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13 Document(s) [ Subject: Air pollution control technology ]

Committee: House Environmental Regulation
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Abandoned oil wells | Air pollution | Air pollution control technology | Economic development | Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. | Federal funds | Hazardous substances | Texas Emissions Reduction Plan | Wastewater management |
Library Call Number:
Session: 87th R.S. (2021)
Online version: View report [28 pages  File size: 1,043 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 87th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
  • HB 1680, 87th R.S. relating to the regulation of on-site sewage disposal systems on certain leased land that is owned by the federal government;
  • HB 4472, 87th R.S. relating to the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP); and
  • SB 900, 87th R.S. which updates performance and safety standards for chemical storage vessels.
2. Evaluate the allocation of TERP funds for effective air pollution reduction programs. Review which existing programs are over or under-subscribed and identify unrealized opportunities that would further program goals.
3. Review recent passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Public Law No. 117-58), specifically funds that may bolster efforts to clean up polluted sites and plug wells and how federal funds can be used to complement state efforts on well plugging and pollution clean-up.
4. Monitor newly adopted and proposed federal regulations that could directly impact economic development, manufacturing, and industrial activities that fall within the jurisdiction of the committee, including regulations adopted or proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Environmental Regulation
Title: Committee meeting testimony, April 26, 2022
Library Call Number:
Session: 87th R.S. (2021)
Online version: View document [8 pages  File size: 113 kb]
Committee: House Environmental Regulation
Title: Committee meeting handouts and testimony, May 25, 2022
Library Call Number:
Session: 87th R.S. (2021)
Online version: View document [9 pages  File size: 115 kb]
Committee: House Environmental Regulation
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Air pollution control technology | Air quality | Clean Air Act | Environmental permits | Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. | Industrial air pollution | Low-Income Vehicle Repair Assistance Program | Texas Emissions Reduction Plan | Vehicle emissions tests | Vehicle pollution | Vehicle safety inspections |
Library Call Number: L1836.80 En89
Session: 80th R.S. (2007)
Online version: View report [54 pages  File size: 6,595 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Work to create and maintain a market-based approach to the application and implementation of Green Chemistry initiatives for the State of Texas.
2. Evaluate capabilities at public and private universities relating to the potential formation of dedicated Green Chemistry programs.
3. Collaborate with businesses to identify current Green Chemistry efforts that are already taking place, as well as what the incentives and disincentives are for businesses to make this shift. Examine and identify the environmental and economic benefits of promoting Green Chemistry initiatives.
4. Examine funding options for a statewide Green Chemistry initiative.
5. Work with various state agencies such as the General Land Office, the Railroad Commission of Texas, and the Department of Agriculture in order to facilitate the promotion of Green Chemistry practices.
6. Examine the obstacles that must be overcome for Green Chemistry to be effective; identify solutions to such obstacles.
7. Study the Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan (SIP) to determine if:
  • Data is being collected adequately
  • Recent changes to the SIP are brining Texas closer to the federal Environmental Protection Agency requirements; and
  • There are any midcourse corrections necessary to achieve EPA requirements.
As background, examine and document the trend in levels of air quality in Texas since 1980.
8. Examine the progress of the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan, the Low-Income Vehicle Repair Assistance, Retrofit, and Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program and the Texas Environmental Research Consortium.
9. Study the air permitting process to examine, define, or interpret the following:
  • The role of public input in the standard air permitting process;
  • The requirements and interpretation of what constitutes Best Available Control Technology;
  • The requirements for monitoring ambient air in the beginning stages of the permitting process;
  • The requirements for modeling future air pollution in the event that the proposed plant is constructed;
  • The issue of the cumulative impact of different air pollution sources;
  • The use of permits-by-rule and flexible permits in some cases; and
  • The requirements for permit renewals and the process for granting or denying permit renewals.
10. Examine the penalties and sanctions imposed on vehicle inspection and emissions testing facilities.
11. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction.
