Legislation authored by James Edward Taylor

Includes legislation with James Edward Taylor as the primary author for the 46th through 51st Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

51st Regular Session
SB 1 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350), or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of the funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the contingent expenses, and to pay the mileage and per diem of Members and the per diem of officers and employees of the Regular Session of the 51st Legislature, and to pay any unpaid accounts or expenses of the 50th Legislature.
SB 115 Caption: Relating to providing a more efficient method of State administration of the public free schools; establishing a Central Education Agency; establishing the component parts thereof, including a State Board of Education, State Board of Vocational Education, a State Commissioner of Education, and a State Department of Education; repealing conflicting laws or parts of laws; containing a savings clause.
SB 120 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, declaring and confirming the authority of directors of corporations to pay pensions and to adopt and to amend and to discontinue pension plans, including, but not limited to, the power to contract with insurance carriers with reference thereto, and the power to establish pension trusts.
SB 133 Caption: Relating to making appropriations for the support and maintenance of the executive and administrative departments and agencies of the State Government for the two-year period beginning September 1, 1949, and ending August 31, 1951, and for payment of other specified claims and items; providing a savings clause.
SB 134 Caption: Relating to fixing and determining a method of per capita appropriations for educational institutions of higher learning, and declaring the policy thereof; containing a saving clause.
SB 135 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the support and maintenance of the Judiciary of the State of Texas for the biennium beginning September 1, 1949, and ending August 31, 1951; declaring that the invalidity of any portion of this Act shall not affect any other portions.
SB 136 Caption: Relating to making appropriations for the support, maintenance and improvement of the Eleemosynary and Reformatory Institutions of the State of Texas for the two-year period beginning September 1, 1949, and ending August 31, 1951; providing a savings clause.
SB 137 Caption: Relating to the salaries of all State Officers except the salaries and other compensation of District Judges and except those Constitutional State Officers whose salaries are specifically fixed by the Constitution; and specifically suspending all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith.
SB 138 Caption: Relating to making appropriation to pay deficiency appropriations granted by the Governor prior to January 10, 1949 and for which no appropriations have heretofore been made.
SB 139 Caption: Relating to appropriating moneys out of the General Revenue Fund to pay Deficiency Certificates issued by the Comptroller, for the state's fiscal years ending August 31, 1947 and 1948, and supplementing appropriations made for the payment of certain fees and expenses in the Judiciary for the appropriations made for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1948 and for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1949.
SB 140 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, increasing the purposes for which money appropriated to the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers by Item 13 of the appropriation for said Board can be expended.
SB 141 Caption: Relating to appropriating the sum of One Hundred Seventy-five ($175.00) Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy, according to the terms thereof, the judgment rendered against the State of Texas in favor of John V. Dowdy, in cause No. 700 in the Justice Court, Precinct No. 1, Henderson County, Texas, said judgment being a final judgment.
SB 251 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, prescribing the qualifications of the Adjutant General and Assistant Adjutant General.
SB 252 Caption: Relating to appropriating Nine Hundred and Sixty Thousand (960,000) Dollars to the Board of Control for expenditure at the various eleemosynary institutions.
SB 283 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, increasing the purpose for which money appropriated to the Veterans State Service Office by Item 45 of the appropriation of said State Agency can be expended.
SB 308 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Thousand ($350.000.00) Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of the funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the contingent expenses, and to pay the mileage and per diem of members and the per diem of officers and employees of the Regular Session of the 51st Legislature, and to pay any unpaid accounts or expenses of the 50th Legislature.
SB 340 Caption: Relating to authorizing the transfer of title by the State Board of Control to a tract of land consisting of 47.45 acres, located in the City of Terrell, Kaufman County, Texas, and in exchange for such property so transferred the Board of Control, on behalf of the State of Texas, acting for the use and benefit of the Terrell State Hospital, shall receive a tract of of land consisting of 52.5 acres, located in the City of Terrell, Kaufman County, Texas.
SB 375 Caption: Relating to providing that all public officers of the State, counties, cities, and school districts who are required by law to publish legal notices or financial statements, who shall fail, refuse or neglect to make such publications, shall be guilty of non-feasance of office and subject to forfeiture of salary for the month in which such failure occurs.
