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21 Document(s) [ Subject: Privatization ]
Committee: | Senate Veteran Affairs | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Affordable housing | General Land Office, Texas | Homelessness | Law enforcement | Mental health services | Mentally ill persons | Post-traumatic stress disorder | Privatization | Veterans | Veterans cemeteries | Veterans health care | Workforce Commission, Texas | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.87 V641 | |
Session: | 87th R.S. (2021) | |
Online version: | View report [26 pages File size: 523 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | State Veteran Cemeteries: Evaluate the current oversight of the Texas State Veteran Cemeteries to ensure that these sacred and essential grounds are being maintained, repaired, and treated with respect. Ensure that the needs of our veterans are being met by reviewing the number, location, and funding of the cemeteries. Examine and make recommendations for the financing mechanism for the Texas State Veterans Cemeteries to ensure sustainability. | |
2. | Veteran Benefits: Explore and report on options to remove barriers for companies offering veteran benefits and consider policies that could leverage additional public-private-partnerships. Identify opportunities to connect veterans to existing business resources and available state services. Recommend ways to increase matching federal funding for veteran benefits. Review current law for consistency in eligibility for state veteran benefits and recommend any necessary changes. | |
3. | Veteran Mental Health: Review the currently accepted forms of treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and consider the creation of a program which would require completion of a multi-modality treatment plan including traditional talk therapy, limbic system therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and emotionally focused individual therapy (EFIT). | |
4. | Veteran Mental Health: Identify the training and resources available to urban and rural first responders when assisting veterans experiencing a mental health crisis. Make recommendations for how to best support first responders in these crisis situations. | |
Committee: | House Corrections | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Corsicana Residential Treatment Facility | Criminal Justice, Texas Department of | Inmate rehabilitation | Juvenile detention facilities | Juvenile Justice Department, Texas | Juvenile justice system | Mentally ill inmates | Pardons and Paroles, Texas Board of | Parole | Prison population | Privatization | Recidivism | School discipline | School district police | School safety | Substance abuse | Truancy | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.83 C817 | |
Session: | 83rd R.S. (2013) | |
Online version: | View report [0 pages File size: 58 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study and review the correctional facilities and processes within Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department with emphasis on efficiencies, effectiveness, and recidivism. Examine the existing programmatic approach per facility in the areas of the vocation, education, visitation, rehabilitation, health and mental health services, parole supervision, and reentry initiatives. Evaluate opportunities for partnerships between facilities and private industries to offer education, job training, and potential employment for offenders during incarceration, parole, and final release. | |
2. | Examine the association between co-occurring serious mental illness and substance use disorders and parole revocation among inmates from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Review current policies and procedures for incarcerating individuals with a dual mental health diagnosis in both state and county correctional facilities and examine potential remedies within the State's criminal justice system to ensure that the public is protected and that individuals with a mental health diagnosis receive a continuum of mental health services. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence) | |
3. | In the area of Juvenile Justice, analyze and make recommendations on outcome-based financing models that allow the state to partner with private investors and innovative service providers willing to cover the upfront costs and assume performance risk to divert youths into cost-effective programs and interventions, while assuring that taxpayers will not pay for the programs unless the programs demonstrate success in achieving the desired outcomes. | |
4. | Study the impact of SB 393, 83rd R.S. and SB 1114, 83rd R.S.. Assess the impact of school discipline and school-based policing on referrals to the municipal, justice, and juvenile courts, and identify judicial policies or initiatives designed to reduce referrals without having a negative impact on school safety. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Public Education) | |
5. | Conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of the agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 83rd Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee should: a. consider any reforms to state agencies to make them more responsive to Texas taxpayers and citizens; b. identify issues regarding the agency or its governance that may be appropriate to investigate, improve, remedy, or eliminate; c. determine whether an agency is operating in a transparent and efficient manner; and d. identify opportunities to streamline programs and services while maintaining the mission of the agency and its programs. | |
Committee: | Senate Transportation | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Highway finance | Natural gas production | Oil production | Privatization | Semi-trailer trucks | TexasSure | Toll roads | Traffic | Traffic safety | Transportation, Texas Department of | Uninsured motorists | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.83 T685 | |
Session: | 83rd R.S. (2013) | |
Online version: | View report [43 pages] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Examine the anticipated impact increased oil and gas production will continue to have on roadways and bridges. Make recommendations to enhance the safety and infrastructure damaged by truck activity related to oil and gas exploration and production. | |
