Biographical sketch and portrait, Burette W. Patterson, "Patterson Seeks Place on Bench," 3/18/1928, p. 22. Patterson announced as candidate for associate justice of the 11th court of civil appeals at Eastland. "Judge Patterson was a member of the 38th Legislature, 1923, during which time he was an administration leader, introducing one of the chief law enforcement measures, and was co-author of the bill creating Texas Technological College, afterward located by the committee at Lubbock. He decline to offer for re-election to the legislature."
Obituary and photo, "Judge Patterson Dies at Eastland," 7/20/1955, p. 12.
Abilene Reporter-News .
Obituary, "Judge Burette Patterson Succumbs at Eastland," 7/21/1955, section 1, p. 17.
Dallas Morning News .
Census of 1900, 1920, 1930 - B.W./Burette W. Patterson, Cisco, Eastland County, born September 1871 in Arkansas, lawyer, spouse Sarah, daughter Norma.
Census of 1940 - Burrette Patterson, Eastland, Eastland County, born circa 1872 in Oklahoma [sic], Judge - District Court, spouse Helen.
FamilySearch . 19301940
Burette W. Patterson, birth date 9/7/1871 in Stone County, Arkansas; death date 7/20/1955 in Eastland, Eastland County, Texas; attorney.
FamilySearch Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 .
Burette W. Patterson (1871-1955), Dallas Morning News obituary dated 7/21/1955, burial in Oakwood Cemetery, Cisco, Eastland County. Judge of the 88th District Court of Eastland County, 1933-1945. Wife Sarah Davies Patterson died 1934; second marriage in 1936 to Helen Manton Grimes.
Find a Grave .
"In Chambers We Learn," October 1945, p. 458. "After twelve years as judge of the 88th District Court, B.W. Patterson retired on September 3 to re-enter the private practice of law in Ranger. Previously Judge Patterson had served as city attorney of Cisco and had practiced law in Cisco and Pauls Valley, Okla. He served in the Texas Legislature in 1923-24."
Memorial, Burette Winston Patterson, October 1955, p. 605.
Texas Bar Journal .
38th Legislature (1923) - B.W. Patterson, postoffice Cisco, nativity Arkansas, age 51 (born circa 1872), lawyer, Democrat.
Texas Legislative Manual .
Burette Winston Patterson, Memorial, Eastland County Bar Association resolution, "County Bar in Tribute to Judge Patterson," Eastland Telegram, 7/26/1955, pp. 1, 6. Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library,
Texas Tech University Libraries .
Obituary and photo, "Judge Patterson's Rites at 4 Today," Eastland Telegram, 7/21/1955, p. 1. Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library.
Texas Tech University Libraries .
Biographical sketch, "Patterson in Race for Judge 88th Judicial District," Cisco Weekly Citizen, 2/5/1932, p. 1.
Texas Tech University Libraries .