Committee: Senate Jurisprudence
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Senate Committee on Jurisprudence interim report
Subjects: Adoption | Air pollution control technology | Child abuse | Child custody | Children's Advocacy Centers | Extraterritorial jurisdiction | Grandparents | Houston, Texas | Judges | Juries | Medical records | Occupational licenses | Parents | Private investigators | Probate courts | Records management | Rules of evidence | Texas Code of Criminal Procedure | Visitation rights |
Library Call Number: L1836.80 J979
Session: 80th R.S. (2007)
Online version: View report [161 pages  File size: 5,386 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the laws governing suits affecting the parent-child relationship involving non-parents, including suits for possession of or access to a child by a grandparent, and make recommendations for providing the best care and protection for the children involved. Provide an assessment of the constitutional issues involved with these suits.
2. Study the management and storage of adoption records, including the costs and benefits of converting records into digital format. Study ways to increase access by adopted persons and their children and spouses to important family medical history information and ensure that medical history information is updated, while maintaining privacy and anonymity of records.
3. Examine the role of heir finders in Texas and make recommendations regarding professional standards and fees for heir finders.
4. Identify and study best practices for representation of children in child abuse and neglect cases and determine whether to implement further training, oversight, or other requirements for judges, attorneys, and others responsible for child abuse and neglect cases, including child sexual abuse cases. Develop and implement tools for children’s advocacy centers (CACs) and prosecutors to successfully investigate and prosecute child abusers. Include the following:
  • Explore changes to the rules of evidence that could facilitate the presentation of child testimony in court;
  • Explore making prior extraneous sex offenses admissible during determination of guilt, as has been adopted in the federal court system; and
  • Explore possible expansion of the rules regarding how cases are consolidated and punishments are stacked in a single trial involving a crime committed against a child.
5. Study practices intended to enhance the jury experience and increase jury participation, including:
  • allowing jurors to ask questions of witnesses by submitting them to the judge in writing;
  • allowing lawyers to periodically summarize testimony for the jury;
  • allowing jurors to take notes during trial; and
  • allowing jurors to discuss evidence among themselves during trial.
6. Study and make recommendations relating to the jurisdiction, authority, power and discretion of probate judges in Texas, including the authority of a probate judge to intervene in a non-probate case.
7. Study administrative and legal procedures used by municipalities to exert regulatory authority beyond city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction. Determine whether conflicts exist with agencies' regulatory authority and regulatory authority delegated to home-rule municipalities, and make recommendations for appropriate delegation and clarification of respective authorities.
8. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Jurisprudence Committee, 80th R.S., and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation.
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report - Air Quality
Subjects: Air pollution | Air pollution control technology | Air quality | Arsenic | Barton Springs | Edwards Aquifer | Electric power plants | Mercury | Surface water pollution | Texas Emissions Reduction Plan | Water conservation | Water planning | Water quality management | Water quality protection zones |
Library Call Number: L1836.80 N219i
Session: 80th R.S. (2007)
Online version: View report [165 pages  File size: 1,439 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review Texas' current air emissions inventory and evaluate the need for additional data to enhance or improve the inventory. Review current federal, state and local incentive programs related to emissions reductions and recommend improvements.
2. Study and assess the use of advanced control technologies for the reduction of point source pollution emissions, including, but not limited to:
  • Identifying state-of-the-art pollution control technologies;
  • Identifying facilities which could benefit from state-of-the-art control technologies;
  • Identifying mechanisms for implementing state-of-the-art controls in Texas;
  • Reviewing the ability of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to regulate the use of pollution control technologies, including possible legislative options to grant, improve, or mandate TCEQ actions to implement state-of-the-art control technologies; and
  • Investigating the use of different approaches or methods in regulating emissions based on geographical/regional locations around the state.
3. Assess the environmental impact of new electric generation sources and technologies. Collect and evaluate data related to use and conservation of water used in the production of energy. Examine the need to include electric generation facility water needs in regional water plans.