2. | Evaluate the Texas Department of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organization's progress on reducing congestion on the 100 Most Congested Roadway segments and make recommendations to advance the development of the remaining congestion relief projects. | |
3. | Evaluate Comprehensive Development Agreements (CDA) and Design/Build project delivery methods and make recommendations for their future role in reducing congestion and continuing the state's economic growth. | |
4. | Examine the implementation of SB 1792, 83rd R.S., which provides remedies for habitual violators of nonpayment of tolls and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. | |
5. | Study and monitor the state's efforts to protect taxpayers from uninsured motorists. Make recommendations to improve compliance of maintaining motor vehicle liability insurance and registration. | |
Committee: | House Government Efficiency and Reform | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Accenture LLP | Administrative Hearings, State Office of | Competitive bidding | Design/build process | Government transparency | Health and Human Services Commission, Texas | IBM | Identity requirements | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Local government contracts | Occupational licenses | Privatization | Roofing | Rules and regulations | Social media | State agencies | State government contracts | State purchasing | Texas State Data Center | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.82 G747r | |
Session: | 82nd R.S. (2011) | |
Online version: | View report [161 pages] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Examine and make recommendations on purchasing cooperatives created under Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, including the bid process and the role of inter-local contracts. Clarify for consistency the following terms: purchasing cooperatives, inter-local contracts, and inter-local agreements. | |
2. | Examine the utilization of alternative project delivery methods, such as design-build and construction-manager-at-risk, by municipalities, water districts, and authorities, and other local governmental entities since the passage of HB 1886, 80th Legislature. | |
3. | Examine interagency agreements and charges for providing information or personal identification documents at the request of a state agency to fulfill day-to-day operations at the expense of the requesting state agency. | |
4. | Examine areas of potential privatization of state services in an effort to achieve a higher level of service and greater efficiency for Texas taxpayers. (Joint with the House Committee on State Affairs) | |
5. | Examine state agency rulemaking and consider ways to improve procedural efficiencies and public transparency, and to better inform policymakers as to their use, purpose, and cost-effectiveness, including an examination of the financial and other impacts such regulations have on both the license holder and the public. (Joint with the House Committee on State Affairs) | |
6. | Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 82nd Legislature. | |
7. | Find ways to increase transparency, accountability and efficiency in state government. | |
Supporting documents | ||
Committee: | House Government Efficiency and Reform | |
Title: | Hearing materials, July 11, 2012, House Committee on State Affairs and Government Efficiency and Reform, Testimony on interim charge 4 (privatize services) | |
Library Catalog Title: | Minutes | |
Library Call Number: | L1801.9 ST29H 2012: JUL 11 | |
Session: | 82nd R.S. (2011) | |
Online version: | View document [108 pages File size: 14,630 kb] | |
Committee: | House State Affairs | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Broadband infrastructure | Cable telecommunications providers | Comptroller of Public Accounts campaigns and elections | Computer networks | Computers | Council on Competitive Government | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electric utilities | Electricity supplies | Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. | Facilities Commission, Texas | Health and Human Services Commission, Texas | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Mercury | Occupational licenses | Privatization | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Railroad Commission of Texas | Rules and regulations | State agencies | State government contracts | State land | State purchasing | Transboundary pollution | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.82 St29h | |
Session: | 82nd R.S. (2011) | |
Online version: | View report [78 pages] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Examine the issue of resource adequacy in the Texas electricity market, federal and state interventions in the marketplace that may be negatively impacting future adequacy, and the best way to maintain resource adequacy. | |
2. | Examine whether current law ensures broadband provider access to an electric cooperative's utility poles and facilities pursuant to reasonable, cost-based, and nondiscriminatory rates, terms, and conditions. Study methods for improving access to electric cooperative utility poles to reduce unnecessary costs and delays for the delivery of broadband service to Texas consumers. | |
3. | Examine areas of potential privatization of state services in an effort to achieve a higher level of service and greater efficiency for Texas taxpayers. (Joint with the House Committee on Government Efficiency & Reform) | |
4. | Identify inefficiencies in the regulation of public utilities in order to minimize the cost of regulation to consumers. | |
5. | Examine methods of cloud computing technology to streamline agency operations and generate greater efficiencies for more cost-effective operations. (Joint with the House Committee on Technology) | |
6. | Examine state agency rulemaking and consider ways to improve procedural efficiencies and public transparency, and to better inform policymakers as to their use, purpose, and cost-effectiveness, including an examination of the financial and other impacts such regulations have on both the license holder and the public. (Joint with the House Committee on Government Efficiency & Reform) | |
7. | Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction, including the implementation of SB 1048 regarding public-private partnerships on state-owned property. | |
