William Branch Sayers, birth date 2/22/1843, death date 2/24/1898, lawyer, born in Mississippi, brother of Joseph D. Sayers, son of David Sayers. Craddock/Sayers/Stuhler Families family tree.
Ancestry.com .
Census of 1870 - William B. Sayers, Gonzales, Gonzales County, age 27, born circa 1843 in Mississippi, lawyer.
Census of 1880 - Wm. B. Sayers, Gonzales, Gonzales County, age 37, born circa 1843 in Mississippi, lawyer and banker.
FamilySearch . 18801870
Confederate States Army, 8th Texas Cavalry (Terry's Texas Rangers); later attained the rank of Major in the Adjutant General's Department.
Handbook of Texas Online .
Biographical and portrait of Joseph D. Sayers, pp. 359-374. Relatives: Joseph Draper Sayers and William B. Sayers - brothers.
Year Book for Texas, 1901 1902.