SB 439 Caption: Relating to authorizing the State Department of Public Safety to construct, equip and operate a plant and buildings upon the Tract of 84-12/100 acres out of the James P. Wallace League Survey No. 57 in Travis County, now owned by the State of Texas; suspending all laws and parts of laws in conflict.
SB 444 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Thousand ($350,000.00) Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of the funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the contingent expenses, and to pay the mileage and per diem of Members and the per diem of officers and employees of the Regular Session of the 51st Legislature, and to pay any unpaid accounts or expenses of the 50th Legislature.
SB 469 Caption: Relating to creating the Texas Commission for the National Capital Sesquicentennial Celebration; making an appropriation.
SB 470 Caption: Relating to the establishment of a "Texas Civil Protection" plan; granting certain executive powers thereto; providing a savings clause.
SB 490 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Thousand ($350,000.00) Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the contingent expenses, and to pay the mileage and per diem of members and the per diem of officers and employees of the Regular Session of the 51st Legislature, and to pay any unpaid accounts or expenses of the 50th Legislature.
SB 493 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the Board of Regents of the University of Texas to establish a Medical Branch or Department of the University of Texas within the State of Texas at a location other than Galveston; providing that if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or sections of this Act may be declared unconstitutional or invalid, the same shall not affect the constitutionality or validity of the remainder of this Act.
SB 503 Caption: Relating to re-appropriating the unexpended balance of the appropriation contained in House Bill No. 329, Acts 50th Legislature, Chapter 207, page 365 and all funds or moneys as may be received and deposited in the State Treasury from the Veterans Administration for the reimbursement of salaries and expenses of employees of the State Approval Agency for Veterans Education under Public Law 346.
SB 504 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the contingent expenses, and to pay the mileage and per diem of members and the per diem officers and employees of the 51st Legislature, and to pay and unpaid accounts or expenses of the 50th Legislature.
SCR 14 Caption: Inviting Lewis B. Hershey to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
SCR 81 Caption: Instructing the Enrolling Clerk make certain corrections in H. B. No. 322.
SR 49 Caption: Designating a Member of the Senate to attend a meeting of the American Association of School Administrators.
50th Regular Session
SB 85 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws; making an emergency appropriation for the support, maintenance, operation and improvement of the Public Junior Colleges which have been created and established since the biennial appropriation made by the Forty-Ninth Legislature in 1945.
SB 105 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the Adjutant General's Department, State of Texas, for the balance of the fiscal year beginning March 1, 1947, and ending August 31, 1947, being an appropriation available immediately.
SB 106 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the Texas National Guard Armory Board for the balance of the fiscal year beginning the 22nd day of February, 1947, and ending August 31, 1947, being an appropriation available immediately.
SB 107 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, providing for the allocation of funds from the "Clearance Fund" to the "Blind Assistance Fund", the "Children's Assistance Fund", and the "Old Age Assistance Fund"; providing a saving clause' repealing all laws in conflict.
SB 108 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Livestock Sanitary Commission to establish quarantines against other States, Territories and Foreign Counties to prevent an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in Texas; making an appropriation.
SB 119 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation out of the State Highway Fund for the operation of the Texas Highway Patrol Division of the Department of Public Safety.
SB 155 Caption: Relating to appropriating moneys out of the General Revenue Fund, not otherwise appropriated, to the Veteran's State Service Office for the purpose of supplementing the appropriations and increasing the personnel made by Senate Bill No. 317, Acts of the Regular Session of the 49th Legislature, for the term beginning with the effective date of this Act and ending August 31, 1947.
SB 156 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation to the Attorney General for court costs, supplies, clerical expense, and employment of additional assistants and stenographers for the purpose of preparing investigation and prosecuting suits for recovery of delinquent corporation franchise taxes.
SB 225 Caption: Relating to the avoidance and settlement of labor disputes and the promotion of industrial peace; creating the office of Labor Conciliator; providing for the repeal of all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act; providing for a saving and severability clause.
SB 226 Caption: Relating to creating an optional system for the construction and maintenance of county roads and for the expenditure of the County Road and Bridge Fund; containing a severability clause.
SB 299 Caption: Relating to providing for a minimum salary schedule for public school teachers; providing penalties; containing a saving clause.
