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4 Document(s) [ Subject: Cloning ]
Committee: | Senate Health and Human Services | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim report to the 82nd Legislature | |
Subjects: | Adult Protective Services | Aging and Disability Services, Texas Department of | At-risk youth | Child abuse | Children's Health Insurance Program | Cloning | Crime prevention | Diet and nutrition | Emergency management | Families | Family and Protective Services, Texas Department of | Family violence | Federal government | Foster care | H1N1 virus | Health care | Health care providers | Health insurance | Human services | Long-term care | Medicaid | Medicaid eligibility | Medical Board, Texas | Medical errors | Medical research | Mental health services | Mentally ill persons | Nurses | Obesity | Physicians | Quality of care | Senior citizens | Services for persons with disabilities | State budgets | Stem cell research | Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.81 H349 | |
Session: | 81st R.S. (2009) | |
Online version: | View report [272 pages File size: 6,511 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Upon passage of federal legislation relating to reform of the health care industry and health insurance industry that the Texas Health and Human Services Commission estimates will costs the State of Texas $2 to 2.5 billion per year in General Revenue beginning as early as 2013, study the implications of such legislation on Texas, the health care industry, and public and private insurance. Study and monitor the implementation of the insurance regulatory changes, changes to high risk pool, and any other insurance mandates. Study the health care policy changes and the impact to the Medicaid and CHIP programs and the state budget. Assess the impact to all state uninsured and uncompensated care programs and county programs for the uninsured, including county property tax programs to pay for the uninsured. Make recommendations for the efficient implementation of programs. (Joint charge with Senate State Affairs Committee) | |
2. | Study the benefits, efficiencies and costs, and effectiveness of the social service related prevention and early intervention programs at the health and human services agencies, the juvenile and adult criminal justice agencies and other government agencies that have programs that address mental illness, substance abuse, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, single-parent families, absentee fathers, early pregnancy, and unemployment. Study other states' prevention programs and efforts to administer these programs through a merged prevention department. Make recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of these programs. | |
3. | Review the timeliness and efficiency of the Health and Human Service Commission's eligibility system. Include a review of staffing levels and staffing distribution; implementation of Rider 61; and the increased demand on the system. Make recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the system, focusing on policy changes that will not create a large financial burden for the state. | |
4. | Study and make recommendations on the state's role for facilitating the exchange of health care information in the future, including using the Medicaid exchange as a framework for the statewide exchange of health information between health care providers to improve quality of care; what information the state should provide; how to use this information to improve care management, prevent medical errors, and reduce unnecessary services; and policies and statutory changes needed to ensure that privacy is protected. Study the feasibility of developing multiple regional health information technology exchanges in Texas. | |
5. | Study the state's current and long-range need for physicians, nurses, dentists and other allied health and long-term care professionals. Provide recommendations for ensuring sufficient numbers of health care professionals, focusing on medically underserved and rural areas of the state as well as the Border region. Consider health care delivered by Advanced Practice Nurses in terms of access, cost and patient safety and include an assessment of independent prescriptive authority with those states in which prescriptive authority is delegated by a physician. Make recommendations to enhance the efficient use of Advanced Practice Nurses in Texas. | |
6. | Explore strategies to support the needs of aging Texans, including best practices in nursing home diversion, expediting access to community services, and programs to assist seniors and their families in navigating the long-term care system with the goal of helping seniors remain in the community. Study the guardianship program implemented by the Department of Aging and Disabilities and the Department of Adult Protective Services, including the efficiency and effectiveness of the program, the relationship between the two agencies, the appropriate rights for parents, and whether clients and their assets are adequately protected to ensure the state is appropriately identifying seniors in need of protection. | |
7. | Examine how the state could enact policies to improve the overall health of Texans, focusing on programs that compliment individually-based prevention with communitybased prevention to reduce obesity rates by increasing physical activity, improving nutrition, and improving self-management of chronic diseases such as diabetes. Examine obesity-related health disparities between different ethnic groups and ways to narrow these gaps. Consider the fiscal and health impact of second-hand smoke on businesses and service sector employees. Study state-level initiatives to incorporate these individual and community-based prevention strategies, including initiatives pursued in other states. | |
