72nd Legislature, 4th C.S., HR 35, honoring the members of the House of Representatives who have served in the military forces of the United States.
Resolutions - Congratulatory and Honorary .
Proposal for brush control funding and San Angelo water supply, map of North Concho River Watershed, "Beating the Brush: State Rep. Rob Junell of San Angelo Has Proposed a Local, Long-Overdue Brush Control/Water Plan," August 1998.
Ranch & Rural Living .
Junell named outstanding freshman legislator by the Texas House, "House selects Robert Junell as its outstanding freshman," 5/27/1989.
San Angelo Standard-Times .
Biographical sketch included in "Texas Government Insider," August 2008.
Strategic Partnerships, Inc. 2008.
Biographical sketch, "TCJL's 'Eleven Best' Legislators," July 1999, pp. 1, 3.
Texas Civil Justice League Advocate .
Biographical sketch, "Maverick in the Middle: State Rep. Robert 'Rob' Junell Has Learned the Ropes, But Still Likes a Wild Ride," by Janet Elliott, Volume 14, Number 42, 1/11/1999.
Texas Lawyer .
Honorable Mention, "Legislative Stars Shine Through Difficult Session," Volume 15, Number 2, Summer 1995, pp. 8-9, 29
The Classroom Teacher: The Magazine of the Texas Classroom Teachers Association .