Legislative Reference Library

Texas Legislators: Past & Present

Steve Ogden

Steve Ogden
Full Name: Stephen Eugene "Steve" Ogden

Terms of Service

  • Senate, 82nd Legislature
    1/11/2011 - 1/8/2013
    Senate President Pro Tempore, Regular Session, elected 1/11/2011.
  • Senate, 81st & 80th Legislatures
    1/9/2007 - 1/11/2011
  • Senate, 79th & 78th (5) Legislatures
    1/14/2003 - 1/9/2007
  • Senate, 77th & 76th Legislatures
    1/11/1999 - 1/14/2003
  • Senate, 75th (1) (2) (4) Legislature
    2/4/1997 - 1/12/1999
  • House, 75th (1) (2) (4) Legislature
    1/14/1997 - 1/28/1997
  • House, 74th Legislature
    1/10/1995 - 1/14/1997
  • House, 73rd Legislature
    1/12/1993 - 1/10/1995
  • House, 72nd (3) Legislature
    1/8/1991 - 1/12/1993
(1) Message from the Governor, certifying the tabulation of votes, statement of canvass for special election for State Senate District 5, held January 28, 1997; Steve Ogden duly elected State Senator, District 5. Governor George W. Bush .
(2) 75th Legislature - Roll of Members-Elect, 1/14/1997, p. 3; Announcement by the Speaker regarding Roman oath of office, 2/3/1997, p. 204. House Journal .
(3) House bio - Steve Ogden, 1/1/1991 and 3/1/1992 - home city Bryan. Legislative Clipping Service .
(4) In Senate, Stephen E. Ogden, in special election 1/28/1997, sworn 2/4/1997, succeeded James W. Turner, resigned 1/2/1997. In House, Bill Roman, in special election 1/28/1997, sworn 2/1/1997, succeeded Stephen E. Ogden, resigned 1/28/1997 to take oath of office of senator. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004 2005.
(5) 78th Legislature - Drawing for Terms of Office, 1/14/2003, SR 7, pp. 15-16. Drew 4-year term. Senate Journal .

Biographical Notes and Resources

Resolutions and Journal entries

  • 72nd Legislature, 4th C.S., HR 35, honoring the members of the House of Representatives who have served in the military forces of the United States. Resolutions - Congratulatory and Honorary .
  • United States Navy, Lieutenant Commander, Vietnam era, "served in the nuclear submarine force of the Navy." 72nd Legislature, 4th C.S., HR 35. Resolutions - Congratulatory and Honorary .
  • Election of President Pro Tempore, 82nd Legislature, Regular Session, Senator Steve Ogden, nominating speeches and address by President Pro Tempore, 1/11/2011, pp. 14-18. Senate Journal .


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