Legislative Reference Library

Texas Legislators: Past & Present

Hamilton Prioleau Bee

Hamilton Prioleau Bee
Full Name: Hamilton Prioleau Bee
Birth date: July 22, 1822
Death date: October 3, 1897

Terms of Service

  • House, 7th (2) (4) Legislature
    11/2/1857 - 11/7/1859
  • House, 6th Legislature
    11/5/1855 - 11/2/1857
  • House, 5th (1) Legislature
    12/7/1853 - 11/5/1855
  • House, 4th Legislature
    11/3/1851 - 11/7/1853
  • House, 3rd (3) Legislature
    11/5/1849 - 11/3/1851
(1) Not present at organization of the House on 11/7/1853. Bee sworn on 12/7/1853, p. 203. House Journal .
(2) Democrat. Roster of 7th Legislature, "Texas Legislature Complete for 1857-8," Civilian and Gazette. Weekly. (Galveston, Texas), 9/8/1857, p. 2, crediting Dolph Briscoe Center for American History. Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries) .
(3) Roster of members elect of the 3rd Legislature, Matthewson, R.C., Texas State Gazette (Austin, Texas), 9/29/1849, p. 6, crediting Dolph Briscoe Center for American History. Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries) .
(4) Members of the Seventh Legislature, Biographical Notes - Members, April 1937 issue. Southern Historical Research Magazine 1937.

Biographical Notes and Resources

Resolutions and Journal entries

  • 5th Legislature - Roll of Members, Hamilton Bee, age 32, native state South Carolina, emigrated from South Carolina in 1837, merchant, postoffice Laredo, Webb County. House Journal .


Other Resources

  • Ham P. Bee, mentioned in footnote, Volume II, p. 75. "As early as 1850 Laredo and vicinity was organized as one of the counties of the State ot Texas. In 1853 it had the honor of electing one of its citizens, Ham P. Bee (afterwards a major general in the Confederate army) to the legislature, who as the second Speaker of the House of Representatives, distinguished himself as one of the ablest and most popular speakers who have ever presided over the Lower House of the Texas legislature." A Twentieth Century History of Southwest Texas Illustrated 1907.
  • Biographical sketch, General Hamilton Prioleau Bee, Volume I, pp. 106-108. A Twentieth Century History of Southwest Texas Illustrated 1907.
  • Biographical sketch. American Legislative Leaders, 1850-1910 1989.
  • Biographical sketch, General Hamilton P. Bee; mentions son Carlos Bee, pp. 72-73. Biographical Souvenir of the State of Texas, Containing Biographical Sketches of the Representative Public, and Many Early Settled Families 1889.
  • Confederate States Army, Brigadier General. Military grave marker, Hamilton Prioleau Bee, birth date 7/22/1822, death date 10/3/1897, biographical sketch, portrait, burial in Confederate Cemetery, San Antonio, Bexar County. Find a Grave .
  • BEE, HAMILTON PRIOLEAU (1822-1897). Handbook of Texas Online .
  • BEE, CARLOS (1867-1932). Relatives: Hamilton P. Bee, father; Carlos Bee, son. Handbook of Texas Online .
  • Texas Militia, Brigadier General, 1861. Confederate States Army, Brigadier General, appointed 3/4/1862. Handbook of Texas Online .
  • Mentioned in I Would Rather Sleep in Texas: a History of the Lower Rio Grande Valley and the People of the Santa Anita Land Grant 2003.
  • Mentioned in footnote, Hamilton P. Bee, p. 95. "Hamilton P. Bee was Secretary to the United States and Texas Boundary Commission, 1839-40; Secretary of the first State Senate in 1846; a gallant soldier in the Mexican war; eight years a member of the Legislature from the Rio Grande, and Speaker of the House in 1855-56; a Brigadier-General in the Confederate army, losing a handsome estate by the war, and later served as Commissioner of Insurance, Statistics and History of the State of Texas." Indian Wars and Pioneers of Texas 1890.
  • Mentioned in Ralph A. Wooster, "Membership in the Early Texas Legislatures, 1850-1860," The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 69, Number 2. October 1965, pp. 163-173, crediting Texas State Historical Association. Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries) .
  • 11th Speaker of the House of Representatives: Hamilton Prioleau Bee. Portrait and biographical sketch. Presiding Officers of the Texas Legislature, 1846-2016 2016.
  • Relatives: Edward R. Tarver and Hamilton Prioleau Bee - brothers-in-law. TARVER-L Archives, Mary Mildred Tarver & brother Edward R. Tarver. RootsWeb.com Internet genealogical service .
  • Biographical sketch, pp. 31-32. Texans Who Wore the Gray 1907.
  • Hamilton Prioleau Bee. Texas Burial Sites of Civil War Notables: A Biographical and Pictorial Field Guide 2002.
  • Biographical sketch and portrait, pp. 3-4, 76-77, Plate No. 2. Texas in the War, 1861-1865 1965.
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