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[  Session(s): all  Chamber =  Both  Bill Type = all    Subjects =  CRIMINAL RECORDS ]

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HB 100 88-0 (2023) Author: King, Ken | et. al.
Sponsor: Creighton, Brandon
Relating to public education and public school finance, including the rights, certification, and compensation of public school educators, contributions by a public school to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, and an education savings account program for certain children. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Senate appoints conferees-reported | ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES | BLIND & VISUALLY IMPAIRED, TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEAF, TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Curriculum | Education--Primary & Secondary--Discipline | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private | Education--Primary & Secondary--Special | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Salaries & Expenses | TRANSFER STUDENTS | WINDHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT
HB 175 88-0 (2023) Author: Schaefer, Matt | et. al. Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files for certain defendants placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for the unlawful carrying of a handgun. House: Community Safety, Select Considered in Calendars | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | Weapons
HB 236 88-0 (2023) Author: Goodwin, Vikki | et. al. Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with private firearm transfers; creating a criminal offense. House: Community Safety, Select Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Weapons
HB 252 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Ann | et. al. Relating to the eligibility for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information of a criminal defendant who has successfully completed a specialty court program. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Courts--General | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DRUG COURTS
HB 283 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Jarvis Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Corrections Referred to Corrections | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 308 88-0 (2023) Author: Bernal, Diego Relating to the creation of certain criminal offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee. House: Community Safety, Select Referred to Community Safety, Select | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUN SHOWS | Weapons
HB 392 88-0 (2023) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to the date on which certain persons placed on deferred adjudication community supervision are eligible to file a petition for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Corrections Received from the House | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 399 88-0 (2023) Author: Collier, Nicole Relating to orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain misdemeanor defendants following successful completion of a period of deferred adjudication community supervision. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Postponed | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 401 88-0 (2023) Author: Collier, Nicole Relating to automatic orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain misdemeanor defendants who successfully complete a period of community supervision following conviction; authorizing a fee. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred directly to subcommittee by chair | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 461 88-0 (2023) Author: Smith, Reggie
Sponsor: Paxton, Angela
Relating to a waiver of the requirement for the performance of an adoption evaluation in certain suits for adoption. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/23 | ADOPTION | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Parent & Child
HB 503 88-0 (2023) Author: Wu, Gene | et. al. Relating to the jurisdiction of a juvenile court over certain persons and to the sealing and nondisclosure of certain juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal | Courts--District | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 544 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Julie | et. al. Relating to the reporting of certain orders and convictions to the Department of Public Safety and Federal Bureau of Investigation for use with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System for the transfer of firearms. House: Community Safety, Select
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Family--Family Violence | Law Enforcement | PROTECTIVE ORDERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 662 88-0 (2023) Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry" Relating to the regulation of certain firearm transfers; creating criminal offenses. House: Community Safety, Select Referred to Community Safety, Select | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 752 88-0 (2023) Author: Rosenthal, Jon | et. al. Relating to a change of name and sex for certain persons and the issuance of associated birth records and documentation; authorizing a fee. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health | BIRTH & DEATH CERTIFICATES | CHANGED & ASSUMED NAMES | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--General
HB 1009 88-0 (2023) Author: Turner, Chris
Sponsor: West, Royce | et. al.
Relating to imposing requirements on the employment of or contracts for certain individuals providing services to individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability, including requiring certain facilities and Medicaid providers to conduct criminal history record information and employee misconduct registry reviews and to suspend the employment or contracts of individuals who engage in reportable conduct; providing administrative penalties. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/23 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | MEDICAID | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 1021 88-0 (2023) Author: Howard, Donna Relating to criminal history record information obtained by certain facilities and private agencies on behalf of facilities. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1100 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Julie | et. al. Relating to the regulation of certain senior retirement communities. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services | Aging | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Nursing Homes
HB 1184 88-0 (2023) Author: Rose, Toni
Sponsor: Johnson, Nathan
Relating to access to criminal history record information for use in certain research or statistical projects. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1215 88-0 (2023) Author: Cook, David | et. al. Relating to consideration of criminal history of applicants for public employment. House: State Affairs
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Labor--Management Relations | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 1219 88-0 (2023) Author: Reynolds, Ron | et. al. Relating to criminal history record information checks for applicants for employment and employees of group homes; creating a criminal offense. House: Human Services Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Nursing Homes
HB 1366 88-0 (2023) Author: Vasut, Cody Relating to criminal background check requirements for judges to access vital records maintained by the Department of State Health Services. House: Public Health Left pending in committee | Courts--Judges | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--General | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1385 88-0 (2023) Author: Moody, Joe
Sponsor: King, Phil
Relating to access to criminal history record information by county offices providing pretrial release services. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Removed from local & uncontested calendar | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1520 88-0 (2023) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and the functions of the office of independent ombudsman for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Vocational | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | JUVENILE JUSTICE BOARD, TEXAS | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | JUVENILE SERVICES, ADVISORY COUNCIL ON | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Juvenile Justice | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | OMBUDSMAN, OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT -- TJJD | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | State Employees | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Commission Bills
HB 1715 88-0 (2023) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files relating to certain nonviolent misdemeanor offenses. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 1720 88-0 (2023) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information by the Department of Public Safety concerning certain intoxication offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 1737 88-0 (2023) Author: Leach, Jeff | et. al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al.
Relating to automatic orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain misdemeanor defendants following successful completion of a period of deferred adjudication community supervision. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Left pending in committee | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1747 88-0 (2023) Author: Leach, Jeff | et. al. Relating to the consequences of a criminal conviction on a person's eligibility for an occupational license. House: Corrections
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 1937 88-0 (2023) Author: González, Jessica | et. al. Relating to the regulation of the cultivation, manufacture, processing, distribution, sale, testing, transportation, delivery, transfer, possession, use, and taxation of cannabis and cannabis products and local regulation of cannabis establishments; authorizing the imposition of fees; requiring an occupational license; creating a criminal offense; imposing a tax. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred directly to subcommittee by chair | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MARIHUANA | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Sales
HB 1998 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Julie | et. al.
Sponsor: Hall, Bob
Relating to the regulation of physicians, the disciplinary authority of the Texas Medical Board, and the administration of the Texas Physician Health Program; increasing a criminal penalty; imposing a surcharge. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/23 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Health Care Providers | MEDICAL BOARD, TEXAS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | PHYSICIANS
HB 2300 88-0 (2023) Author: Allen, Alma | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Corrections
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 2609 88-0 (2023) Author: Guillen, Ryan Relating to access to criminal history record information by the Public Utility Commission of Texas. House: State Affairs Reported favorably as substituted | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION | Utilities--General
HB 2725 88-0 (2023) Author: VanDeaver, Gary Relating to truancy; increasing a criminal penalty. House: Youth Health & Safety, Select Left pending in committee | Courts--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Education--School Districts | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Minors--Juvenile Justice | TRUANCY
HB 2778 88-0 (2023) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to the operation and administration of the State Office of Administrative Hearings. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, STATE OFFICE OF | AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF | Courts--Judges | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DIVISION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION, TEXAS DEPT. OF INSURANCE | Electronic Information Systems | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure | VIDEOCONFERENCING
HB 2780 88-0 (2023) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual disability information with respect to certain children for purposes of a federal firearm background check. House: Community Safety, Select Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | INCAPACITATED PERSONS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 2843 88-0 (2023) Author: Kuempel, John | et. al. Relating to the authorization, licensing, and regulation of casino gaming and sports wagering in this state, to the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming Commission, to the support of the horse racing industry and reform of horse racing and greyhound racing, and to other provisions related to gambling; imposing and authorizing administrative and civil penalties; imposing taxes; imposing and authorizing fees; requiring occupational licenses; creating criminal offenses. House: State Affairs Postponed | Amusements, Games, Sports | ATTORNEY GENERAL | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GAMBLING | GAMING COMMISSION, TEXAS | Governor | GREYHOUND RACING | HORSE RACING | HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES | Legislature | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | NATIVE AMERICANS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SENATE, TEXAS | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--State
HB 3039 88-0 (2023) Author: Klick, Stephanie | et. al. Relating to the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact; authorizing fees. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DENTAL EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF | DENTIST AND DENTAL HYGIENIST COMPACT COMMISSION | DENTISTS & DENTISTRY | Electronic Information Systems | Intergovernmental Relations | Military & Veterans | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 3089 88-0 (2023) Author: Lalani, Suleman Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with private firearm transfers; creating a criminal offense. House: Community Safety, Select Referred to Community Safety, Select | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Weapons
HB 3173 88-0 (2023) Author: Bucy III, John Relating to inquiries into and the consideration of an applicant's criminal and disciplinary history in making admissions decisions at a public institution of higher education. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Admission & Attendance | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Primary & Secondary--Discipline
HB 3198 88-0 (2023) Author: Noble, Candy Relating to criminal history record information and certain registry information accessible to certain educational and child-care entities and information required for employment in certain child-care facilities. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private | Electronic Information Systems | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Minors--Health & Safety
HB 3199 88-0 (2023) Author: Noble, Candy | et. al. Relating to requiring certain information before being employed by a child-care facility. House: Human Services Laid on the table subject to call | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | Family--Child Protection | Labor--General | Minors--Health & Safety
HB 3202 88-0 (2023) Author: Noble, Candy | et. al. Relating to access by the Texas Education Agency and private schools to certain criminal history records. House: Public Education Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 3246 88-0 (2023) Author: Manuel, Christian | et. al. Relating to inquiries about and the consideration of criminal history record information regarding applicants for employment. House: Business & Industry Placed on General State Calendar | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General
HB 3341 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Ann | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain offenses committed when younger than 25 years of age. House: Corrections Received from the House | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 3647 88-0 (2023) Author: Guillen, Ryan
Sponsor: LaMantia, Morgan
Relating to the imposition by the Department of Public Safety of administrative and civil consequences for certain criminal convictions. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/23 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses
HB 3686 88-0 (2023) Author: Jones, Jolanda
Sponsor: Huffman, Joan
Relating to the automatic expunction of arrest records and files after certain controlled substance offense charges are dismissed. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Removed from local & uncontested calendar | Crimes--Drugs | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 3825 88-0 (2023) Author: Bucy III, John Relating to prohibiting the publication of certain criminal record information of individuals involved in the criminal justice system. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Postponed | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement
HB 3872 88-0 (2023) Author: Thierry, Shawn Relating to hiring and employment requirements for persons in direct contact with children at certain facilities. House: Youth Health & Safety, Select Referred to Youth Health & Safety, Select | CHILD ABUSE | City Government--General | County Government--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Labor--General | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Crimes Against | Minors--Health & Safety | Minors--Juvenile Justice | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING
HB 3996 88-0 (2023) Author: Bryant, John | et. al. Relating to regulating certain firearm transfers, possession of certain firearms, and protective orders prohibiting possession of a firearm; creating criminal offenses; increasing criminal penalties. House: Community Safety, Select Referred to Community Safety, Select | Courts--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Health & Safety | PROTECTIVE ORDERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | ROBB ELEMENTARY FIREARM SAFETY ACT | Weapons
HB 4019 88-0 (2023) Author: Jones, Venton Relating to inquiries into the criminal and disciplinary history of an applicant for undergraduate admission to a public institution of higher education. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Admission & Attendance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Discipline | Family--Family Violence | SEXUAL ASSAULT | SEXUAL HARASSMENT | SEXUAL OFFENDERS | STALKING
HB 4123 88-0 (2023) Author: Guillen, Ryan
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to access to and use of certain criminal history record information. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Business & Commerce
HB 4339 88-0 (2023) Author: Frank, James B. Relating to the establishment of the Education Savings Account Program to allow certain disadvantaged children and their siblings to use public money to pursue educational alternatives to public schools and an insurance premium tax credit for contributions made for purposes of that program. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | AUDITS & AUDITORS | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private | Education--Primary & Secondary--Special | EDUCATIONALLY DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS | Insurance--General | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--General
HB 4340 88-0 (2023) Author: Frank, James B. Relating to the establishment of the Education Savings Account Program to allow certain children to use public money to pursue educational alternatives to public schools and an insurance premium tax credit for contributions made for purposes of that program. House: Public Education Left pending in committee | AUDITS & AUDITORS | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private | Education--Primary & Secondary--Special | STATE AGENCIES' RULES | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--General
HB 4362 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Ann | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Corrections Received from the House | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 4379 88-0 (2023) Author: Reynolds, Ron Relating to citations and arrests for criminal offenses and pretrial detention and release. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HOMELESS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | TEXAS PRETRIAL RELEASE AND DETENTION ACT
HB 4398 88-0 (2023) Author: Kitzman, Stan Relating to the powers and duties of a personal bond or personal bond and pretrial supervision office. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | County Government--General | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 4404 88-0 (2023) Author: Guillen, Ryan | et. al. Relating to the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact. House: Public Health Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Intergovernmental Relations | INTERSTATE COMMISSION OF APRN COMPACT ADMINISTRATORS | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION | NURSES & NURSE AIDES | NURSING, TEXAS BOARD OF | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 4438 88-0 (2023) Author: Hunter, Todd Relating to access to and the security of certain critical infrastructure. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Business & Commerce--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION | Purchasing--General | Utilities--Electric
HB 4526 88-0 (2023) Author: Slaton, Bryan Relating to the application requirements for a license to carry a handgun. House: Community Safety, Select Referred to Community Safety, Select | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 4988 88-0 (2023) Author: Davis, Yvonne Relating to national criminal history reviews of a member of a board of trustees of an independent school district; authorizing a fee. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 5182 88-0 (2023) Author: Ramos, Ana-Maria Relating to the creation of a bulk ammunition database. House: Community Safety, Select Referred to Community Safety, Select | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 5202 88-0 (2023) Author: Neave Criado, Victoria | et. al.
Sponsor: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Relating to a central database containing information about offenders who have committed certain violent offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Family--Family Violence | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 170 88-0 (2023) Author: Blanco, César | et. al. Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with certain firearm transfers; creating a criminal offense. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Weapons
SB 188 88-0 (2023) Author: Miles, Borris
Sponsor: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to criminal history record information checks for applicants for employment and employees of group homes; creating a criminal offense. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/23 | ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Nursing Homes
SB 198 88-0 (2023) Author: Eckhardt, Sarah | et. al. Relating to criminal history screening of applicants for residential tenancies. Senate: Business & Commerce Co-author authorized | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Property Interests--Landlord & Tenant
SB 370 88-0 (2023) Author: Eckhardt, Sarah Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with private firearm transfers; creating a criminal offense. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Weapons
SB 478 88-0 (2023) Author: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al.
Sponsor: King, Ken
Relating to the administration of the motorcycle operator training and safety program and requirements for the issuance of certain driver's licenses and commercial driver's licenses; requiring an occupational license; authorizing a fee. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Transportation
See remarks for effective date | CRIMINAL RECORDS | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MOTORCYCLES | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 499 88-0 (2023) Author: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al. Relating to automatic orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain misdemeanor defendants following successful completion of a period of deferred adjudication community supervision. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 611 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Nathan | et. al. Relating to the regulation of certain senior living facilities. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | Aging | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Nursing Homes
SB 728 88-0 (2023) Author: Huffman, Joan | et. al.
Sponsor: Leach, Jeff
Relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual disability information with respect to certain children for purposes of a federal firearm background check. House: Community Safety, Select
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/23 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | INCAPACITATED PERSONS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
SB 734 88-0 (2023) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the consequences of a criminal conviction on a person's eligibility for an occupational license. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 906 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Nathan Relating to the establishment of the Texas Do-Not-Sell Registry for firearms; creating a criminal offense. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
SB 1012 88-0 (2023) Author: Parker, Tan Relating to the eligibility of certain victims of trafficking of persons or compelling prostitution for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | PROSTITUTION
SB 1078 88-0 (2023) Author: West, Royce Relating to the duration of time a record of arrest, indictment, or conviction of a crime may appear on a consumer report. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | CREDIT REPORTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Financial--General
SB 1112 88-0 (2023) Author: Schwertner, Charles | et. al.
Sponsor: Guillen, Ryan
Relating to access to criminal history record information by the Public Utility Commission of Texas. House: State Affairs
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/23 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION | Utilities--General
SB 1183 88-0 (2023) Author: Eckhardt, Sarah | et. al. Relating to the defense to prosecution for certain offenses involving possession of small amounts of controlled substances, marihuana, dangerous drugs, or abusable volatile chemicals, or possession of drug paraphernalia for defendants seeking assistance for a suspected overdose. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | MARIHUANA
SB 1184 88-0 (2023) Author: Eckhardt, Sarah | et. al. Relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual disability information with respect to certain children for purposes of a federal firearm background check. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | INCAPACITATED PERSONS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
SB 1192 88-0 (2023) Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Sponsor: Noble, Candy
Relating to access to criminal history record information for certain employees, volunteers, and contractors, and for applicants for those positions, by the Health and Human Services Commission. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | Aging | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--General
SB 1274 88-0 (2023) Author: Gutierrez, Roland | et. al. Relating to regulating certain firearm transfers, possession of certain firearms, and protective orders prohibiting possession of a firearm; creating criminal offenses; increasing criminal penalties. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Courts--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Health & Safety | PROTECTIVE ORDERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | ROBB ELEMENTARY FIREARM SAFETY ACT | Weapons
SB 1345 88-0 (2023) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to prohibiting the consideration of certain criminal history information of a prospective tenant of a housing development operated by a public housing authority or operated by a recipient of financial assistance administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Senate: Local Government Referred to Local Government | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HOUSING & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Housing--General | Property Interests--Landlord & Tenant
SB 1383 88-0 (2023) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 1432 88-0 (2023) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the operation and administration of the State Office of Administrative Hearings. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, STATE OFFICE OF | AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF | Courts--Judges | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DIVISION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION, TEXAS DEPT. OF INSURANCE | Electronic Information Systems | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure | VIDEOCONFERENCING
SB 1469 88-0 (2023) Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Sponsor: Noble, Candy | et. al.
Relating to requiring certain information before being employed by a child-care facility. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/23 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | Family--Child Protection | Labor--General | Minors--Health & Safety
SB 1471 88-0 (2023) Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Sponsor: Noble, Candy | et. al.
Relating to access by the Texas Education Agency and private schools to certain criminal history records. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private
SB 1473 88-0 (2023) Author: Bettencourt, Paul Relating to criminal history record information and certain registry information accessible to certain educational and child-care entities and information required for employment in certain child-care facilities. Senate: Education Referred to Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private | Electronic Information Systems | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Minors--Health & Safety
SB 1474 88-0 (2023) Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al. Relating to special education in public schools, including the special education allotment under the Foundation School Program, an education savings account program for certain children with disabilities, and a grant program to reimburse public schools for the cost of certain employer contributions for retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas employed to teach or provide services related to special education. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Public Education | BLIND & VISUALLY IMPAIRED, TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEAF, TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE | Disabilities, Persons with | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private | Education--Primary & Secondary--Special | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Retirement Systems--Teachers | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | VIDEO CAMERAS
SB 1628 88-0 (2023) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS
SB 1714 88-0 (2023) Author: Perry, Charles Relating to the consequences of a criminal conviction on a person's eligibility for an occupational license. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC NOTICE
SB 1727 88-0 (2023) Author: Schwertner, Charles | et. al.
Sponsor: Canales, Terry | et. al.
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, the functions of the office of independent ombudsman for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, and the powers and duties of the office of inspector general of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | Education--Primary & Secondary--Vocational | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR TEXAS JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT | Juvenile Boards & Officers | JUVENILE JUSTICE BOARD, TEXAS | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | JUVENILE SERVICES, ADVISORY COUNCIL ON | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Juvenile Justice | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | OMBUDSMAN, OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT -- TJJD | PEACE OFFICERS | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | State Employees | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Commission Bills
SB 1736 88-0 (2023) Author: Gutierrez, Roland | et. al. Relating to the creation of certain criminal offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUN SHOWS | Weapons
SB 1968 88-0 (2023) Author: Bettencourt, Paul Relating to required reporting of certain discretionary prosecutorial decisions of prosecuting attorneys. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1973 88-0 (2023) Author: Bettencourt, Paul Relating to criminal history record information for certain special master, magistrate, referee, or other court official applicants appointed or employed by state judges. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence | Courts--County & Statutory | Courts--District | Courts--General | Courts--Justice | Courts--Municipal | Courts--Personnel | CRIMINAL RECORDS
SB 1976 88-0 (2023) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the consideration of criminal history record information of applicants for public employment or an occupational license. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | AUDITS & AUDITORS | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure | State Employees | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 1978 88-0 (2023) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact; authorizing fees. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DENTAL EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF | DENTIST AND DENTAL HYGIENIST COMPACT COMMISSION | DENTISTS & DENTISTRY | Electronic Information Systems | Intergovernmental Relations | Military & Veterans | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
SB 2013 88-0 (2023) Author: Schwertner, Charles | et. al.
