Last action: No action taken in committee
Author: Steven Wolens
Joint Author: Kim Brimer
Coauthor: Tony Goolsby | Ray Allen | Mike Martin | Joe Crabb | Frank Corte | Mike Krusee
Sponsor: Don Henderson
Bill Analyses:
Committee Report (House Research Organization)
Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
House Committee: Criminal Jurisprudence (Allen Place, Ray Allen, Susan Combs, Eddie De La Garza, Al Granoff, Sherri Greenberg, Will Hartnett, Pedro Nieto, Jim Solis, Mark Stiles, Robert Talton)
March 22 1993 | April 15 1993 | April 19 1993
House Committee: Subcommittee on HB 2506 (Susan Combs, Eddie De La Garza, Will Hartnett)
Senate Committee: Jurisprudence (Don Henderson, J.E. Brown, Chris Harris, O.H. Harris, Gregory Luna, Carl Parker, Royce West)
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