Legislative Reference Library

61st 2nd Called Session
August 27, 1969 - September 9, 1969


Governor: Preston Smith
Lieutenant Governor: information not available.
Speaker(s) of the House: Gus Mutscher 

Special Session Topics

  • Sufficient revenue measures to raise adequate revenue to cover the expenditures under said general appropriations bill on a "pay as you go" basis [Tue Aug 26, 1969]
  • Two-year general appropriations bill for general state services for the biennium beginning September 1, 1969 and ending August 31, 1971 [Tue Aug 26, 1969]
  • Allocation of teachers to school districts under the Foundation School Program and providing an allocation formula for certain school districts [Thu Sep 4, 1969]
  • Altering or removing interest rate limits applicable to bonds issued by the State of Texas, municipal corporations, and other governmental subdivisions, units, and districts [Thu Sep 4, 1969]
  • Creation of the Board of Regents for Stephen F. Austin University [Thu Sep 4, 1969]
  • Providing for a penalty for the offense of forgery [Thu Sep 4, 1969]
  • Purchase and resale of water development bonds by local governmental units, subdivisions, and districts [Thu Sep 4, 1969]
  • Reconsideration of the 39 bills passed by the House and Senate of the 61st Legislature, Regular Session, which were vetoed by me for late signing and delivery [Thu Sep 4, 1969]
  • Regulating and protecting antiquities, historical artifacts, and archaeological matter [Thu Sep 4, 1969]
  • Additional insurance for bank deposits [Mon Sep 8, 1969]
  • Establishing and regulating a system of providing liability insurance coverage and/or adjusting claims under the provisions of the Tort Claims Act, for the State of Texas,municipal corporations, and other governmental subdivisions, districts, and units [Mon Sep 8, 1969]
  • Validating proceedings relating to the issuance of revenue bonds authorized by incorporated cities, towns, villages and other political subdivisions under certain conditions, providing for the issuance of such revenue bonds, for their security and payment, their approval by the Attorney General, and registration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts [Tue Sep 9, 1969]

Bill statistics for the 61st Legislature, 2nd Called Session

Filed 95 17 0 82 58 17 0 89 153 358
Passed 10 11 0 74 43 9 0 89 53 236
Vetoed 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 5

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