Sponsor: Hunter, Todd
Relating to access to and the security of certain critical infrastructure. House: State Affairs
Senate: Business & Commerce
SB 2354 88-0 (2023) Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al. Relating to the establishment of the Education Savings Account Program to allow certain disadvantaged children and their siblings to use public money to pursue educational alternatives to public schools and an insurance premium tax credit for contributions made for purposes of that program. Senate: Education Co-author authorized | AUDITS & AUDITORS | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private | Education--Primary & Secondary--Special | EDUCATIONALLY DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS | Insurance--General | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--General
SB 7 88-1 (2023) Author: Gutierrez, Roland Relating to regulating certain firearm transfers, possession of certain firearms, and protective orders prohibiting possession of a firearm; creating criminal offenses; increasing criminal penalties. Filed | Courts--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Military & Veterans | Minors--Health & Safety | PROTECTIVE ORDERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | ROBB ELEMENTARY FIREARM SAFETY ACT | Weapons
SB 5 88-2 (2023) Author: Gutierrez, Roland Relating to regulating certain firearm transfers, possession of certain firearms, and protective orders prohibiting possession of a firearm; creating criminal offenses; increasing criminal penalties. Filed | Courts--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety | PEACE OFFICERS | PROTECTIVE ORDERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | ROBB ELEMENTARY FIREARM SAFETY ACT | Weapons
HB 162 88-3 (2023) Author: Kitzman, Stan | et. al. Relating to certain duties of the owner or operator of a residential child detention facility. Filed | Aliens | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--General | Minors--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1 88-3 (2023) Author: Creighton, Brandon | et. al. Relating to the establishment of an education savings account program. House: Educational Opportunity & Enrichment, Select
Senate: Education
Referred to Educational Opportunity & Enrichment, Select | AUDITS & AUDITORS | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | INTERNET | PARENTAL RIGHTS | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 73 88-3 (2023) Author: Gutierrez, Roland Relating to regulating certain firearm transfers, possession of certain firearms, and protective orders prohibiting possession of a firearm; creating criminal offenses; increasing criminal penalties. Filed | Courts--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Health & Safety | PROTECTIVE ORDERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | ROBB ELEMENTARY FIREARM SAFETY ACT | Weapons
HB 97 88-4 (2023) Author: Kitzman, Stan Relating to certain duties of the owner or operator of a residential child detention facility. Filed | Aliens | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--General | Minors--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 115 88-4 (2023) Author: Jetton, Jacey Relating to the establishment of an education savings account program. Filed | AUDITOR, STATE | AUDITS & AUDITORS | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Higher--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Special | Education--School Districts | State Finances--Management & Control | SUPREME COURT
SB 1 88-4 (2023) Author: Creighton, Brandon | et. al. Relating to the establishment of an education savings account program. House: Educational Opportunity & Enrichment, Select
Senate: Education
Referred to Educational Opportunity & Enrichment, Select | AUDITS & AUDITORS | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | INTERNET | PARENTAL RIGHTS | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 30 88-4 (2023) Author: Eckhardt, Sarah Relating to the defense to prosecution for certain offenses involving possession of small amounts of controlled substances, marihuana, dangerous drugs, or abusable volatile chemicals, or possession of drug paraphernalia for defendants seeking assistance for a suspected overdose. Filed | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | MARIHUANA
HB 45 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Jarvis Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Corrections Referred to Corrections | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 52 87-0 (2021) Author: Reynolds, Ron | et. al. Relating to the creation of certain criminal offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUN SHOWS | Weapons
HB 118 87-0 (2021) Author: Ortega, Evelina "Lina" | et. al. Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with private firearm transfers; creating a criminal offense. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Weapons
HB 218 87-0 (2021) Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry" Relating to the regulation of certain firearm transfers; creating criminal offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 229 87-0 (2021) Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry" Relating to reporting certain orders and convictions to the Department of Public Safety. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PROTECTIVE ORDERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 245 87-0 (2021) Author: Bernal, Diego Relating to the creation of certain criminal offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUN SHOWS | Weapons
HB 278 87-0 (2021) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to the appointment of an individual to a school district board of managers by the commissioner of education. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Accountability | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--School Districts
HB 309 87-0 (2021) Author: Collier, Nicole Relating to automatic orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain misdemeanor defendants who successfully complete a period of community supervision following conviction; authorizing a fee. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 455 87-0 (2021) Author: Deshotel, Joe | et. al. Relating to inquiries about and the consideration of criminal history record information regarding applicants for employment. House: Business & Industry Placed on General State Calendar | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General
HB 606 87-0 (2021) Author: Goodwin, Vikki Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with private firearm transfers; creating a criminal offense. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Weapons
HB 636 87-0 (2021) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al.
Sponsor: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners; authorizing a fee. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective immediately | CONTINUING EDUCATION | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PLUMBERS & PLUMBING | PLUMBING EXAMINERS, TEXAS STATE BOARD OF | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Sunset--Commission Bills
HB 642 87-0 (2021) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information by the Department of Public Safety concerning certain intoxication offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | INTERNET | Law Enforcement | Open Records | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 760 87-0 (2021) Author: Goodwin, Vikki Relating to the creation of certain criminal offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUN SHOWS | Weapons
HB 842 87-0 (2021) Author: Moody, Joe Relating to the disclosure in a criminal case of certain criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Received from the House | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | EVIDENCE | Law Enforcement
HB 859 87-0 (2021) Author: Collier, Nicole | et. al. Relating to the expunction of all records and files related to arrests for certain decriminalized misdemeanor offenses. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Referred to Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 870 87-0 (2021) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the date on which certain persons placed on deferred adjudication community supervision are eligible to file a petition for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Corrections Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 880 87-0 (2021) Author: Hinojosa, Gina Relating to a false or misleading statement made to illegally acquire a firearm; creating a criminal offense. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 883 87-0 (2021) Author: Hinojosa, Gina Relating to the unlawful transfer of a firearm; creating criminal offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 1108 87-0 (2021) Author: Dominguez, Alex | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of an individual to be issued a license to operate as a dispensing organization under the Texas Compassionate-Use Act, or to act as a director, manager, or employee of a dispensing organization, based on a criminal history background check. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | MARIHUANA | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1193 87-0 (2021) Author: Wu, Gene | et. al.
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the jurisdiction of a juvenile court over certain persons and to the sealing and nondisclosure of certain juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Jurisprudence
Vetoed by the Governor | Courts--District | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 1332 87-0 (2021) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to prohibiting a person's waiver of a right to an expunction or to an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information with respect to a criminal offense. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Crimes--Drugs | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 1394 87-0 (2021) Author: White, James | et. al. Relating to automatic orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain misdemeanor defendants. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
HB 1401 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Ann | et. al.
Sponsor: Huffman, Joan
Relating to methods to send applications and orders for sealing juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 1550 87-0 (2021) Author: Cyrier, John Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Postponed | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Governor | HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Legislature | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SENATE, TEXAS | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | Sunset--Commission Bills
HB 1765 87-0 (2021) Author: Anchía, Rafael Relating to the creation of certain criminal offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUN SHOWS | Weapons
HB 2023 87-0 (2021) Author: Button, Angie | et. al. Relating to the criminal history record information requirement for applicants for renewal of a license issued by the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC ACCOUNTANCY, TEXAS STATE BOARD OF
HB 2024 87-0 (2021) Author: Rosenthal, Jon Relating to a change of name and sex for certain persons and the issuance of associated birth records and documentation; authorizing a fee. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health | BIRTH & DEATH CERTIFICATES | CHANGED & ASSUMED NAMES | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--General
HB 2542 87-0 (2021) Author: Rose, Toni | et. al. Relating to considering criminal history in employment decisions; providing an administrative penalty. House: Business & Industry Placed on General State Calendar | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 2580 87-0 (2021) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to the operation and administration of the State Office of Administrative Hearings, including procedures during a declared disaster and the use of videoconferencing technology to conduct administrative hearings. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Received from the House | ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, STATE OFFICE OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Electronic Information Systems | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure | VIDEOCONFERENCING
HB 2669 87-0 (2021) Author: Guillen, Ryan
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the confidentiality of a child's criminal records related to certain misdemeanor offenses. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 | Courts--Justice | Courts--Municipal | Crimes--Juvenile | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 2684 87-0 (2021) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files and the issuance of orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain persons. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 3044 87-0 (2021) Author: Howard, Donna Relating to certain criminal history record information obtained by certain facilities and private agencies on behalf of facilities. House: Human Services Received from the House | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3454 87-0 (2021) Author: White, James Relating to certain employment and occupational licensing restrictions based on a person's prior conviction. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | FOOD | OCCUPATIONAL DRIVER'S LICENSE | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 3479 87-0 (2021) Author: Rose, Toni Relating to the prohibition of housing discrimination on the basis of an individual's criminal history and to the enforcement of that prohibition. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DISCRIMINATION | HOUSING & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Housing--General | Property Interests--Landlord & Tenant | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 3547 87-0 (2021) Author: Allen, Alma Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information; authorizing a fee. House: Corrections Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 3597 87-0 (2021) Author: Metcalf, Will
Sponsor: Paxton, Angela
Relating to policies, procedures, and measures for school safety in public schools. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--School Districts | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety | Safety | SCHOOL SAFETY CENTER, TEXAS | TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 3601 87-0 (2021) Author: Leach, Jeff | et. al. Relating to automatic orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain misdemeanor defendants following successful completion of a period of deferred adjudication community supervision. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Received from the House | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 3671 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Julie Relating to the reporting of certain orders and convictions to the Department of Public Safety and Federal Bureau of Investigation for use with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System for the transfer of firearms. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Placed on General State Calendar | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Family Violence | Law Enforcement | PROTECTIVE ORDERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 3744 87-0 (2021) Author: Capriglione, Giovanni | et. al. Relating to the prohibited use or dissemination of certain private or false information; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Property | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | Open Records | Protection of Personal Information
HB 3776 87-0 (2021) Author: Price, Four Relating to criminal background checks for certain persons employed by certain public school contractors. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Junior College Districts | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel
HB 4039 87-0 (2021) Author: Walle, Armando Relating to certain rights and duties of residential tenants and landlords; imposing civil penalties. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | COVID-19 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FLOODS | Property Interests--Landlord & Tenant | STATE BAR OF TEXAS | SUPREME COURT
HB 4089 87-0 (2021) Author: Talarico, James | et. al. Relating to the regulation of the cultivation, manufacture, processing, distribution, sale, testing, transportation, delivery, transfer, possession, use, and taxation of cannabis and cannabis products; authorizing the imposition of fees; requiring an occupational license; creating a criminal offense; imposing a tax. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MARIHUANA | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PACKAGING & LABELING REQUIREMENTS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 4106 87-0 (2021) Author: Allen, Alma | et. al. Relating to a public school student's transition from an alternative education program to a regular classroom and the admission of certain students with a criminal or disciplinary history. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Discipline | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 4136 87-0 (2021) Author: Collier, Nicole Relating to automatic orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain misdemeanor defendants following successful completion of a period of deferred adjudication community supervision. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Received from the House | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 4237 87-0 (2021) Author: Kuempel, John Relating to the authorization, licensing, and regulation of casino gaming in this state and the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming Commission; imposing and authorizing administrative and civil penalties; imposing a tax; imposing and authorizing fees; requiring occupational licenses; creating criminal offenses; making an appropriation. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Amusements, Games, Sports | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GAMBLING | GAMING COMMISSION, TEXAS | Governor | HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, TEXAS | Legislature | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | NATIVE AMERICANS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SENATE, TEXAS | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--State
HB 4410 87-0 (2021) Author: Sanford, Scott Relating to the consideration of the criminal history of an applicant for an apartment lease. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | Crimes--Against Persons--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Housing--General | Property Interests--Landlord & Tenant
SB 21 87-0 (2021) Author: Huffman, Joan | et. al. Relating to rules for fixing the amount of bail, to the release of certain defendants on a bail bond or personal bond, to related duties of certain officers taking bail bonds and of a magistrate in a criminal case, to charitable bail organizations, and to the reporting of information pertaining to bail bonds. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | CONTINUING EDUCATION | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--Judges | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MAGISTRATES | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 163 87-0 (2021) Author: Blanco, César | et. al. Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with certain firearm transfers; creating a criminal offense. Senate: State Affairs Co-author authorized | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Weapons
SB 242 87-0 (2021) Author: Eckhardt, Sarah | et. al. Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with private firearm transfers; creating a criminal offense. Senate: State Affairs Co-author authorized | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Weapons
SB 271 87-0 (2021) Author: Perry, Charles
Sponsor: Klick, Stephanie | et. al.
Relating to applicants for employment at assisted living facilities. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/21 | ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Nursing Homes | Safety
SB 297 87-0 (2021) Author: Perry, Charles
Sponsor: Button, Angie | et. al.
Relating to the criminal history record information requirement for applicants for renewal of a license issued by the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC ACCOUNTANCY, TEXAS STATE BOARD OF
SB 533 87-0 (2021) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to the review of a defendant's criminal history before any release of the defendant on bail. Senate: Jurisprudence Referred to Jurisprudence | Courts--Judges | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MAGISTRATES
SB 711 87-0 (2021) Author: Paxton, Angela | et. al. Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. Senate: Jurisprudence Referred to Jurisprudence | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Governor | HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Legislature | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SENATE, TEXAS | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | Sunset--Commission Bills
SB 766 87-0 (2021) Author: Huffman, Joan | et. al.
Sponsor: Leach, Jeff | et. al.
Relating to sexually oriented businesses, including a requirement to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify, and restricting the age of persons employed by or allowed on the premises; creating criminal offenses. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/21 | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES
SB 1061 87-0 (2021) Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Sponsor: Klick, Stephanie
Relating to background and criminal history checks for operators and employees of certain child-care facilities. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/21 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 1121 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Nathan | et. al. Relating to a change of name and sex for certain persons and the issuance of associated birth records and documentation; authorizing a fee. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | BIRTH & DEATH CERTIFICATES | CHANGED & ASSUMED NAMES | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--General
SB 1153 87-0 (2021) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to background and criminal history checks for operators and employees of certain child-care facilities. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 1196 87-0 (2021) Author: Whitmire, John | et. al. Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners; authorizing a fee. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Co-author authorized | CONTINUING EDUCATION | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PLUMBERS & PLUMBING | PLUMBING EXAMINERS, TEXAS STATE BOARD OF | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Sunset--Commission Bills
SB 1221 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Nathan Relating to inquiries into the criminal and disciplinary history of an applicant for undergraduate admission to a public institution of higher education. Senate: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Admission & Attendance | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS
SB 1288 87-0 (2021) Author: Eckhardt, Sarah Relating to criminal history screening of applicants for residential tenancies; imposing civil penalties. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Property Interests--Landlord & Tenant
SB 1391 87-0 (2021) Author: West, Royce Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 1411 87-0 (2021) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to acquisition, dissemination, and use of criminal history record information for certain judicial purposes, including for certification, registration, and licensing, of certain court professions and for appointing, removing, or continuing the appointment of a guardian. Senate: Jurisprudence Referred to Jurisprudence | Courts--General | Courts--Judges | Courts--Personnel | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | GUARDIANS & WARDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | JUDICIAL BRANCH CERTIFICATION COMMISSION | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SUPREME COURT
SB 1630 87-0 (2021) Author: Miles, Borris | et. al. Relating to criminal history record information checks for applicants for employment and employees of group homes; creating a criminal offense. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Human Services | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Nursing Homes
SB 1632 87-0 (2021) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 1872 87-0 (2021) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain past misdemeanors and felonies. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 2 87-1 (2021) Author: Smith, Reggie | et. al. Relating to rules for setting the amount of bail, to the release of certain defendants on a monetary bond or personal bond, to related duties of certain officers taking bail bonds and of a magistrate in a criminal case, to charitable bail organizations, and to the reporting of information pertaining to bail bonds. House: Constitutional Rights & Remedies, Select Committee report sent to Calendars | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--Judges | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DAMON ALLEN ACT | Law Enforcement | MAGISTRATES | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 6 87-1 (2021) Author: Huffman, Joan | et. al. Relating to rules for setting the amount of bail, to the release of certain defendants on a monetary bond or personal bond, to related duties of certain officers taking bail bonds and of a magistrate in a criminal case, to charitable bail organizations, and to the reporting of information pertaining to bail bonds. Senate: Jurisprudence Co-author authorized | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--Judges | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DAMON ALLEN ACT | Law Enforcement | MAGISTRATES | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 6 87-2 (2021) Author: Huffman, Joan | et. al.
Sponsor: Smith, Reggie | et. al.
Relating to rules for setting the amount of bail, to the release of certain defendants on a monetary bond or personal bond, to related duties of certain officers taking bail bonds and of a magistrate in a criminal case, to charitable bail organizations, and to the reporting of information pertaining to bail bonds. House: Constitutional Rights & Remedies, Select
Senate: Jurisprudence
See remarks for effective date | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--Judges | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DAMON ALLEN ACT | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | MAGISTRATES | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SHERIFFS
HB 15 86-0 (2019) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to the prevention of, prosecution of, penalties for, and other consequences of prostitution, trafficking of persons, and related criminal offenses and to orders of nondisclosure for persons who committed certain of those offenses; regulating occupations and property to prevent and respond to those criminal offenses, including requiring a student occupational permit for those purposes; authorizing fees; increasing criminal penalties; creating criminal offenses. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EVIDENCE | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | INTERNET | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | MASSAGE THERAPY & MASSAGE THERAPISTS | PROSTITUTION
HB 107 86-0 (2019) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information by the Department of Public Safety concerning certain intoxication criminal offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | INTERNET | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 176 86-0 (2019) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to prohibiting a person's waiver of a right to an expunction or to an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information with respect to a criminal offense. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Considered in Calendars | Crimes--Drugs | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 495 86-0 (2019) Author: Deshotel, Joe Relating to the consideration of criminal history record information regarding applicants for employment. House: Business & Industry Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General
HB 550 86-0 (2019) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to the expiration of the driver responsibility program. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Driver Education & Training | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
HB 566 86-0 (2019) Author: White, James | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
HB 691 86-0 (2019) Author: White, James Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 1076 86-0 (2019) Author: White, James Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Corrections Left pending in committee | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 1095 86-0 (2019) Author: Hernandez, Ana Relating to the imposition of certain criminal history record information requirements regarding the licensing of massage therapy. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Committee report sent to Calendars | Crimes--Against Persons--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MASSAGE THERAPY & MASSAGE THERAPISTS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1216 86-0 (2019) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to orders of nondisclosure for certain victims of trafficking of persons or compelling prostitution. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | CRIME VICTIMS | Crimes--Against Morals | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | PROSTITUTION
HB 1316 86-0 (2019) Author: Moody, Joe Relating to the disclosure in a criminal case of certain criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement
HB 1452 86-0 (2019) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the date on which certain persons placed on deferred adjudication community supervision are eligible to file a petition for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
HB 1760 86-0 (2019) Author: White, James | et. al.
Sponsor: Perry, Charles
Relating to the confidentiality, sharing, sealing, and destruction of juvenile records and certain records of at-risk youth. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Administration
Effective on 9/1/19 | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 1803 86-0 (2019) Author: Longoria, Oscar Relating to the comptroller's access to criminal history record information of wrongfully imprisoned persons. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | WRONGFUL IMPRISONMENT
HB 1865 86-0 (2019) Author: Landgraf, Brooks | et. al.
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to the licensing and regulation of massage therapy; requiring a student permit; authorizing fees. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Business & Commerce
See remarks for effective date | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MASSAGE THERAPY & MASSAGE THERAPISTS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 2027 86-0 (2019) Author: Bowers, Rhetta | et. al. Relating to information regarding the procedures and available resources for the sealing of juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | INTERNET | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice | STATE BAR OF TEXAS
HB 2037 86-0 (2019) Author: Reynolds, Ron Relating to the consideration of criminal history record information regarding applicants for state employment. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees
HB 2232 86-0 (2019) Author: Reynolds, Ron Relating to the consequences of a criminal conviction on a person's eligibility for an occupational license. House: Corrections Referred to Corrections | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 2233 86-0 (2019) Author: White, James Relating to the eligibility for certain occupational licenses and the use of a person's criminal history as grounds for certain actions related to the license. House: Corrections Committee report sent to Calendars | Animals | AUCTIONS & AUCTIONEERS | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | ELECTRICIANS & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MIDWIVES & MIDWIFERY | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PODIATRISTS & PODIATRY
HB 2392 86-0 (2019) Author: Klick, Stephanie Relating to applicants for employment at assisted living facilities. House: Human Services Committee report sent to Calendars | ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Nursing Homes | Safety
HB 2623 86-0 (2019) Author: White, James
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the requirements for a change of name for a person with a final felony conviction or a person required to register as a sex offender. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 | CHANGED & ASSUMED NAMES | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--General | SEXUAL OFFENDERS
HB 2747 86-0 (2019) Author: Ortega, Evelina "Lina" | et. al.
Sponsor: Rodríguez, José | et. al.
