Legislative Reference Library

62nd 4th Called Session
September 18, 1972 - October 17, 1972


Governor: Preston Smith
Lieutenant Governor: information not available.
Speaker(s) of the House: Gus Mutscher  Rayford Price 

Special Session Topics

  • Establishing budgetary control over state expenditures (including the transfer of funds) [Tue Sep 12, 1972]
  • Providing for competitive property and casualty insurance rates [Tue Sep 12, 1972]
  • Allowing disannexation of the territory of certain independent school districts from certain Junior College Districts by amending Subchapter D, Chapter 51, Texas Education Code [Mon Sep 25, 1972]
  • Amending Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, to correct inadequacies and problems created by SB 183, 62nd Legislature, Regular Session, 1971, relating to trailer brakes and trailer lights [Mon Sep 25, 1972]
  • Appropriating six (6) million dollars to the University of Texas School of Medicine at Houston and seven and one-half (7 «) million dollars to Texas Tech University School of Medicine at Lubbock, for the purpose of refunding construction appropriations which were transferred to the Department of Public Welfare in February, 1970 [Mon Sep 25, 1972]
  • Exempting certain aviation schools and instructors form the Texas Proprietary School Act by amending Section 32.12 of the Texas Education Code [Mon Sep 25, 1972]
  • Define the role and responsibility of Texas State Government in the provision of adequate and efficient deep draft off-shore terminal facilities [Wed Sep 27, 1972]
  • Establish the Texas Film Commission as a Division in the Office of the Governor [Thu Sep 28, 1972]
  • Granting to the Governor authority to meet situations presenting an emergency and an imperative public necessity and providing for funding and administration of emergency funds [Thu Sep 28, 1972]
  • Making an appropriation to the Governor for emergency use [Thu Sep 28, 1972]
  • Supplemental appropriations not to exceed $365,000.00 for financing of primary elections held during the year 1972 [Thu Sep 28, 1972]
  • Allow the State Board of Control to make purchases for political subdivisions of the State of Texas [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Amend 2338-1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, by defining "child" as any person over 10 years of age and under seventeen years of age [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Amend articles 1505a, 1525a, and 1525c, Vernon's Texas Penal Code, to allow spraying or other methods of treatment of livestock approved by Texas Animal Health Commission [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Amend Articles 5139PP and 1970-550, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes by including the Judge of the Bell County Court at Law as a member of the Bell County Juvenile Board [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Amend existing retirement statutes to provide credit for certain military, state employment, and judicial services [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Amend existing statutes relative to the use of and the fees charged for hunting and fishing licenses and allowing the issuance of combination licenses [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Amend Sections 135.03 and 135.51 of the Texas Education Code to allow granting Bachelor Degrees of Technical Education [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Amend Subsections (g) and (20) of Section 1.03a of Chapter 409, Acts of 1969, 61st Legislature (Article 7621d-2, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) to clarify the definition of the terms "waste" and "disposal system" [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Appropriate funds for the Central Education Agency to establish a junior college occupational extension center in Anderson County [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Appropriate funds to the Department of Public Welfare for establishing, operating, and administering, under the authority of the Texas Medical Assistance Act of 1967, a program of medical care for the "medically needy" as defined in Title XIX of the Federal Social Security Act [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Appropriating eight (8) million dollars to the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation for the design and construction of phase one of the Fort Worth State School for the Mentally Retarded [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Authorize appointment and payment of salaries and expenses of Juvenile Officers for Anderson, Henderson, and Houston Counties [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Authorize political subdivisions to acquire control and improve and lease air control facilities and to issue revenue bonds for such purposes [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Authorize purchase of voting machines by counties of over 1,000,000 and for funding such purchases by issuance of negotiable certificates of indebtedness, and the levying of a tax to retire same [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Authorize the creation and funding of a county court at law for Anderson County [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Permit the Texas Board of Corrections to exchange land in Fort Bend County with Sugarland Industries, Inc., for land of equal acreage [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Provide funds for Texas A&I University for a citrus and vegetable training center and for efficient beef production through intense forage management regimes [Tue Oct 3, 1972]
  • Assess penalties for certain heinous crimes [Thu Oct 12, 1972]
  • Change the name of the Beaumont State Center for Human Development to the Will L. Smith Memorial Center for Human Development [Thu Oct 12, 1972]

Bill statistics for the 62nd Legislature, 4th Called Session

Filed 45 40 0 89 57 20 0 170 102 421
Passed 16 27 0 85 10 14 0 169 26 321
Vetoed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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