Legislative Reference Library

Texas Legislators: Past & Present

Chet Brooks

Chet Brooks
Full Name: Chester Edward "Chet" Brooks
Birth date: August 18, 1935
Death date: May 11, 2016

Terms of Service

(1) Sworn 11/23/1964. Oaths of Office .
(2) Sworn 11/23/1962. Oaths of Office .
(3) 68th Legislature - Drawing for Terms of Office, 3/17/1983, p. 495. Drew 4-year term (also see message from President, p. 467). Senate Journal .
(4) 63rd Legislature - Drawing for Terms of Office, 1/10/1973, pp. 12-13. Drew 2-year term. Senate Journal .
(5) 60th Legislature - Drawing for Terms of Office, 1/11/1967, p. 19. Drew 4-year term. Senate Journal .
(6) 67th Legislature - Presentation of Deans of Senate, 1/13/1981, p. 8. [The Senate] selected 3 Members to serve as Deans of the Senate. Senator Brooks will serve the first 4 mos; Senator Mauzy the second 4 mos and Senator Snelson the last 4 mos of the year. Senate Journal .
(7) Journal does not indicate who assumed title of Dean of the Senate during the regular session. However, Chet Brooks served as chair of the senate caucus, an honor traditionally bestowed upon the dean, pp. 4-6, 69th Legislature, Regular Session, Senate Journal .
(8) Journal refers to Chet Brooks as Dean of the Senate, p. 10, 68th Legislature, Regular Session. Senate Journal .
(9) 2-year term; entire Senate went up for reelection in 1992 due to redistricting. Texas Constitution Art. III, §3, Election and term of office of Senators .
(10) 2-year term; entire Senate went up for reelection in 1972 due to redistricting. Texas Constitution Art. III, §3, Election and term of office of Senators .
(11) Refers to Chet Brooks as 'Dean of the Senate,' 'The Ten Best and [Groan] the Ten Worst,' July 1985, Texas Monthly .
(12) Senators Brooks, Mauzy, and Snelson shared the title of dean. See the Senate Journal, 67th Legislature, Vol. I, p. 8. Texas Senate, Secretary of the Senate - Memo, January 8, 2002, 'Deans of the Texas Senate' 2002.
(13) Brooks and Mauzy shared seniority during the 68th Legislature, Texas Senate, Secretary of the Senate - Memo, January 8, 2002, 'Deans of the Texas Senate' 2002.
(14) Brooks and Mauzy shared seniority during the 69th Legislature, Texas Senate, Secretary of the Senate - Memo, January 8, 2002, 'Deans of the Texas Senate' 2002.

Biographical Notes and Resources

Selected Newspaper articles

Resolutions and Journal entries

Texas Monthly's Best and Worst Legislators

  • Named one of 'The Worst'. Best and Worst Legislators 1985.
  • Awarded 'Best Single Performance'. Best and Worst Legislators 1983.
  • Named 'Dishonorable Mention'. Best and Worst Legislators 1975.
  • Named 'Honorable Mention'. Best and Worst Legislators 1973.


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