Legislative Reference Library

43rd 1st Called Session
September 14, 1933 - October 13, 1933


Governor: Miriam Ferguson
Lieutenant Governor: information not available.
Speaker(s) of the House: Coke Robert Stevenson 

Special Session Topics

  • Amend, change, or repeal existing laws affecting and controlling trusts, conspiracies against trade, and monopolies [Thu Sep 7, 1933]
  • Appropriations for refrigeration at the Governor's Mansion and needed work on the grounds of the Governor's Mansion [Thu Sep 7, 1933]
  • Pass such law or laws as may be necessary to issue twenty million dollars of bonds proposed in Senate Joint No. 30 at the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature and adopted by the voters of Texas at an election duly held on the twenty-sixth day of August, A.D. 1933 [For use and distribution by the Texas Rehabilitation and Relief Commission] [Thu Sep 7, 1933]
  • Relieve the distressed condition of the common and independent school districts of Cameron County, due to the damage and destruction by recent storms [Mon Sep 18, 1933]
  • Amend Chapter 2, of Title 116, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, by adding to said Chapter a new Article, to be known as Article 6711-a [Roads] [Fri Sep 22, 1933]
  • Amending and re-enacting Subsections 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10, of Chapter 166 of the Acts of the Forty-third Legislature, being House Bill No. 167, pages 428 to 433 of the Session Acts of the Forty-third Legislature [Appropriations] [Fri Sep 22, 1933]
  • Amending Chapter 220, Acts of the Forty-third Legislature, Regular Session, page 734, by adding thereto Section 5-a. [Annual fees to be retained by precinct, county and district officers] [Fri Sep 22, 1933]
  • Amending the provisions of Article 2968, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended by House Bill No. 128, Chapter 26, of the Fifth Called Session of the Forty-first Legislature [Poll Tax Law] [Fri Sep 22, 1933]
  • Continuation, for the control and prevention of malaria; prescribing the duties of the State Board of Health in reference thereto; making appropriation, and declaring an emergency [Fri Sep 22, 1933]
  • Directing and authorizing administrative or governing authorities of the public educational institutions to except and exempt from payment of dues, fees, and charges, except for lodging, board, and clothing, all citizens of Texas who have served as nurses or as members in the armed forces of the United States during the World War or during the Spanish-American War and who were honorably discharged [Fri Sep 22, 1933]
  • Prescribing additional powers and duties of the commissioners court in counties having a population of not less than 7,800 and not more than 8,000, according to the latest Federal Census [Fri Sep 22, 1933]
  • Provide for the suppression of typhus fever in Texas through the control of rodent transmitters [Fri Sep 22, 1933]
  • Authorizing the State Board of Education to create and establish school districts at military reservations located within the State of Texas [Mon Sep 25, 1933]
  • Cooperate with the National Government in the furtherance of the National Industrial Recovery Act relative to hours of labor for persons employed by the State [Mon Sep 25, 1933]
  • Defining certain words, terms, and phrases for the purposes of amending House Bill No. 578, Chapter 153, of the Acts of the Forty-third Legislature. This bill deals with the matter of amending the cigarette law. [Mon Sep 25, 1933]
  • License, regulation, control, operation, and conduct of billiard rooms [Mon Sep 25, 1933]
  • Maintenance of State parks [Mon Sep 25, 1933]
  • Permitting owners of property to procure the payment of the taxes thereupon by some other person to whom the tax collector shall assign the tax lien [Mon Sep 25, 1933]
  • Amend Article 1970-125, of the Revised Statutes of Texas, 1925, providing for the election of a special judge of the County Court of Jefferson County at Law [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Amend Article 7324, of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, as amended by Chapter 117, Acts of the Forty-second Legislature, providing for collection of delinquent taxes [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Amending Article 5517, Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, providing for limitation of ten years on delinquent taxes [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Amending Article 6032, Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, as amended by Chapter 26, Acts, Forty-second Legislature, First Called Session, and by Chapter 162, Acts, Forty-third Legislature, imposing a tax of one-tenth of one cent per barrel on crude petroleum oil [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Amending Section 79 of Article 199, Title 8, of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, creating the Seventy-ninth Judicial District of Texas, as amended by the Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-second Legislature, page 876, Chapter 370, Section 1, so as to change the terms of and time of holding the terms of district court in Starr, Brooks, Duval, and Jim Wells Counties [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Amending Senate Bill No. 262, passed at the Regular Session, so as to include within its provisions and benefits thereof taxes that were delinquent on or before July 1, 1933 [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Amending Subsection (4) and Subsection (5), of Section 2 and Section 9, Chapter 162, House Bill No. 154, Acts of the Forty-third Legislature, Regular Session providing for monthly payment of tax [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Authorize the withdrawal or exclusion of lands from water control and improvement districts which