72nd Legislature, 4th C.S., HR 35, honoring the members of the House of Representatives who have served in the military forces of the United States.
Resolutions - Congratulatory and Honorary .
United States Army Reserve, Captain, "placed on alert status to the Judge Advocate General's Corps at Fort Hood during the Persian Gulf War." 72nd Legislature, 4th C.S., HR 35.
Resolutions - Congratulatory and Honorary .
Eddie De La Garza,Members of the 74th Legislature Texas House of Representatives (CD-RW)
Star Legislator, "Legislative Stars Shine Through Difficult Session," Volume 15, Number 2, Summer 1995, pp. 8-9, 29.
The Classroom Teacher: The Magazine of the Texas Classroom Teachers Association .
"De la Garza won't resign if called up," 1/19/1991. Relatives: Eligio De La Garza - Uncle; Eddie De La Garza - Nephew.
Valley Morning Star .
"De la Garza is a captain in the 365th Armory Reserve Unit in McAllen but will begin serving in Judge Advocate General Corps, a lawyer branch of the army reserves, on Aug. 31." "State Representative-Elect Prepared for Gulf Duty," 8/29/1990. Assigned to a unit at Fort Hood. "De la Garza Won't Resign if Called Up," 1/19/1991.
Valley Morning Star .