4. Study and assess issues concerning mercury and arsenic emissions, including, but not limited to:
  • identifying the sources of mercury and arsenic pollution in air and water;
  • investigating the status of drinking water, reservoir, river, estuary, and fish and wildlife mercury and arsenic monitoring programs in Texas;
  • investigating the implementation by TCEQ of the Federal Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR) on power plants in Texas;
  • studying the potential costs and benefits of including all coal/lignite burning sources in Texas, not just power plants, into the State's CAMR program; and
  • determining the legislative and regulatory mechanisms and advisability of including all coal/lignite burning sources into the State's CAMR program.
5. Study the need for regional water quality standards, particularly in the Edwards and Barton Springs recharge zones.
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report - Air Quality
Library Catalog Title: The Senate Committee on Natural Resources interim report to the 80th Legislature : state air programs
Subjects: Air pollution | Air pollution control technology | Air quality | Low-Income Vehicle Repair Assistance Program | Texas Emissions Reduction Plan | Vehicle pollution |
Library Call Number: L1836.79 N219ap
Session: 79th R.S. (2005)
Online version: View report [25 pages  File size: 1,146 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Monitor ongoing efforts to improve air quality in Texas and review development and implementation of the State Implementation Plan. Examine the effectiveness of the Low Income Vehicle Repair and Assistance Program and the Texas Emissions Reduction Program.
Committee: House Environmental Regulation
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Environmental Regulation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2004 : a report to the House of Representatives, 79th Texas Legislature
Subjects: Air pollution control technology | Air quality | Environmental permits | Environmental protection | Environmental Quality, Texas Commission on | Nonattainment areas | Texas Emissions Reduction Plan | Wastewater management |
Library Call Number: L1836.78 En89
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [71 pages  File size: 336 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Conduct a study on the regulation, design, planning, construction, installation, operation, licensing, maintenance and inspection of on-site sewage disposal systems.
2. Examine compliance histories and incentives to reward compliance by entities regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
3. Monitor the implementation of HB 1365, 78th R.S., Texas Emission Reduction Plan, to ensure compliance with federal Clean Air Act standards and deadlines.
4. Monitor the agencies under the committee's jurisdiction.
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: The Senate Committee on Natural Resources interim report to the 79th Legislature.
Subjects: Air pollution control technology | Air quality | Coastal erosion | Coastal protection | Emissions | Environmental protection | Solid waste disposal | Water quality management |
Library Call Number: L1836.78 N219
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [72 pages  File size: 408 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the ongoing efforts, and make recommendations, as needed, to achieve cleaner air in Texas including: Implementation of HB 1365, 78th R.S.; State Implementation Plan revisions; Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's (TCEQ) implementation of the 8-hour air quality standard; Early action compacts and other innovative air quality planning tools; Emissions transport issues, including recent court decisions and federal legislation implementing transport policy; Transition of the Texas Council on Environmental Technology to TCEQ; and Regional air quality challenges.
2. Study long-term funding and planning solutions to combat erosion along the Texas coast with particular attention to: the National Flood Insurance Program, securing, matching and additional federal dollars, and alternative funding approaches.
3. Study and make recommendations regarding current state and federal laws relating to the permitting and operation of landfills. Issues to be considered include the generation and transportation of waste; the selection, approval, and regulation of treatment and storage facilities; the projected demand for new facilities; and the adequacy of existing technology to safely dispose of waste.
4. Study the consistent implementation of federal and state air and water quality standards by local governments and make recommendations for improving the consistency and effectiveness of the requirements.
Committee: House Regulated Industries
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report to the Texas House of Representatives, 79th Legislature
Subjects: Air pollution control technology | Alternative energy | Broadband infrastructure | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electric utility deregulation | Fuel cells | Rights of way | State government reorganization | Telecommunications infrastructure | Wind energy |
Library Call Number: L1836.78 R265
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [64 pages  File size: 533 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Gather and review information on the overall status of the telecommunications market in Texas, including the effects of inter-modal competition and emerging technologies. Recommend changes to Texas law to encourage new investment and technological innovation consistent with market-oriented public policies and the interests of Texas families and businesses. Gather and review information on the Federal Communications Commission Triennial Review and recommend adjustments to Texas law.
