Legislative Reference Library

Texas Legislators: Past & Present

Drummond Webster Bartlett

D.W. Bartlett
Full Name: Drummond Webster Bartlett
Birth date: January 20, 1895
Death date: March 29, 1963

Terms of Service

  • House, 39th (1) Legislature
    1/13/1925 - 4/11/1926
(1) Edwin C. Street, in special election 9/4/1926, sworn 9/13/1926, succeeded Drummond W. Bartlett, resigned 4/11/1926. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004 2005.

Biographical Notes and Resources

Resolutions and Journal entries

  • 58th Legislature, R.S., SR 363. Resolutions - Memorial .
  • United States Army/Texas National Guard, World War I. "At the beginning of World War I he joined the 36th Division, and went overseas with that outfit for more than a year." Resolutions - Memorial .


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