Relating to the licensing and regulation of massage therapy. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/19 | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MASSAGE THERAPY & MASSAGE THERAPISTS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC NOTICE
HB 2906 86-0 (2019) Author: Parker, Tan | et. al. Relating to orders of nondisclosure for certain victims of trafficking of persons. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIME VICTIMS | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | HUMAN TRAFFICKING
HB 2916 86-0 (2019) Author: Moody, Joe Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 2917 86-0 (2019) Author: Moody, Joe Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION
HB 3027 86-0 (2019) Author: Ramos, Ana-Maria Relating to orders of nondisclosure for certain victims of trafficking of persons or compelling prostitution. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Withdrawn from schedule | ATTORNEY GENERAL | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Crimes--Against Morals | Crimes--Against Persons--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | PROSTITUTION
HB 3277 86-0 (2019) Author: Wu, Gene | et. al. Relating to the sealing of juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Committee report sent to Calendars | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 3400 86-0 (2019) Author: Zedler, Bill Relating to required criminal history checks for nurse aides; authorizing a fee. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | NURSES & NURSE AIDES | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3507 86-0 (2019) Author: Talarico, James Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with firearm loans at a sport shooting range; creating a criminal offense. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Weapons
HB 3533 86-0 (2019) Author: Rose, Toni Relating to criminal history record checks for nurse aides and applicants for listing on the nurse aide registry; authorizing a fee. House: Human Services No action taken in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | NURSES & NURSE AIDES | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3647 86-0 (2019) Author: Guillen, Ryan | et. al. Relating to the confidentiality of a child's criminal records related to certain misdemeanor offenses. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Courts--Justice | Courts--Municipal | Crimes--Juvenile | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 3699 86-0 (2019) Author: Turner, John | et. al. Relating to the authority of the Health and Human Services Commission to obtain criminal history record information. House: Public Health Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 3812 86-0 (2019) Author: Collier, Nicole Relating to the reporting, maintenance, and use of certain misdemeanor conviction information for purposes of the databases used in a federal firearm background check. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Family--Family Violence | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 3977 86-0 (2019) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to employing, terminating, and reporting misconduct of public school personnel and related entity personnel, including creating a registry of persons ineligible for hire; creating a criminal offense. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Electronic Information Systems | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | Minors--Health & Safety | SEXUAL MISCONDUCT
HB 4040 86-0 (2019) Author: Dominguez, Alex Relating to eligibility for employment by a dispensing organization licensed under the Texas Compassionate-Use Act based on a criminal history background check. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | MARIHUANA | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 4103 86-0 (2019) Author: White, James Relating to the discretionary sealing of certain juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Reported favorably w/o amendment(s) | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice | Open Records | Protection of Personal Information
HB 4359 86-0 (2019) Author: Cain, Briscoe Relating to access to criminal history record information by certain fire departments. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer
HB 4412 86-0 (2019) Author: Sheffield, J. D. Relating to the licensing and regulation of surgical assistants. House: Public Health Left pending in subcommittee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAL BOARD, TEXAS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SURGICAL ASSISTANTS
HB 4511 86-0 (2019) Author: Johnson, Jarvis Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Corrections Referred to Corrections | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | Labor--General | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 120 86-0 (2019) Author: West, Royce Relating to criminal history record information obtained or disseminated by certain private entities; providing a civil penalty. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 550 86-0 (2019) Author: West, Royce | et. al.
Sponsor: Thompson, Senfronia
Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 666 86-0 (2019) Author: Huffman, Joan | et. al. Relating to the reporting, maintenance, and use of certain misdemeanor conviction information for purposes of the databases used in a federal firearm background check. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Family--Family Violence | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
SB 875 86-0 (2019) Author: Campbell, Donna Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to adopt or enforce certain regulations regarding whether a private employer may obtain or consider an employment applicant's or employee's criminal history record information. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | City Government--Employees/Officers | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Political Subdivisions
SB 898 86-0 (2019) Author: Perry, Charles Relating to applicants for employment at assisted living facilities. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Nursing Homes | Safety
SB 1025 86-0 (2019) Author: Perry, Charles Relating to the confidentiality, sharing, sealing, and destruction of juvenile records and certain records of at-risk youth. Senate: Criminal Justice Committee report printed and distributed | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
SB 1151 86-0 (2019) Author: Huffman, Joan
Sponsor: Longoria, Oscar
Relating to the comptroller's access to criminal history record information of wrongfully imprisoned persons and certain annuity payments payable to surviving spouses and designated beneficiaries of those persons. House: Appropriations
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | WRONGFUL IMPRISONMENT
SB 1212 86-0 (2019) Author: Hancock, Kelly Relating to verification of employability of and consent to prescription medications obtained by certain nursing facility employees; authorizing a fee. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | Aging | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | INFORMED CONSENT | MEDICINE & PRESCRIPTION DRUGS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Nursing Homes
SB 1320 86-0 (2019) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | Labor--General | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 1433 86-0 (2019) Author: Rodríguez, José Relating to the licensing and regulation of massage therapy. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MASSAGE THERAPY & MASSAGE THERAPISTS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC NOTICE
SB 1531 86-0 (2019) Author: Hancock, Kelly
Sponsor: White, James
Relating to the eligibility for certain occupational licenses and the use of a person's criminal history as grounds for certain actions related to the license. House: Corrections
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/19 | Animals | AUCTIONS & AUCTIONEERS | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | ELECTRICIANS & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MIDWIVES & MIDWIFERY | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PODIATRISTS & PODIATRY
SB 1686 86-0 (2019) Author: West, Royce Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Courts--Small Claims | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 1697 86-0 (2019) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to the requirements for a change of name for a person with a final felony conviction or a person required to register as a sex offender. Senate: Criminal Justice Committee report printed and distributed | CHANGED & ASSUMED NAMES | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--General | SEXUAL OFFENDERS
SB 1743 86-0 (2019) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to the licensing and regulation of surgical assistants. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAL BOARD, TEXAS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SURGICAL ASSISTANTS
SB 1801 86-0 (2019) Author: Huffman, Joan
Sponsor: Hunter, Todd | et. al.
Relating to orders of nondisclosure for certain victims of trafficking of persons or compelling prostitution. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/19 | Courts--District | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Crimes--Against Morals | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | Law Enforcement | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | PROSTITUTION
SB 1849 86-0 (2019) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to public school safety measures, access to mental health professionals in public schools and during certain emergencies, access to criminal history and mental health records, and access to firearms; requiring a certificate for employment as a school behavioral counselor; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty. Senate: Education Referred to Education | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Minors--Health & Safety | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SCHOOL SAFETY CENTER, TEXAS | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | Weapons
SB 1931 86-0 (2019) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to conduct background checks. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Environment--Air | Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste | Environment--Solid Waste | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | INJECTION WELLS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Water--General
SB 2200 86-0 (2019) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois
Sponsor: Turner, John | et. al.
Relating to the authority of the Health and Human Services Commission to obtain criminal history record information. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
SB 2283 86-0 (2019) Author: Campbell, Donna
Sponsor: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the eligibility of persons convicted of certain offenses to serve as a member of a board of trustees of a school district. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/19 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--School Districts
SB 2397 86-0 (2019) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to criminal history record information for applicants for employment with the ombudsman for children and youth in foster care. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Child Protection | FOSTER CARE | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 2488 86-0 (2019) Author: Creighton, Brandon | et. al.
Sponsor: Larson, Lyle
Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to adopt or enforce certain regulations regarding whether a private employer may obtain, consider, or take employment action based on an employment applicant's or employee's criminal history record information. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Political Subdivisions
HB 91 85-0 (2017) Author: White, James | et. al.
Sponsor: Huffman, Joan | et. al.
Relating to a review of occupational licensing requirements and an applicant's criminal history. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 269 85-0 (2017) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to judicial proceedings on a petition to set aside a conviction or an order of expunction of criminal history record information for certain victims of trafficking of persons or compelling prostitution who are convicted of prostitution. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIME VICTIMS | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | PROSTITUTION
HB 548 85-0 (2017) Author: Deshotel, Joe Relating to the consideration of criminal history record information regarding applicants for employment. House: Business & Industry Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General
HB 551 85-0 (2017) Author: Collier, Nicole | et. al. Relating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person whose criminal record has been expunged. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Courts--District | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local
HB 557 85-0 (2017) Author: Collier, Nicole | et. al.
Sponsor: Burton, Konni | et. al.
Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons and to the return of certain fees to a person whose criminal record has been expunged; authorizing a fee. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Administration
Effective on 9/1/17 | Courts--District | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Lawyers
HB 577 85-0 (2017) Author: Workman, Paul | et. al. Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to adopt or enforce certain regulations regarding whether a private employer may obtain or consider an employment applicant's or employee's criminal history record information. House: Business & Industry Placed on General State Calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Political Subdivisions
HB 666 85-0 (2017) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files relating to certain nonviolent misdemeanor offenses. Filed | Business & Commerce--General | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 667 85-0 (2017) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to prohibiting a person's waiver of a right to an expunction or to an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information with respect to a criminal offense. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | Crimes--Drugs | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 670 85-0 (2017) Author: Canales, Terry | et. al. Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files relating to certain criminal offenses. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Business & Commerce--General | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 677 85-0 (2017) Author: Wu, Gene Relating to the sealing of records of certain juveniles placed on determinate sentence probation. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm. | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 681 85-0 (2017) Author: Wu, Gene | et. al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al.
Relating to restricting access to certain information that relates to a person convicted of or granted a dismissal after deferral of disposition for a fine-only misdemeanor offense. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 893 85-0 (2017) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information by the Department of Public Safety concerning certain intoxication offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Considered in Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | INTERNET | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 1013 85-0 (2017) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to the date on which certain persons placed on deferred adjudication community supervision are eligible to file a petition for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 1075 85-0 (2017) Author: Thompson, Ed
Sponsor: Hancock, Kelly
Relating to the frequency of criminal background checks for sports officials registered with the University Interscholastic League. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/17 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Extracurricular Activities | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | SPORTS OFFICIALS | UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE
HB 1374 85-0 (2017) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person who is the subject of an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Courts--District | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local
HB 1404 85-0 (2017) Author: Allen, Alma | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of a criminal defendant for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Received from the House | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 1426 85-0 (2017) Author: Allen, Alma | et. al.
Sponsor: Burton, Konni | et. al.
Relating to the issuance of a certificate of relief from collateral consequences to certain persons placed on community supervision, including deferred adjudication community supervision, for certain criminal offenses. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 1779 85-0 (2017) Author: Dale, Tony
Sponsor: Perry, Charles
Relating to the authority of the Department of Public Safety to obtain and use criminal history record information for the purpose of performing certain departmental functions. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Returned from the House for further action | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1860 85-0 (2017) Author: Cyrier, John
Sponsor: Menéndez, José
Relating to access to criminal history record information by the adjutant general. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 | ADJUTANT GENERAL | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Military & Veterans | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees
HB 1970 85-0 (2017) Author: Krause, Matt Relating to obtaining information from the child abuse and neglect central registry regarding certain individuals who have or will have direct contact with public school students. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | CHILD ABUSE | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection
HB 1981 85-0 (2017) Author: Johnson, Eric Relating to the consideration of criminal history record information of applicants for public employment or an occupational license. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 2034 85-0 (2017) Author: Blanco, César Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with certain firearm sales; creating an offense. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | INTERNET | Weapons
HB 2072 85-0 (2017) Author: Gutierrez, Roland Relating to the eligibility and requirements for the issuance and renewal of a license in massage therapy. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Placed on General State Calendar | CRIMINAL RECORDS | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MASSAGE THERAPY & MASSAGE THERAPISTS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 2102 85-0 (2017) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the continuation and functions of the state bar. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | LAW EXAMINERS, BOARD OF | Lawyers | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | STATE BAR OF TEXAS | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Commission Bills | SUPREME COURT
HB 2317 85-0 (2017) Author: Metcalf, Will Relating to access to criminal history record information by an emergency communication district. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm. | City Government--General | County Government--General | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Political Subdivisions
HB 2580 85-0 (2017) Author: Holland, Justin | et. al.
Sponsor: Estes, Craig
Relating to criminal history record information obtained by the savings and mortgage lending commissioner. House: Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective on 9/1/17 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Financial--General | Property Interests--Mortgages & Liens | SAVINGS & MORTGAGE LENDING, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 2588 85-0 (2017) Author: Clardy, Travis
Sponsor: Estes, Craig
Relating to access to criminal history record information by the Railroad Commission of Texas. House: Energy Resources
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective immediately | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Mines & Mineral Resources | Oil & Gas | RAILROAD COMMISSION | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Utilities--Natural Gas
HB 2693 85-0 (2017) Author: Cain, Briscoe Relating to access to criminal history record information by certain fire departments. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer
HB 2863 85-0 (2017) Author: White, James Relating to confidentiality, sharing, sealing, and destruction of juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm. | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 2892 85-0 (2017) Author: Smithee, John Relating to guardianships; authorizing a fee. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | GUARDIANS & WARDS | JUDICIAL BRANCH CERTIFICATION COMMISSION | Law Enforcement | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SUPREME COURT
HB 3012 85-0 (2017) Author: Flynn, Dan Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Optometry Board; authorizing a reduction in fees. House: Public Health Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MEDICINE & PRESCRIPTION DRUGS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | OPTOMETRY & OPTOMETRISTS | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Commission Bills | TEXAS OPTOMETRY BOARD | THERAPEUTIC OPTOMETRISTS
HB 3016 85-0 (2017) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al.
Sponsor: Hughes, Bryan | et. al.
Relating to the eligibility of a criminal defendant for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 3053 85-0 (2017) Author: Ortega, Evelina "Lina" Relating to the availability of certain dates of birth under the public information law. House: Corrections Left pending in committee | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Open Records
HB 3069 85-0 (2017) Author: White, James
Sponsor: Campbell, Donna | et. al.
Relating to the administration of and eligibility for participation in a veterans treatment court program and the issuance of orders of nondisclosure for certain participants who successfully complete that program. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | Military & Veterans
HB 3270 85-0 (2017) Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Sponsor: Taylor, Larry
Relating to criminal background checks for persons employed by certain public school contractors. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/17 | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities
HB 3514 85-0 (2017) Author: Gervin-Hawkins, Barbara Relating to restorative justice initiatives. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | Crime Prevention | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Law Enforcement
HB 3868 85-0 (2017) Author: Smithee, John Relating to the vote to authorize background and criminal history checks on tenant applicants by a property owners' association. House: Business & Industry Postponed | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Property Interests--Property Owners Association
HB 4094 85-0 (2017) Author: Klick, Stephanie
Sponsor: Uresti, Carlos
Relating to the access of criminal history record information by the Department of Family and Protective Services. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
See remarks for effective date | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION
HB 4129 85-0 (2017) Author: Herrero, Abel Relating to disciplinary action against bingo operators and bingo registry workers for prohibited conduct and criminal convictions. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | Amusements, Games, Sports | BINGO | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | LOTTERY COMMISSION, TEXAS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 4143 85-0 (2017) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 4201 85-0 (2017) Author: Perez, Mary Ann | et. al. Relating to the publication, republication, or other dissemination of mug shots and certain other information regarding the involvement of an individual in the criminal justice system; increasing civil penalties. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | Business & Commerce--Copyright, Patents, & Trademarks | Business & Commerce--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 4224 85-0 (2017) Author: Uresti, Tomas Relating to the expunction of certain records involving marihuana possession. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | MARIHUANA
SB 47 85-0 (2017) Author: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al.
Sponsor: Wu, Gene
Relating to a study on the availability of information regarding convictions and deferred dispositions for certain misdemeanors punishable by fine only. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
SB 302 85-0 (2017) Author: Watson, Kirk | et. al.
Sponsor: Thompson, Senfronia
Relating to the continuation and functions of the state bar. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/17 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | LAW EXAMINERS, BOARD OF | Lawyers | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | STATE BAR OF TEXAS | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Commission Bills | SUPREME COURT
SB 304 85-0 (2017) Author: Taylor, Van | et. al.
Sponsor: Raymond, Richard Peña
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/17 | CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Commission Bills
SB 314 85-0 (2017) Author: Schwertner, Charles | et. al.
Sponsor: Flynn, Dan
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Optometry Board; authorizing a reduction in fees. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
SB 315 85-0 (2017) Author: Hinojosa, Juan | et. al.
Sponsor: Burkett, Cindy | et. al.
Relating to the enforcement of subpoenas, the regulation of pain management clinics, and the adoption of guidelines for prescribing certain opioids by the Texas Medical Board. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
SB 325 85-0 (2017) Author: Burton, Konni | et. al. Relating to the procedure for expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Courts--District | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Lawyers
SB 326 85-0 (2017) Author: Burton, Konni | et. al. Relating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person whose criminal record has been expunged. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Courts--District | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local
SB 327 85-0 (2017) Author: Burton, Konni | et. al.
Sponsor: Thompson, Senfronia
Relating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person who is the subject of an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars | Courts--District | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local
SB 581 85-0 (2017) Author: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Alvarado, Carol
Relating to the requirements for a change of name for a person with a final felony conviction or a person required to register as a sex offender. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars | CHANGED & ASSUMED NAMES | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--General | SEXUAL OFFENDERS
SB 1096 85-0 (2017) Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Sponsor: Smithee, John
Relating to guardianships; authorizing a fee. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/17 | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | GUARDIANS & WARDS | JUDICIAL BRANCH CERTIFICATION COMMISSION | Law Enforcement | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SUPREME COURT
SB 1185 85-0 (2017) Author: West, Royce Relating to criminal history record information obtained or disseminated by certain private entities; providing a civil penalty. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Business & Industry | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1227 85-0 (2017) Author: West, Royce Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 1262 85-0 (2017) Author: Huffman, Joan | et. al. Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to adopt or enforce certain regulations regarding whether a private employer may obtain or consider an employment applicant's or employee's criminal history record information. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | City Government--Employees/Officers | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Political Subdivisions
SB 1290 85-0 (2017) Author: Creighton, Brandon
Sponsor: Metcalf, Will
Relating to access to criminal history record information by an emergency communication district. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 | City Government--General | County Government--General | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Political Subdivisions
SB 1299 85-0 (2017) Author: Huffman, Joan
Sponsor: Elkins, Gary
Relating to access to criminal history record information. House: Government Transparency & Operation
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Protection of Personal Information
SB 1304 85-0 (2017) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al.
Sponsor: White, James
Relating to confidentiality, sharing, sealing, and destruction of juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Crimes--Juvenile | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1332 85-0 (2017) Author: Rodríguez, José Relating to the availability of certain dates of birth under the public information law. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Open Records
SB 1340 85-0 (2017) Author: Hughes, Bryan Relating to the eligibility of a criminal defendant for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 1421 85-0 (2017) Author: Estes, Craig Relating to access to criminal history record information by the Railroad Commission of Texas. House: Energy Resources
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Referred to Energy Resources | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Mines & Mineral Resources | Oil & Gas | RAILROAD COMMISSION | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Utilities--Natural Gas
SB 1547 85-0 (2017) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to access to criminal history record information by the adjutant general. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | ADJUTANT GENERAL | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Military & Veterans | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees
SB 1625 85-0 (2017) Author: Uresti, Carlos
Sponsor: Cortez, Philip | et. al.
Relating to the Texas Physician Assistant Board and the licensing and regulation of physician assistants. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/17 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health Care Providers | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT BOARD, TEXAS | PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS
SB 1844 85-0 (2017) Author: Campbell, Donna Relating to the administration of and eligibility for participation in a veterans treatment court program and the issuance of orders of nondisclosure for certain participants who successfully complete that program. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | Military & Veterans
SB 1933 85-0 (2017) Author: West, Royce Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
SB 2058 85-0 (2017) Author: Estes, Craig Relating to criminal history record information obtained by the savings and mortgage lending commissioner. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Financial--General | Property Interests--Mortgages & Liens | SAVINGS & MORTGAGE LENDING, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 137 85-1 (2017) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information by the Department of Public Safety concerning certain intoxication offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 257 85-1 (2017) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to judicial proceedings on a petition to set aside a conviction or an order of expunction of criminal history record information for certain victims of trafficking of persons or compelling prostitution who are convicted of prostitution. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | PROSTITUTION
HB 263 84-0 (2015) Author: Miles, Borris | et. al.
Sponsor: Huffman, Joan
Relating to the sealing of certain juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/15 | Courts--General | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 329 84-0 (2015) Author: Wu, Gene Relating to orders of nondisclosure issued for records of certain fine-only misdemeanors; authorizing a fee. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Placed on General State Calendar | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local
HB 431 84-0 (2015) Author: White, James | et. al.
Sponsor: Rodríguez, José
Relating to the creation of an advisory committee to examine and recommend revisions to any state laws pertaining to juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Juvenile Boards & Officers | JUVENILE JUSTICE BOARD, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 477 84-0 (2015) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to requiring notice and the dissemination of criminal history record information to the subject of the information in certain circumstances. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 548 84-0 (2015) Author: Johnson, Eric | et. al. Relating to the consideration of criminal history record information regarding applicants for state employment. House: Government Transparency & Operation
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees
HB 551 84-0 (2015) Author: Johnson, Eric Relating to the consideration of criminal history record information regarding applicants for professional licenses. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 702 84-0 (2015) Author: Allen, Alma Relating to discrimination against an individual with a criminal record by a life insurance company. House: Insurance Referred to Insurance | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DISCRIMINATION | Insurance--Life & Annuities
HB 941 84-0 (2015) Author: Hernandez, Ana | et. al.
Sponsor: Perry, Charles | et. al.
Relating to the creation of DNA records for the DNA database system. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DNA | Electronic Information Systems | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1014 84-0 (2015) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files relating to certain nonviolent offenses. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 1491 84-0 (2015) Author: McClendon, Ruth
Sponsor: Menéndez, José
Relating to the publication of confidential criminal and juvenile justice records of certain juveniles; providing civil penalties. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Juvenile | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 1510 84-0 (2015) Author: Thompson, Senfronia
Sponsor: Garcia, Sylvia | et. al.
Relating to liability of persons who lease dwellings to persons with criminal records. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 1/1/16 | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Property Interests--Landlord & Tenant
HB 1720 84-0 (2015) Author: Deshotel, Joe Relating to the consideration of criminal history record information regarding applicants for employment. House: Business & Industry Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General
HB 1921 84-0 (2015) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to requiring criminal history record information concerning a family member being proposed to serve as a guardian of a ward or proposed ward. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUARDIANS & WARDS | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts
HB 1960 84-0 (2015) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to the automatic expunction of arrest records and files for certain veterans and the waiver of fees and costs charged for the expunction. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Left pending in committee | Courts--County & Statutory | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Military & Veterans
HB 2208 84-0 (2015) Author: Herrero, Abel
Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to access to criminal history record information by a county tax assessor-collector. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Transportation
Effective immediately | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 2286 84-0 (2015) Author: Parker, Tan | et. al.