embrace lands in two or more counties [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Duties of the county board of trustees of public schools of this State, in all counties having an area of not more than three thousand eight hundred square miles and not less than three thousand six hundred square miles [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Fixing the compensation of county commissioners in every county having a population of not less than 24,233 nor more than 24,333 [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Permitting the taking of pelts of fur-bearing animals for the purpose of sale in Jasper and Newton Counties during the months of December and January [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Prohibit the trapping or hunting with guns of wild foxes...in Upshur County [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Provide a pension fund for firemen, policemen, and fire alarm operators, in all incorporated cities and towns containing more than 240,000 inhabitants and less than 275,000 inhabitants [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Provide pension fund for employees in all cities containing more than 100,000 inhabitants and less than 120,000 inhabitants [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Providing for the payment of interest at the rate of 6 per cent on all warrants issued by the State of Texas [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Providing that any note, mortgage, deed of trust, or other instrument in writing evidencing any indebtedness hereafter executed payable more than one year after the date of its execution... shall be assessed for taxes by the holder or owner thereof [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Provision for the adoption of a home rule charter by counties in Texas...as provided in Section 3, Article IX, of the Constitution of the State of Texas [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Validating and legalizing the creation of navigation districts heretofore created under authority of Section 52, Article 3, of the Constitution of Texas, and which have thereafter been converted into navigation districts under Section 59, of Article XVI, of the Constitution and as provided by Section 1, of Chapter 103, Acts of the Forty-first Legislature, 1929, First Called Session, and a companion bill, also hereto attached, of a curative or validating nature to House Bill No. 725, Chapter 89, of the Acts of the Forty-second Legislature [Tue Sep 26, 1933]
  • Amend Article 2938, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, relating to the appointment of election judges and clerks in election precincts where there are one hundred citizens, or more, who have paid their poll tax or received their certificates of exemption; providing that the presiding judge appointed shall in all cases belong to the party that at the last general election case the largest vote for Governor throughout the State [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Amending Article 1366, Article 1367, Article 1368, Article 1369, Article 1370, and Article 1371, all of Chapter 5, Title 32, of the Revised Civil Statutes, 1925, by adding new Sections, to be known respectively as Articles 1366-a to 1371-1 [Corporation records] [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Amending Article 7256, of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, providing for the appointment of a deputy tax collector in certain counties [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Amending Senate Bill No. 86, Acts of the First Called Session of the Forty-first Legislature, by authorizing the receiving of gifts and donations for rehabilitation work, said gifts and donations to be deposited in the State Treasury, subject to the matching of same with Federal funds to a limited amount, and declaring an emergency [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Appropriation for the preparation, checking, investigation, and correction of the scholastic census, to the State Department of Education, etc. [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Appropriation for the purpose of providing postage, insurance, stamps, and other expenses necessary in performing the duties required of the State Treasurer [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Authorizing navigation districts, created, organized, and existing in this State under and by virtue of Section 59, of Article XVI, of the Constitution of this State, and the laws passed in pursuance thereof, to acquire, purchase, take over, construct, and develop regular wharves, docks, and warehouses located at the ports or waterways in any navigation district [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Authorizing navigation districts, without the voting of bonds or levying of taxes, to acquire, purchase, take over, construct, enlarge, extend, repair, maintain, operate, or develop wharves, docks, warehouses, grain elevators, bunkering facilities, belt railroads, floating plants and facilities, lightering, barges, towing facilities, and all other facilities or aids incident to, or necessary toward, the operation or development of ports or waterways within such districts, and to borrow money therfore from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Authorizing the State Comptroller of Public Accounts to prescribe and prepare forms to be used in all counties in the collection and disbursement of revenues, funds, and fees, and other moneys [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Authorizing the Texas Prison Board to employ a supervising steward or stewardess; prescribing the duties of such steward or stewardess, etc. [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Creating Lower Neches Valley Authority, a conservation and reclamation