Legislative Reference Library

42nd 3rd Called Session
August 30, 1932 - September 21, 1932


Governor: Ross S. Sterling
Lieutenant Governor: information not available.
Speaker(s) of the House: Fred Hawthorne Minor 

Special Session Topics

  • Amending laws governing investments of life insurance companies and of building and loan associations so as to allow them to make the necessary investments in the stock of the Federal Home Loan Banks, so as to enable the home owners of Texas to have the benefit and assistance of those institutions in financing and refinancing and carrying and extending loans on their homesteads. [Thu Aug 18, 1932]
  • Consider and act upon such other subjects of public imperative importance as the Executive may, from time to time, during the session, submit by message or otherwise. [Thu Aug 18, 1932]
  • Providing that outstanding issues of road bonds, heretofore issued by counties and road districts, for the purpose of aiding in constructing roads which are now State highways, shall be assumed by the State; and that all taxes required to be levied upon property within such counties or road districts to support such bonds, shall not be collected by such counties or road districts from the tax payers therein for this year, 1932, or succeeding years, but that the principal and interest on such bonds, as the same may accrue, shall be paid out of the State Highway Fund. [Thu Aug 18, 1932]
  • Releasing the penalties and interest upon all delinquent taxes provided the same are paid on or before January 31, 1933. [Thu Aug 18, 1932]
  • Amending Article 515 and 517 of the Revised Civil Statues of Texas, as amended, regulating the borrowing of money and the pledging of securities by the State banking corporations to be amended so as to permit State banks or State banks and trust companies to borrow money from and to pledge collaterals to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. [Wed Aug 31, 1932]
  • Providing relief for the Brazoria Independent School District of Brazoria County, Texas, in order to aid said school district in rebuilding and repairing its schools destroyed by the hurricane which covered the territory in which this district is located on August 13, 1932; making an appropriation for said purpose and declaring an emergency. [Thu Sep 1, 1932]
  • Providing relief for the West Columbia Independent School District, Brazoria County, Texas in order to aid said school district in rebuilding its property and equipment destroyed by the great hurricane which swept over the district on August 13, 1932, making an appropriation to said district for said purpose and declaring an emergency. [Thu Sep 1, 1932]
  • Adding Articles 7249-a and 7249-b to the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, amending the present law governing official bonds of tax collectors and providing for weekly remittances by the tax collectors to the county treasurers and State Treasurer of all taxes collected during the preceding week. [Sat Sep 3, 1932]
  • Amending Chapter 314, Act of the Forty-second Legislature being H.B. No. 981, which measure proposes to extend the time of certain cities and towns in Texas to comply with the provisions of H.B. No. 312, Chapter 163, Acts of the Forty-second legislature (Requirements for Advertising for Bids by Counties and Cities). [Sat Sep 3, 1932]
  • Enable water control and improvement districts having gravity system of irrigation andincome from sale of water to create self-liquidating funds for liquidation of bonds. This measure would enable such districts to participate in Federal funds provided by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and would furnish employment to many unemployed citizens of Texas. [Sat Sep 3, 1932]
  • Providing for relief of Needville Independent School District of Fort Bend County in order to aid the school district in rebuilding and repairing its school destroyed by the hurricane which covered the territory in which this district is located on August 13, 1932; making an appropriation to said district for said purposes, and declaring an emergency. [Tue Sep 6, 1932]
  • Amending Article 5326 Revised Civil Statutes, providing that the failure to pay any portion of the interest of the unpaid purchase money of lands sold by the State shall subject the sale of said land to forfeiture; providing where such sale is forfeited for the resale of said land, the terms and conditions of such resale, and giving a preference right to the person owning the land at the time the sale was forfeited to repurchase the same within one year after the date of forfeiture, for an amount equal to the sale price that was forfeited plus all accrued interest; providing that where the forfeited sale was on mineral classification that the resale shall reserve to the State and to the fund to which the land belongs, one-sixteenth free royalty interest in all minerals in the land, and declaring an emergency. [Wed Sep 7, 1932]
  • Authorize the State Department of Education to pay out of the Rural Aid Appropriation for the school year of 1932-33 an amount not to exceed fifty thousand dollars for the payment of unpaid claims for the school year of 1931-32 out of the rural aid appropriation as provided in Senate Bill 263, Forty-second Legislature, Regular Session, and providing for the reverting of any unused portion of said sum to the appropriation for the school year of 1932-33; repealing all laws in conflict therewith and declaring an emergency. [Wed Sep 7, 1932]