Sponsor: Burton, Konni | et. al.
Relating to the eligibility of certain victims of trafficking of persons for an order of nondisclosure; authorizing a fee. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
See remarks for effective date | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | HUMAN TRAFFICKING
HB 2359 84-0 (2015) Author: Bohac, Dwayne Relating to prohibiting the Department of Public Safety from responding to bulk requests from the federal government for lists of individuals licensed to carry a concealed handgun. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Placed on General State Calendar | CONCEALED HANDGUNS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 2447 84-0 (2015) Author: White, James Relating to the creation of an advisory committee to examine and recommend revisions to any state laws pertaining to juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Juvenile Boards & Officers | JUVENILE JUSTICE BOARD, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 2583 84-0 (2015) Author: Bell, Cecil
Sponsor: Kolkhorst, Lois
Relating to access to criminal history record information by a county sheriff. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 | County Government--Employees/Officers | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
HB 2700 84-0 (2015) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the release of bulk criminal history record information by certain individuals and agencies. House: Government Transparency & Operation Committee report sent to Calendars | Courts--County & Statutory | Courts--District | Courts--Municipal | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 2828 84-0 (2015) Author: Phillips, Larry
Sponsor: Burton, Konni
Relating to the authority of a municipality or county to obtain criminal history record information for certain persons, including employees, independent contractors, and volunteers. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | CRIMINAL RECORDS | VOLUNTEERS
HB 2990 84-0 (2015) Author: Keough, Mark Relating to the authority of the Health and Human Services Commission and the Department of Aging and Disability Services to obtain criminal history record information regarding certain applicants for employment and current employees. House: Human Services Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Labor--General
HB 3054 84-0 (2015) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information by the Department of Public Safety concerning the offense of intoxication manslaughter and to a task force to reduce habitual driving while intoxicated. Filed | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Governor | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 3359 84-0 (2015) Author: Rodriguez, Justin | et. al. Relating to requirements for coaches of youth sports programs. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | Amusements, Games, Sports | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 3500 84-0 (2015) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to judicial proceedings on a petition to set aside a conviction or an order of expunction of criminal history record information for certain victims of trafficking of persons or compelling prostitution who are convicted of prostitution. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Placed on General State Calendar | CRIME VICTIMS | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | PROSTITUTION
HB 3578 84-0 (2015) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to the date on which certain criminal defendants are eligible to file a petition for an order of nondisclosure. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION
HB 3800 84-0 (2015) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information by the Department of Public Safety concerning certain intoxication offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 3936 84-0 (2015) Author: Herrero, Abel | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information; authorizing a fee. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 4114 84-0 (2015) Author: McClendon, Ruth Relating to the publication, republication, or other dissemination of mug shots and other information regarding the involvement of an individual in the criminal justice system; increasing a civil penalty. House: Business & Industry Committee report sent to Calendars | Business & Commerce--Copyright, Patents, & Trademarks | Business & Commerce--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
SB 128 84-0 (2015) Author: West, Royce Relating to criminal history record information obtained or disseminated by certain private entities; providing a civil penalty. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 130 84-0 (2015) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Canales, Terry | et. al.
Relating to the eligibility of criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure; authorizing a fee. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
SB 259 84-0 (2015) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to criminal history background checks in connection with firearm transfers; creating offenses. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
SB 376 84-0 (2015) Author: Rodríguez, José | et. al. Relating to the consideration of criminal history record information regarding applicants for employment. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Co-author authorized | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | State Employees
SB 416 84-0 (2015) Author: West, Royce Relating to criminal history record information that is subject to an order of nondisclosure and prohibiting a person's waiver of a right to an expunction or to an order of nondisclosure with respect to a criminal offense. Senate: Criminal Justice Not again placed on intent calendar | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
SB 563 84-0 (2015) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to orders of nondisclosure issued for records of certain fine-only misdemeanors; authorizing a fee. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local
SB 645 84-0 (2015) Author: Rodríguez, José Relating to the creation of an advisory committee to examine and recommend revisions to any state laws pertaining to juvenile records. Senate: State Affairs Left pending in committee | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Juvenile Boards & Officers | JUVENILE JUSTICE BOARD, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
SB 1058 84-0 (2015) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the reporting of criminal history record information of educators and other public school employees who engage in certain misconduct. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Public Education | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Minors--Crimes Against | Minors--Health & Safety
SB 1075 84-0 (2015) Author: Eltife, Kevin
Sponsor: Flynn, Dan
Relating to criminal history record information obtained by the consumer credit commissioner. House: Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Business & Commerce
SB 1088 84-0 (2015) Author: Taylor, Van Relating to judicial proceedings on a petition for a pardon or an order of expunction of criminal history record information for certain victims of trafficking of persons convicted of prostitution. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | HUMAN TRAFFICKING
SB 1319 84-0 (2015) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to requirements for coaches of youth sports programs. Senate: Business & Commerce Left pending in committee | Amusements, Games, Sports | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
SB 1473 84-0 (2015) Author: Garcia, Sylvia | et. al. Relating to liability of persons who lease dwellings to persons with criminal records. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Property Interests--Landlord & Tenant
SB 1496 84-0 (2015) Author: Uresti, Carlos
Sponsor: Naishtat, Elliott | et. al.
Relating to background checks conducted by the Department of Family and Protective Services for certain child-care providers. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Minors--Health & Safety | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 1540 84-0 (2015) Author: Perry, Charles
Sponsor: Keough, Mark
Relating to the authority of the Health and Human Services Commission and the Department of Aging and Disability Services to obtain criminal history record information regarding certain applicants for employment and current employees. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
SB 1577 84-0 (2015) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to access to criminal history record information by a county tax assessor-collector. Senate: Transportation Committee report printed and distributed | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
SB 1707 84-0 (2015) Author: Huffman, Joan
Sponsor: Miles, Borris
Relating to the sealing of certain juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/15 | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
SB 1874 84-0 (2015) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to accessing criminal history record information and other records of involvement in the criminal justice system; authorizing fees; authorizing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Open Records | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1902 84-0 (2015) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al.
Sponsor: Herrero, Abel | et. al.
Relating to the eligibility of criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information; authorizing a fee. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1960 84-0 (2015) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the release of bulk criminal history record information by certain individuals and agencies. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Courts--County & Statutory | Courts--District | Courts--Municipal | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 21 83-0 (2013) Author: Martinez Fischer, Trey | et. al. Relating to a central database containing information about offenders who have committed certain offenses against children or offenses involving family or dating violence. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--Trial | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Family--Child Protection | Family--Family Violence | INTERNET | Minors--Crimes Against | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 133 83-0 (2013) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information by the Department of Public Safety concerning the offense of intoxication manslaughter and to a task force to reduce habitual driving while intoxicated. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIMINAL RECORDS | INTERNET | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 327 83-0 (2013) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to requiring notice and the dissemination of criminal history record information to the subject of the information in certain circumstances. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 342 83-0 (2013) Author: Márquez, Marisa Relating to employees of or applicants for employment with school districts who have been convicted of or pled guilty to certain offenses. House: Public Education Withdrawn from schedule | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--School Districts | Ethics
HB 366 83-0 (2013) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to the dissemination, retention, and use of criminal history record information and fingerprints to and by state agencies for employment, contracting, or licensing or other purposes. House: Government Efficiency & Reform Referred to Government Efficiency & Reform | BIOMETRIC IDENTIFIERS & VOICEPRINTS | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 468 83-0 (2013) Author: Davis, John | et. al. Relating to reporting requirements and other information in connection with an award under the Texas emerging technology fund. House: Economic & Small Business Development
Senate: Economic Development
Referred to Economic Development | AWARDS, MEDALS, PRIZES | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Economic & Industrial Development--General | Science & Technology | TEXAS EMERGING TECHNOLOGY FUND
HB 497 83-0 (2013) Author: Hernandez Luna, Ana Relating to the restriction of access to the records and files of a child charged with or convicted of certain fine-only misdemeanor offenses. House: Corrections Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 528 83-0 (2013) Author: Turner, Sylvester | et. al.
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the restriction of access to the records and files of a child charged with or convicted of certain fine-only misdemeanor offenses. House: Corrections
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 1/1/14 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 694 83-0 (2013) Author: Phillips, Larry
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to access by certain military personnel to juvenile and criminal history information. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Military & Veterans | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 729 83-0 (2013) Author: Price, Walter "Four"
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to access to criminal history record information by certain hospitals and other facilities. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--General | Hospitals | MEDICAL CARE FACILITIES | Nursing Homes | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital
HB 895 83-0 (2013) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to access by a public institution of higher education to the criminal history record information of certain persons seeking to reside in on-campus housing. House: Higher Education Placed on General State Calendar | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Admission & Attendance | Education--Higher--Faculty
HB 1359 83-0 (2013) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to the date on which certain criminal defendants are eligible to file a petition for an order of nondisclosure. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Placed on General State Calendar | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 1613 83-0 (2013) Author: Phillips, Larry Relating to access to criminal history record information by the banking commissioner. House: Investments & Financial Services Laid on the table subject to call | BANKING, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Financial--Banks | Financial--General
HB 1676 83-0 (2013) Author: Price, Walter "Four" | et. al. Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Professional Engineers; changing a fee. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, TEXAS BOARD OF | Sunset--Commission Bills
HB 1680 83-0 (2013) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the regulation of certain child-care facilities and administrators of those facilities. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | BIOMETRIC IDENTIFIERS & VOICEPRINTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 1682 83-0 (2013) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to background and criminal history checks for parents or other relatives of children in residential child-care facilities. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Human Services--Child Services
HB 1717 83-0 (2013) Author: Price, Walter "Four"
Sponsor: Nichols, Robert
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners; changing certain fees. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/13 | ARCHITECTURAL EXAMINERS, BOARD OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Sunset--Commission Bills
HB 1721 83-0 (2013) Author: Villarreal, Mike
Sponsor: Carona, John
Relating to use of the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry in connection with the regulatory authority of the consumer credit commissioner; affecting fees. House: Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/13 | CONSUMER CREDIT COMMISSIONER, OFFICE OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Financial--General | MORTGAGE LOAN ORIGINATORS | Property Interests--Mortgages & Liens
HB 1934 83-0 (2013) Author: Allen, Alma Relating to discrimination against an individual with a criminal record by a life insurance company. House: Insurance Left pending in committee | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Insurance--Life & Annuities
HB 2230 83-0 (2013) Author: Wu, Gene Relating to orders of nondisclosure issued for records of certain fine-only misdemeanors; authorizing a fee. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | COMMUNITY SERVICE | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS
HB 2358 83-0 (2013) Author: King, Susan Relating to the regulation of the practice of nursing. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING | NURSES & NURSE AIDES | NURSING, TEXAS BOARD OF | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2613 83-0 (2013) Author: Walle, Armando | et. al. Relating to access to criminal history record information by a public defender's office and the office of capital writs and to an exemption for those offices from fees imposed for processing inquiries for that information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | CAPITAL WRITS, OFFICE OF | Crimes--Capital Punishment | Criminal Procedure--Defense Counsel | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 2648 83-0 (2013) Author: Herrero, Abel
Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to access to criminal history record information by a county tax assessor-collector. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Transportation
Committee report printed and distributed | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 2673 83-0 (2013) Author: Price, Walter "Four"
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane | et. al.
Relating to the protection and care of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse
HB 2683 83-0 (2013) Author: Price, Walter "Four"
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to employment in certain consumer-directed services and by certain facilities and to the nurse aide registry and the employee misconduct registry. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 1/1/14 | Aging | AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES | Consumer Protection | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | ELDER ABUSE | Health--General | NURSES & NURSE AIDES | Nursing Homes
HB 2733 83-0 (2013) Author: White, James
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the administration and operation of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | CRIMINAL RECORDS | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice | Protection of Personal Information | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 2861 83-0 (2013) Author: McClendon, Ruth Relating to certain business entities engaged in the publication, republication, or other dissemination of mug shots and other information regarding the involvement of an individual in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty. House: Business & Industry Left pending in committee | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Business & Commerce--General | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Open Records | Protection of Personal Information | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 2911 83-0 (2013) Author: Kuempel, John
Sponsor: Taylor, Larry
Relating to the regulation of real estate inspectors; changing fees. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/13 | CONTINUING EDUCATION | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Property Interests--Real Property | REAL ESTATE INSPECTORS | TEXAS REAL ESTATE COMMISSION
HB 3058 83-0 (2013) Author: Herrero, Abel Relating to restricting access to records of children convicted of or receiving deferred disposition for certain fine-only misdemeanors. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Juvenile Boards & Officers | Protection of Personal Information
HB 3282 83-0 (2013) Author: Zedler, Bill Relating to the regulation of the practice of pharmacy; authorizing fees. House: Public Health Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MEDICINE & PRESCRIPTION DRUGS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | PHARMACIES & PHARMACISTS | PHARMACY, TEXAS STATE BOARD OF
HB 3347 83-0 (2013) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUN SHOWS | Weapons
HB 3361 83-0 (2013) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs; authorizing and otherwise affecting the application of certain fees. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
HB 3529 83-0 (2013) Author: Kuempel, John Relating to regulation of certain online poker facilities under federal law. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | Amusements, Games, Sports | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GAMBLING | INTERNET | LOTTERY COMMISSION, TEXAS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 3772 83-0 (2013) Author: Coleman, Garnet Relating to criminal history background checks in connection with firearm transfers; creating offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 3818 83-0 (2013) Author: Collier, Nicole Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records; repealing certain fees. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
SB 107 83-0 (2013) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Johnson, Eric
Relating to the disclosure by a court of criminal history record information that is the subject of an order of nondisclosure. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 | Courts--Administration | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Open Records
SB 128 83-0 (2013) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to criminal history record information concerning certain applicants and clients of the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | ASSISTIVE & REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Crimes--Against Persons--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | Human Services--General
SB 146 83-0 (2013) Author: Williams, Tommy
Sponsor: Kolkhorst, Lois
Relating to access by a public institution of higher education to the criminal history record information of certain persons seeking to reside in on-campus housing. House: Higher Education
Senate: Higher Education
Effective immediately | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Admission & Attendance | Education--Higher--Faculty
SB 152 83-0 (2013) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al.
Sponsor: Kolkhorst, Lois
Relating to the protection and care of persons who are elderly or disabled or who are children. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
SB 192 83-0 (2013) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Phillips, Larry
Relating to access to criminal history record information by the banking commissioner. House: Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/13 | BANKING, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Financial--Banks | Financial--General
SB 204 83-0 (2013) Author: Nichols, Robert
Sponsor: Price, Walter "Four"
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Professional Engineers; changing a fee. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/13 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, TEXAS BOARD OF | Sunset--Commission Bills
SB 205 83-0 (2013) Author: Nichols, Robert Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners; changing certain fees. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | ARCHITECTURAL EXAMINERS, BOARD OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Sunset--Commission Bills
SB 214 83-0 (2013) Author: Birdwell, Brian | et. al. Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs; authorizing and otherwise affecting the application of certain fees. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, STATE OFFICE OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HOUSING & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Housing--General | MANUFACTURED HOUSING | MANUFACTURED HOUSING BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Sunset--Commission Bills
SB 232 83-0 (2013) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Villarreal, Mike
Relating to use of the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry in connection with the regulatory authority of the consumer credit commissioner. House: Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/13 | CONSUMER CREDIT COMMISSIONER, OFFICE OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Financial--General | MORTGAGE LOAN ORIGINATORS | Property Interests--Mortgages & Liens
SB 394 83-0 (2013) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Herrero, Abel | et. al.
Relating to restricting access to records of children convicted of or receiving deferred disposition for certain fine-only misdemeanors. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/13 | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Juvenile Boards & Officers | Protection of Personal Information
SB 427 83-0 (2013) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Raymond, Richard Peña
Relating to the regulation of certain child-care facilities and administrators of those facilities. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
SB 428 83-0 (2013) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Raymond, Richard Peña
Relating to background and criminal history checks for parents or other relatives of children in residential child-care facilities. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/13 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Human Services--Child Services
SB 738 83-0 (2013) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the establishment and administration of the Texas Essential Workers Program; imposing fees. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development | Aliens | CRIMINAL RECORDS | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | IMMIGRATION LAW | Labor--General | Labor--Workforce Development | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 869 83-0 (2013) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia
Sponsor: Zedler, Bill
Relating to the regulation of the practice of pharmacy; authorizing fees. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
SB 944 83-0 (2013) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Kolkhorst, Lois
Relating to criminal history record checks for certain employees of facilities licensed by the Department of State Health Services. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Hospitals | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 977 83-0 (2013) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Thompson, Senfronia
Relating to the procedure used to petition for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Placed on General State Calendar | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--Administration | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Open Records
SB 990 83-0 (2013) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to criminal history record information obtained or disseminated by certain private entities; providing a civil penalty; authorizing fees. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1044 83-0 (2013) Author: Rodríguez, José
Sponsor: Walle, Armando | et. al.
Relating to access to criminal history record information by certain entities, including certain local government corporations, public defender's offices, and the office of capital writs, and to an exemption for those offices from fees imposed for processing inquiries for that information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 | CAPITAL WRITS, OFFICE OF | Crimes--Capital Punishment | Criminal Procedure--Defense Counsel | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1058 83-0 (2013) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: King, Susan
Relating to the regulation of the practice of nursing. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/13 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING | NURSES & NURSE AIDES | NURSING, TEXAS BOARD OF | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1103 83-0 (2013) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia Relating to regulation of certain online poker facilities under federal law. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Amusements, Games, Sports | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GAMBLING | INTERNET | LOTTERY COMMISSION, TEXAS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 1172 83-0 (2013) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Canales, Terry
Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure; authorizing a fee. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
SB 1211 83-0 (2013) Author: West, Royce Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files relating to an offense for which the person received a discharge and dismissal after successfully completing a term of deferred adjudication community supervision. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 1289 83-0 (2013) Author: Williams, Tommy
Sponsor: Bohac, Dwayne
Relating to certain business entities engaged in the publication of mug shots and other information regarding the involvement of an individual in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Business & Commerce--General | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Open Records | Protection of Personal Information | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1448 83-0 (2013) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to orders of nondisclosure issued for records of certain fine-only misdemeanors; authorizing a fee. Senate: Criminal Justice Not again placed on intent calendar | COMMUNITY SERVICE | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS
SB 1526 83-0 (2013) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to criminal history background checks in connection with firearm transfers; creating offenses. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
SB 1527 83-0 (2013) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows. Senate: Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security Referred to Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUN SHOWS | Weapons
SB 1621 83-0 (2013) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to the dissemination of Criminal History Record Information. Senate: Open Government Referred to Open Government | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Open Records
HB 61 83-2 (2013) Author: Fletcher, Allen Relating to the submission of fingerprints with an application to the Texas Private Security Board. Filed | BIOMETRIC IDENTIFIERS & VOICEPRINTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PRIVATE SECURITY BOARD, TEXAS
HB 68 82-0 (2011) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to notice concerning the use of criminal history information in an employer's hiring process. House: Economic & Small Business Development Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General
HB 73 82-0 (2011) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information to state agencies for employment or contracting purposes. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 100 82-0 (2011) Author: Martinez Fischer, Trey Relating to a central database containing information about certain offenders who have committed offenses involving family or dating violence. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in subcommittee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Family--Family Violence | INTERNET | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 161 82-0 (2011) Author: Raymond, Richard Pena Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information by the Department of Public Safety concerning certain intoxication offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 351 82-0 (2011) Author: Veasey, Marc
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the expunction of records and files relating to a person's arrest. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
HB 398 82-0 (2011) Author: Jackson, Jim
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the eligibility of employees convicted of certain offenses to provide services under a contract with a public school. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel
HB 501 82-0 (2011) Author: Solomons, Burt Relating to the establishment of civil liability and injunctive relief for the dissemination of certain criminal history record information. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 584 82-0 (2011) Author: Kleinschmidt, Tim Relating to storage of electronic fingerprint records and access to criminal history record information. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Corrected committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Electronic Information Systems | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 599 82-0 (2011) Author: Jackson, Jim Relating to the release of certain criminal history record information subject to an order of nondisclosure. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | Law Enforcement | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 688 82-0 (2011) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants; creating an offense. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 913 82-0 (2011) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 961 82-0 (2011) Author: Turner, Sylvester
Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the sealing of and restricting access to juvenile records of adjudications of delinquent conduct or conduct indicating a need for supervision and to the confidentiality of records of certain misdemeanor convictions of a child. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Juvenile Boards & Officers | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | YOUTH COMMISSION
HB 1023 82-0 (2011) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to requiring notice and the dissemination of criminal history record information to the subject of the information in certain circumstances. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1085 82-0 (2011) Author: Taylor, Van | et. al. Relating to the eligibility for service retirement annuities from the Employees Retirement System of Texas of certain public officers and employees convicted of serious crimes. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Referred to Pensions, Investments & Financial Services | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Retirement Systems--General | Retirement Systems--State Employees | State Employees
HB 1476 82-0 (2011) Author: Riddle, Debbie
Sponsor: Nichols, Robert
Relating to the grounds for revocation of an emergency medical services personnel certification. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/11 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1637 82-0 (2011) Author: Hamilton, Mike Relating to the professions regulated by the Texas Real Estate Commission. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Reported favorably as substituted | CONTINUING EDUCATION | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GIFTS & DONATIONS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Property Interests--General | REAL ESTATE BROKERS | TEXAS REAL ESTATE COMMISSION
HB 1674 82-0 (2011) Author: Jackson, Jim
Sponsor: Harris, Chris
Relating to procedures for establishment, modification, and enforcement of child support obligations. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/11 | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Courts--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Child Support | Financial--General | Insurance--Insurers & Agents | Property Interests--Mortgages & Liens
HB 2136 82-0 (2011) Author: Guillen, Ryan
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to regional contracted brokers and subcontractors of regional contracted brokers providing Medicaid nonemergency medical transportation services. House: Insurance
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/11 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | Transportation--Miscellaneous
HB 2370 82-0 (2011) Author: Dukes, Dawnna
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to certain notice to applicants to provide care under the permanency care assistance program. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/11 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Family--Parent & Child
HB 2632 82-0 (2011) Author: Driver, Joe
Sponsor: Wentworth, Jeff
Relating to access to the criminal history record information of certain persons by the Texas Facilities Commission. House: State Affairs
Senate: Government Organization
Effective immediately | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FACILITIES COMMISSION, TEXAS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 2711 82-0 (2011) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to the sealing of the records of juveniles who are the victims of human trafficking and have been adjudicated to have engaged in certain delinquent conduct. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | Minors--Crimes Against | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 2737 82-0 (2011) Author: Gonzalez, Naomi Relating to criminal history record information checks of employees of residential dwelling projects, including employees of public housing authorities. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in subcommittee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Housing--General | Labor--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 2738 82-0 (2011) Author: Gonzalez, Naomi Relating to criminal history background checks performed in relation to the occupancy or use of a public housing unit. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in subcommittee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Housing--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 2937 82-0 (2011) Author: Lewis, Tryon
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to access to the criminal history record information of certain individuals by public or private institutions of higher education and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Higher Education
Effective immediately | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Faculty | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Higher--Private Schools | Education--Higher--State Coordination | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS
HB 3204 82-0 (2011) Author: Davis, Yvonne Relating to criminal history record and other information concerning certain school district employees. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR
HB 3228 82-0 (2011) Author: Hernandez Luna, Ana Relating to the creation of DNA records for the state and federal DNA database systems. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in subcommittee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DNA | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | FORENSIC TESTING | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 3306 82-0 (2011) Author: Marquez, Marisa Relating to a person's eligibility for expunction of certain criminal history records and files. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 3324 82-0 (2011) Author: McClendon, Ruth | et. al.
