Texas State Budget

Budget process for the 2026-2027 biennium*

2024 2025
  • Hearings end and the process of "markup" begins. The Senate and House committees revise their appropriations bills to reflect their funding decisions. The revised bills are issued as committee reports, which are sent to each chamber for a vote by the full body. The committee reports may be further amended before passage. (The House and the Senate historically have taken turns on whose bill is passed first to go to the other chamber for consideration. The other chamber usually substitutes its own version of the bill.)
  • The Lt. Governor of the Senate and the Speaker of the House appoint a conference committee to reconcile differences between the House-passed and the Senate-passed versions of the appropriations bill.  
  • The conference committee drafts a budget that reconciles differences between the House and Senate versions and files it as the conference committee report. It is sent to both chambers for final approval. Further amendment is prohibited.
  • The last day of the 89th Regular Legislative Session is June 2, 2025.

*Dates of events are approximate.

View budget timeline for the 2016-17 biennium | 2018-19 biennium | 2020-21 biennium | 2022-23 biennium | 2024-25 biennium

Budget documents and information

General Appropriations Act documents for the current biennium
Governor's proposed base budget
Biennial Revenue Estimate (Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts)
Detailed biennial revenue estimate as required of the Comptroller by Article III, Section 49a of the Texas Constitution.
Agency Legislative Appropriations Requests (Legislative Budget Board)
Texas Annual Cash Report (Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts)
The Legislative Budget Board website
Documents from the current budgeting session are being continually added to this site. Other documents produced by the LBB, including Fiscal Size-Up and Texas Fact Book, are also available.

Past appropriations bills

General appropriations acts (40th, 1st C.S. - present)
Scanned versions of passed general appropriations acts and major biennial appropriations bills from 1927 - present.
Total appropriations by session, 1963 - 2017 (58th R.S. - 85th R.S.)
Chart showing the total amount appropriated by each general appropriations act from the 58th through 85th Legislatures.

Information about the budget process

Budget 101: A guide to the budget process in Texas (Senate Research Center, January 2023)
Detailed primer on the budget-writing process in Texas. Includes descriptions of the legislative budgeting process, as well as the activities of other state offices and agencies, and provides a useful glossary of terms.
Budget and Finance (Texas Comptroller)
Includes links for budget and expenditure search tools, as well as budget, financial and economic reports produced by the Texas Comptroller.
State revenue and expenditure dashboard (Texas Comptroller)
Explore revenue and expenditures by fiscal year, state agency, revenue category, appropriated fund, and comptroller object code.
Writing the state budget: 88th Legislature (House Research Organization, September 25, 2023)
Overview of the budget-writing process in the 88th Legislature. Includes a discussion of constitutional limits on state spending

Information on this website is provided as a public service by the Legislative Reference Library. The Legislative Reference Library makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy and makes no warranty in regards to its use. Users assume all risk of reliance on the information included on this site.