House Committee on State Asylums - 29th R.S. (1905)
Committee Members
- John Frank Onion, Chair
- Daniel Johnson Anthony
- Leander Taylor Beaty
- John James Bennett
- Robert Elijah Bertram
- William John Bryan
- Chris B. Callan
- Robert William Chapman
- Isaac Adair Daniel
- Joseph Abner Dodd
- John Isaac Ellison
- Ernest D. Foree
- James Lyde Fountain
- Frank Benton Guinn
- Josephus Marion Hall
- William John Mathis
- George Stephen Miller
- John Lowery Peeler
- Cader Adkin Shelby
- Robert David Thompson
- Walter Francis Timon
- James Dinwiddie Woods
2nd C.S.: Rep. Mathis added 3/26/1906 during the (House Journal p. 10).
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