district under and with the powers provided in Section 59, Article XVI, of the Constitution, to conserve, control, and utilize storm and flood waters of the Neches River and its tributaries, except said district shall have no power of taxation, nor right to create any debt payable out of taxation; defining the boundaries thereof ...and declaring an emergency [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Declaring the public policy of the State with respect to the insurance of deposits in State banks and State bank and trust companies, as well as the passage of such legislation necessary to bring about the protection of depositors in State banks and trust companies [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Donating and granting State ad valorem taxes collected upon property in Kenedy County, including county's apportioned tax on railroad rolling stock, to the County of Willacy; requiring reports to be made to the Comptroller by the Tax Collector of Kenedy County [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Make it unlawful to take, hunt, trap, shoot, or kill any wild quail of any species for a period of five years in Gaines County, Texas [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Permitting Frank Tiner or his heirs, executors, or administrators to bring suit against the State Highway Department [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Prohibit the sale or lease of a machine gun or submachine gun in the State of Texas [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Provide for payment of the salary of the ex-officio superintendent of public instruction in all counties having not less than three thousand and not more than three thousand one hundred population [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Provide for the sale by the State to the City of Port Arthur, Texas, a municipal corporation, and its assigns, a certain tract or area of land situated in Jefferson County, Texas ... and declaring an emergency [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Providing for the creation of discharged convicts revolving fund; amending Article 6166-m as passed by the Fortieth Legislature [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Reduction of fees on small farm trucks where said trucks are used by the owner for his own use in hauling his own products to market and not for hire [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Regulate travel bureaus and transportation agencies engaged in the business of obtaining co-travelers to share the expense of trips in motor vehicles [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Requiring, in certain instances after twenty years, and other instances after seven years, and in other instances after a stipulated period, individuals, corporations, and associations holding deposits of money and unclaimed property to report same to the Comptroller [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Restore and confer upon the County Court of Duval County the civil and criminal jurisdiction belonging to said Court under the Constitution and general statutes of Texas, and to define the jurisdiction of said court [Wed Sep 27, 1933]
  • Additional appropriation for the Live Stock Sanitary Commission to complete work already begun on tick eradication which will suffer if not completed now [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Additional appropriation to the Commissioner of Insurance sufficient to take care of his agents who have to go to other States to audit insurance companies' books [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Aid the City of Palacios and the village of Collegeport, both situated in commissioners precinct No.3, of Matagorda County, Texas, in constructing and maintaining sea walls, breakwaters, and shore protection [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Allowing the Labor Commissioner two women and three men as inspectors in his Department [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Allowing the State Service Officer a stenographer [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Amend House Bill No.555, Chapter 215, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature, regulating the salaries of county commissioners, and providing from what funds said salaries shall be paid, and making certain exceptions [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Amend Subdivision 5, of Article 7206, of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes, so that the county board of equalization shall also require that the amount to which that property is raised for taxation purposes shall also be stated in the notice now required to be given such person who rendered said property, and requiring said notice to be given ten days in advance of meeting to be held by said board [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Amend Subdivision 9, Article 2135, Chapter 7, Title 42, of the Revised Statutes of Texas, 1925 [Exemptions from jury duty] [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Amend the Acts of the 1931, Forty-second Legislature, Regular Session, page 111, Chapter 73, by providing for the payment of occupation tax by producers of natural gas for light and fuel [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Amending Article 612, of the Penal Code of the State of Texas, 1925, by omitting therefrom language quoted, and making it lawful for moving pictures to give or present to the public an exhibition of prise fights or glove contest, and declaring an emergency [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Amending Section 1, of Chapter 12, of the Forty-second Legislature, defining the offense of kidnaping for extortion, ransom, or robbery, so as to provide for capital punishment for such offenses, and declaring an