Terms of Service
1/10/1905 - 5/14/1905
28th Legislature
1/13/1903 - 1/10/1905
"Ware to Live in El Paso," 5/21/1905, p. 7, Austin, Tex. "Representative W.B. Ware of Clarendon, Donley County, is still in the city and today stated that he had definitely decided to change his residence to El Paso, where he will be connected with the legal department of the Southern Pacific."
Galveston Daily News .
29th Legislature, 2nd C.S., 3/26/1906, p. 2. Notice of vacancies in the House due to resignations of Hon. W.B. Ware and Hon. A.L. Sharpe and deaths of Hon. J.D. Woods and Hon. Lon A. Hagan; elections and oaths of office of Thos. B. Peareson, Charles Davis, Jr., J.R. Bowman, and W.J. Mathis, sworn 3/26/1906.
House Journal .
J. Richard Bowman, in special election 2/15/1906, succeeded W.B. Ware, resigned after 1st C.S. (4/15/1905 - 5/14/1905).
Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004 2005.
Governor ordered elections to fill vacancies caused by the "resignation of Hon. A.L. Sharpe, appointed collector of customs," "removal of W.B. Ware from Amarillo," and "the death of the late Judge J.D. Woods of Grayson county." "Fill Vacancies: Governor Takes Steps to Replace Retired Legislators . . . ,"
The Houston Post, 1/4/1906, p. 3.
Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries) .
"Hon. W.B. Ware returned from Austin this week and was here only long enough to see to the shipment of his effects to El Paso, where he will be in the employ of the Southern Pacific road. He says it is his intention, ultimately, to make his home in San Antonia. -Clarendon Chronicle."
Canyon City News, 6/2/1905, p. 4.
Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries) .