Sponsor: Watson, Kirk
Relating to the operations and monitoring of fusion centers in this state. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective immediately | ATTORNEY GENERAL | BIOMETRIC IDENTIFIERS & VOICEPRINTS | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | DNA | Electronic Information Systems | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Protection of Personal Information | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 3354 82-0 (2011) Author: Truitt, Vicki Relating to the administration of and benefits payable by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and to certain domestic relations orders. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Retirement Systems--Teachers
HB 3442 82-0 (2011) Author: Jackson, Jim Relating to authorizing certain courts to access information in the juvenile justice information system. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Laid on the table subject to call | Courts--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 3695 82-0 (2011) Author: Gallego, Pete | et. al. Relating to the confidentiality of records and files related to a child who is charged with or convicted of certain misdemeanors punishable by a fine only or is found to have engaged in certain conduct indicating a need for supervision. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | Crimes--Juvenile | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Minors--Juvenile Justice | Open Records
HB 3777 82-0 (2011) Author: Gallego, Pete Relating to collection, storage, and distribution of criminal history record information; providing penalties. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Open Records | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 75 82-0 (2011) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the imposition of background and criminal history check requirements for operators and employees of, and certain other persons at, facilities and agencies licensed by the Department of Aging and Disability Services; providing criminal penalties. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | Aging | AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | Human Services--General | Minors--Health & Safety
SB 76 82-0 (2011) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Morrison, Geanie
Relating to certain providers of subsidized child care, the use of certain personal information to prevent fraud in child-care programs, and the disclosure of certain personal information for the purpose of investigation and enforcement of unemployment compensation violations. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/11 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Minors--Health & Safety | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 77 82-0 (2011) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Raymond, Richard Pena
Relating to certain requirements for certain sponsoring organizations and other institutions participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/11 | AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Services--Food Programs | NUTRITION
SB 221 82-0 (2011) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Gonzalez, Naomi
Relating to the Department of Family and Protective Services, including protective services and investigations of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation for certain adults who are elderly or disabled; providing a criminal penalty. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/11 | Aging | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | ELDER ABUSE | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--General | Law Enforcement
SB 407 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk | et. al.
Sponsor: Craddick, Tom | et. al.
Relating to the creation of the offense of electronic transmission of certain visual material depicting a minor and to certain educational programs concerning the prevention and awareness of that offense. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/11 | ATTORNEY GENERAL | BULLYING | Crime Prevention | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--School Districts | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | INTERNET | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PORNOGRAPHY | SCHOOL SAFETY CENTER, TEXAS
SB 417 82-0 (2011) Author: West, Royce Relating to the disclosure by a court of criminal history record information that is the subject of an order of nondisclosure. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Courts--Administration | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Open Records
SB 462 82-0 (2011) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Veasey, Marc | et. al.
Relating to the expunction of records and files relating to a person's arrest. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/11 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
SB 568 82-0 (2011) Author: Williams, Tommy
Sponsor: Lewis, Tryon
Relating to access by a public institution of higher education to the criminal history record information of certain persons seeking to reside in on-campus housing. House: Higher Education
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Admission & Attendance | Education--Higher--Faculty
SB 682 82-0 (2011) Author: Huffman, Joan
Sponsor: Elkins, Gary
Relating to access to criminal history record information that relates to a person who is an applicant for appointment to an appraisal review board. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts
SB 747 82-0 (2011) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Hamilton, Mike
Relating to the professions regulated by the Texas Real Estate Commission. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/11 | CONTINUING EDUCATION | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GIFTS & DONATIONS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Property Interests--General | REAL ESTATE BROKERS | TEXAS REAL ESTATE COMMISSION
SB 786 82-0 (2011) Author: Harris, Chris Relating to procedures for establishment, modification, and enforcement of child support obligations. Senate: Jurisprudence Committee report printed and distributed | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Courts--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Child Support | Financial--General | Insurance--Insurers & Agents | Property Interests--Mortgages & Liens
SB 1042 82-0 (2011) Author: Hegar, Glenn
Sponsor: Jackson, Jim
Relating to the eligibility of employees convicted of certain offenses to provide services under a contract with a public school. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel
SB 1076 82-0 (2011) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to community supervision for certain drug possession offenses and to a person's eligibility for an order of nondisclosure following a term of community supervision for any of those offenses. Senate: Criminal Justice No action taken in committee | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 1158 82-0 (2011) Author: West, Royce Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants. Senate: Criminal Justice No action taken in committee | Courts--Small Claims | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 1178 82-0 (2011) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Raymond, Richard Pena
Relating to the regulation of certain shelter day-care facilities, child-care facilities, and individuals providing child-care services, and access to certain criminal history record information; providing an administrative penalty. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
See remarks for effective date | City Government--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Child Services | Minors--Health & Safety | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PERMITS | WOMEN'S SHELTERS
SB 1241 82-0 (2011) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Jackson, Jim
Relating to authorizing certain courts to access information in the juvenile justice information system. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/11 | Courts--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Minors--Juvenile Justice
SB 1426 82-0 (2011) Author: West, Royce Relating to the notice given a juvenile concerning the sealing of the juvenile's records in a juvenile adjudication. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Juvenile Boards & Officers | Minors--Juvenile Justice | Protection of Personal Information
SB 1518 82-0 (2011) Author: Eltife, Kevin
Sponsor: Guillen, Ryan
Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Historical Commission; imposing a penalty. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Administration
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Historic Preservation & Museums | HISTORICAL COMMISSION, TEXAS | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1553 82-0 (2011) Author: Rodríguez, José Relating to criminal history record information checks of employees of residential dwelling projects, including employees of public housing authorities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Housing--General | Labor--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1634 82-0 (2011) Author: Davis, Wendy Relating to the sealing of the records of juveniles who are the victims of human trafficking and have been adjudicated to have engaged in certain delinquent conduct. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | Minors--Crimes Against | Minors--Juvenile Justice
SB 1667 82-0 (2011) Author: Duncan, Robert
Sponsor: Truitt, Vicki
Relating to the administration of and benefits payable by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and to certain domestic relations orders. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/11 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Retirement Systems--Teachers
SB 1752 82-0 (2011) Author: Uresti, Carlos
Sponsor: Gallego, Pete | et. al.
Relating to confidentiality of certain Class C misdemeanor records related to the conviction of a child. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars | Crimes--Juvenile | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Minors--Juvenile Justice | Open Records
SB 1812 82-0 (2011) Author: Nichols, Robert | et. al.
Sponsor: Hamilton, Mike
Relating to criminal history record information of certain applicants for a certificate of registration issued by the Texas Real Estate Commission. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/11 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | REAL ESTATE AGENTS | TEXAS REAL ESTATE COMMISSION
SB 40 82-1 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the establishment and administration of the Texas Essential Workers Program. Filed | Agriculture | Aliens | CRIMINAL RECORDS | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | Labor--General | Labor--Workforce Development | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 114 81-0 (2009) Author: Pickett, Joseph Relating to the repeal of the requirement that certain real estate professionals provide fingerprints to satisfy criminal history check provisions. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | REAL ESTATE AGENTS | REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS | REAL ESTATE BROKERS | TEXAS REAL ESTATE COMMISSION
HB 293 81-0 (2009) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in subcommittee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 314 81-0 (2009) Author: Raymond, Richard | et. al. Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information by the Department of Public Safety concerning certain intoxication offenses. House: Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | INTERNET | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 382 81-0 (2009) Author: Heflin, Joe Relating to the regulation of the towing of vehicles. House: Transportation Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | TOW COMPANIES & TOWING OF VEHICLES | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 553 81-0 (2009) Author: Madden, Jerry Relating to the establishment of the office of criminal and juvenile justice ombudsman. House: Corrections Referred to Corrections | CRIMINAL & JUVENILE JUSTICE OMBUDSMAN, OFFICE OF | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | YOUTH COMMISSION
HB 706 81-0 (2009) Author: Rose, Patrick | et. al. Relating to the imposition of background and criminal history check requirements for certain employees of and applicants for employment with the Department of Family and Protective Services. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Minors--Health & Safety | State Employees
HB 954 81-0 (2009) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants; creating an offense. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in subcommittee | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 963 81-0 (2009) Author: Guillen, Ryan
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the eligibility of certain applicants for occupational licenses. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | OCCUPATIONAL DRIVER'S LICENSE | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PERMITS
HB 1201 81-0 (2009) Author: Solomons, Burt Relating to liability of an in-home service company or residential delivery company for negligent hiring. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Reported favorably as substituted | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | Labor--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 1260 81-0 (2009) Author: Hopson, Chuck Relating to a registration program for persons who commit certain intoxication offenses; providing criminal penalties. House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 1830 81-0 (2009) Author: Corte, Jr., Frank | et. al.
Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to information technology security practices of state agencies. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Senate: Government Organization
Effective on 9/1/09 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | Open Meetings | Open Records | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 2050 81-0 (2009) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to criminal history record information relating to persons who are certified to provide guardianship services. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUARDIANSHIP CERTIFICATION BOARD | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts
HB 2191 81-0 (2009) Author: Veasey, Marc | et. al.
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to prohibiting contact between an employee of a facility that serves the elderly or disabled persons, whose criminal history has not been verified, and a patient or resident of the facility. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/09 | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EMPLOYEE RECORDS | Nursing Homes
HB 2245 81-0 (2009) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to the sealing of and restricted access to juvenile records of adjudications of delinquent conduct or conduct indicating a need for supervision. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Juvenile Boards & Officers
HB 2329 81-0 (2009) Author: Guillen, Ryan Relating to employment at or by certain facilities serving the elderly or person with disabilities. House: Human Services Placed on General State Calendar | Aging | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GIFTS & DONATIONS | Human Services--General
HB 2386 81-0 (2009) Author: Castro, Joaquin | et. al.
Sponsor: Uresti, Carlos
Relating to the sealing of juvenile records. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Juvenile Boards & Officers | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 2442 81-0 (2009) Author: Rose, Patrick Relating to the limitation on paid leave for state employees at health and human services agencies pending a criminal history background check. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees
HB 2519 81-0 (2009) Author: Parker, Tan Relating to alternative methods of obtaining criminal history information and registration of private vendors to obtain criminal history information; providing a civil penalty. House: Technology, Economic Development & Workforce Placed on General State Calendar | Business & Commerce--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | SECRETARY OF STATE
HB 2754 81-0 (2009) Author: Castro, Joaquin Relating to a central database containing information about certain offenders who have committed offenses involving family or dating violence. House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Family Violence | INTERNET | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 2845 81-0 (2009) Author: Riddle, Debbie | et. al.
Sponsor: Nichols, Robert
Relating to the certification of and disciplinary actions against emergency medical services personnel. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/09 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 2917 81-0 (2009) Author: McReynolds, Jim
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to authorizing the Department of State Health Services to obtain criminal history record information for certain applicants for employment. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--General | State Employees | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 2932 81-0 (2009) Author: Vaught, Allen | et. al.
Sponsor: Carona, John
Relating to including in the law enforcement information system information indicating that criminal defendants have committed certain additional offenses. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DNA | Electronic Information Systems
HB 3187 81-0 (2009) Author: McCall, Brian Relating to information technology security practices of state agencies. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Referred to Defense & Veterans' Affairs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 3212 81-0 (2009) Author: Edwards, Al Relating to the automatic expunction of certain criminal records; increasing a penalty. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Subcommittee members named | Courts--General | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 3323 81-0 (2009) Author: Kleinschmidt, Tim | et. al. Relating to storage of electronic fingerprint records and access to criminal history record information. House: Public Safety Referred to Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 3390 81-0 (2009) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda | et. al. Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. House: Urban Affairs Laid on the table subject to call | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION AGENCY, TEXAS | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | Sunset Bills
HB 3416 81-0 (2009) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to motor vehicle title services. House: Transportation No action taken in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | Vehicles & Traffic--General | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 3419 81-0 (2009) Author: Patrick, Diane
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the disclosure of criminal history record information regarding public school employees. House: Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Committee report printed and distributed | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Protection of Personal Information
HB 4020 81-0 (2009) Author: Rios Ybarra, Tara | et. al. Relating to access to criminal history record information by the Texas Veterans Commission. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Laid on the table subject to call | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Military & Veterans | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Employees | VETERANS COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 4292 81-0 (2009) Author: Branch, Dan Relating to access to criminal history record information by the office of the attorney general. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Reported favorably w/o amendment(s) | ATTORNEY GENERAL | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Open Records | Purchasing--State | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees
HB 4302 81-0 (2009) Author: Farrar, Jessica Relating to the confidentiality of criminal history record information and related information that is obtained by a school district and that relates to an employee of the district. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Education | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | Open Records | Protection of Personal Information
HB 4343 81-0 (2009) Author: Smithee, John
Sponsor: Fraser, Troy
Relating to access to certain criminal history record information maintained by the Department of Public Safety. House: Insurance
Senate: Business & Commerce
SB 67 81-0 (2009) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the imposition of background and criminal history check requirements for operators and employees of certain facilities and agencies serving children, the elderly, or persons who are disabled; providing criminal penalties. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
No action taken in committee | Aging | AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | Human Services--General | Minors--Health & Safety
SB 71 81-0 (2009) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Rose, Patrick
Relating to the limitation on paid leave for state employees at health and human services agencies pending a criminal history background check. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Placed on General State Calendar | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees
SB 81 81-0 (2009) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al.
Sponsor: Hernandez, Ana
Relating to certain providers of subsidized child care. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Placed on General State Calendar | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Minors--Health & Safety | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 277 81-0 (2009) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al.
Sponsor: Rose, Patrick | et. al.
Relating to the Department of Family and Protective Services, including protective services and investigations of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation for certain adults who are elderly or disabled; providing a criminal penalty. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Placed on General State Calendar | Aging | CHILD ABUSE | CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | ELDER ABUSE | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Human Services--General
SB 369 81-0 (2009) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Moody, Joe | et. al.
Relating to information contained in an intelligence database used to investigate and prosecute offenses committed by criminal street gangs. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Placed on General State Calendar | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | GANGS | INTERNET
SB 549 81-0 (2009) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Driver, Joe
Relating to the authority of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas to obtain and use criminal history record information for certain departmental authorizations. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 627 81-0 (2009) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Solomons, Burt
Relating to the liability of in-home service companies and residential delivery companies for negligent hiring. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/09 | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Consumer Protection | CRIMINAL RECORDS | SUE WEAVER ACT
SB 643 81-0 (2009) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al.
Sponsor: Rose, Patrick | et. al.
Relating to the protection and care of individuals with mental retardation and to certain legal protections for individuals with disabilities; providing criminal penalties. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
SB 854 81-0 (2009) Author: Patrick, Dan Relating to the operation and regulation of massage establishments; imposing penalties. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Business & Commerce--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MASSAGE THERAPY & MASSAGE THERAPISTS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 1011 81-0 (2009) Author: Estes, Craig
Sponsor: Harper-Brown, Linda
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Government Organization
SB 1057 81-0 (2009) Author: Uresti, Carlos | et. al.
Sponsor: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to criminal history record information relating to persons who are certified to provide guardianship services. House: Human Services
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective immediately | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUARDIANSHIP CERTIFICATION BOARD | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts
SB 1061 81-0 (2009) Author: Shapiro, Florence
Sponsor: McCall, Brian | et. al.
Relating to improving the accuracy of reporting concerning certain criminal history. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar | County Government--General | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Political Subdivisions | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1077 81-0 (2009) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Phillips, Larry
Relating to driver education and driver's licensing requirements for minors. House: Public Education
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
1 hr. notice-to suspend rules | ACCIDENTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Driver Education & Training | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | Law Enforcement | Minors--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 1081 81-0 (2009) Author: Huffman, Joan
Sponsor: Branch, Dan
Relating to access to criminal history record information by the office of the attorney general. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | ATTORNEY GENERAL | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Open Records | Purchasing--State | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees
SB 1094 81-0 (2009) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Merritt, Tommy
Relating to the submission of reports on certain convictions or adjudications relating to the operation of motor vehicles to the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas. House: Public Safety
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
SB 1558 81-0 (2009) Author: Carona, John Relating to including in the computerized criminal history system certain forensic DNA test results that indicate the person committed another offense. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DNA | Electronic Information Systems
SB 1599 81-0 (2009) Author: Watson, Kirk
Sponsor: Darby, Drew
Relating to the disclosure of criminal history record information to the Court Reporters Certification Board. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/09 | COURT REPORTERS CERTIFICATION BOARD, TEXAS | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
SB 1858 81-0 (2009) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Patrick, Diane
Relating to the disclosure of criminal history record information regarding public school employees. House: Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Placed on General State Calendar | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Protection of Personal Information
SB 1971 81-0 (2009) Author: Carona, John Relating to the collection, maintenance, and transfer and other dissemination of criminal history record information and juvenile justice information. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Minors--Juvenile Justice | Open Records | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 2046 81-0 (2009) Author: Williams, Tommy
Sponsor: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to requiring criminal history background checks for employees of public institutions of higher education. House: Higher Education
Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on Major State Calendar | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Faculty | Education--Higher--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Employees
SB 2106 81-0 (2009) Author: Uresti, Carlos Relating to the sealing of juvenile records. Senate: Criminal Justice No action taken in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Juvenile Boards & Officers | Minors--Juvenile Justice
SB 2163 81-0 (2009) Author: Ellis, Rodney
Sponsor: Rios Ybarra, Tara
Relating to access to criminal history record information by the Texas Veterans Commission. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Senate: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations
Effective immediately | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Military & Veterans | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Employees | VETERANS COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 2164 81-0 (2009) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to information technology security practices of state agencies. Senate: Government Organization No action taken in committee | COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | Open Meetings | Protection of Personal Information | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 2224 81-0 (2009) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Hodge, Terri | et. al.