8. | Study how businesses seeking to provide goods or services to the state interact with state agencies. Consider whether additional procedures are needed to ensure that goods and services obtained by the state are the best value. Determine whether additional disclosure and reporting requirements are necessary to ensure transparency, accountability, and to promote ethical business practices. | |
Supporting documents | ||
Committee: | House State Affairs | |
Title: | Hearing materials, July 11, 2012, House Committee on State Affairs and Government Efficiency and Reform, Testimony on interim charge 4 (privatize services) | |
Library Catalog Title: | Minutes | |
Library Call Number: | L1801.9 ST29H 2012: JUL 11 | |
Session: | 82nd R.S. (2011) | |
Online version: | View document [108 pages File size: 14,630 kb] | |
Committee: | House Technology | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | 911 emergency telephone service | Broadband infrastructure | High tech industry | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Personnel management | Privatization | Rural areas | Social media | Texas Emerging Technology Fund | Universal Service Fund | Workforce | Workforce Commission, Texas | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.82 T227 | |
Session: | 82nd R.S. (2011) | |
Online version: | View report [41 pages] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Examine ways to create incentives for technology companies to come to Texas, including the feasibility of public-private partnerships. The study should include the economic impact of the high-tech industry in Texas and the state's ability to compete with other states for high-tech jobs. Examine the state's current areas of differentiated technology research and development and recommend strategies to capitalize on that intellectual property and commercialization. Include strategies to attract Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) funding to Texas. | |
2. | Examine the benefits and financial costs associated with modernizing 911 call centers with the newest technology to connect dispatchers with callers using mobile means of communication in the fastest and most accurate manner possible during a time of emergency. | |
3. | Study the impact of federal broadband expansion programs on rural areas. Coordinate this review with the Public Utility Commission's evaluation of the state Texas Universal Service Fund and the Federal Communications Commission's national broadband plan. | |
4. | Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 82nd Legislature. | |
5. | Examine human resource policies of state agencies that would integrate the implementation of social media to strengthen the state's workforce. | |
Committee: | Senate Finance | |
Title: | Interim Report - General Government | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim report | |
Subjects: | Existing Debt Allotment | Fiscal management | Health care costs | Hospital districts | Hospitals | Instructional Facilities Allotment Program | Privatization | School buildings | School districts | School finance | State land | Texas Lottery | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.80 F49g | |
Session: | 80th R.S. (2007) | |
Online version: | View report [51 pages File size: 8,320 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study the effectiveness of cash management strategies of the state. Review the quarterly amount of cash on hand and its use and potential to generate excess returns. Include an assessment of cash flow problems that exist in school districts and request that the Comptroller of Public Accounts report on the additional short-term borrowing needed and the potential impact on bond ratings if legislation is not passed which allows for the "smoothing" of state payments to school districts. | |
2. | Explore the policy implications of allowing school districts, or other public agencies, to participate in a permissive pooled collateral program which provides for the centralization of collateral in a pool which will be tracked and verified to meet state requirements. | |
3. | Compile a list of significant state assets and infrastructure, including but not limited to the state lottery and state real property, and determine if each asset is being used to the highest and best use possible in the interest of taxpayers of Texas. Where appropriate, provide analysis of alternative uses of underperforming assets, potential cost savings or revenue gains and the legislative actions that would be needed to make the changes that are in the best interest of taxpayers. | |
4. | Study the funding of county public hospitals and the role neighboring counties without a county hospital should play. | |
5. | Review and evaluate appropriate state regulation of a private operator of the state lottery should the state receive bids for a lease of the lottery that merit strong consideration. Provide recommendations for ensuring the security and integrity of the lottery and for adequate consumer protections. (Joint charge with Senate State Affairs Committee) | |
6. | Review and make recommendations that address the state's facility infrastructure needs for public schools, ensuring that funding remains stable, reliable and equitable. Examine the need for funding adjustments for factors that affect the need for facilities, such as fast growth, age and condition of facilities, adequacy of space, construction and land costs, and concentration of students requiring smaller class sizes. Assess the impact on property taxpayers of “rolling forward” the Existing Debt Allotment (EDA) each session and the change in biennial appropriations for the Instructional Facilities Allotment (IFA). (Joint Charge with Senate Education Committee) | |
Committee: | Joint Private Participation in Toll Projects, Legislative Study | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report of the Legislative Study Committee on Private Participation in Toll Projects : final report | |
Subjects: | Privatization | State government contracts | Toll roads | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.80 T577 | |
Session: | 80th R.S. (2007) | |