  • Confirming and validating repurchases of public free school and asylum lands by forfeited land owners heretofore mad under Chapter 94, page 267, Acts of 1925, and Chapter 25, page 43, Acts of the First Called Session of the 39th Legislature of 1926; defining the rights of the State and the repurchasing land owners in respect to the ownership of the oil and gas and other minerals therein; and providing that oil and gas leases heretofore or hereafter executed by the repurchasing land owners on any lands repurchased under said Acts with a one-sixteenth reservation of oil and gas in favor of the State shall be validated and that the lessees under such leases shall pay to the State a free royalty equal to one-sixteenth of the value of the oil and gas that may be produced and saved from said lands and that no further liability, obligation or payment shall be due to the State from the repurchasing land owners or their lessees or assignees on account of the State's one-sixteenth interest in the oil and gas; and providing how much royalty payments shall be made; and further providing that where the prior forfeited sales were made without mineral reservation, the repurchase contracts made under said Repurchase Acts shall be deemed to have been made without mineral reservations in favor of the State; and declaring an emergency. [Wed Sep 7, 1932]
  • Relief of Water Improvement Districts and Water Control and Improvement Districts and declaring and providing for such districts the power to make contracts with, sell securities to, and borrow money from, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and defining the terms and conditions upon which and the manner in which said powers may be exercised, and providing the purpose for which the money so borrowed may be expended, and providing how and in what manner the repayment of such borrowed money may be secured out of certain income and revenues of such districts, and providing certain rights and remedies for the enforcement of such security, and for said purposes created the "Loan Fund Charge," and providing for the proceeds of said Loan Fund Charge to be kept in a separate fund to be known as the "Loan Fund" to be used and disbursed for no other purpose than to pay the principal and interest of the money borrowed, and providing that the actions of the Board of Directors of the district in fixing the Loan Fund Charge and in fixing the total annual charges or assessments for maintenance and operation purposes shall not be reviewable by the State Board of Water Engineers, and providing that such borrowed money may be secured by pledging all or any part of certain present and future income of such districts and by pledging upon certain terms and conditions unsold bonds of such districts for the purpose for which said monies are borrowed, and providing that any such district may secure the payment of any such borrowed money by all or any of the means provided in the Act, and providing that all powers conferred in this Act are in addition to and cumulative of existing powers possessed by such districts, and providing the manner in which such powers may be exercised by the Board of Directors of such districts and declaring an emergency. [Wed Sep 7, 1932]
  • Relief of Water Improvement Districts and Water Control and Improvement Districts, and empowering such districts without an election to refund outstanding bonded indebtedness including matured and unpaid interest coupons and accrued interest, and prescribing the manner in which and the terms and conditions upon which same may be refunded, and prescribing the duties and functions of the Attorney General and Comptroller of the State in connection with such refunding; and providing for the manner in which, and the terms and conditions upon which such districts may cancel all, or any part, of such unsold bonds heretofore authorized by such districts; and providing for the manner in which and the terms and conditions upon which said districts in certain contingencies and emergencies may borrow money for certain purposes and prescribing how the indebtedness for such borrowed money may be evidenced and secured, and authorizing such district for such borrowed money to create and pledge out of its income and revenues by creating and pledging the "Emergency Loan Fund Charge," and defining said charge, and prescribing what shall be done with the proceeds of the collections of such charge; and providing that such charge when fixed by the Board of Directors of such district shall not be reviewable by the State Board of Water Engineers; and providing that such district may also pledge all or any part of its present or future income accruing from certain sources to secure repayment of said borrowed money; and prescribing the terms, conditions, and circumstances under which any such district may borrow money for improvements, repairs, replacements, extensions, betterments, or additions; and prescribing how and in what manner the repayment of such borrowed money may be secured, and creating and authorizing the pledge of the "Improvement Loan Charge," and defining said charge and prescribing what disposition shall be made of the proceeds of such charge; and prescribing the terms and conditions upon which such district may pledge certain of its unsold bonds to secure the repayment of said borrowed money; and providing for the impounding of any such unsold bonds not pledged to secure the repayment of said borrowed money; and the application of the proceeds of the sale of any such impounded bonds; and providing that any such district may secure the payment of any such borrowed money by any or all means provided in the Act, and that all powers conferred in the Act are cumulative; and providing how such powers may be exercised by the Board of Directors of any such district; and providing that any such district may exchange any unsold authorized bonds on hand, par for par for any other bonds of the same issue theretofore sold or disposed of by such district; and that all bond so received in exchange shall be subject to sale or other disposition; and declaring an emergency. [Wed Sep 7, 1932]
