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Committee: Senate Intergovernmental Relations
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 81st Texas Legislature
Subjects: Affordable housing | Bootstrap Self-Help Housing Program | Contracts for deed | Emergency services districts | Homeownership | Housing and Community Affairs, Texas Department of | Municipal utility districts | Special taxing districts | State government debt | Substandard housing | Suburban areas | Title insurance | University of Texas System | Urban areas | Urban sprawl |
Library Call Number: L1836.80 L786
Session: 80th R.S. (2007)
Online version: View report [394 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study and make recommendations on Texas’ housing programs, with particular focus upon:
    Increasing the effectiveness of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs' (TDHCA) Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Program. Examine potential rule changes to the HTC Program's Qualified Allocation Plan to give owners of mixed-income projects seeking low-income housing credits the same opportunity to receive credits that low-income projects have, thus helping cities address the problem of a lack of adequate quality affordable housing while enhancing central city revitalization;
  • Significantly improving homeownership rates by evaluating Texas’ efforts to address the growing housing need. Efforts should include assessment of the range of tools which may be used to help low-income Texans develop equity through homeownership. Tools should be evaluated in terms of their economic development impact, leverage of federal and private funds, and how they are utilized in other states;
  • Evaluating the progress of affordable housing programs within the state and developing recommendations to boost the capacity of non-profits to build increased affordable housing developments;
  • Monitor the expansion of the Housing Trust Fund by the 80th Legislature; review the funds of other states to develop recommendations for a permanent funding source for the Texas Housing Trust Fund;
  • Promote home-ownership through self-help initiatives such as the Texas Bootstrap Loan Program;
  • Assessing the existing use of state and federal housing funds in relation to statutory and budgetary mandates; and
  • Examining the incidence of health and safety violations and concerns for general habitability among multi-family and single-family rental properties across the state, including properties financed or supported by the state. Consider the adequacy of the existing authority conferred by the state upon local governments to address violations of habitability standards. Make recommendations for extension of local capacity for redress.
2. Review title insurance requirements relating to the purchase of a home under an installment contract or contract for a deed. Study title insurance requirements and costs in Texas as compared to other states.
3. Study the provision of fire and emergency medical services through Emergency Service Districts (ESDs) and make recommendations concerning the provision of those services, and for reconciling potential conflicts due to overlapping taxing jurisdictions in the areas of the state served by ESDs.
4. Review the process for the creation of Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) and other special districts, and investigate whether the creation of a standard municipal utility district statute is feasible, and whether it would enable the legislature to more efficiently evaluate proposed districts during the legislative session.
5. Study the shifting geographic nature of low-income neighborhoods in urban and suburban areas, focusing on factors that contribute to economic displacement of low income homeowners and factors that contribute to beneficial redevelopment of distressed neighborhoods.
6. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, 80th R.S., and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Specifically, report on changes made by SB 968, 80th R.S., relating to financing tools for certain obligations for public improvements and for certain obligations of The University of Texas System and evaluate the need for further changes to Chapter 1371 Texas Government Code.
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate Studying the establishments of the UT and Texas A&M systems in South Texas, Select
Title: SR 124, 70th Leg., 2nd C.S.
Library Call Number: SR 124
Session: 70th R.S. (1987)
Online version: View document [3 pages  File size: 591 kb]
Committee: Senate University of Texas, Investigative
Title: Report
Library Catalog Title: Special Committee Report with Exhibits
Subjects: Ferguson, James E. 'Pa' | University faculty | University of Texas at Austin | University of Texas System | University of Texas System Board of Regents |
Library Call Number: S.J. of Tex., 35th Leg., R.S. 525 (1917)
Session: 35th R.S. (1917)
Online version: View report [23 pages  File size: 1,380 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To make a full, complete and fair investigation of all matters concerning the University in any of its branches, touching the character or standing of its teachers or employees. *
2. To investigate the conduct and methods of the Board of Regents and the attitude of each of the men recommended for appointment and selection by the Senate toward the management of internal workings of the University, and with any regard to whether or not said nominees have already been seen, or have anywise committed themselves to or for the retention or dismissal of any member of the faculty, or have any prejudgment of any question settled by former Board of Regents, and if such nominees would attempt to dismiss any member of the faculty upon a charge previously investigated. *
3. To hold its meetings open to the public and that any and all persons interested be invited to attend and give evidence or make any statement that would shed light upon these matters. *

* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.

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