charles Dee Kirkham
Wiltz Gleason Kirklin
Homer Louis Koliba
Thomas William Lane
Roy Truett Latimer
Otis H. Lee
Henry Grady Lehman
Jim T. Lindsey
Amos Adair Martin
Maury Maverick
Bert Thomas McDaniel
Scott McDonald
Frank Bobbitt McGregor
Malcolm McGregor
Grainger Walter McIlhany
William Troy McNeil
Carlton Moore
James Steele Moore
Jack Cochran Morgan
Robert Raymond Mullen
Charles Alfred Murphy, Jr.
Menton J. Murray
Fredrick A. Niemann
Jesse Morgan Osborn
Harold Burton Parish
Robert William Patten
Robert Reeves Patterson
Maurice S. Pipkin
Joe Richard Pool
Herman Virgil Puckett
Joseph H. Pyle
Elbert Reeves
William Carl Ross
Jerry Sadler
Charles Lloyd Sandahl
Barefoot Sanders
Leroy Saul
Scott Philen Sayers
Oswald Henry Schram
A.R. 'Babe' Schwartz
Walter Christian Schwartz
Frates Slick Seeligson
James William Shannon
Edward Hueber Sheridan
Richard C. Slack
Max Carlton Smith
Vernon Eugene Smith
Will L. Smith
Wade Fetzer Spilman
Gilbert Manly Spring
Vernon Stewart
Thomas Herbert Stilwell
Edwin Stanton Stone
Cecil Storey
Robert Leo Strickland
William A. 'Bill' Stroman
Reuben Daniel Talasek
George Murat Thurmond
James Arthur 'Jimmy' Turman
John Bell Walling
Jesse Floyd Ward
Jack Dixon Welch
Bob Wheeler
Richard Crawford White
James Edgar Wilson
Joseph Edwin Winfree
Samuel Emerald Wohlford
Bill D. Wood
James Watson Yancy
Herman R. Yezak
J.C. 'Zeke' Zbranek


Democrats in the Senate [31 of 31 = 100%]

Members not listed above
H District 85 Moyne LeClerque Kelly Democrat 01/12/1955 - 01/08/1957   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 68-4 Charles Joseph Lieck Democrat 01/12/1955 - 01/08/1957   Not included in the statistics above.