Robert "Lee" Ragsdale," birth date 1/13/1862 in Houlka, Chicasaw County, Mississippi; death date 1/27/1902 in Denton, Denton County, Texas. billie nelson wimberly Family Tree. .
Death notice, Hon. R. Lee Ragsdale, 1/28/1902, p. 7. Death date 1/27/1902, "former member of the Legislature from this county [Denton]."
Dallas Morning News .
Census of 1900 - Robert L. Ragsdale, Denton, Denton County, age 36, born January 1864 in Mississippi, attorney at law, mother Margurite, wife Laurie.
FamilySearch .
Robert Lee Ragsdale (1862-1902), burial in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Denton, Denton County, with spouse Laurie Nichols Ragsdale.
Find a Grave .
Mentions former State Representative R. Lee Ragsdale's involvement in establishment of State Industrial School for Girls, pp. 261-262.
History of Denton County, From Its Beginning to 1960 1978.