2. Study broadband service deployment, including other state's models used to transition to a fully competitive communications marketplace and any new technologies of competitive providers.
3. Study the process of economic dispatch and determine possible methods to improve the competitive electric utilities market and reduce costs and pollution caused by inefficient power plants.
4. Examine issues related to access to rights-of-way and easements to ensure state laws encourage non-discriminatory access for all broadband service providers regardless of technology used to offer the service or the regulatory status of the provider.
5. Examine the reliability of electric utility service and review authority and structure of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas.
6. Study the size and scope of the various broadband infrastructure platforms (e.g. cable, satellite, fixed wireless, DSL) in the state and how each are regulated under both state and federal law.
7. Determine how investment in broadband networks by both competitive local exchange carriers and incumbent local exchange providers can be encouraged through public policy changes.
8. Examine the benefits and challenges associated with alternative forms of energy generation technologies, such as wind and hydrogen fuel cells, and what if any state government involvement should be considered. (Joint interim charge with Energy Resources Committee)
9. Monitor agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction, including identifying possible ways to merge or streamline agency functions to produce long-term financial benefit to the state and better efficiency of the agencies.
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report - Compliance with the Federal Clean Air Act and Establishment of the Texas Emission Reduction Plan Advisory Committee
Library Catalog Title: The Senate Interim Committee on Natural Resources interim report to the 78th Legislature : Texas compliance with the Federal Clean Air Act and establishment of the Texas Emission Reduction Plan Advisory Committee.
Subjects: Air pollution control technology | Air quality | Clean Air Act | Texas Emissions Reduction Plan |
Library Call Number: L1836.77 n219e
Session: 77th R.S. (2001)
Online version: View report [172 pages  File size: 3,083 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Assess current efforts to reduce emissions and comply with standards in the federal Clean Air Act. The Committee should monitor the efforts of the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan Advisory Committee established in SB 5, 77th R.S..
Committee: House Offset Emissions Standards, Select
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the speaker and members of the 66th Legislature / Select Committee on Offset Emission Standards.
Subjects: Air pollution control technology | Air quality | Clean Air Act | Industrial air pollution | Vehicle pollution |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 of2
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [79 pages  File size: 3,186 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Conduct in-depth studies, take and receive testimony, and pursue all possible research avenues in an effort to evaluate the economic and political effects of the Environmental Protection Agency's Emissions Offset Policy and the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments on the State of Texas.
Committee: House Environmental Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the Committee on Environmental Affairs, Texas House of Representatives, 64th Legislature, to the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 65th Legislature
Subjects: Air pollution control technology | Battleship Texas | Coal mining | Environmental protection | Industrial air pollution | Mining | Outdoor recreation | Parks | Recycling | Shrimping industry | Solid waste disposal | Uranium mines |
Library Call Number: L1836.64 en89
Session: 64th R.S. (1975)
Online version: View report [132 pages  File size: 3,791 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Investigate the cost of maintaining the Battleship Texas. Consider proposals to increase the money available for the Battleship Texas Commission by eliminating the net revenue ceiling or increasing the allowable bond interest rate. *
2. Study the need for parks and recreation facilities in urban areas. Consider possible cooperative arrangements between the federal government, the state, and local governments. *
3. Review the effects of the Texas Shrimp Conservation Act. *
4. Study the possible consolidation of the State's environmental agencies. *
5. Study the potential of recycling as a method to dispose of municipal and industrial solid waste. Evaluate the economic feasibility of resource recovery programs. Consider the development of a waste exchange system to facilitate the re-use of industrial wastes. *
6. Study the impact of the Texas Surface Mining and Reclamation Act. *
7. Study energy consumption requirements and air pollution control tradeoffs for a cast iron soil pipe foundry. *

* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.

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