  • Requiring the Land Commissioner to ascertain and determine the amounts of bonus and rental money due to the State and by whom due under the operation, terms and conditions of Chapter 81, printed Acts of the Second Called Session of the Thirty-sixth Legislature and the amendment thereof by the First Called Session of the Thirty-seventh Legislature, which Acts are generally referred to as the Relinquishment Act, authorizing the Land Commissioner to settle and compromise such debts with the debtors on the basis of actual amounts found due less all just and lawful credits; providing the terms and conditions by which the debtor to the State shall pay the amount found by the Land Commissioner to be due, or that may be determined to be due by the judgment of a court; providing that the finding of the Land Commissioner shall be final against the debtor when accepted by him; providing for the making of a statement in writing by the Land Commissioner to the Attorney General of the facts found by him in each case; authorizing the Attorney General to bring suit for the collection of the amount found to be due the State and when in the judgment of the Attorney General the State is entitled to a larger amount than that found by the Land Commissioner, to sue for such larger amount, fixing the venue of all suits of the recover of bonus and rental money due the State; providing that no suit may be maintained by the State for the collection of any bonus or rental money except as in this Act provided; and that suit may not be maintained for a larger amount than that found to be due by the Land Commissioner after one year from the date of the Land Commissioner's written statement to the Attorney General, and that no suit for the collection of such debts may be maintained unless instituted within two years for the date this act becomes effective; providing that the terms and provisions of this Act shall not apply to any indebtedness due the State for bonus or rental money under the relinquishment act which has accrued or may accrue subsequent to the 24th day of February, 1932; and that nothing in this act shall be construed to affect or change the existing rights and obligations between the land owners and lessees as to such accrued indebtedness; the finding of certain facts by the Legislature; defining the terms used in this Act; providing that if any portion of this act ever be held to be unconstitutional such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this Act; and declaring an emergency. [Wed Sep 7, 1932]
  • Validating all road bonds heretofore voted by any political subdivision or road district under Section 52 of Article 3 of the Constitution, and which bonds have not been issued and sold; authorizing the commissioners court of the county including such subdivision or road district to pass all orders necessary in respect of the sale of such road bond and to levy ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in such subdivision or district in payment thereof; providing that such bonds, when approved by the Attorney General and registered by the State Comptroller, shall be the valid obligation of such political subdivision or road district issuing the same, and declaring an emergency. [Wed Sep 7, 1932]
  • Validating all the proceedings had and taken in the organization of conservation and reclamation districts organized under the provisions of Chapter 8, Title 128, Revised Statutes of 1925, and Chapter 6, Title 128, Revised Statutes of 1925, under Section 59, Article 16, of the Constitution of Texas; validating the manner in which taxes and assessments for taxation should or shall be made, levied and collected; validating the issuance of bonds of such districts and the appointment and qualification of officers and supervisors thereof; authorizing the submission of the several purposes for which bonds may be issued as a single proposition; and providing that bonds to be retired and refunded may have been issued by a navigation district embracing the same territory; and validating all bonds which have heretofore been voted as a single proposition for the several purposes authorized herein when said bonds have been examined and approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas; and declaring and emergency. [Wed Sep 7, 1932]
  • Authorize the creation of corporations formed wholly for the purpose of providing housing for families of low income and/or for re-construction of slum areas; making provisions for the regulation by the governing bodies of municipalities in which the properties of such corporations may be situated as to rents, charges, capital structure, rate of return and areas and methods of operation; making provisions for the powers of such corporations and the fees and taxes to be paid thereby; and making provisions for appeals by such corporations when dissatisfied with the fixing or changing of rents, charges, capital structures, rate of return and area and method of operation, and providing penalties for violation of regulatory measures, and declaring an emergency. [Thu Sep 8, 1932]
  • Relating to the navigation districts organized under the provisions of Section 59 of Article 16 of the Constitution, and of Chapter 5 of the General Laws passed by the Thirty-ninth Legislature at its Regular Session, and Acts amendatory thereof, etc. The measure herewith submitted is, in my judgment, intended to ,and will correct, an emergency situation existing with reference to navigation districts and will, if enacted, enable them to borrow funds from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. [Fri Sep 9, 1932]
  • Making it an offense for any lessee, assignee, or holder of any oil or gas lease, or interest therein, who without consent of the person entitled to any part of the oil produced from said lease or proceeds realized from the sale thereof, shall fraudulently convert the same to his own use and benefit with intent to deprive the owner of the value of same, shall be guilty of theft and shall be punished as prescribed in the Penal Code for theft of like property. [Thu Sep 15, 1932]
  • Granting aid to Maverick County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 in Maverick county, Texas. [Mon Sep 19, 1932]

Bill statistics for the 42nd Legislature, 3rd Called Session

Filed 101 17 1 38 50 11 1 39 151 258
Passed 30 8 1 31 23 5 0 35 53 133
Vetoed 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 5

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