Online version: | View report [125 pages File size: 6,068 kb] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | The legislative study committee shall select a presiding officer from among its members and conduct public hearings and study the public policy implications of including in a comprehensive development agreement entered into by a toll project entity with a private participant in connection with a toll project a provision that permits the private participant to operate and collect revenue from the toll project. In addition, the committee shall examine the public policy implications of selling an existing and operating toll project to a private entity. Not later than December 1, 2008, the legislative study committee shall: (1) prepare a written report summarizing: (A) any hearings conducted by the committee; (B) any legislation proposed by the committee; (C) the committee's recommendations for safeguards and protections of the public's interest when a contract for the sale of a toll project to a private entity is entered into; and (D) any other findings or recommendations of the committee; and (2) deliver a copy of the report to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives. | |
Committee: | Senate State Affairs | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Eight-liners | Election fraud | Employees Retirement System of Texas | Entergy Corporation | Gambling | Health care costs | Health insurance | Health maintenance organizations | Insurance industry | Investment of public funds | Legislative intent | Medical research | Medically uninsured | Mental health services | Mentally ill inmates | Mentally ill persons | Privatization | Public retirement systems | Statutory revision | Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation | Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool | Texas Lottery | Tort reform | Voter identification | Voting systems | Workers' compensation | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.80 St29a | |
Session: | 80th R.S. (2007) | |
Online version: | View report [308 pages File size: 43,740 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study the factors that impact the transparency and efficiency of the health insurance market. Make recommendation to result in the use of best practices, lower health care costs, and better health outcomes, including the following:
2. | Study and make recommendations for reducing the number of uninsured Texans, focusing on the following:
3. | Study and make recommendations relating to the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool, including the current eligibility for coverage requirements, the economic profiles of participants and former participants, the affordability of the insurance products’ premiums and deductibles, and the public's awareness of the Pool. | |
4. | Study the issue of security and accuracy in Texas elections. The study should include the benefits and risks of electronic voting technology, including the necessity of maintaining a paper record of each electronic vote. The study should also include an analysis of fraud in Texas elections, including prosecution rates for voter fraud, the processes for purging ineligible voters from voter lists, and the integrity of the mail-in and provisional ballot systems. Study the effectiveness of electronic voting technology and voter ID laws in other states. Monitor the implementation of the federal Help America Vote Act of 2002, including the implementation of the Texas Election Administration Management system. Recommend statutory and regulatory changes designed to ensure that only eligible voters are allowed to vote in Texas elections and that each vote is accurately counted. | |
5. | Review and make recommendations for requiring insurance coverage of routine medical care for patients with a life-threatening disease or condition who have elected to participate in a clinical trial. | |
6. | Study the economic impact of recent civil justice reform legislation in Texas. | |
7. | Study whether Texas should adopt the Restatement 2nd of Torts Sec. 674 (Wrongful use of Civil Proceedings) and whether a person should be allowed to recover court and attorneys fees when he has been forced to defend a lawsuit filed without probable cause or for intimidation purposes. | |
8. | Monitor the Texas workers' compensation system, and the continued implementation of the reforms of HB 7, 79th R.S., by the Texas Department of Insurance and other state agencies. Specifically evaluate the recent decision by the Texas Supreme Court in Entergy v. Summers in terms of its impact and the impact of previous legislation on the workers' compensation system. | |
9. | Study and make recommendations to reduce illegal gambling in Texas, including, but not limited to, the illegal use of Eight-Liners. | |
10. | Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of phasing in a defined-contribution pension for future employees versus the existing defined-benefit pension plan. Study options for transition or implementation issues and how the phase-in could be structured. Evaluate the possibility of requiring the state employee contribution rate to meet the annually required contribution for the statewide retirement funds each biennium in order to prevent unfunded liabilities. | |
11. | Study the relationship between the public mental health system and the criminal justice and civil courts systems, including the identification and sharing of information regarding mentally ill offenders, including minors, among criminal justice and mental health agencies, the courts, state hospitals, and the Veterans Administration. Study how current confidentiality laws impact the exchange of information among groups described above. Study the sentencing of mentally ill offenders compared to non-mentally ill offenders, including minors, and the affect that has on statewide prison capacity and on the quality of health care provided to mentally ill offenders. (Joint charge with Senate Criminal Justice Committee) | |
12. | Review and evaluate appropriate state regulation of a private operator of the state lottery should the state receive bids for a lease of the lottery that merit strong consideration. Provide recommendations for ensuring the security and integrity of the lottery and for adequate consumer protections. (Joint charge with Senate Finance Committee) | |