Relating to orders of nondisclosure for the records of children convicted of certain offenses punishable by fine only. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Placed on General State Calendar | Crimes--Juvenile | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Juvenile Boards & Officers
HB 76 80-0 (2007) Author: Naishtat, Elliott | et. al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the collection and analysis of information relating to certain sexual offenses. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 | CRIME-STATISTICS | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SEXUAL ASSAULT
HB 140 80-0 (2007) Author: Jackson, Jim | et. al. Relating to regulating the operation of a day-care center; providing criminal penalties. House: Human Services Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | Human Services--Child Services | Minors--Health & Safety
HB 353 80-0 (2007) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the obtaining of criminal history record information in a guardianship matter or proceeding. House: Judiciary Referred to Judiciary | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUARDIANS & WARDS | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts
HB 761 80-0 (2007) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to a person's eligibility to apply for an order of nondisclosure with respect to certain criminal history records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION
HB 765 80-0 (2007) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants; creating an offense. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 799 80-0 (2007) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. | et. al. Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 1001 80-0 (2007) Author: Jackson, Jim Relating to the employment by a towing company or vehicle storage facility of certain persons as drivers; providing a penalty. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Admin. Procedures | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | TOW COMPANIES & TOWING OF VEHICLES
HB 1241 80-0 (2007) Author: Haggerty, Pat
Sponsor: Jackson, Mike
Relating to the duty of the security department of a private business to maintain criminal history record information for security department employees. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 | Business & Commerce--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 1272 80-0 (2007) Author: Jackson, Jim Relating to commercial motor vehicle safety; providing a criminal penalty. House: Transportation Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING | Safety | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 1303 80-0 (2007) Author: Peña, Aaron
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to certain requirements applicable to orders of expunction or nondisclosure of criminal history records and to the protection of information that is the subject of one of those orders; providing penalties. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 1367 80-0 (2007) Author: Madden, Jerry Relating to access to the criminal history record information of students, prospective students, and prospective employees by certain public or private postsecondary educational institutions. House: Higher Education Left pending in committee | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Private Schools
HB 1483 80-0 (2007) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to access to criminal history record information by the Guardianship Certification Board. House: Judiciary Laid on the table subject to call | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUARDIANSHIP CERTIFICATION BOARD | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 2574 80-0 (2007) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 2575 80-0 (2007) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to an order of expunction or similar order with respect to certain arrest records and files. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 2670 80-0 (2007) Author: Giddings, Helen Relating to providing notice to the Department of Family and Protective Services of investigations of family violence at certain foster homes. House: Human Services Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Family--Family Violence | Family--Parent & Child | FOSTER CARE
HB 3040 80-0 (2007) Author: Rose, Patrick Relating to background and criminal history checks for certain providers of subsidized child care. House: Human Services Meeting cancelled | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Minors--Health & Safety | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 3041 80-0 (2007) Author: Rose, Patrick Relating to the imposition of additional inspection and background and criminal history check requirements for day-care centers. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | Human Services--Child Services | Minors--Health & Safety | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 3042 80-0 (2007) Author: Rose, Patrick Relating to certain convictions barring employment at certain facilities serving the elderly or persons with disabilities. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health Care Providers | MEDICAL CARE FACILITIES | NURSES & NURSE AIDES | Nursing Homes | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3139 80-0 (2007) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to criminal history checks for state employees, applicants for state employment, and certain other persons who may perform work for the state. House: Government Reform Left pending in committee | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 3211 80-0 (2007) Author: Harless, Patricia
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to access to criminal history record information by certain county attorneys. House: County Affairs
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | County Government--Employees/Officers | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 3625 80-0 (2007) Author: Bolton, Valinda | et. al. Relating to background and criminal history checks and for certain state employees who interact with children or supervise persons who interact with children. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Child Protection | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 3628 80-0 (2007) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 9 80-0 (2007) Author: Shapiro, Florence | et. al.
Sponsor: Branch, Dan | et. al.
Relating to the disclosure or dissemination of criminal history record information, child abuse investigation reports, and school district audit working papers for certain purposes, including the certification and employment of educators and other public school employees who engage in certain misconduct. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 21 80-0 (2007) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al.
Sponsor: Jackson, Jim
Relating to the imposition of additional inspection and background and criminal history check requirements for day-care centers; providing criminal penalties. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | Human Services--Child Services | Minors--Health & Safety | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 58 80-0 (2007) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to the collection and analysis of information relating to certain sexual offenses. Senate: Criminal Justice No action taken in committee | CRIME-STATISTICS | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SEXUAL ASSAULT
SB 119 80-0 (2007) Author: Shapiro, Florence Relating to the certification and employment of educators and other public school employees who engage in certain misconduct. Senate: Education Referred to Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR
SB 199 80-0 (2007) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Rose, Patrick
Relating to certain convictions barring employment at certain facilities serving the elderly or persons with disabilities. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/07 | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health Care Providers | MEDICAL CARE FACILITIES | NURSES & NURSE AIDES | Nursing Homes | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 206 80-0 (2007) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al.
Sponsor: Rose, Patrick
Relating to certain providers of subsidized child care. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Minors--Health & Safety | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 265 80-0 (2007) Author: Shapiro, Florence | et. al. Relating to background and criminal history checks for, reporting requirements for, and audits of certain providers of subsidized child care. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Human Services--Child Services | Human Services--Direct Assistance
SB 291 80-0 (2007) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to criminal history record information for guardianship proceedings and to lists of certain public guardians; providing a criminal penalty. House: Human Services
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/07 | AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts
SB 366 80-0 (2007) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the requirement that certain health care professionals submit criminal history record information to the licensing entity that issues or renews a license. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health Care Providers | Health--General | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 505 80-0 (2007) Author: Uresti, Carlos
Sponsor: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to access to criminal history record information by the Guardianship Certification Board. House: Judiciary
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUARDIANSHIP CERTIFICATION BOARD | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 547 80-0 (2007) Author: Carona, John Relating to commercial motor vehicle safety; providing a criminal penalty. Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING | Safety | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 885 80-0 (2007) Author: Whitmire, John
Sponsor: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to access to criminal history record information by state appellate courts. House: Judiciary
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 | Courts--Appellate | Courts--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--Unemployment | Open Records
SB 1196 80-0 (2007) Author: Whitmire, John
Sponsor: Harless, Patricia
Relating to access to criminal history record information by certain county attorneys. House: County Affairs
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | County Government--Employees/Officers | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | CRIMINAL RECORDS
SB 1293 80-0 (2007) Author: West, Royce Relating to a person's eligibility for an order of nondisclosure of certain criminal history records. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION
SB 1294 80-0 (2007) Author: West, Royce Relating to the manner of providing notice of a petition or order for the expunction or nondisclosure of certain criminal records. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
SB 1466 80-0 (2007) Author: West, Royce Relating to certain information in the computerized criminal history system and the use of that information for reintegration services. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
SB 1702 80-0 (2007) Author: Harris, Chris Relating to the age at which juvenile records may be sealed. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency
SB 1737 80-0 (2007) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Peña, Aaron
Relating to certain requirements applicable to orders of expunction or nondisclosure of criminal history records and to the protection of information that is the subject of one of those orders; providing penalties. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Protection of Personal Information | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1909 80-0 (2007) Author: Ellis, Rodney | et. al.
Sponsor: Madden, Jerry
Relating to community supervision for certain drug possession offenses and to a person's eligibility for an order of nondisclosure following a term of community supervision for any of those offenses. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
SB 1941 80-0 (2007) Author: Deuell, Bob Relating to the regulation of foster care providers. Senate: Health & Human Services Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Family--Family Violence | Family--Parent & Child | FOSTER CARE
HB 84 79-0 (2005) Author: Riddle, Debbie Relating to criminal history records searches for volunteers in children's organized sports; imposing civil liability on certain persons and organizations. House: Civil Practices Meeting cancelled | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Health & Safety | VOLUNTEERS
HB 88 79-0 (2005) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION
HB 424 79-0 (2005) Author: Hughes, Bryan Relating to the safety of hotel guests; providing penalties. House: State Affairs No action taken in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HOTELS & MOTELS | Labor--General | Safety
HB 433 79-0 (2005) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants. House: Government Reform Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION
HB 435 79-0 (2005) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 852 79-0 (2005) Author: Solomons, Burt Relating to the liability of in-home service companies and residential delivery companies for negligent hiring. House: Civil Practices Placed on General State Calendar | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Safety | SUE WEAVER ACT
HB 967 79-0 (2005) Author: Haggerty, Pat
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to administration of the criminal justice information system. House: Judiciary
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1066 79-0 (2005) Author: Hegar, Glenn | et. al.
Sponsor: Staples, Todd
Relating to the issuance of concealed handgun licenses to residents of other states and to reciprocity agreements with other states concerning concealed handgun licenses. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
No action taken in committee | CONCEALED HANDGUNS | Crimes--Against Persons--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Governor | Weapons
HB 1181 79-0 (2005) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. | et. al.
Sponsor: Wentworth, Jeff
Relating to access to criminal history record information by a domestic relations office. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/05 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Child Protection
HB 1306 79-0 (2005) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to a feasibility study regarding the creation of a federal criminal history record clearinghouse at the Department of Public Safety. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Nursing Homes | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1307 79-0 (2005) Author: Hartnett, Will | et. al. Relating to criminal background checks on users of online relationship services. House: Business & Industry Left pending in committee | Business & Commerce--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET
HB 1376 79-0 (2005) Author: Jones, Jesse Relating to criminal history record checks for potential residents of nursing homes. House: Human Services Left pending in committee | Aging | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Nursing Homes
HB 1417 79-0 (2005) Author: Keel, Terry | et. al. Relating to authorizing certain gaming activity conducted by an Indian tribe or tribal organization. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Amusements, Games, Sports | Crimes--Against Morals | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GAMBLING | NATIVE AMERICANS | Taxation--State
HB 3093 79-0 (2005) Author: Peña, Aaron
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to petitions and procedures for the expunction or nondisclosure of criminal records and files and to the consequences of orders of nondisclosure. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 3346 79-0 (2005) Author: Dunnam, Jim Relating to the procedures for issuance of an order of nondisclosure with respect to certain criminal history records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Open Records
SB 38 79-0 (2005) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to the collection and analysis of information relating to certain sexual offenses. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | SEXUAL ASSAULT
SB 195 79-0 (2005) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to a nurse or nurse aide employed by a temporary nursing service agency to provide hospice services to patients; providing a penalty. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health Care Providers | MEDICAL CARE FACILITIES | NURSES & NURSE AIDES
SB 337 79-0 (2005) Author: Carona, John Relating to criminal background checks on users of online dating services; providing a civil penalty. Senate: Criminal Justice Not again placed on intent calendar | Business & Commerce--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | ONLINE INTERNET DATING DISCLOSURES & SAFETY AWARENESS ACT
SB 689 79-0 (2005) Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Sponsor: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to a feasibility study regarding the creation of a federal criminal history record clearinghouse at the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Nursing Homes | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 869 79-0 (2005) Author: Ellis, Rodney | et. al. Relating to the collection and dissemination of certain information for a federal firearm background check. Senate: Criminal Justice Co-author authorized | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
SB 909 79-0 (2005) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to the maintenance and contents of certain computerized information systems relating to the criminal justice system. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems
SB 1071 79-0 (2005) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Keel, Terry
Relating to a person's eligibility for an order of nondisclosure with respect to certain criminal history records and to certain law enforcement duties that result from the issuance of an order. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION
SB 1685 79-0 (2005) Author: Janek, Kyle | et. al.
Sponsor: Truitt, Vicki
Relating to the licensing and regulation of wholesale drug distributors; providing penalties. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
HB 78 78-0 (2003) Author: Wise, Miguel | et. al. Relating to criminal history records of and disclosure of certain conduct by employees, volunteers, and prospective employees and volunteers of certain educational entities. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | SEXUAL OFFENDERS | VOLUNTEERS
HB 177 78-0 (2003) Author: McCall, Brian | et. al.
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the regulation of certain international matchmaking organizations; providing a civil penalty. House: Business & Industry
Senate: International Relations and Trade
Effective on 9/1/03 | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Family Violence | Family--Marriage Relationship | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | VITAL STATISTICS & RECORDS
HB 181 78-0 (2003) Author: Farrar, Jessica | et. al. Relating to the disclosure of certain criminal history record information related to an individual placed on deferred adjudication community supervision. House: Law Enforcement Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | Law Enforcement | MANDATORY SUPERVISION
HB 270 78-0 (2003) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information relating to certain sexual offenses. House: Law Enforcement Left pending in committee | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | SEXUAL ASSAULT
HB 354 78-0 (2003) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to access to certain law enforcement and prosecutorial records under the public information law. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Open Records | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 384 78-0 (2003) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 660 78-0 (2003) Author: Allen, Ray
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to access to criminal history record information by certain licensing and regulatory agencies. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Government Organization
Effective on 9/1/03 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 705 78-0 (2003) Author: Solomons, Burt | et. al.
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to liability of in-home service companies and residential delivery companies for negligent hiring. House: Civil Practices
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/03 | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Safety
HB 742 78-0 (2003) Author: Branch, Dan Relating to access by certain hospitals and hospital districts to criminal history record information. House: Public Health Left pending in committee | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital
HB 785 78-0 (2003) Author: Haggerty, Pat Relating to administration of the criminal history record system. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement
HB 828 78-0 (2003) Author: Riddle, Debbie Relating to criminal history records searches for volunteers in children's organized sports; imposing civil liability on certain persons and organizations. House: Civil Practices Meeting cancelled | Amusements, Games, Sports | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Health & Safety | VOLUNTEERS
HB 983 78-0 (2003) Author: Talton, Robert
Sponsor: Staples, Todd
Relating to the authority of an ad valorem tax appraisal district to obtain certain criminal history record information relating to an applicant for employment. House: Local Government Ways and Means
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts
HB 1036 78-0 (2003) Author: Ritter, Allan | et. al.
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to the confidentiality of certain reports of criminal activity and to immunity from civil liability for certain persons making or receiving those reports. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/03 | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EVIDENCE
HB 1075 78-0 (2003) Author: McCall, Brian
Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to criminal history record information for state agency information technology personnel. House: State Affairs
Senate: Government Organization
Effective on 9/1/03 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees
HB 1080 78-0 (2003) Author: Allen, Ray Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation to obtain certain criminal history record information. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Admin. Procedures | CRIMINAL RECORDS | LICENSING & REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 1310 78-0 (2003) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to authorizing the Texas Department of Public Safety to enter into contracts for the periodic reporting of certain information in the department's driver's license files to certain other persons. House: Law Enforcement Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Insurance--Motor Vehicles | Open Records | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Drivers Licenses
HB 1322 78-0 (2003) Author: Naishtat, Elliott
Sponsor: Shapleigh, Eliot
Relating to the Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEAF & HARD OF HEARING, TEXAS COMMISSION FOR THE | Disabilities, Persons with | SIGN LANGUAGE & SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 1652 78-0 (2003) Author: Chavez, Norma Relating to criminal history checks of employees and applicants for employment in nursing homes. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health Care Providers | Nursing Homes | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1971 78-0 (2003) Author: Uresti, Carlos
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to convictions barring employment in certain facilities serving the elderly or persons with disabilities. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/03 | Aging | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | Nursing Homes
HB 2208 78-0 (2003) Author: Allen, Ray
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to the regulation of the practice of professional nursing. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/03 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health Care Providers | NURSE EXAMINERS, BOARD OF | NURSES & NURSE AIDES | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2586 78-0 (2003) Author: Flynn, Dan Relating to obtaining criminal history record information on an applicant for or holder of a mortgage broker or loan officer license. House: Financial Institutions Laid on the table subject to call | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION | Financial--General | MORTGAGE BROKERS & BANKERS
HB 2622 78-0 (2003) Author: Allen, Ray
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to certain governmental agency and private entity access to and use of criminal history record information maintained by the Department of Public Safety. House: State Affairs
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/03 | Courts--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 3212 78-0 (2003) Author: Driver, Joe Relating to access to criminal history record information by a law enforcement training school. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
SB 52 78-0 (2003) Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Sponsor: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to the collection and analysis of information relating to certain sexual offenses. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | SEXUAL ASSAULT
SB 61 78-0 (2003) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to criminal history checks of employees and applicants for employment in nursing homes. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health Care Providers | Nursing Homes | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 357 78-0 (2003) Author: Shapiro, Florence Relating to the confidentiality of certain reports of criminal activity and to immunity from civil liability for certain persons making or receiving those reports. Senate: Criminal Justice Left pending in committee | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EVIDENCE
SB 443 78-0 (2003) Author: Wentworth, Jeff | et. al.
Sponsor: Keel, Terry
Relating to access to criminal history record information concerning volunteers with certain programs providing activities to children. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Amusements, Games, Sports | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Minors--Crimes Against | VOLUNTEERS
SB 567 78-0 (2003) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Branch, Dan
Relating to access by certain hospitals and hospital districts to criminal history record information. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Hospitals | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital
SB 602 78-0 (2003) Author: Ellis, Rodney | et. al.
Sponsor: Goodman, Toby
Relating to access to criminal history record information concerning employees, volunteers, and applicant volunteers of children's advocacy centers. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/03 | CHILDREN'S ADVOCACY CENTERS | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Child Protection | Human Services--Child Services | VOLUNTEERS
SB 923 78-0 (2003) Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Sponsor: Miller, Sid
Relating to criminal history checks of certain employees and applicants for employment in nursing homes and assisted living facilities and to the period within which a nursing home or assisted living facility must request certain criminal history checks. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health Care Providers | Nursing Homes | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1054 78-0 (2003) Author: Shapleigh, Eliot
Sponsor: Peña, Aaron
Relating to presentence investigation and postsentence treatment and supervision of certain sex offenders. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/03 | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY SUPERVISION | SEXUAL OFFENDERS
SB 1459 78-0 (2003) Author: Lindsay, Jon
Sponsor: Smith, Wayne
Relating to access to criminal history record information by a county fire marshal. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/03 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
SB 1636 78-0 (2003) Author: Staples, Todd Relating to the authority of an ad valorem tax appraisal district to obtain certain criminal history record information relating to an applicant for employment. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts
SB 1667 78-0 (2003) Author: Averitt, Kip
Sponsor: Flynn, Dan
Relating to obtaining criminal history record information on an applicant for or holder of a mortgage broker or loan officer license. House: Financial Institutions
Senate: Business & Commerce
HB 155 77-0 (2001) Author: Goolsby, Tony Relating to the expunction of arrest records by a person in the business of publishing or disclosing conviction or arrest information and to the creation of an offense prohibiting the use or release of certain arrest information by that person. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 195 77-0 (2001) Author: Najera, Manny
Sponsor: Duncan, Robert
Relating to the analysis of information identifying persons committing or suspected of committing certain property offenses against elderly individuals. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/01 | Aging | Crimes--Against Persons--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 334 77-0 (2001) Author: Hupp, Suzanna Relating to the confidentiality of certain records maintained by the Department of Public Safety regarding persons licensed to carry a concealed handgun. House: Public Safety Considered in Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Open Records | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 353 77-0 (2001) Author: Allen, Ray Relating to exempting certain entities from fees charged for processing inquiries for criminal history information. House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement
HB 354 77-0 (2001) Author: Allen, Ray Relating to public access to information about fugitives from justice. House: Public Safety No action taken in committee | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems
HB 361 77-0 (2001) Author: Wise, Miguel Relating to criminal history records of and disclosure of certain conduct by employees, volunteers, and prospective employees and volunteers of certain educational entities. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | SEXUAL OFFENDERS | VOLUNTEERS
HB 404 77-0 (2001) Author: Danburg, Debra Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | CONCEALED HANDGUNS | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUN SHOWS | Weapons
HB 635 77-0 (2001) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning gun shows. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUN SHOWS | Weapons
HB 776 77-0 (2001) Author: Haggerty, Pat
Sponsor: Staples, Todd
Relating to certain criminal justice contracts and to the implementation, operation, and maintenance of the criminal justice information system. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/01 | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE POLICY COUNCIL | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | INTERNET | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 994 77-0 (2001) Author: Keel, Terry Relating to the authority of a district court to order the expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 1118 77-0 (2001) Author: Goodman, Toby | et. al.
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the adjudication and disposition of juvenile conduct and the administration of the juvenile justice system. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/01 | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Juvenile Boards & Officers | JUVENILE PROBATION COMMISSION, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 1352 77-0 (2001) Author: Uher, D.R. Relating to the expunction of certain arrest records and files. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Courts--District | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 1415 77-0 (2001) Author: Farrar, Jessica | et. al.
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants receiving deferred adjudication. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 1418 77-0 (2001) Author: Jones, Jesse | et. al.
Sponsor: Carona, John
Relating to certain employees of nursing homes and related institutions. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/01 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, TEXAS BOARD OF | Labor--Management Relations | Nursing Homes
HB 1549 77-0 (2001) Author: Lewis, Glenn Relating to the sealing of files and records of a person prosecuted for failure to attend school. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues | Courts--Justice | Courts--Municipal | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 1777 77-0 (2001) Author: Brimer, Kim Relating to occupational regulations for vehicle storage facilities and tow truck motor carriers. House: Transportation Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | TOW COMPANIES & TOWING OF VEHICLES | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 1889 77-0 (2001) Author: Jones, Jesse Relating to the offense of failure to identify and to including information on a person who gives a false name to a peace officer in the computerized criminal history system. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | FALSE IDENTITY | Law Enforcement
HB 2089 77-0 (2001) Author: Martinez Fischer, Trey Relating to the use of juvenile records by a court for certain sentencing decisions. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency
HB 2239 77-0 (2001) Author: Salinas Jr., Ignacio Relating to the use of certain photographs for purposes of the sex offender database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SEXUAL OFFENDERS
HB 2256 77-0 (2001) Author: McCall, Brian Relating to the expunction or clarification of certain criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 2264 77-0 (2001) Author: Danburg, Debra Relating to the right of certain persons arrested for possession of a controlled substance to expunction of certain records and files. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Crimes--Drugs | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 2305 77-0 (2001) Author: Garcia, Domingo Relating to the expunction of certain arrest records and files. House: Criminal Jurisprudence No action taken in committee | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 2383 77-0 (2001) Author: Allen, Ray
Sponsor: Madla, Frank
Relating to certain grounds for the denial of an application for, the refusal to renew, and the suspension of a license as a licensed chemical dependency counselor and for the restriction of a counselor intern. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/01 | ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | COUNSELING & THERAPY | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2654 77-0 (2001) Author: King, Phil Relating to a requirement that a child-care facility or family home complete a background and criminal history record check before hiring a new employee. House: Human Services No action taken in committee | Crime Prevention | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care
HB 2877 77-0 (2001) Author: Goolsby, Tony
Sponsor: Cain, David
Relating to the operations, powers, and duties of the State Preservation Board. House: House Administration
Senate: Administration
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Historic Preservation & Museums | PRESERVATION BOARD, STATE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Symbols
HB 3110 77-0 (2001) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 3146 77-0 (2001) Author: Hartnett, Will Relating to the enforcement and collection of taxes, fees and other revenue, and providing criminal penalties. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | Business & Commerce--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Taxation--General
SB 53 77-0 (2001) Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Sponsor: Turner, Bob | et. al.
