George Hancock, birth date 2/27/1809, death date 1/6/1879, portrait, burial in Oakwood Cemetery, Austin, Travis County.
Find a Grave .
HANCOCK, GEORGE DUNCAN (1809-1879). "In 1861 Hancock, an ardent Unionist like his brother, John Hancock, retired from business." Relatives: George Duncan Hancock and John Hancock - brothers.
Handbook of Texas Online .
Texas Revolution, Battle of San Jacinto, Private in Capt. William Kimbro's company of Col. Sidney Sherman's Second Regiment, Texas Volunteers. After 1842, Capt. Bartlett Sims's company of Col. James R. Cook's regiment of the South Western Army.
Handbook of Texas Online .
Included in "Table II, Constitutional Unionists (Identified from newspapers) with Biographical Data," list of leaders of the Texas Constitutional Union Party in 1860. The party was formed in January of 1860. "The Constitutional Union Party in Texas," The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 82, Number 3, January 1979, pp. 238, 256-262, crediting Texas State Historical Association.
Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries) .
Table II, Constitutional Unionists