13. | Study the feasibility and the advisability of establishing an investment policy that is consistent across all state trust funds, including the trust funds of the Employees Retirement System, the Teachers Retirement System, the Permanent University Fund, and the Permanent School Fund. Identify best investment policies for state trust funds. Examine recent portfolio diversification strategies and the effect they have on long-term fund performance. The recommendations should consider what is an acceptable rate of return, an acceptable degree of risk, the appropriateness of certain investments. (Joint charge with Senate Finance Committee) | |
14. | Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the State Affairs Committee, 80th R.S., and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. In particular, monitor and report on the effect of HB 2365, 80th R.S., which allows public entities to report "other post employment benefits" (OPEBs) on a statutory modified accrual basis, including any effect on auditor opinions, bond ratings, or other fiscal issues. Monitor the implementation of SB 1731, 80th R.S., relating to transparency of health information, and SB 1846, 80th R.S., relating to TRS. | |
Committee: | Senate Transportation and Homeland Security | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report to the 81st Legislature | |
Subjects: | Advertising | Billboards | Border security | Bridges | Buses | Crime laboratories | Dedicated funds | Driver licenses | Driver Responsibility Program | Drug trafficking | Emergency management | Enhanced driver licenses | Gangs | Highway finance | Homeland security | Human trafficking | Metropolitan Planning Organizations | Privatization | Real ID Act | State agencies | State government contracts | Toll roads | Trans-Texas Corridor | Transportation | Transportation, Texas Department of | Undocumented immigrants | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.80 In5hs | |
Session: | 80th R.S. (2007) | |
Online version: | View report [109 pages File size: 797 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Evaluate the state's homeland security efforts and the state's recent $140 million investment in law enforcement to help secure the border and study and make recommendations to deter transnational and drug-related gang violence and crime, including the use of injunctions and any possible improvements to Chapter 125 of the Civil Practices and Remedies Code, relating to membership in street gangs. | |
2. | Study and make recommendations for the creation of a tamper-proof driver's license or photo ID that complies with the federal Real ID Act, including the implementation of the Secure Enhanced Drivers' License Program (SB 11, 80th R.S.), by the Department of Pubic Safety and issue recommendations for improving and expanding the pilot program. | |
3. | Examine the roles and best practices among individuals, state and local governments, hospitals and other health care providers, and the insurance industry for disaster planning and first response efforts. Explore what changes are needed to better prepare for natural disasters to mitigate claims and losses. Include an assessment of the state's implementation of recent recommendations for evacuations, including movement of medically fragile populations. Study the level of preparedness among critical infrastructure entities in both the public and private sector, the effectiveness of state disaster relief policies relating to this infrastructure and the sufficiency of personnel needed to restore this infrastructure. Assess the state's preparedness to handle a public health emergency. Examine the challenges of interoperability of communications technologies to improve coordination of different plans across jurisdictions | |
4. | Study and make recommendations regarding state and local regulation of billboards. Produce a graphical analysis of current billboards, evaluate objective criteria for locations where billboards can be permitted or prohibited, including but not limited to geographical (corridor or urban/rural), land usage (e.g. industrial), or cultural/historical criteria, and include consideration of the impact on any federal funding. | |
5. | Study and make recommendations for improving management and oversight of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). Include a review of populations served, MPO governance, oversight, roles, variation among MPOs, and MPO decision-making ability in relation to TxDOT or other agencies. | |
6. | Study Comprehensive Development Agreements (CDAs) and make recommendations to ensure the maximum benefit to taxpayers. Study the implications of requiring CDAs to have definitive buyback formulas that can be calculated without using any form of future revenue forecasts. Study requiring potential CDA projects to be solicited only after environmental clearance has been granted. Study the implications of shortening CDA's maximum allowable contract duration. Study provisions affecting competing facilities. | |
7. | Review the status of structurally deficient bridges and provide increased oversight of TxDOT's bridge repair activities to ensure that any unsafe bridges are identified and repaired as soon as possible. | |
8. | Study and make recommendations relating to the status of current and planned toll road projects in Texas, the use of public-private partnerships to build new roads and/or transit services, and the market valuation process. Analyze the impact of lengthening the number of years a toll road authority may issue bonds. | |
9. | Study the effectiveness of the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC) and make recommendations for its future role in providing additional roads in Texas. Provide specific recommendations relating to public input in the development of the TTC. | |
10. | Study the impact of prohibitions in Section 2301.476 (Manufacturer or Distributor Ownership, Operation, or Control of Dealership), Occupations Code, on the sale of buses in Texas and make recommendations. Gather information and monitor the methods of sale of buses in other states and the dealership network, if any. Evaluate the need and possible benefits or detriments caused to public and private sector in application of this law and rule to the bus industry. | |
11. | Study the issue and amount of state agency expenditures on media activities and the legal authority for such expenditures. Develop recommendations for guidelines to ensure appropriate use of state funds to provide legitimate public education. | |
12. | Monitor urban crime laboratories and their compliance with state laws regulating their functions and make recommendations to restore public trust in their functions and to ensure full compliance with federal Homeland Security reporting requirements. Specifically, review the report issued by the Independent Investigator for the Houston Police Department Crime Laboratory and Property Room, the independent panel review of certain criminal convictions prompted by the conclusions of this report, and the implementation by the City of Houston of any reforms recommended in this report. | |
13. | Study and review state and local options for expanding transportation funding and explore options to reduce diversions of Fund 6 revenue.(Joint charge with Senate Finance Committee) | |
14. | Study and make recommendations relating to whether the Texas Department of Transportation is in compliance with Transportation Code §201.109, Revenue Enhancement, and whether the Texas Department of Transportation is using the funding sources provided by the Legislature, including, but not limited to, General Obligation, Fund 6 and Mobility Fund bonds, to build new roads. (Joint charge with Senate Finance Committee) | |
15. | Study and make recommendations to stem the tide of illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and human smuggling, and to reduce the criminal activities within the Border region. (Joint charge with Senate Committee on International Relations and Trade) | |
16. | Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Transportation & Homeland Security Committee, 80th R.S., and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Specifically, report on implementation of SB 792, 80th R.S., and SB 1723, 80th R.S., to improve the overall collection rate and compliance rate with the Driver Responsibility Program. | |
Committee: | House Human Services | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | House Committee on Human Services, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2006 : a report to the House of Representatives, 80th Texas Legislature | |
Subjects: | Aging and Disability Services, Texas Department of | Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, Texas Department of | Call centers | Family and Protective Services, Texas Department of | Food stamps | Foster care | Health and Human Services Commission, Texas | Mental health services | Privatization | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.79 H88 | |
Session: | 79th R.S. (2005) | |
Online version: | View report [59 pages File size: 6,948 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Examine ways foster care provides, or does not provide, preparation for adult living to foster children. Review programs other states have adopted to enhance the likelihood that foster care alumni will complete a secondary education or maintain trade skills learned while in foster care. Examine the correlation between the school drop-out pattern, job maintenance and poverty, and foster care preparation programs for adult living. | |
2. | Study the effectiveness, efficiency and funding mechanisms of mental health and mental retardation services. Identify and study best practices in crisis intervention, residential treatment and aftercare. Identify and study successful mental health services delivery models established by other states. | |
3. | Monitor how changes in the Food Stamp Program at the federal level affect participation in Texas, including proposed changes in the 2006 Federal Farm Bill. | |
4. | Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction. | |
Committee: | Senate State Affairs | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim report to the 80th Legislature | |
Subjects: | Child Protective Services | Election fraud | Emergency medical services | Eminent domain | Employees | Employees Retirement System of Texas | Employers | Employment | Health care costs | Health maintenance organizations | Liability | Lobbyists | Medical bill balance billing | Privatization | Public retirement systems | State mandated health insurance | Teacher Retirement System of Texas | Voter identification | Voting by mail | Workers' compensation | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.79 St29a | |
Session: | 79th R.S. (2005) | |
Online version: | View report [211 pages File size: 6,521 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study the Employees Retirement System of Texas ("ERS") including the actuarial soundness of the ERS pension fund; the implementation of cost-saving measures in the ERS group health insurance plan; the suggestion of further cost-saving measures such as the implementation of a 3-tiered provider network; the effectiveness of the third party administrator of the ERS group health insurance plan in managing inflation; and the feasibility of consolidating the administration of all state group health plans under a single state agency. | |
2. | Study the Teachers Retirement System of Texas ("TRS") including the actuarial soundness of the TRS pension fund; the implementation of cost-saving measures in the TRS group health insurance plan; the suggestion of further cost-saving measures such as the implementation of a 3-tiered provider network; the implementation of SB 1370, 79th R.S.; the effectiveness of the third party administrator of the TRS group health insurance plan in managing inflation; and the feasibility of consolidating the administration of all state group health plans under a single state agency | |
3. | Study and make recommendations on how election officials could verify the identity of a voter without hindering a person's right to vote. Include an analysis of the extent to which individuals are casting multiple votes because of any lack of voter identification verification. Make recommendations on how the state could improve its vote-by-mail system to ensure the authenticity of those ballots. | |
4. | Monitor the implementation of HB 7, 79th R.S., relating to the workers compensation system of this state. | |
5. | Study the regulation and management of health care plans, including the following:
6. | Study and review current law on the doctrine of eminent domain, including the U.S. Supreme Court case in Kelo v. City of New London. Monitor the implementation of SB 7, 79th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, and make any necessary recommendations as to the use of eminent domain for economic development purposes and the issue of what constitutes adequate compensation for property taken through the use of eminent domain.
7. | Study the costs associated with mandates to insurance companies for increased coverage for specific illnesses, medical conditions, or diseases, including obesity. Provide a cost assessment of the impact of such mandates to the state and local units of government. Include data and analysis of the costs and medical impact associated with insurance mandates which have been enacted in other states, as well as any short- and long-term cost-savings. Develop recommendations on how to provide increased cost-effective coverage, especially to populations with impairments and diseases, as well as the underinsured/uninsured. | |
8. | Study the prevalence, legality and ethics of entities that actively lobby the Legislature to impact the lawmaking process while that entity is in any way a recipient of state funds. | |
9. | Study and make recommendations regarding the cost drivers of emergency medical services. Make recommendations on how to improve and sustain EMS services for Texas, as well as reduce costs to health care plans, businesses, and individuals. | |
10. | Study and review current Texas law on the doctrine of statutory employer, including the 2004 First District Court of Appeals' decision in Etie v. Walsh & Albert Co. and make recommendations of changes in state laws, if necessary, regarding the doctrine of statutory employer and indemnification in construction contracts. Study the current use of Consolidated Insurance Programs and make legislative recommendations, if appropriate. | |
11. | Assess the benefit of limiting the civil liability for noneconomic damages against non-profit organizations involved in the privatization of child welfare services. | |
Committee: | House Government Organization | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | House Committee on Government Organization, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1992 : a report to the House of Representatives, 73rd Texas Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Aircraft Pooling Board | Architectural Examiners, Texas Board of | Cosmetology Commission, Texas | Funeral Service Commission, Texas | General Services Commission, Texas | Housing and Community Affairs, Texas Department of | Jail Standards, Texas Commission on | Law Examiners, Texas Board of | Motor Vehicle Board, Texas | Privatization | Real Estate Commission, Texas | State agencies | State Bar of Texas | Structural Pest Control Board, Texas | Sunset review process | Texas Turnpike Authority | Transportation, Texas Department of | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.72 g746 | |
Session: | 72nd R.S. (1991) | |
Online version: | View report [94 pages File size: 3,619 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Monitor and oversee legislation enacted during the 72nd Regular and Special Called Sessions that was considered by the Government Organization Committee; Performance Audit Review Recommendations; and any agency-initiated changes. | |
2. | Carry out budget and oversight responsibilities for all agencies, boards, and commissions listed in Rule 3, Section 14. A. Monitor and oversee documtenation of salary increases. B. Verify the number and status of outcomes and outputs as identified in the Appropriations Bill (HB 1, 72nd Legislature, 1st Called Session). C. Review agencies' existing performance standards and determine whether new standards are needed. | |
3. | Study the most effective system to identify and encourage opportunities for privatization. | |
4. | Study the feasibility of establishing statutory guidelines for state agency advisory committees. | |
5. | Monitor and coordinate with the Sunset Commission the agency reviews required by HB 222, 72nd Legislature, 1st Called Session. | |
Committee: | House Business and Commerce | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Business climate | Cable telecommunications providers | Corporate governance | Deaf and hard of hearing | Job training programs | Municipalities | Privatization | Telephone service | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.71 B964 | |
Session: | 71st R.S. (1989) | |
Online version: | View report [39 pages] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study the problems associated with the business climate of Texas inner cities and identify potential solutions. | |
2. | Study trade practices and competition involving the transmission of cable television programming in Texas. | |
3. | Study the implementation of HB 174 relating to the regulation of certain telephone services. | |
4. | Study the Job Training Partnership Act. | |
5. | Study competition practices between government entities and private enterprise. | |
6. | Study the effect and feasibility of state legislation governing hostile corporate takeovers of domestic corporations. | |
Committee: | House Business and Commerce | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim studies / Business and Commerce Committee. | |
Subjects: | Commerce, Texas Department of | Construction industry | Economic development | General contractors | International trade | Job training programs | Liens | Mergers and acquisitions | Mexico | Privatization | Statutory revision | Tourism | Use taxes | Welfare | Welfare-to-work | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.70 b964 | |
Session: | 70th R.S. (1987) | |
Online version: | View report [180 pages File size: 5,263 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | To monitor all activities and to have budget oversight responsibilities for those agencies, boards and commissions as listed in Rule 3, Section 3, including the new Department of Commerce and Strategic Policy Commission. | |
2. | To study the possible revision of Chapter 53, Texas Property Code (Mechanic's Liens). | |
3. | To study all issues relating to economic development and diversification through trade and commercial arrangements between business enterprises in Texas and those in Mexico and other Latin American nations. | |
4. | To study and monitor the effectiveness of the agency consolidations and creation of the Department of Commerce. | |
5. | To study and monitor the Department of Commerce's implementation of the requirements of Article 5 (Small Business Assistance), Article 6 (Business Permit Office), and Article 7 (State and Local Permits) in reducing unnecessary governmental regulatory delays that inhibit the economic development of the state. | |
6. | To study the cost/benefits and potential scope of private contracting for governmental services by the State. | |
7. | To study the effect and feasibility of state legislation governing hostile corporate takeovers of domestic corporations. | |
8. | To study methods by which the results of state recruiting programs of business and industry relocation efforts can be measured in terms of cost-benefit to Texas, including a survey of other states' methods of measuring effectiveness. | |
9. | To study the use of the Hotel-Motel Tax. | |
Committee: | House Human Services | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim report of the Committee on Human Services, Texas House of Representatives to the Seventieth Legislative Session, 1986. | |
Subjects: | Assisted living facilities | Child care | Child Protective Services | Criminal records | Long-term care | Medicaid | Medical reimbursements | Medicare | Mental health services | Nursing homes | Poverty | Preferred provider organizations | Privatization | Senior citizens | State employee turnover | Teenage pregnancy | Welfare | Welfare-to-work | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.69 h88 | |
Session: | 69th R.S. (1985) | |
Online version: | View report [178 pages File size: 9,803 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | To study the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Program (AFDC), including the problems of needy children and their families, the various employment, training and education programs, and other options designed to help Texas families become self-supporting. | |
2. | To study the problems encountered by the elderly in gaining access to appropriate post-hospital health care services, including skilled nursing and custodial services. | |
3. | To study the Child Protective Services Program of the Department of Human Services regarding case workloads and staffing requirements. | |
4. | To study the implementation of criminal background check legislation for child-care workers including the use of federal funds for caregiver training. | |
5. | To study continuing care communities and other options for the well-elderly. | |
6. | To study the problems of preventing unwanted teenage pregnancy, preventing poor parenting by teenagers, and preventing unemployment and poverty in teen-headed families. | |
7. | To study the advantages and disadvantages of the preferred provider insurance plan, with particular emphasis on consideration of quality of services, access to services, cost of care rendered, the effect on existing physician-patient relationships, and a proposed legislative/regulatory structure for such medical care delivery and financing arrangements; in conjunction with Insurance and Public Health Committees. | |
8. | To study the utilization of and potential for further development of privatization of care for the mentally ill and mentally retarded in the State, in conjunction with Appropriations and Law Enforcement committees. | |
9. | To study the impact on Medicare-Medicaid and associated state health and welfare costs of the elimination of the certificate of need process in Texas. | |
Committee: | House Environmental Affairs | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 69th Legislature : report of the Committee on Environmental Affairs. | |
Subjects: | Duck hunting | Hunting | Lead contamination | Outdoor recreation | Parks and Wildlife, Texas Department of | Privatization | Shrimping industry | State parks | Statutory revision | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.68 en89 | |
Session: | 68th R.S. (1983) | |
Online version: | View report [166 pages File size: 5,800 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | To monitor all activities and have budget oversight responsibilities for those agencies, boards and commissions as listed in Rule 3, Section 10. | |
2. | To review methods for enhancing the management and promoting the conservation of the shrimp resource in Texas; suggest any changes needed in areas of Chapter 77 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code in which regulatory flexibility could exist relative to biological data gathered and evaluated. | |
3. | In cooperation with the House Committee on State Affairs, to study the relevance of alternative forms of ammunition for use in the hunting of waterfowl in Texas; consider the comparative advantages an disadvantages of steel and lead shot, being attentive to the need for effective conservation of Texas wildlife. | |
4. | To consider the financial impact of the withdrawal of the Corps of Engineers from their traditional role as recreational providers; determine the role of the private sector in providing recreational opportunities and review methods encouraging greater participation in both profit making and non-profit activities. | |
5. | To monitor the implementation and enforcement of SB 94, 68th R.S., relating to a Uniform Parks and Wildlife Code. | |
Committee: | House State Printing at the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Investigate, Special | |
Title: | State Printing at the Deaf and Dumb Asylum | |
Library Catalog Title: | [Report]. | |
Subjects: | Privatization | State Printing Office | Texas School for the Deaf | | |
Library Call Number: | H.J. of Tex., 22nd Leg., R.S. 738 (1891) | |
Session: | 22nd R.S. (1891) | |
Online version: | View report [5 pages File size: 267 kb] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | Investigate State printing at the deaf and dumb asylum and determine the legality of carrying on the business of public printing at the asylum by persons not pupils of that institution. * | |
Committee: | ||
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim report to the 72nd Texas Legislature / Committee on Business & Commerce. | |
Subjects: | Business loans | Cable telecommunications providers | Job training programs | Mergers and acquisitions | Minority-owned/women-owned businesses | Persons with disabilities | Privatization | Small businesses | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.71 b964 | |
Session: | () | |
Online version: | View report [38 pages File size: 1,908 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | To monitor all activities and to have budget oversight responsibilities for the agencies, boards and commissions as listed in Rule 3, Section 3. | |
2. | To study problems associated with the business climate of Texas' inner cities and identify potential solutions. | |
3. | To study trade practices and competition involving the transmission of cable television programming in Texas. | |
4. | To study the Job Training Partnership Act program (joint with the Government Organization Committee). | |
5. | To study competition practices between government entities and private enterprise. | |
6. | To study the implementation of HB 174, 71st Legislature, Regular Session, relating to the regulation of certain telephone services. | |
7. | To study the effect and feasibility of state legislation governing hostile corporate takeovers of domestic corporations. |
* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.
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