Legislative Reference Library

82nd Regular Session
January 11, 2011 - May 30, 2011


Governor: Rick Perry
Lieutenant Governor: information not available.
Speaker(s) of the House: Joe Straus 

Membership Statistics for the 82nd Legislature

Gender *
Male 118 25 143
Female 32 6 38
Party affiliation *
Democrat 49 12 61
Republican 101 19 120
Incumbency **
Incumbents 113 29 142
Freshmen 35 2 37
Age *
Under 30 2   0
30 - 39 21   0 21 
40 - 49 35   4   39 
50 - 59 54   13   67 
60 - 69 32   13   45 
70 and over 6   1  

* Gender, party affiliation, and age calculations are based on the membership as of the first day of session: 01/11/2011.

** Incumbent totals include members who served the previous session. Freshman totals include members whose first terms began the first day of session: 01/11/2011.

    Not included as incumbent or freshman:
  • Rep. William 'Bill' Zedler (first served in 78th session)
  • Rep. Borris Miles (first served in 80th session)
  • Rep. Jim Murphy (first served in 80th session)

*** Rep. Edmund Kuempel died on 11/4/2010. He was elected to the 82nd House of Representatives on 11/2/2010. He is not included in the statistics above.

Statistics for race and ethnicity are not available.

Bill statistics for the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session

Gender *
Male 118 25 143
Female 32 6 38
Party affiliation *
Democrat 49 12 61
Republican 101 19 120
Incumbency **
Incumbents 113 29 142
Freshmen 35 2 37
Age *
Under 30 2   0
30 - 39 21   0 21 
40 - 49 35   4   39 
50 - 59 54   13   67 
60 - 69 32   13   45 
70 and over 6   1  

* Gender, party affiliation, and age calculations are based on the membership as of the first day of session: 01/11/2011.

** Incumbent totals include members who served the previous session. Freshman totals include members whose first terms began the first day of session: 01/11/2011.

    Not included as incumbent or freshman:
  • Rep. William 'Bill' Zedler (first served in 78th session)
  • Rep. Borris Miles (first served in 80th session)
  • Rep. Jim Murphy (first served in 80th session)

*** Rep. Edmund Kuempel died on 11/4/2010. He was elected to the 82nd House of Representatives on 11/2/2010. He is not included in the statistics above.

Statistics for race and ethnicity are not available.

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