emergency [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Appropriating $25,000 out of any funds of the State of Texas, not otherwise appropriated, to be used to pay additional expense of publication of eight proposed amendments to the Constitution of Texas and for the subsequent holding of a general election [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Appropriation for the support and maintenance of the General Land Office, and particularly making appropriation for a special audit to be made by, or under, the direction of the Commissioner of the General Land Office of all books and accounts of oil companies relative to the bonus and rentals due on public school lands, and declaring an emergency [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Declare the validity of the indebtedness arising out of the construction of State Highway No. 41 in the County of Real; to place such indebtedness on parity with bonds, warrants, and other evidences of indebtedness heretofore authorized to be paid out of the county and road district highway fund; providing for the payment of such indebtedness to Real County in trust for Captain Charles Schreiner, his heirs and legatees; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Defining "daily newspapers" or "newspaper" "consecutive days" or "successive days" and words of similar meaning [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Defining common carrier pipelines engaged in, or to engage in, the transportation of natural gas [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Defining the term "plumber" or "plumbing" in connection with Article 1077-1081, in 1925 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and declaring an emergency [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Employment of a woman to inspect and look after the rest rooms for the ladies in the Capitol Building [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Granting the Commissioners Court of Childress County power to use all or part of the interest collected on notes held by Childress County against Childress County school land in Bailey and Cochran Counties, Texas, and declaring an emergency [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Increase of lawlessness and crime makes an appropriation sufficient to employ at least six additional Rangers almost imperative [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Permitting H.J. Hetkes Company or its assigns to sue the State [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Prohibiting inquiry concerning the religion or religious affiliations of persons seeking employment or official position in the public schools; providing a penalty, and declaring an emergency [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Provide for an investigation and study of wages of women and minors employed in trade and industry in the State of Texas [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Safeguard the consumers of natural gas, whether used on a domestic, industrial, or commercial basis, against excess charges, and declaring an emergency [Thu Sep 28, 1933]
  • Amend Senate Bill No. 438, page 93-98, Chapter 74, Special Laws of Texas of the Forty-third Legislature and declaring an emergency [Bill No. is incorrect; Correct number is most likely S.B. 488 and deals with Special Road Law for Smith County] [Fri Sep 29, 1933]
  • Define, license, and regulate loan brokers and the business of loan brokers in the amounts of $500, or less, secured or unsecured; providing for a license fee, and declaring an emergency [Fri Sep 29, 1933]
  • Prohibiting the use of a seine or net for taking fish from any of the waters of Bastrop County, Texas, excepting a minnow seine for the purpose of taking bait, and providing an emergency [Fri Sep 29, 1933]
  • Amend Chapter 13, Acts of the Third Called Session of the Forty-second Legislature, as amended by Chapter 136, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature, by adding thereto a Section, to be know as Section 7-a [Road District Highway Fund] [Sat Sep 30, 1933]
  • Amending Article 3937, Revised Civil Statues of Texas, 1925 [Tax Assessor] [Sat Sep 30, 1933]
  • Amending Article 7046, of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas for 1925, providing a poll tax of one dollar shall be collected on every person between the ages of 21 and 60 years; making certain exceptions, and declaring an emergency [Sat Sep 30, 1933]
  • Amending Articles 2702, 2703, and 2724, of Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, relating to the county unit system of education, and declaring an emergency [Sat Sep 30, 1933]
  • Amending Chapter 76, Acts of the Regular session of the Forty-third Legislature, and providing for the government of water power control districts and water improvement districts organized or hereafter organized in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 247, Acts of the Fortieth Legislature, and other purposes set forth in said bill, and declaring an emergency [Sat Sep 30, 1933]
  • Appropriation to reimburse growers and producers of cotton for expenses incurred during the years of 1929 through 1932 by reason of the establishment by the State of Texas of regulations requiring said growers and producers to pay for fumigation of cotton and sterilization of seed, and declaring an emergency [Sat Sep 30, 1933]
  • Including Upton County to come under the law that prohibits live stock running at large [Sat Sep 30, 1933]
  • Providing for the governing bodies of all cities, towns, and villages operating under Title 28, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas of 1925, and in addition to the powers they now have, the power to establish or erect warehouses and elevators for the storage of agricultural products [Sat Sep 30, 1933]
