Legislative Reference Library

Texas Legislators: Past & Present

Thomas Roger Joseph

Thomas R. Joseph, Jr.
Full Name: Thomas Roger "Tom" Joseph, Jr.
Birth date: August 5, 1926
Death date: October 30, 2010

Terms of Service

  • House, 55th (2) Legislature
    1/8/1957 - 1/13/1959
  • House, 54th Legislature
    1/11/1955 - 1/8/1957
  • House, 53rd Legislature
    1/13/1953 - 1/11/1955
  • House, 52nd (1) (3) Legislature
    11/13/1951 - 1/13/1953
(1) Thomas R. Joseph, Jr., in special election 11/13/1951, succeeded Hiram Staton, resigned 9/5/1951. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004 2005.
(2) Builder, developer, lawyer. "55th Texas Legislature: 20 Senators, 62 Representatives of 55th Legislature Are Lawyers; Other Legislators Have Varied Occupations, Jobs," Volume 20, Number 1, January 1957, pp. 6, 7, 48. Texas Bar Journal .
(3) Succeeded predecessor on 11/13/1951. Texas Legislative Manual .

Biographical Notes and Resources


Other Resources

  • Memorial, March 2011, p. 259. Texas Bar Journal .
  • Joseph, Jr., Thomas Roger. Texas State Cemetery .
  • United States Navy, World War II, "served two years on a destroyer in the Pacific front." Texas State Cemetery .
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