Legislative Reference Library

31st 1st Called Session
March 13, 1909 - April 11, 1909


Governor: Thomas Mitchell Campbell
Lieutenant Governor: information not available.
Speaker(s) of the House: Austin Milton Kennedy  John Wesley Marshall 

Special Session Topics

  • Consider and act upon such other matters as may hereafter be presented, pursuant to Section 10, Article 3 of the Constitution of the State of Texas. [Sat Mar 13, 1909]
  • Enact adequate laws granting adequate authority and ample means to the State Health Department to properly safeguard the public health and to secure greater efficiency in our public health agencies. [Sat Mar 13, 1909]
  • Enact adequate laws simplifying the procedure in both civil and criminal courts of this State, and enact laws amending and changing the existing laws governing court procedure, as will reduce the present unusual and unnecessary expense of litigation, and as will tend to the speedy administration of justice in civil and criminal cases. [Sat Mar 13, 1909]
  • Enact laws for the establishment of additional experimental agricultural stations, especially in Central West and Northwest Texas. [Sat Mar 13, 1909]
  • Enact laws or amendments to the present statutes relating to the fish and oyster industries, as may be necessary to promote the fish and oyster industries, and to properly protect the interests of the people in this great food supply, and to increase and protect the fisheries of Texas. [Sat Mar 13, 1909]
  • Enact laws providing for the prompt establishment of an effective system for the guaranty for the deposits of State banks of Texas, under the supervision and control of the State. [Sat Mar 13, 1909]
  • Enact laws that will conserve and protect the oil and rice industries, with adequate provision for fixing and regulating the charges of canal and pipe line companies. [Sat Mar 13, 1909]
  • Amend and strengthen our statutes regulating the granting of liquor licenses, and the revocation and cancellation thereof, and the regulation of the liquor traffic, so as to secure the enforcement of said laws, and for such laws as will secure the enforcement of all laws respecting the liquor traffic in this state. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • Amend the existing inheritance tax law and provide for the enforcement of the same, and laws providing for the collection of delinquent taxes upon property, real, personal and mixed. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • Appropriate legislation for the reimbursement of the permanent county school fund of counties in which the same has been impaired or squandered and the complete rehabilitation, protection and preservation of the permanent school fund of the counties in the future. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • Enact adequate laws and amend existing laws relative to the rendition and assessment of all taxable property and the equalization thereof for taxation in this State, and to provide appropriate penalties and venue. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • Enact laws making appropriations for the necessary funds for the protection and security of the public free school lands and the other public lands belonging to the State, and to better enable the State to recover such lands from trespassers and unlawful occupants, and to enact laws to secure the personal attendance of witnesses on the trial of causes instituted by the State for the recovery of all such public lands. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • Laws creating county courts for criminal cases, defining the jurisdiction thereof, and providing for the appointment of judges of such courts. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • Regulate and fix the passenger fares on all railroads in this State, and to provide for the redemption of all railroad tickets sold. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • Such laws as will provide for all necessary supervision, examination and control of all banking corporations, and banks doing business in this State other than national banks. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • Such laws as will provide suitable penalties and venue for violations of the anti-trust laws of this State, and to check the evils of unlawful monopolies and combinations, having for their object the control of the necessities of life, and the arbitrary advance or reduction of prices thereof. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • Such legislation upon the subject of life and fire insurance as will provide adequate and safe insurance protection for the people of this State, and as will reduce the cost of insurance and also the hazard of loss by fire. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • The enactment of laws to conform the statutes of this State to the Federal statutes upon the subject of the liability of railroads and common carriers engaged in State and interstate commerce to their employees, and to fix venue in all personal injury cases. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • The enactment of laws to provide a system of electric power and lights and waterworks for the purpose of supplying electric power, electric lighting and water to the State Capitol, the General Land Office, the Governor's Mansion, the State University and the various public institutions of the State by the construction of the State's own plant or plants, or to contract for such electric power, electric lighting and water. [Thu Mar 18, 1909]
  • Legislation pertaining to the business of life insurance. [Mon Mar 22, 1909]
  • Laws creating independent school districts in Bowie and Nocona, Montague county, Texas. [Wed Mar 31, 1909]
  • Legislation amending Article 2439 of Chapter 1 of Title 45 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Texas of 1895, in reference to fees of office to be charged and collected by certain State officers… [Wed Mar 31, 1909]
  • Legislation creating a more efficient road system for Grayson county and providing for the creation of road districts in any political subdivision or any defined district hereafter to be described in said county. [Wed Mar 31, 1909]
  • Legislation creating an independent school district in the county of Gonzales to be known as the Nixon Independent School District, with all the powers, rights and duties of independent school districts formed by the incorporation of towns and villages for free school purposes only. [Wed Mar 31, 1909]
  • Legislation for the protection of fruit trees, shrubs and plants from injurious and destructive pests or diseases, and providing the manner of treatment of diseased trees, and for the proper inspection of orchards, nurseries, forest trees and green house plants, and regulating permits of foreign individuals and nursery companies or corporations doing business in this State... [Wed Mar 31, 1909]
  • Legislation providing a more efficient road system for the State of Texas, and providing for the creation of road districts in any political subdivision, or in any defined district hereafter to be described in any county of the State… [Wed Mar 31, 1909]
  • The creation of independent school district, to be known as the Goliad Independent School District in Goliad county, Texas. [Wed Mar 31, 1909]

Bill statistics for the 31st Legislature, 1st Called Session

Filed 127 4 0 29 89 3 0 29 216 281
Passed 19 2 0 21 29 1 0 25 48 97
Vetoed 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 3

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