Terms of Service
12/14/1847 - 11/5/1849
Elected but never sworn
Entire Senate went up for reelection due to Senatorial redistricting. Act approved Mar. 1848, 2nd Legislature, ch. 162,
Apportionment Laws of Texas, 1836-1950 1950.
Election Returns, 11/20/1847, p. 4. "Copied from the official returns of the vote, at the recent election, in the whole of Liberty, and three precincts in Polk county . . .", Senator: W.C. Abbott, 215 votes in Liberty Co., 65 in Polk, 3 precincts.
Civilian and Galveston Gazette (Galveston, Texas) .
William C. Abbott, in special election 11/1/1847, sworn in 2nd Legislature, succeeded to unexpired term of George T. Wood, granted leave of absence 5/4/1846, resigned before 9/4/1847. Abbott elected but never sworn in 1st Legislature.
Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004 2005.
2nd Legislature - Not present at the organization of the Senate. Oath of office, 12/14/1847, p. 4.
Senate Journal .