8. | Study the state's ability to appropriately respond to the H1N1 influenza pandemic by examining issues related to vaccine distribution and capacity. Consider the benefit of providing the state's independent school districts and various health authorities with standardized protocols for issues including, but not limited to, vaccine administration, absenteeism and the cancellation of school and other school-related events. Assess the state's ability to track and record H1N1 vaccinations through the ImmTrac registry, and review statutes governing ImmTrac to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of immunization information systems. | |
9. | Study current state health care quality improvement initiatives in Texas, including statewide health care-associated infection and adverse event reporting, reimbursement reductions in the Texas Medicaid program for preventable adverse events, potentially preventable readmissions identification, health information technology implementation, pay-far-performance programs, and other initiatives aimed at improving the efficiency, safety, and quality of health care in Texas. Identify statutory changes that may build upon efforts to improve quality of care and contain health care costs in Texas. Study policies that encourage and facilitate the use of best practices by health care providers including the best way to report and distribute information on quality of care and the use of best practices to the public and to promote health care provider and payment incentives that will encourage the use of best practices. The study/recommendations could also include assessing the best way to bring provider groups together to increase quality of care, the use of best practices, and reduce unnecessary services. | |
10. | Study current practices of the Texas Medical Board relating to disclosure of complaints. | |
11. | Review the types of human stem cell and human cloning research being conducted, funded, or supported by state agencies, including institutions of higher education. Make recommendations for appropriate data collection and funding protocols. | |
12. | Review the Medicaid HCBS waivers (CBA, STAR Plus, CLASS, MDCP, DBMT, TxHmL) and develop recommendations to assure that people with significant disabilities, regardless of disability label or age, receive needed services to remain in or transition to the community. Review should look at the delivery system, eligibility, service packages, rate structures, workforce issues and funding caps. Examine options for the provision of services for children aging out of the Medicaid system. Make recommendations for streamlining/combining these waivers, ensuring that these waivers are cost effective or create cost savings, and developing policies that contain costs in an effort to increase access to these services. The review should examine other states' community care waivers and provide recommendations relating to efforts that have been successful in other states. | |
13. | Study the type, duration, frequency and effectiveness of mental health services available to and accessed by abused and neglected Texas children. Recommend strategies to address the impact of the trauma, and enhance therapeutic services available to this population in an effort to eliminate the cycle of abuse and neglect. | |
14. | Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services, 81st Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation.
Committee: | House State Affairs | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | House Committee on State Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2006 : a report to the House of Representatives, 80th Texas Legislature | |
Subjects: | Aircraft Pooling Board | Building and Procurement Commission, Texas | Cloning | Contraceptives | Identity theft | In-vitro fertilization | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Parental consent for abortion | Pharmacists | Prescription drugs | Residential Construction Commission, Texas | Smoking bans | Stem cell research | Texas Cord Blood Bank | Tobacco lawsuit | Umbilical cord blood | Underage smoking | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.79 St29h | |
Session: | 79th R.S. (2005) | |
Online version: | View report [95 pages File size: 18,140 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Monitor agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction, including identifying possible ways to merge or streamline agency functions to produce long-term financial benefits to the state and better efficiency of the agencies. | |
2. | Examine scientific advances made on stem cell research. | |
3. | Monitor rule making of parental consent for the performance of an abortion. | |
4. | Study the problem of identity theft, and recommend any legislative changes needed to combat the problem. (Joint interim charge with the House Committee on Business and Industry) | |
5. | Examine the compliance of cigarette manufacturing companies with the 1998 Tobacco Settlement with reference to sales to minors, and the progress toward meeting the state's tobacco use goals and the cost of tobacco use to the state. (Joint interim charge with the House Committee on Public Health) | |
6. | Review and consider all issues involved with a pharmacist refusal to dispense a drug. | |
Committee: | Senate Health Services | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report to the 77th Legislature / Texas Senate Health Committee. | |
