Terms of Service
1/9/1917 - 9/11/1917
34th Legislature
1/12/1915 - 1/9/1917
3/13/1913 - 1/12/1915
Tiller and Blaylock elected 3/10/1913. "Two University Men Chosen to Legislature," Tuesday evening, 3/11/1913, p. 1.
Denton Record-Chronicle .
"Election to Fill Vacancies in House: Tiller Leads in the Eighty-Sixth District - Blaylock is Ahead in Gregg County," 3/11/1913, p. 4.
Galveston Daily News .
Resolution granting leaves of absence to members who enlisted for military service, pp. 155-156.
House Journal .
Communications from the Acting Governor relating to resignations of Representatives George E.B. Peddy and Myron G. Blalock, p. 69. Peddy's resignation accepted 9/10/1917 and Blalock's accepted 9/11/1917.
House Journal .
Felix J. McCord, in special election 2/15/1918, sworn 2/26/1918, succeeded Myron G. Blalock, resigned effective 9/11/1917.
Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004 2005.
Myron G. Blalock, in special election 3/10/1913, sworn 3/13/1913, succeeded Lee Killingsworth, died 2/13/1913.
Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004 2005.
"Trench Fights Rage Daily at Camp Funston," 8/1/1917, "Legislators Leave Camp." Myron G. Blalock, E.R. Spencer, Wallace Hawkins, George Peddy, and Harry Fisher, all in military training at Camp Funston, left the camp on Tuesday, 7/31/1917 to attend impeachment proceedings against Governor Ferguson. Another member, Woodall Rogers, also at the Camp, "has been transferred to Fortress Monroe and in all probability cannot attend the session."
San Antonio Light .
Democrat in 33rd-35th Legislatures.
Texas Legislative Manual .