Legislative Reference Library

83rd Regular Session
January 8, 2013 - May 27, 2013


Governor: Rick Perry
Lieutenant Governor: information not available.
Speaker(s) of the House: Joe Straus 

Membership statistics for the 83rd Legislature

Gender *
Male 119 24 143
Female 31 6 37
Party affiliation *
Democrat 55 11 66
Republican 95 19 114
Incumbency **
Incumbents 106 25 132
Freshmen 41 5 46
Age *
Under 30 2   0
30 - 39 25   0 25 
40 - 49 43   5   48 
50 - 59 46   14   60 
60 - 69 30   11   41 
70 and over 3   0
No response 0

* Gender, party affiliation, and age calculations are based on the membership as of the first day of session: 01/08/2013.

** Incumbent totals include members who served the previous session. Freshman totals include members whose first terms began the first day of session: 01/08/2013.

    Not included as incumbent or freshman:
  • Rep.Abel Herrero (first served in 79th session)
  • Rep.Joseph E. Moody (first served in 81st session)
  • Rep.Chris Turner (first served in 81st session)

*** Senator Mario Gallegos died on 10/16/2012. Election laws required his name to remain on the general election ballot, and he was elected to the 83rd Senate. He is not included in the statistics above.

Statistics for race and ethnicity are not available.

Bill statistics for the 83rd Legislature, Regular Session

Gender *
Male 119 24 143
Female 31 6 37
Party affiliation *
Democrat 55 11 66
Republican 95 19 114
Incumbency **
Incumbents 106 25 132
Freshmen 41 5 46
Age *
Under 30 2   0
30 - 39 25   0 25 
40 - 49 43   5   48 
50 - 59 46   14   60 
60 - 69 30   11   41 
70 and over 3   0
No response 0

* Gender, party affiliation, and age calculations are based on the membership as of the first day of session: 01/08/2013.

** Incumbent totals include members who served the previous session. Freshman totals include members whose first terms began the first day of session: 01/08/2013.

    Not included as incumbent or freshman:
  • Rep.Abel Herrero (first served in 79th session)
  • Rep.Joseph E. Moody (first served in 81st session)
  • Rep.Chris Turner (first served in 81st session)

*** Senator Mario Gallegos died on 10/16/2012. Election laws required his name to remain on the general election ballot, and he was elected to the 83rd Senate. He is not included in the statistics above.

Statistics for race and ethnicity are not available.

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