Subjects: | Biological weapons | Biotechnology industry | Children's Health Insurance Program | Cloning | Dentists | Ethics | Genetic research and testing | Health care providers | Immunizations | Managed care | Medicaid | Medical privacy | Medical records | Nurses | Nursing shortages | Pharmaceutical industry | Pharmacists | Physicians | Privacy | State employee turnover | Telemedicine | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.76 h35 | |
Session: | 76th R.S. (1999) | |
Online version: | View report [356 pages File size: 6,500 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Evaluate the changes in the Medicaid system since the beginning of Medicaid reform. The Committee shall assess reform efforts in light of the original goals for implementation of Medicaid managed care, as well as the impact of Medicaid managed care on patient outcomes, cost implications to the state, and the impact on traditional providers of indigent care. The Committee shall also specifically evaluate the ability of Medicaid managed care organizations and the state to manage chronic illnesses and develop specific strategies for disease management for certain populations. | |
2. | Inventory and analyze the amount and type of research related to pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and genetics currently occurring in Texas to maximize the benefits to Texans in these fields. The Committee shall also examine the ethical implications associated with pharmaceuticals, genetic and biotechnology research. | |
3. | Review the type, amount, availability, and use of patient-specific medical information, including prescription data, and current statutory and regulatory provisions governing its availability. The report shall explore if statutory and regulatory provisions are consistent and adequately enforced. | |
4. | Study impacts of the degree of choice granted physicians to administer immunizations to children under the Vaccinations For Children (VFC) Program. The Committee shall focus on the health and fiscal implications to the public and private sectors of granting choices to physicians where more than one manufacturer produces the same vaccine at an equivalent price. | |
5. | Assess the preparedness of the Texas health care workforce to meet the health care needs of Texans beyond the year 2000, including methods to retain Texas-trained medical personnel. The Committee shall evaluate the availability of health care providers in rural and urban areas. The Committee shall also review the oversight of medical procedures performed by medical residents and disclosure provided to patients prior to treatment. | |
6. | Monitor the implementation of SB 445, 76th R.S. relating to the Children's Health Insurance Program. | |
Committee: | House State Affairs | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | House Committee on State Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1998 : a report to the House of Representatives, 76th Texas Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Alternative energy | Automobiles | Biotechnology industry | Business taxes | Campaign contributions | Campaign contributors | Campaign finance reform | Cloning | Councils of government | Electric utility deregulation | Ethics | Genetic research and testing | Long distance telephone service | Privacy | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Regulatory Act | Soft money | State agencies | State taxes | Telephone deregulation | Telephone service | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.75 st29h | |
Session: | 75th R.S. (1997) | |
Online version: | View report [119 pages File size: 6,856 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Examine and evaluate the role of financial contributions in campaigns for election to state offices. Identify practices or trends that may be detrimental to the public good and study ways to eliminate or reverse those trends. (Joint with the House Committee on Elections) | |
2. | Study the threats to personal privacy due to technological advances in the capacity to store data and the increasing use of electronic transaction in government, business, and everyday life. Examine the uses made of such information by governments and commercial enterprises, and the potential for abuse. Assess legislative options. | |
3. | Review conditions in the telecommunications industry. Examine changes that have occurred since the passage of HB 2128, 74th R.S., and compare current conditions to expectations at the time of passage. Assess the need for revisions to keep the transition to competition on track. | |
4. | Inventory the kinds of public-private arrangements that currently exist in Texas government, and examine any new ethical or accountability issues that arise when the state relies on private entities in non-traditional ways. | |
5. | Study the legal, social, and economic issues likely to arise because of developments in the fields of genetics and bioethics. Such issues may include those related to altered foodstuffs, cloning, reproduction, eugenics, and genetic testing. | |
6. | Examine whether Regional Planning Commissions (COG's) have fulfilled the purposes for which they were established originally, and whether their functions or enabling legislation requires change. | |
7. | Examine the feasibility of combining agency automobile fleets into a pooled fleet that could be centrally administered to obtain efficiencies of operation. | |
8. | Assess the state and local tax impacts of possible changes in the structure of the electric power industry. |
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