Biographical sketch, obituary, "Honoring the Life and Service of Former Texas State Representative John Clifford Otto," speech by Hon. Brian Babin of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives, Friday, 8/7/2020. Extensions of Remarks, 8/7/2020, p. E736-E737.
Congressional Record .
Armando Martinez chosen Freshman of the Year (Democrat) and John Otto chosen Freshman of the Year (Republican), 79th Legislature, "Lawmaker Named Freshman of the Year," 5/26/2005.
McAllen Monitor .
United States Army, Second Lieutenant. Biographical sketch, 84th Legislature: "Honored as a distinguished military graduate, he received his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army and reported to Fort Benjamin Harrison for finance officer training. He served in the Army for eight years on active duty and in the reserves before being honorably discharged."
Texas House of Representatives .
Texas House of Representatives