Relating to access to criminal history record information by the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/01 | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Services--Child Services | Minors--Crimes Against | PROTECTIVE & REGULATORY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 132 77-0 (2001) Author: Wentworth, Jeff Relating to access to criminal history record information concerning volunteers with certain programs providing activities to children. Senate: Criminal Justice No action taken in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Minors--Crimes Against | VOLUNTEERS
SB 294 77-0 (2001) Author: West, Royce Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GUN SHOWS | Weapons
SB 434 77-0 (2001) Author: Harris, Chris Relating to the expunction of certain arrest records. Senate: Criminal Justice No action taken in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
SB 1047 77-0 (2001) Author: Shapiro, Florence | et. al.
Sponsor: McCall, Brian
Relating to the expunction or clarification of certain criminal history record information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement
SB 1123 77-0 (2001) Author: Armbrister, Kenneth
Sponsor: Hartnett, Will
Relating to the enforcement and collection of taxes, fees, and other revenue; providing criminal penalties. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/01 | Business & Commerce--General | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PEACE OFFICERS | Taxation--General
SB 1238 77-0 (2001) Author: Moncrief, Mike
Sponsor: Solis, Jim
Relating to the creation of a voluntary child-care registry for certain child-care providers. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
SB 1242 77-0 (2001) Author: Moncrief, Mike Relating to criminal history checks of employees and applicants for employment in certain long-term care facilities. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health Care Providers | LONG-TERM CARE | Nursing Homes | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1570 77-0 (2001) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Garcia, Domingo
Relating to the expunction of certain arrest records and files. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement
SB 1665 77-0 (2001) Author: Armbrister, Kenneth Relating to the expunction of certain arrest records and files. Senate: Criminal Justice Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 71 76-0 (1999) Author: Chavez, Norma Relating to the requirement of a criminal background check of all persons applying for employment as a home health care provider. House: Public Health No action taken in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health Care Providers | HOME HEALTH CARE
HB 73 76-0 (1999) Author: Solomons, Burt Relating to screening for criminal history and drug use of applicants for public assistance benefits by health and human services agencies. House: Human Services Left pending in committee | ARREST WARRANTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING | Human Services--Direct Assistance
HB 153 76-0 (1999) Author: Nixon, Joe
Sponsor: Moncrief, Mike
Relating to establishing a procedure to prevent the fraudulent use of an individual's identification in circumstances affecting proper law enforcement. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/99 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FALSE IDENTITY | Law Enforcement
HB 283 76-0 (1999) Author: Wise, Miguel Relating to including felony information on a driver's license. House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | Vehicles & Traffic--Drivers Licenses
HB 301 76-0 (1999) Author: Wise, Miguel Relating to the rights of an accused in the criminal justice system. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 353 76-0 (1999) Author: Wise, Miguel Relating to the confidentiality of information identifying children who are victims of certain offenses; providing a penalty. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | CRIME VICTIMS | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Crimes Against | Minors--General
HB 356 76-0 (1999) Author: Wise, Miguel | et. al. Relating to the collection of certain samples or specimens for the DNA database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | Crimes--Against Persons--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DNA
HB 371 76-0 (1999) Author: Flores, Kino | et. al. Relating to criminal history of school employees. House: Public Education Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Minors--Crimes Against
HB 458 76-0 (1999) Author: McClendon, Ruth Relating to providing public notice on release of a sex offender into the community. House: Public Safety Referred to Public Safety | Communications & Press | Crime Prevention | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC NOTICE | SEXUAL OFFENDERS
HB 513 76-0 (1999) Author: Gray, Patricia Relating to review of criminal history records of persons seeking educator certification or employment in a public school. House: Public Education Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR
HB 556 76-0 (1999) Author: Hunter, Bob Relating to permitting certain persons to seek an expunction of arrest records and files. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Governor
HB 557 76-0 (1999) Author: Hunter, Bob Relating to permitting certain persons to seek an expunction of arrest records and files. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Governor
HB 584 76-0 (1999) Author: Allen, Ray Relating to the right to expunction of records and files relating to a person's arrest. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 592 76-0 (1999) Author: Goolsby, Tony | et. al.
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to a background check of a person who applies for certification as a qualified handgun instructor. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/99 | CONCEALED HANDGUNS | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 669 76-0 (1999) Author: Wise, Miguel | et. al. Relating to criminal history records of and disclosure of certain conduct by employees, volunteers, and prospective employees and volunteers of certain educational entities. House: Public Education Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | Labor--General | VOLUNTEERS
HB 854 76-0 (1999) Author: Capelo, Jaime | et. al.
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the identification of certain persons confined by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice who are subject to a warrant. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/99 | ARREST WARRANTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY SUPERVISION
HB 912 76-0 (1999) Author: Thompson, Senfronia
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to access to criminal history record information by a domestic relations office for a social study or a commissioners court for a county child welfare board member. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/99 | Crimes--Against Persons--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Family Violence
HB 1165 76-0 (1999) Author: Hupp, Suzanna Relating to the confidentiality of certain records maintained by the Department of Public Safety regarding persons licensed to carry a concealed handgun. House: Public Safety Considered in Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Open Records | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 1188 76-0 (1999) Author: Gallego, Pete | et. al.
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to the creation of a DNA record for certain persons convicted of, or adjudicated as having engaged in delinquent conduct violating, the offense of murder, aggravated assault, burglary, or an offense on conviction of which registration as a sex offender is required. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/99 | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DNA | Law Enforcement
HB 1246 76-0 (1999) Author: Keel, Terry | et. al. Relating to making arrest warrants and certain affidavits made in connection with the issuance of arrest warrants available for public inspection. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | ARREST WARRANTS | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Open Records
HB 1255 76-0 (1999) Author: Allen, Ray Relating to public access to certain conviction and arrest information maintained by the Department of Public Safety. House: Public Safety Considered in Calendars | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Open Records | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1293 76-0 (1999) Author: Farrar, Jessica Relating to access to criminal history record information for the Harris County Hospital District. House: County Affairs Referred to County Affairs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HARRIS COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT | Hospitals | Open Records | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital
HB 1323 76-0 (1999) Author: King, Phil Relating to the sealing of juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Laid on the table subject to call | Crimes--Juvenile | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 1379 76-0 (1999) Author: Allen, Ray
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the information about an inmate of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice that is subject to public disclosure or excepted from public disclosure. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective in 90 days -- 8/30/99 | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Open Records
HB 1432 76-0 (1999) Author: Grusendorf, Kent | et. al.
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Public Safety to charge a fee for processing certain inquiries for certain sex offender registration information. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | INTERNET | Open Records | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SEXUAL OFFENDERS
HB 1452 76-0 (1999) Author: Delisi, Dianne Relating to the operation and management of local mental health and mental retardation authorities and community centers. House: Public Health Companion considered in lieu of in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Mental Health & Mental Retardation
HB 1583 76-0 (1999) Author: Jones, Jesse
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the confidentiality of certain juvenile records or files. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Family--General | Minors--Juvenile Justice | Open Records
HB 1749 76-0 (1999) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the sharing of information concerning juvenile offenders. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PROTECTIVE & REGULATORY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1791 76-0 (1999) Author: Shields, John Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files when an indictment or information is dismissed or quashed. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 1803 76-0 (1999) Author: Culberson, John | et. al. Relating to criminal history record information of persons who apply to work or who work at schools or in certain school-related settings. House: Public Education Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR
HB 1858 76-0 (1999) Author: Capelo, Jaime Relating to the identification of defendants confined in a state jail felony facility who are subject to a warrant. House: Corrections Left pending in committee | ARREST WARRANTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 1909 76-0 (1999) Author: Flores, Kino Relating to the disclosure and inspection of certain information concerning a criminal defendant's prior juvenile adjudication. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Scheduled for formal meeting on . . . . | Crimes--Juvenile | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Trial | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 2145 76-0 (1999) Author: Allen, Ray | et. al.
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to persons subject to sex offender registration requirements, to the supervised release of those persons, and to the consequences of engaging in certain conduct for which a person is subject to sex offender registration; providing penalties. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/99 | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Crime Prevention | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DNA | Law Enforcement | SEXUAL OFFENDERS
HB 2183 76-0 (1999) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 2200 76-0 (1999) Author: Swinford, David
Sponsor: Bivins, Teel
Relating to the ability of a county to obtain criminal history record information on an applicant for county employment. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective in 90 days -- 8/30/99 | County Government--Employees/Officers | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 2211 76-0 (1999) Author: Jones, Jesse Relating to certain information that is exempt from the expunction requirement. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 2212 76-0 (1999) Author: Jones, Jesse Relating to the offense of failure to identify and to including information on a person who gives a false name to a peace officer in the computerized criminal history system. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FALSE IDENTITY | Law Enforcement
HB 2213 76-0 (1999) Author: Jones, Jesse Relating to the automatic expunction of certain arrest records related to an offense the prosecution of which is barred by limitations. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 2215 76-0 (1999) Author: Wise, Miguel Relating to criminal history checks for certain applicants under the Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies Act. House: Public Safety No action taken in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES ACT | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES, BOARD OF
HB 2256 76-0 (1999) Author: Swinford, David Relating to indicating on a driver's license that the holder of the license is a person convicted of certain intoxication offenses. House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Vehicles & Traffic--Drivers Licenses | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 2604 76-0 (1999) Author: Solomons, Burt Relating to screening for criminal history of applicants for certain financial assistance. House: Higher Education Left pending in committee | ARREST WARRANTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS
HB 2864 76-0 (1999) Author: Gutierrez, Roberto Relating to criminal history checks for certain applicants under the Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies Act. House: Public Safety Referred to Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES ACT | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES, BOARD OF
HB 2925 76-0 (1999) Author: Bonnen, Dennis
Sponsor: Brown, J. E.
Relating to access to criminal history record information by a municipality for certain background checks. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | City Government--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems
HB 3139 76-0 (1999) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the county in which a petition for expunction of certain criminal records and files may be filed. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Withdrawn from schedule | ARREST WARRANTS | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 3196 76-0 (1999) Author: Reyna, Arthur Relating to criminal history information House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 3386 76-0 (1999) Author: Hilderbran, Harvey Relating to creating a registry for acts of misconduct for and criminal background checks on certain employees of certain health care facilities that are licensed or certified by or that contract with the state. House: Human Services Left pending in committee | Crimes--Against Persons--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EMPLOYEE RECORDS | Health--General | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Human Services--Medical Assistance | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3539 76-0 (1999) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to criminal history searches required to be performed by state agencies. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 8 76-0 (1999) Author: West, Royce | et. al.
Sponsor: Goodman, Toby
Relating to the compilation of criminal information pertaining to criminal street gangs and criminal combinations. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/99 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | GANGS | Law Enforcement
SB 187 76-0 (1999) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Sponsor: Keel, Terry
Relating to the release of certain information relating to a juvenile offender suspected of fleeing after committing certain violent crimes. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/99 | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
SB 383 76-0 (1999) Author: Duncan, Robert
Sponsor: West, George
Relating to access to criminal history record information by a political subdivision for certain background checks. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | City Government--General | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Political Subdivisions | Transportation--Miscellaneous
SB 422 76-0 (1999) Author: Harris, Chris
Sponsor: King, Phil
Relating to the sealing of juvenile records. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/99 | Crimes--Juvenile | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Minors--Juvenile Justice
SB 542 76-0 (1999) Author: Madla, Frank
Sponsor: Delisi, Dianne
Relating to the operation and management of local mental health and mental retardation authorities and community centers. House: Public Health
Senate: Health Services
Effective on 9/1/99 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Mental Health & Mental Retardation
SB 840 76-0 (1999) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the automatic expunction of certain arrest records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective in 90 days -- 8/30/99 | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Law Enforcement
SB 968 76-0 (1999) Author: Lindsay, Jon
Sponsor: Farrar, Jessica
Relating to access to criminal history record information for certain hospitals and hospital districts. House: Public Health
Senate: Health Services
Effective on 9/1/99 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Hospitals | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital
SB 1000 76-0 (1999) Author: Wentworth, Jeff
Sponsor: Keel, Terry
Relating to making arrest warrants and certain affidavits made in connection with the issuance of arrest warrants available for public inspection. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars | ARREST WARRANTS | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Open Records
SB 1157 76-0 (1999) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Hamric, Peggy
Relating to the reporting of certain convictions to the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/99 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Military & Veterans | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1380 76-0 (1999) Author: Shapleigh, Eliot
Sponsor: Gray, Patricia | et. al.
Relating to review of criminal history record information of certified public school educators, persons admitted to educator preparation programs, and persons seeking educator certification and to designation of State Board for Educator Certification investigators as peace officers. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | VOLUNTEERS
SB 1564 76-0 (1999) Author: Armbrister, Kenneth Relating to the expunction of records concerning certain misdemeanor offenses. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
SB 1605 76-0 (1999) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to access to criminal history record information by a domestic relations office. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Against Persons--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Family Violence
HB 202 75-0 (1997) Author: Solomons, Burt Relating to screening for criminal history and drug use of applicants for public assistance benefits by health and human services agencies. House: Human Services Amendment(s) considered in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DRUG TESTING | Human Services--Direct Assistance
HB 456 75-0 (1997) Author: Rodriguez, Ciro | et. al. Relating to the creation of an offense for the acquisition of a handgun by a person while under an active protective order, certain information included on or attached to a protective order, and a certain warning included on the protective order. House: Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Family Violence | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF | Weapons
HB 469 75-0 (1997) Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al. Relating to review of criminal history records of public school employees. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel
HB 491 75-0 (1997) Author: Allen, Ray Relating to certain criminal background checks regarding applicants for and holders of chemical dependency counselor licenses. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 504 75-0 (1997) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION
HB 1062 75-0 (1997) Author: Hunter, Bob | et. al.
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to access to criminal history record information by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. House: State, Federal & International Relations
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/97 | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Libraries | STATE LIBRARY & ARCHIVES COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 1825 75-0 (1997) Author: Goodman, Toby
Sponsor: Duncan, Robert
Relating to access to criminal history record information by the State Bar of Texas. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Lawyers | STATE BAR OF TEXAS
HB 2031 75-0 (1997) Author: Gray, Patricia Relating to review of criminal history records of persons seeking educator certification or employment in a public school. House: Public Education No action taken in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers
HB 2075 75-0 (1997) Author: Hightower, Allen | et. al.
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the authority of the Texas Youth Commission to access criminal history record information relating to certain persons and business entities. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Minors | YOUTH COMMISSION
HB 2372 75-0 (1997) Author: Wise, Miguel Relating to criminal history records of and disclosure of certain conduct by employees, volunteers, and prospective employees and volunteers of public schools. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers
HB 2406 75-0 (1997) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to a computerized criminal history search by the Department of Public Safety of persons licensed by certain state agencies. House: Public Safety Placed on General State Calendar | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF
HB 2451 75-0 (1997) Author: Hirschi, John
Sponsor: Nixon, Drew
Relating to the authority of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services to obtain certain criminal history record information from the Department of Public Safety. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
HB 2663 75-0 (1997) Author: Wise, Miguel | et. al. Relating to background and criminal history checks conducted on certain employees, potential employees, and volunteers who directly interact with or have the opportunity to associate with children. House: Human Services Placed on General State Calendar | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Services--Child Services | Minors
HB 2739 75-0 (1997) Author: Uher, D.R. Relating to criminal history record checks regarding certain applicants for employment. House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Labor--General
HB 2849 75-0 (1997) Author: Keel, Terry Relating to the termination of employees of institutions of higher education who misrepresent criminal history information. House: Higher Education Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--Faculty
HB 3156 75-0 (1997) Author: Hilbert, Paul Relating to criminal history checks for emergency medical service personnel. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health--Emergency Services | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3534 75-0 (1997) Author: Farrar, Jessica | et. al. Relating to access to criminal history record information for the Harris County Hospital District. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital
SB 476 75-0 (1997) Author: Madla, Frank
Sponsor: Allen, Ray
Relating to certain criminal background information obtained by the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 964 75-0 (1997) Author: Ratliff, Bill
Sponsor: Junell, Robert | et. al.
Relating to a computerized criminal history search by the Department of Public Safety of persons licensed by certain state agencies. House: Public Safety
Senate: Finance
Point of order sustained | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Law Enforcement
HB 220 74-0 (1995) Author: Brimer, Kim | et. al. Relating to municipal access to criminal history record information about applicants for employment. House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 250 74-0 (1995) Author: Dear, Homer Relating to municipal access to criminal history record information about applicants for employment. House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 255 74-0 (1995) Author: Alvarado, Leo Relating to requests by the pardons and paroles division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for criminal history record information on certain parolees and persons released to mandatory supervision. House: Corrections Referred to Corrections | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY SUPERVISION
HB 275 74-0 (1995) Author: Combs, Susan Relating to criminal background checks of public school employees and applicants for employment. House: Public Education Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--School Districts
HB 822 74-0 (1995) Author: Edwards, Al Relating to the prohibition of employment discrimination against a person based on the person's criminal history record. House: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Relations | Labor--General
HB 1075 74-0 (1995) Author: West, George Relating to the authority of certain nonprofit charitable organizations to obtain certain criminal history record information from the Department of Public Safety. House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF
HB 1108 74-0 (1995) Author: Greenberg, Sherri
Sponsor: Moncrief, Mike
Relating to requiring a criminal background check for a prospective adoptive parent. House: Juvenile Justice and Family Issues
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/95 | ADOPTION | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Parent & Child | Minors
HB 1298 74-0 (1995) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Montford, John
Relating to access to criminal history record information by the banking commissioner. House: Financial Institutions
Senate: Economic Development
Effective immediately | BANKING COMMISSIONER | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Financial--Banks
HB 1630 74-0 (1995) Author: Greenberg, Sherri | et. al. Relating to the inclusion of protective order information in the computerized criminal history record system maintained by the Department of Public Safety. House: Public Safety Coauthor Authorized | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Family Violence | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF
HB 1723 74-0 (1995) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 1904 74-0 (1995) Author: Combs, Susan Relating to access to criminal history information records by the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. House: Human Services Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Services--General | PROTECTIVE & REGULATORY SERVICES, DEPT. OF
HB 2428 74-0 (1995) Author: Allen, Ray Relating to the maintenance and use of certain criminal history record information. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF
HB 2592 74-0 (1995) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to a computerized criminal history search by the Department of Public Safety of persons licensed by certain state agencies. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF
HB 2704 74-0 (1995) Author: Naishtat, Elliott | et. al.
Sponsor: Rosson, Peggy | et. al.
Relating to criminal history checks of employees and applicants for employment in certain facilities serving the elderly or persons with disabilities. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | Aging | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | Open Records
HB 2730 74-0 (1995) Author: Place, Allen Relating to the expunction of certain criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 2813 74-0 (1995) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to access to criminal history record information by the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Services--Child Services | Open Records | PROTECTIVE & REGULATORY SERVICES, DEPT. OF
HB 2861 74-0 (1995) Author: Grusendorf, Kent
Sponsor: Harris, Chris
Relating to the access by a safe house to criminal history record information. House: Public Safety
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective in 90 days -- 8/28/95 | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors
HB 2894 74-0 (1995) Author: Longoria, John Relating to the criminal history record information of a person who is the subject of a criminal commitment proceeding and to the transfer of that person to a nonsecurity mental health unit. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Mental Health & Mental Retardation
HB 2910 74-0 (1995) Author: Allen, Ray Relating to the receipt and use of criminal history information by the Texas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies. House: Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES
SB 42 74-0 (1995) Author: Shapiro, Florence | et. al.
Sponsor: Madden, Jerry | et. al.
Relating to access to criminal history record information by certain organizations providing volunteer services. House: Public Safety
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/95 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
SB 118 74-0 (1995) Author: Harris, Chris
Sponsor: Brimer, Kim
Relating to a municipality's access to criminal history record information about applicants for employment. House: Public Safety
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective in 90 days -- 8/28/95 | City Government--Employees/Officers | CRIMINAL RECORDS
SB 152 74-0 (1995) Author: West, Royce Relating to the inclusion of protective order information in the law enforcement information system maintained by the Department of Public Safety. Senate: Criminal Justice Placed on Reg. Order of Business Calendar | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Family Violence | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF
SB 766 74-0 (1995) Author: Montford, John Relating to access to criminal history record information by the banking commissioner. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development | BANKING COMMISSIONER | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Financial--Banks
SB 1053 74-0 (1995) Author: Shapiro, Florence Relating to criminal history checks conducted for public and private schools. Senate: Education Referred to Education | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private
SB 1668 74-0 (1995) Author: Montford, John Relating to review by school districts of the criminal history of applicants for employment and school bus drivers. Senate: Education Referred to Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--School Districts
HB 340 73-0 (1993) Author: Horn, Jim Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 507 73-0 (1993) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 847 73-0 (1993) Author: Schechter, Sue | et. al.