  • Regulate the occupation of hair dressers and cosmetologists, to create a State Board of Hair Dressers and Cosmetologists for the licensing of persons, firms, co-partnerships, associations, or corporations to carry on and to teach such practices, and other purposes fully set forth in the said bill [Sat Sep 30, 1933]
  • Validating all issues of funding and refunding notes, bonds, warrants, time warrants, and treasury warrants heretofore issued, or authorized to be issued, and attempted to be issued by any and all cities under charters adopted and charters adopted and amended under provisions of Article XI, Section 5, of the Constitution of Texas [Sat Sep 30, 1933]
  • Additional allocation and appropriation of the revenues derived from the tax levied and collected on the gross sales of gas transmission lines by the provisions of Article 6060, Revised Civil Statutes, for the use of the Gas Utilities Division of the Railroad Commission in enforcing the provisions of Articles 6050 et seq., Revised Civil Statutes, relative to the regulation of gas utilities [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Amend Chapter 1, Title 47, of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, providing for disposition of surplus State funds by the State Depository Board [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Amending Article 2688, Title 49, Chapter 11, of the Revised Statues of 1925, pertaining to the office of county superintendent of public instruction and the tenure of their office [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Amending Section 1, Chapter 207, Acts of the Forty-third Legislature, so as to authorize the Highway Commission to institute condemnation proceedings on behalf of the State [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Amending Section 7, of Chapter 13, of the Third Called Session, of the Forty-second Legislature, as amended by Senate Bill 300, passed by the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature, by adding thereto Section (a-1), relating to payment of refunding eligible obligations of counties and defined road districts [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Apportion the State of Texas into Congressional Districts, naming the counties composing the same. This is submitted, however, with all rights reserved [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Appropriation of twelve hundred and fifty dollars with which to purchase the building used and occupied by James Stephen Hogg in his early public career [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Appropriation to pay contingent expenses of State prosecuting attorney before the Court of Criminal Appeals [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Authorize certain counties, cities, towns, independent school districts, common school districts, water improvement districts, water control and improvement districts, navigation districts, drainage districts, and other municipal corporations, and non-profit private corporations, authorized and existing under the Constitution and laws of this State, to borrow money, and to receive grants and other aid from the Government of the United States, the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Banks, and any and all other fiscal agencies of the Government of the United States, authorized to make loans or grants [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Permit any county, one or more of the boundaries of which is coincident with any part of the international boundary between the United States and Mexico, or any county contiguous to any county of such described class, by resolution of the county commissioners court of any such county, to agree (1) to indemnify and save harmless the United States of America, its officers, agents, and employees, on account of damage or claims to damage by whomsoever asserted, arising out of, or connected with, entry upon, occupancy, construction upon, or exercise of rights in and to lands or rights in lands situated in any one or more of said class of counties by the United States, its officers, agents, and employees, in connection with construction, reconstruction, extension, alternation, improvement, maintenance, and operation of flood control works; (2) to procure such release and waivers of claim and to make such showing as to title being vested in any such county to lands and rights in lands situated in any county of said class needed for such flood control works as may be required by the United States; (3) to acquire and convey to the United States, upon request, therefor, the title to any such lands or rights thererin, situated in any county of said class, necessary for such flood control works, etc. [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Providing that designated State highways traversing incorporated cities and towns of this State having a population of less than ten thousand inhabitants shall be maintained at the expense of the State and such expense to be paid out of the Highway Maintenance Fund, and providing further that it shall be the duty of the Highway Department to maintain such highway [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Relieve the distressed condition of the common and independent school districts of Cameron, Hidalgo, and Willacy Counties, due to the damage and destruction wrought to the public school buildings and equipment of such common and independent school districts, by the tropical hurricane of September 4 and 5, and that of August 4, 1933 [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Repeal Section 12, Chapter 55, Special Laws of the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Vest in the United States Government fee simple title to 20.8 acres of land in Jefferson County, Texas [Mon Oct 2, 1933]
  • Amend Article 1970, Section 94-b, of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, as amended by Chapter 16, Section 6, of the Acts of the Forty-first Legislature, relating to the salary paid the official court reporter of the County Court at Law of Harris County [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Amend Article 2675, of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, as amended by Section 1, of Chapter 278, of the Acts of the Forty-first Legislature, in 1929, defining certain powers of the State Board of Education, defining certain powers of cities, towns, counties, school districts, and navigation districts, and other defined districts, and political subdivisions, whose bonds are held by the State Board of Education [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Amend Article 5155, Revised Statutes of 1925, providing for payment of wages semi-monthly and declaring an emergency [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Amend Article 8244, of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, governing the selection of depositories of all navigation districts whether created pursuant to Section 52, Article III, of the Constitution, or Section 59, Article XVI, of the Constitution; defining the powers of navigation and canal commissioners in the selection of such depositories; defining the powers and obligations of such depositories. [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Amend Section 14, Chapter 186, Senate Bill No. 74, passed at the Regular Session, Thirty-ninth Legislature, as amended by Chapter 10, Senate Bill No. 24, passed at the Third Called Session, Forty-first Legislature, as amended by Chapter 79, Senate Bill No. 82, passed at the Sixth Called Session, Forty-first Legislature, as amended by Chapter 207, Senate Bill No. 531, passed at the Regular Session, Forty-third Legislature, so as to correct the reference to Article 6674-n, in Section 1, Chapter 207, Acts of Regular Session, Forty-third Legislature, and making same refer to Section 14, Chapter 186, Senate Bill No. 74, passed at the Regular Session, Thirty-ninth Legislature [Technical Correction] [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Amending Article 1041, of the Revised Code of Criminal Procedure of Texas, by adding thereto Article 1041-a, providing for the compensation of jailers in all counties in the State having a population of one hundred thousand and one inhabitants and not more than one hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants, and containing two cities of fifty thousand population or more, each according to the last preceding Federal Census [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Amending Section 1, of Chapter 58, of the General Laws of the Forty-second Legislature, Regular Session, as amended by House Bill No. 878, known as Chapter 97, of the General Laws of the Forty-third Legislature, Regular Session, re-defining marginal wells [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Amending Sections 8, 9, and 10, of Chapter 186, General Laws of Texas, Thirty-ninth Legislature, Regular Session, 1925; said chapter providing for the construction and maintenance of State highways under the control of the State Highway Department, regulating the making of highway contracts, and providing for security therefor [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Appropriating twenty-five thousand dollars to purchase anti-rabic serum for issuance to public health officers of cities and counties in this State, to be used to treat indigent persons only where an epidemic of rabies exist [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Authorizing and empowering the State Highway Commission to pay out funds credited to the State Highway Fund premiums on surety bonds required by the Federal Government of the State Treasurer to secure funds advanced to the State of Texas under the National Industrial Recovery Act for expenditure by State Highway Department in the construction and improvement of State highways [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Authorizing Ralph Bowers to sue Tarrant County for damages he received while he was in the employ of that county [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Authorizing the Comptroller "when the appropriation for fees of county attorneys, justices of peace, sheriffs, and constables in examining trials, where indictments are returned, is exhausted, to draw his warrant in payment of such fee claims against the appropriation for fees and costs of sheriffs, attorneys, and clerks in felony cases, as made for the fiscal years ending August 31, 1933, and August 31, 1934, and August 31, 1935, respectively [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Fix the salaries and compensation of county commissioners in counties with a population of not less than 22,296 nor more than 22,580, according to the last Federal Census, and providing for the manner and the fund from which said salaries shall be paid [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Regulating the practice of photography, and declaring an emergency [Tue Oct 3, 1933]
  • Amend Article 920, of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of Texas for 1925, so as to provide that a defendant placed in jail on account of failure to pay the fine and costs can be discharged on habeas corpus by showing that he is too poor to pay the fine and costs, and that he has remained in jail a sufficient length of time to satisfy the fine and costs, at the rate of one dollar for each day; providing further that a justice of the peace may discharge the defendant upon his showing the same cause by application to such justice, providing that in no event shall the defendant be discharged until he has remained in jail at least ten days; and requiring the justice to note the granting of such application on his docket [Wed Oct 4, 1933]
  • Amend House Bill No. 231, Chapter 102, page 225, General Laws, passed at the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature, State of Texas, by extending the period within which relief may be granted to debtors coming under the provisions of said Act, and extending the terms and provisions and the relief granted under said Act to and including the first day of January, A.D. 1935; amending Sections 1 and 11 of said Act; fixing a State policy [Wed Oct 4, 1933]
  • Amending only Sections 2 and 4, of Chapter 141, of the Laws of the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature, 1933, and nothing else [Texas Rehabilitation and Relief Commission Created] [Wed Oct 4, 1933]
  • Amending Section 13, Chapter 88, Acts of 1929, General Laws, Forty-first Legislature of Texas, Second Called Session, page 172, providing that the Highway Department shall issue or cause to be issued license number plates for each motorcycle, road tractor, trailer, semi-trailer, and for any other vehicle registered under said Act, and describing how and where and when the license number plates shall be intricately attached to said described vehicle [Wed Oct 4, 1933]
  • Appropriation of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be used by the State Park Board in maintaining the parks created by the National Park Service in order for Texas to receive money from the Federal Government to aid the unemployed in Texas; providing for the expenditure of said appropriation, and declaring an emergency [Wed Oct 4, 1933]
  • Appropriations to pay miscellaneous claims against the State and authorizing payment of said miscellaneous items on taking effect of this Act, and declaring an emergency [Wed Oct 4, 1933]
  • Authorizing the State Board of Reclamation Engineers of the State of Texas to plan and execute the creation and laying out of State parks in co-operation with the National Park Service of the Department of the Interior [Wed Oct 4, 1933]
  • Creating Valley Conservation and Reclamation District embracing the Counties of Cameron, Hidalgo, and Willacy [Wed Oct 4, 1933]
  • Fixing the maximum amount of fees which county clerks can receive under the provisions of the maximum fee bill in counties having a prescribed population, and declaring an emergency [Wed Oct 4, 1933]
  • Providing for the levy and collection of special taxes in certain common and independent school districts and declaring an emergency [Wed Oct 4, 1933]
  • Amend Article 3722 of the Revised Statutes of Texas, 1925, providing for the furnishing of papers, documents, instruments, or records filed in the offices of the Secretary of State, Attorney General, Land Commissioner, Comptroller, Treasurer, Adjutant General, Commissioner of Agriculture, Commissioner of Insurance, Banking Commissioner, and State Librarian by said officials to persons making application therefor, and likewise furnishing certified copies of facts contained in the papers, instruments, documents, and records of their respective offices; providing that such certified copies shall be received in evidence in all cases in which the originals would be evidence; providing that where the laws of this State permit the filing of a copy of a paper, instrument, document, or record, in lieu of the original instrument, with one of the officials above-named, then and in that event, a copy so certified of such copy so filed shall likewise be received in evidence in all cases in which the original instrument would be evidence; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the amendment herein provided for [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Amend Articles 1111, 1112, 1113, and 1114, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas for 1925, and amendments thereof, as passed by the Fortieth Legislature, and as amended by Chapter 32, Acts of the Third Called Session of the Forty-second Legislature, and as amended by Chapter 122, Acts of the Forty-third Legislature, Regular Session [Public Utilities] [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Amend Subdivision 23, of Article 7047, Chapter 1, Title 122, of the Revised Civil Statutes, State of Texas, 1925, as amended by Acts, 1931, Forty-second Legislature, Regular Session, page 355, Chapter 212, Section 1, relating to an occupation tax on coin-operated vending machines, marble table machines, and similar devices, within the scope of the subdivision; providing such funds to be placed to the credit of the State Available School Funds [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Amend Title 52 (eminent domain), of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, by adding Article 3264-b to follow 3264-a, defining the powers of the Board of Regents of the University of Texas when acting as trustees of a trust for scientific, educational, philanthropic, charitable, or other public purposes, and to confer upon them the power of eminent domain, and declaring an emergency [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Amending Section 13, Chapter 88, Acts of 1929, General Laws, Forty-first Legislature of Texas, Second Called Session, page 172, providing that the Highway Department shall issue or cause to be issued license number plates for each motorcycle, road-tractor, trailer, semi-trailer, and for any other vehicle registered under said Act, and describing how and where and when the license number plates shall be attached to said described vehicle; and providing that said license number plates shall be fastened by locking devise furnished by the State, and that no other fastening or locking device shall be used, and declaring an emergency [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Appropriation for one district supervisor for the State Department of Vocational Education [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Authorize the Board of Regents of the University of Texas to execute bonds in a sum not in excess of one million two hundred thousand dollars, to obtain funds with which to complete the Main Building of the University of Texas; to pledge that part of the Available University Fund arising from grazing and other surface leases of University lands to secure same; and to authorize said board to make contracts for the construction of dormitories, and declaring an emergency [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Create a special and more efficient road system for Collin County, in the State of Texas [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Granting to the Grand Lodge of the Order of the Sons of Hermann in the State of Texas permission to bring suit against the State of Texas [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Providing that no person, firm, corporation, association, partnership, contractor, or subcontractor, performing any public work for the State, or for any county, municipality, or other political subdivision of this State, shall employ any person who is not a citizen of the United States; providing forfeiture as a penalty for violation of this Act; providing that any public body may withhold any penalties assessed against a contractor, and that any contractor may withhold from any subcontractor sufficient sums to cover any penalties withheld from the contractor by the awarding body under the terms of this Act; providing that if any part of this Act shall be declared unconstitutional, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect; making such employment of an alien a misdemeanor, and providing punishment therefor; defining terms used in this Act [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Question of holding a Texas Centennial in 1936, such a Centennial as is commensurate with our great empire and in keeping with our incomparable history [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Validate, ratify, approve, confirm, and declare enforceable all levies and assessments of ad valorem taxes heretofore made by independent school districts in this State, in counties having a population of not less than 22,500 and not more than 22,900, and declaring an emergency [Thu Oct 5, 1933]
  • Appropriation to pay for fuel, light, and water for the Court of Civil Appeals, First Supreme Judicial District at Galveston, Texas, and the Court of Civil Appeals, Sixth Supreme Judicial District, at Texarkana, Texas, for the fiscal years ending August 31, 1934 and August 31, 1935, respectively, and declaring an emergency [Fri Oct 6, 1933]
  • Granting authority to the State Highway Department to acquire by purchase, and/or to construct, maintain, operate, and control ferries over and across any bay, arm, channel, or salt-water lake emptying into the Gulf of Mexico, or any inlet of the Gulf of Mexico, any river, or other navigable waters of this State, where such ferries connect designated State highways, and which may be made self-liquidating or partially self-liquidating; providing for interstate ferries to be acquired by purchase and to be maintained, operated, and controlled by the State of Texas, by the charging of tolls for the use thereof, and the right to charge reasonable tolls is hereby specifically granted to the State Highway Department under this Act, and declaring an emergency [Fri Oct 6, 1933]
  • Amending Article 2525, 2528, and 2533, Chapter 1, Title 47, Revised Civil Statutes, as amended by Chapter 57, First Called Session, Fortieth Legislature, so as to authorize the State Depository Board to fix periodically a reasonable rate of interest to be paid by State depositories and reserve depositories on State funds, in lieu of interest rates now specifically fixed by statute to be paid by such State depositories and reserve depositories; amending Articles 2537 and 2539, Chapter 1, Title 47, Revised Civil Statutes, to conform thereto; repealing Articles 2536, 2540, 2541, 2542, and 2543, Chapter 1, Title 47, Revised Civil Statutes [Sat Oct 7, 1933]
  • Authorizing any county, city, common school district, independent school district, road district, irrigation and drainage district, and any other political subdivision to accept bonds issued by Federal Home Loan Bank Board or Home Owners' Loan Corporation in payment of delinquent taxes due such political subdivisions... [Mon Oct 9, 1933]
  • Authorizing the State Board of Education, in certain instances, to issue and sell deficiency certificates bearing interest at a rate of not more than 4 per cent per annum from issuance until same are called for payment against the State Available School Fund; regulating and limiting the issuance and sale of such certificates... [Mon Oct 9, 1933]
  • Granting permission to the Gainesville Red River Bridge Company to sue the State Highway Commission as such, and the State of Texas upon a purported contract [Mon Oct 9, 1933]
  • Relieving persons, firms, associations, and corporations, engaged in selling or furnishing water for irrigation, from all obligations, except contractual obligations, to furnish water for irrigation of rice crops in violation of any agreement made or hereafter entered into between such persons, firms, associations, and corporations and the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States of America pursuant to and under the terms of an Act of Congress entitled "The Agricultural Adjustment Act" approved May 12, 1933, and any amendments thereto, and declaring an emergency [Mon Oct 9, 1933]

Bill statistics for the 43rd Legislature, 1st Called Session

Filed 216 72 1 51 73 28 0 0 289 441
Passed 80 39 0 47 44 19 0 0 124 229
Vetoed 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 6

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