Census of 1920 - Theo C. [T.] Thompson, Clarksville, Red River County, age 53, born circa 1867, lawyer/general practice, spouse Willie, son Aron.
FamilySearch .
Theodore Travis Thompson, birth date 4/20/1866, death date 11/12/1934 in Red River County, attorney at law/lawyer.
FamilySearch Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 .
Travis T. Thompson.
Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004 2005.
Remembrance of Theo Thompson, "recently deceased . . . represented Red River County in the legislature for two or more terms." "Backward Glances: Appreciation of Two Red River Men: Sam Cunningham Recalls Characteristics of Geo Grant and Theo. Thompson," 12/13/1934, p. 4 (right margin partially obscured).
Paris News .
37th Legislature (1921) - T.T. Thompson, postoffice Clarksville, nativity Texas, age 54 (born circa 1867), 54 years in Texas, lawyer, member of former legislatures: 35th, Democrat.
Texas Legislative Manual .
Theodore Travis Thompson, birth date 1867, death date 11/12/1934, burial in Slate Cemetery, Red River County. "Former State Legislature Member, represented the 36th District [sic]; husband of Willie Ella Thompson." Red River County,
TXGenWeb Project .