Sponsor: Patterson, Jerry
Relating to access to criminal history information records by the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective in 90 days -- 8/30/93 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Services--General | Minors | PROTECTIVE & REGULATORY SERVICES, DEPT. OF
HB 855 73-0 (1993) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to disclosure of information by certain applicants for employment in residential dwelling projects; providing criminal penalties. House: Public Safety Considered in Calendars | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Housing
HB 1052 73-0 (1993) Author: Hunter, Bob Relating to the obtaining of criminal conviction record information by the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. House: Human Services
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | REHABILITATION COMMISSION
HB 1238 73-0 (1993) Author: Counts, David | et. al. Relating to the continuation and operation of the Department of Public Safety, to the access that entities have to criminal history record information maintained by the department and certain other criminal justice agencies, and to the transfer of responsibility for law enforcement on the Capitol Complex from the General Services Commission to the Department of Public Safety; providing penalties. House: Public Safety Companion considered in lieu of in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GENERAL SERVICES COMMISSION | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF | Sunset Bills
HB 1247 73-0 (1993) Author: Hilbert, Paul Relating to the authority of certain fire departments to obtain criminal history information about certain individuals. House: Public Safety Referred to Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | VOLUNTEER FIREMEN & DEPARTMENTS
HB 1467 73-0 (1993) Author: Ogden, Steve
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the authority of a private school to obtain criminal history record information on employees and applicants for employment; providing a penalty. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/93 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers
HB 1500 73-0 (1993) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the authority of the Texas School for the Deaf to obtain criminal history record information on certain employees and applicants for employment. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEAF, TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE | Disabilities, Persons with
HB 1613 73-0 (1993) Author: Hartnett, Will | et. al. Relating to the qualification of an entity as a community home and to the authority of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation to obtain criminal history information records of a person eligible to reside in a community home; providing a criminal penalty. House: Public Health Referred to subcommittee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Mental Health & Mental Retardation
HB 1783 73-0 (1993) Author: Davila, Diana
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the authority of the attorney general to receive criminal history information from the Department of Public Safety about certain applicants for employment. House: Judicial Affairs
Senate: Jurisprudence
HB 1986 73-0 (1993) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the employment of persons with criminal histories in certain facilities serving the elderly or persons with disabilities; providing a criminal penalty. House: Public Health Left pending in committee | Aging | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with
HB 2311 73-0 (1993) Author: Edwards, Al Relating to the prohibition of employment discrimination against a person based on the person's criminal history record. House: Economic Development Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Relations | Labor--General
SB 35 73-0 (1993) Author: Ratliff, Bill Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Human Services to obtain criminal conviction records of employees of certain providers of services to the elderly or persons with disabilities. Senate: Health & Human Services Postponed in committee | Aging | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Human Services--Direct Assistance
SB 409 73-0 (1993) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to the obtaining of criminal conviction record information by the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | REHABILITATION COMMISSION
SB 510 73-0 (1993) Author: Moncrief, Mike
Sponsor: Counts, David
Relating to the continuation and operation of the Department of Public Safety, to the access that entities have to criminal history record information maintained by the department and certain other criminal justice agencies, and to the transfer of responsibility for law enforcement in the Capitol Complex from the General Services Commission to the Department of Public Safety; creating offenses; providing penalties. House: Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/93 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | GENERAL SERVICES COMMISSION | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF | Sunset Bills
SB 536 73-0 (1993) Author: Montford, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to disclosure of information by certain applicants for employment in residential dwelling projects; providing criminal penalties. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/93 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Housing
SB 804 73-0 (1993) Author: West, Royce Relating to the requirement of a handgun permit or a criminal record check before the transfer of a firearm and to the possession of a firearm by a felon; providing criminal penalties. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Weapons
SB 1394 73-0 (1993) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo Relating to criminal history information concerning an applicant for employment with a private elementary school; providing a penalty. Senate: Education Referred to Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers
HB 142 72-0 (1991) Author: Blair, Fred
Sponsor: Green, Gene
Relating to disclosure of information by applicants for employment in certain multi-occupant residential housing; providing criminal penalties. House: Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Vetoed by the Governor | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Housing | Labor--General
HB 286 72-0 (1991) Author: Yost, Gerald Relating to the expunction of arrest records of a person acquitted of a criminal offense. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 359 72-0 (1991) Author: Taylor, M.A.
Sponsor: Haley, Bill
Relating to allowing a school district to obtain criminal history information on bus drivers employed by public or commercial transportation companies that contract with the district. House: Public Safety
Senate: Education
Postponed in committee | Common Carriers | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--School Districts | SCHOOL BUSES
HB 1128 72-0 (1991) Author: Grusendorf, Kent
Sponsor: Harris, Chris
Relating to criminal background checks for child watch programs. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective in 90 days -- 8/26/91 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Services--Child Services | Law Enforcement | Minors
HB 1152 72-0 (1991) Author: Bosse, Fred Relating to access to the criminal history record information of employees of a school district. House: Public Education Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts
HB 1157 72-0 (1991) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to subcommittee | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 1348 72-0 (1991) Author: Blair, Fred Relating to disclosure of information by applicants for employment in apartments, hotels, and subsidized housing; and providing a criminal penalty. House: Public Safety Referred to Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Housing | Labor--General
HB 1486 72-0 (1991) Author: Madla, Frank
Sponsor: Brooks, Chet
Relating to access to criminal history record information on employees, applicants and volunteers who would be placed in direct contact with persons with mental illness or persons with mental retardation. House: Public Health
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/91 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Mental Health & Mental Retardation
HB 1892 72-0 (1991) Author: Naishtat, Elliott | et. al. Relating to criminal history checks of employees in certain facilities serving the elderly or disabled. House: Human Services Withdrawn from schedule | Aging | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Handicapped Persons
HB 2217 72-0 (1991) Author: Johnson, Jerry Relating to criminal history record information relating to applicants for employment with and employees of a school district. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--School Districts
HB 2345 72-0 (1991) Author: Carter, Bill
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to certain criminal records maintained by the Department of Public Safety. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on intent calendar | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF
SB 178 72-0 (1991) Author: Brown, J.E. Relating to the authority of a volunteer fire department to obtain from the Department of Public Safety and local law enforcement agencies the criminal conviction record of a volunteer fire fighter. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF | VOLUNTEER FIREMEN & DEPARTMENTS
SB 532 72-0 (1991) Author: Ellis, Rodney
Sponsor: Bosse, Fred
Relating to securing criminal history record information for the employees of public school districts or employees of a public or commercial transportation company that contracts with a school district. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective in 90 days -- 8/26/91 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts
SB 632 72-0 (1991) Author: Green, Gene Relating to disclosure of information by applicants for employment in apartments, hotels, and subsidized housing; and providing a criminal penalty. Senate: State Affairs Left pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Housing | Labor--General
SB 839 72-0 (1991) Author: Johnson, Eddie | et. al. Relating to a criminal record check before the transfer of a firearm and to possession of a firearm by a felon; providing criminal penalties. Senate: Economic Development Co-author authorized | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Weapons
SB 1087 72-0 (1991) Author: Ellis, Rodney
Sponsor: Barton, Erwin
Relating to the authority of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission to obtain criminal history record information relating to a prospective employee. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Placed on Major State Calendar | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Handicapped Persons | REHABILITATION COMMISSION | State Employees
SB 1175 72-0 (1991) Author: Brooks, Chet
Sponsor: Barton, Erwin
Relating to access to criminal history information records on certain court-appointed special advocates for children. House: Human Services
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/91 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors
HB 24 72-1 (1991) Author: Colbert, Paul Relating to the implementation of certain computerized criminal and criminal incident information systems. House: Corrections Referred to Corrections | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 98 72-1 (1991) Author: Blair, Fred Relating to disclosure of information by certain applicants for employment in multi-occupant residential housing; providing criminal penalties. House: Public Safety Referred to Public Safety | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Housing | Labor--General
HB 57 72-2 (1991) Author: Colbert, Paul Relating to the implementation of certain computerized criminal and criminal incident information systems. House: Corrections Referred to Corrections | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 115 71-0 (1989) Author: Hudson, David
Sponsor: Green, Gene
Relating to access by certain private institutions of higher education to criminal history records of employment applicants for security-sensitive positions. House: Higher Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--General
HB 461 71-0 (1989) Author: Blair, Fred Relating to a requirement that employees of multi-occupant residences disclose certain background information at the time of employment; providing a criminal penalty. House: Public Safety 1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal. | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Housing | Labor--General
HB 526 71-0 (1989) Author: Junell, Robert
Sponsor: Carriker, Steven
Relating to procedures for expunction of criminal records and files. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/89 | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS
HB 643 71-0 (1989) Author: Cain, David Relating to the access that local governments have to certain criminal history information in the custody of the Department of Public Safety. House: Public Safety Referred to subcommittee | City Government | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Political Subdivisions | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT. OF
HB 1087 71-0 (1989) Author: Seidlits, Jr., Curtis
Sponsor: Carriker, Steven
Relating to permitting local law enforcement agencies to obtain criminal history information records to investigate residents of a house that may be designated as a temporary safe haven for school-age children. House: Public Safety
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | Crime Prevention | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Human Services--Child Services | Law Enforcement | Minors
HB 1466 71-0 (1989) Author: Denton, Betty
Sponsor: Brooks, Chet | et. al.
Relating to access to, processing of, and use of certain criminal history records; providing a penalty; making an appropriation. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/89 | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Health | HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1498 71-0 (1989) Author: Edge, Eldon | et. al.
Sponsor: Tejeda, Frank
Relating to criminal history record information relating to applicants for employment with and employees of a school district; providing a criminal penalty. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective in 90 days-8/28/89 | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--School Districts | Education--Teachers & Other School Personnel
HB 1792 71-0 (1989) Author: Carter, Bill Relating to the establishment of a uniform system to gather and maintain criminal history records. House: Public Safety 1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal. | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 1857 71-0 (1989) Author: Colbert, Paul Relating to the establishment of a uniform criminal justice data base. House: Public Safety Withdrawn from schedule | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 1928 71-0 (1989) Author: Shine, Hugh Relating to access by the Texas Employment Commission to criminal history record information of certain applicants for employment. House: Labor and Employment Relations Reported favorably with substitute | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION, TEXAS | Labor--General | State Agencies
HB 1944 71-0 (1989) Author: Hill, Anita Relating to criminal history checks of employees of certain facilities that provide services to the elderly or disabled and that are licensed by the Texas Department of Health; providing a penalty. House: State Affairs Pending in committee | Aging | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF | Nursing Homes
HB 1964 71-0 (1989) Author: Edge, Eldon | et. al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to access to criminal history record information of applicants for a teaching certificate. House: State Affairs
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/89 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Teachers & Other School Personnel
HB 2263 71-0 (1989) Author: Counts, David
Sponsor: Dickson, Temple
Relating to access of criminal history record information by the adjutant general; providing a penalty. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | ADJUTANT GENERAL | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Military & Veterans
HB 2777 71-0 (1989) Author: Hury, James
Sponsor: Green, Gene
Relating to criminal history information records that the Texas Department of Human Services may obtain. House: State Affairs
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Human Services--General
SB 332 71-0 (1989) Author: Edwards, Chet | et. al.
Sponsor: Hill, Anita
Relating to the requirement for criminal history checks of nurse trainees for and employees of certain facilities that provide services to the elderly or disabled and that are licensed by the Texas Department of ... House: State Affairs
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/89 | Aging | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF | Nursing Homes
SB 734 71-0 (1989) Author: Haley, Bill
Sponsor: Shine, Hugh
Relating to access by the Texas Employment Commission to criminal history record information of certain applicants for employment. House: Labor and Employment Relations
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/89 | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION, TEXAS | Labor--General | State Agencies
SB 957 71-0 (1989) Author: Parmer, Hugh
Sponsor: Hill, Anita
Relating to criminal conviction checks of employees of subsidized housing for the elderly or disabled; providing a criminal penalty. House: State Affairs
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/89 | Aging | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Handicapped Persons | Housing
SB 1170 71-0 (1989) Author: McFarland, Bob | et. al. Relating to the establishment of a uniform system to gather and maintain criminal history records. Senate: Criminal Justice Co-author authorized | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 128 71-5 (1990) Author: Carter, Bill Relating to the collection of criminal history records and criminal justice information. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 39 71-6 (1990) Author: Carter, Bill Relating to the collection of criminal history records and criminal justice information. House: Public Safety Withdrawn from calendar | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 40 70-0 (1987) Author: Burnett, Dick Relating to the criminal records of proposed adoptive parents. House: Judiciary 1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal. | ADOPTION | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Family--Parent & Child
HB 56 70-0 (1987) Author: Johnson, Sam
Sponsor: Farabee, Ray
Relating to the use of victim testimony and police records of arrest at parole hearings. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Signed by the Governor | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL RECORDS | WITNESSES
HB 331 70-0 (1987) Author: Cooper, Anne Relating to the expunction of arrest records. House: Criminal Jurisprudence No action taken in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 353 70-0 (1987) Author: Barton, Erwin
Sponsor: Lyon, Ted
Relating to the authority of the governing board of the Texas School for the Blind to obtain criminal history information records to investigate certain employees; providing a penalty. House: Human Services
Senate: Education
Effective in 90 days-8/31/87 | BLIND, TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with
HB 471 70-0 (1987) Author: Harris, Chris
Sponsor: Glasgow, Bob
Relating to access to criminal histories of school district employees. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective in 90 days-8/31/87 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--School Districts | Law Enforcement
HB 593 70-0 (1987) Author: Cuellar, Henry
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to law enforcement records concerning a child. House: Judiciary
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective in 90 days-8/31/87 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 683 70-0 (1987) Author: Smith, Terral
Sponsor: Farabee, Ray
Relating to the admissibility of certain juvenile court adjudication records in the penalty phase of criminal trials. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/87 | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Criminal Procedure--Trial | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice
HB 761 70-0 (1987) Author: Burnett, Dick Relating to expunction of criminal records in certain cases involving children as victims of offenses. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Postponed in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS
HB 793 70-0 (1987) Author: Vowell, Jack Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation and community centers to obtain criminal conviction data relating to persons employed by a provider who contracts with the department or center. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | MENTAL HEALTH & MENTAL RETARDATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure
HB 1354 70-0 (1987) Author: Cain, David
Sponsor: Lyon, Ted
Relating to the authority of local law enforcement agencies to provide certain criminal history information to certain political subdivisions. House: Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Effective in 90 days-8/31/87 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Political Subdivisions
HB 1483 70-0 (1987) Author: Hudson, David
Sponsor: Green, Gene
Relating to the destruction of criminal history information obtained by institutions of higher education when filling security-sensitive positions. House: Higher Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--General
HB 1581 70-0 (1987) Author: Craddick, Tom Relating to a requirement that state agencies and school districts obtain criminal history information records of certain employees and employee applicants; providing penalties. House: State Affairs Pending in committee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure
HB 2169 70-0 (1987) Author: Polumbo, Anthony Relating to information in driving records maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety. House: Public Safety Pending in committee | ACCIDENTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 2403 70-0 (1987) Author: Carter, Bill
Sponsor: Henderson, Don
Relating to the establishment of a system to maintain criminal history records. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Reported favorably with substitute | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 81 70-0 (1987) Author: Green, Gene Relating to the release of information in certain records maintained by the Department of Public Safety. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
SB 200 70-0 (1987) Author: Edwards, Chet
Sponsor: Hill, Anita
Relating to mandatory criminal history checks of certain persons applying for employment at nursing homes and custodial care homes. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/87 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Nursing Homes
SB 496 70-0 (1987) Author: Parmer, Hugh
Sponsor: Vowell, Jack
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation and community centers to obtain criminal conviction data relating to persons employed by a provider who contracts with the department or center. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective in 90 days - 8/31/87 | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | MENTAL HEALTH & MENTAL RETARDATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
SB 832 70-0 (1987) Author: Green, Gene Relating to the destruction of criminal history information obtained by institutions of higher education when filling security-sensitive positions. House: Higher Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Higher Education | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Education--Higher--General
SB 983 70-0 (1987) Author: Montford, John Relating to the authority of the attorney general to obtain criminal history record information, nonconviction data, and other information recorded or maintained by or accessible to the Department of Public Safety. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | ATTORNEY GENERAL | CRIMINAL RECORDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 1069 70-0 (1987) Author: Harris, O.H.
Sponsor: Richardson, Bob
Relating to files and records of certain offenses committed by juveniles. House: Judiciary
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
HB 234 69-0 (1985) Author: Clemons, Billy Relating to the investigation by the Texas Department of Human Resources of an employee or prospective employee of a child-care facility, and to the offense of unauthorized disclosure of criminal records; providing a penalty. House: Human Services Referred to subcommittee | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care
HB 350 69-0 (1985) Author: Barton, Erwin Relating to the authority of the department of human resources to obtain criminal history information records from the Department of Public Safety, the Federal Bureau of Investigation identification division, or another law enforcement agency, and to the offense of unauthorized disclosure of criminal history information records; providing a penalty. House: Human Services Coauthor authorized | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HUMAN RESOURCES, TEXAS DEPT. OF | Human Services--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 651 69-0 (1985) Author: Berlanga, Hugo Relating to the authority of the comptroller of public accounts under the Bingo Enabling Act to obtain criminal history record information from the Department of Public Safety, the Federal Bureau of Investigation identification division, or other law enforcement agency, and to the offense of unauthorized disclosure of criminal history information records; providing a penalty. House: Ways & Means Laid on table subj. to call in comm. | Amusements, Games, Sports | BINGO | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
SB 48 69-0 (1985) Author: Lyon, Ted
Sponsor: Barton, Erwin
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Human Resources to obtain criminal history information records from the Department of Public Safety, the Federal Bureau of Investigation identification division, or another law enforcement agency; to the custody, use, and disposition of the information; and to the offense of unauthorized disclosure of criminal history information records; providing a penalty. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Resources
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | HUMAN RESOURCES, TEXAS DEPT. OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 115 69-0 (1985) Author: Sharp, John Relating to the authority of the department of human resources to obtain criminal history information records from the Department of Public Safety, the Federal Bureau of Investigation identification division, or another law enforcement agency, and to the offense of unauthorized disclosure of criminal history information records; providing a penalty. Senate: Health & Human Resources Referred to Health & Human Resources | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Day Care | HUMAN RESOURCES, TEXAS DEPT. OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 303 69-0 (1985) Author: Truan, Carlos
Sponsor: Berlanga, Hugo
Relating to the authority of the comptroller of public accounts under the Bingo Enabling Act to obtain criminal history record information from the Department of Public Safety, the Federal Bureau of Investigation identification division, or other law enforcement agency, and to the offense of unauthorized disclosure of criminal history information records; providing a penalty. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Economic Development
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . | Amusements, Games, Sports | BINGO | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CRIMINAL RECORDS
SB 358 69-0 (1985) Author: Brown, J.E.
Sponsor: Willy, John
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Health to investigate an employee or prospective employee of a nursing home or custodial care home and to the offense of unauthorized disclosure of criminal records; providing civil immunity for certain institutions, officers, and employees; providing a penalty. House: Retirement & Aging
Senate: Health & Human Resources
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . | CRIMINAL RECORDS | HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF | Nursing Homes
SB 521 69-0 (1985) Author: Lyon, Ted
Sponsor: Barton, Erwin
Relating to the authority of the governing board of the Texas School for the Blind to obtain criminal history information records from the Department of Public Safety, the Federal Bureau of Investigation identification division, or another law enforcement agency; to the custody, use, and disposition of the information; and to the offense of unauthorized disclosure of criminal history information records; providing a penalty. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Resources
1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal. | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Disabilities, Persons with | Education--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 522 69-0 (1985) Author: Lyon, Ted Relating to the authority of the governing board of the Texas Youth Commission to obtain criminal history information from the Department of Public Safety, the Federal Bureau of Investigation identification division, or another law enforcement agency, and to the offense of unauthorized disclosure of criminal history information records; providing a penalty. Senate: Health & Human Resources Referred to Health & Human Services | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Minors--Juvenile Justice | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | YOUTH COMMISSION
SB 523 69-0 (1985) Author: Lyon, Ted
Sponsor: Barton, Erwin
Relating to the authority of the governing board of the Texas School for the Deaf to obtain criminal history information records from the Department of Public Safety, the Federal Bureau of Investigation identification division, or another law enforcement agency; to the custody, use, and disposition of the information; and to the offense of unauthorized disclosure of criminal history information records; providing a penalty. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Resources
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . | CRIMINAL RECORDS | DEAF, TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE | Disabilities, Persons with | Education--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 29 68-0 (1983) Author: Green, Gene Relating to the authority of the department of human resources to obtain criminal records of a person providing or applying to provide adoptive or foster care. House: Human Services Referred to subcommittee | ADOPTION | CRIMINAL RECORDS | FOSTER CARE | Human Services--Child Services
HB 879 68-0 (1983) Author: Burnett, Dick Relating to the furnishing of criminal history record information by criminal justice agencies; providing a penalty. House: Criminal Jurisprudence No action taken | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement
HB 1042 68-0 (1983) Author: Millsap, Mike Relating to the use of fingerprinting and criminal history record information for certain employment purposes by the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation or community centers for mental health & mental retardation services. House: Public Health Referred to Committee on Public Health | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions