Legislative Reference Library

56th 2nd Called Session
June 17, 1959 - July 16, 1959


Governor: Price Daniel, Sr.
Lieutenant Governor: information not available.
Speaker(s) of the House: Waggoner Carr 

Special Session Topics

  • Adequate procedures for the custody, reporting and escheat of property to which the State is entitled under present laws and amendments relating thereto [Tue Jun 16, 1959]
  • Adequately protect State and public rights and uses of the beaches along the Gulf of Mexico and prevent further obstructions and interferences therewith [Tue Jun 16, 1959]
  • Appropriations for general State services authorized under existing law or Acts of the 56th Legislature, Regular Session and First Called Session, for the biennium beginning September 1, 1959, and ending August 31, 1961, and to provide sufficient new revenue to finance such appropriations. Specifically, this call does not include submission of appropriations or the raising of revenue for purposes not heretofore authorized by existing laws or enactments of the Regular Session and First Called Session of the 56th Legislature [Tue Jun 16, 1959]
  • Retirement of the deficit in the State Treasury existing for the present fiscal year ending August 31, 1959, by the enactment of sufficient revenue raising measures [Tue Jun 16, 1959]
  • Any emergency appropriation for State agencies [Thu Jul 2, 1959]
  • Any local or general bills relating to game and fish laws; courts and district attorneys; navigation and water control and improvement districts; river authorities; road districts; school districts, including creation of new districts and elections; State supported institutions of higher education; fire fighting equipment; rural fire prevention districts; airports; traffic safety; boat and water safety; city gas distribution systems; city boundaries and validation thereof; group insurance; regulation of small loans and corporate sureties; marriage licenses; dependent children; search warrants and procedures relating to private residences [Thu Jul 2, 1959]
  • Approval of the Southern Interstate Nuclear Compact [Thu Jul 2, 1959]
  • Authorizing State Board of Insurance additional time to move into new quarters [Thu Jul 2, 1959]
  • Requirement of approval by the State Banking Commissioner before sale is made of majority control of any State Bank. [Thu Jul 2, 1959]
  • Transfer of funds due from the State Highway Department to A&M College for an agricultural experiment station in Smith County [Thu Jul 2, 1959]
  • Authorization for Commissioners Courts to build and equip coliseums and auditoriums [Wed Jul 8, 1959]
  • Reorganization of the Texas Merit System Council [Wed Jul 8, 1959]
  • Authorizing the refunding of the bonds of the State of Texas now held by the several permanent funds of the State [Fri Jul 10, 1959]

Bill statistics for the 56th Legislature, 2nd Called Session

Filed 82 24 0 113 49 13 0 106 162 387
Passed 18 12 0 108 27 6 0 106 135 277
Vetoed 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2

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