SB 372 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act; making an appropriation of One Hundred and Forty Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Three Dollars and Thirty-Eight Cents ($140,423.38) to the Texas National Guard Armory Board.
SB 374 Caption: Relating to making appropriations for the support, maintenance and improvement of the Eleemosynary and Reformatory Institutions of the State of Texas for the two-year period beginning September 1, 1947, and ending August 31, 1949.
SB 381 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation in the sum of Twelve Hundred ($1200.00) Dollars to the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners for the remainder of the current fiscal year ending August 31, 1947; said appropriation to be from the Dental Registration Fund.
SB 391 Caption: Relating to making appropriations for the support and maintenance of the executive and administrative departments and agencies of the State Government for the two-year period beginning September 1, 1947, and ending August 31, 1949, and for the payment of other specified claims and items.
SB 393 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, by making an additional appropriation to the Executive Department and the Secretary of State to meet the additional expenses of said departments during and for the period of the last five months of the fiscal year ending August 31, 1947.
SB 396 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the Texas Prison System.
SB 408 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation to the State Treasurer of Eighteen Hundred ($1,800.00) Dollars out of any moneys in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the remainder of the fiscal year ending August 31, 1947, for the purpose of paying express charges on shipments of tax stamps.
SB 422 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the State Board of Control for the balance of the fiscal year ending August 31, 1947, being an appropriation available immediately.
SB 441 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, to place State Teachers' Colleges or Normal Institutions under the management of the Board of Regents of the State Teachers' Colleges.
SCR 4 Caption: Inviting Governor Beauford H. Jester to address a joint session of the Legislature.
SCR 39 Caption: Authorizing the Board of Control to sell or lease buildings in Paris, Texas.
49th Regular Session
SB 291 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts to include persons who served in the active military, naval or other armed forces or nurses corps of the United States on or after September 16th, 1940 and prior to the termination of hostilities in the present war.
SCR 17 Caption: Endorsing the invitation of the Teas Press Association to the National Editorial Association.
SCR 39 Caption: Relating to rules of eligibility for old age assistance.
47th Regular Session
HB 193 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 43rd Legislature (1st C.S.); defining publication, newspaper, political sub-division, district and other terms; providing for the publication of notices, proclamations, advertising, and citations in newspapers.
HB 965 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any person not a member of the Texas Defense Guard to wear the shoulder patch, the arm brassard, or the collar ornaments duly prescribed as a part of the uniform of the Texas Defense Guard, or any imitation of said articles; providing for penalties.
HB 1055 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the sale, barter or exchange of spirituous, vinous, and malt liquors, or medicated bitters capable of producing intoxication, within ten miles of any fort, arsenal, training camp, aviation field or school where soldiers, sailors, marines, or aviators, other persons connected with National Defense are being quartered; providing suitable punishment in certain cases.
HB 1072 Caption: Relating to transferring to and vesting the functions of the Texas Ranger Force and other divisions of the Department of Public Safety to the Adjutant General's Department.
HB 1087 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act regarding certain unexpended balance in the sums of money appropriated to the Adjutant General's Department.
HCR 119 Caption: Providing for a joint session of the House and Senate on May 6, 1941.
HCR 222 Caption: Permitting State Treasurer to pay certain warrants.
HCR 223 Caption: Providing that the Legislature recess during the period beginning June 16, 1941, and ending on July 14, 1941.
HCR 240 Caption: Providing for recess of Legislature during the period beginning on June 20, 1941, and ending on July 15, 1941.
HCR 262 Caption: Granting the Legislature to adjourn sine die on July 18, 1941.
HJR 18 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment giving the Legislature power by General Law to provide for the payment of old age assistance, teacher retirement, aid for destitute children; aid for the blind; prescribing methods of collecting the revenue; levying Social Security tax of two per cent (2%) on the sale price of tangible personal property and certain services.
HJR 19 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment giving the Legislature power by General Law to provide for the payment of old age assistance, teacher retirement, aid for destitute children; aid for the blind; prescribing methods of collecting the revenue; levying Social Security Taxes on franchises and net incomes of individuals and persons.
HR 243 Caption: Inviting H. R. Knickerbocker, Jr. to address the House.
HR 249 Caption: Memorializing Congress in regard to passage of certain legislation.
47th 1st Called Session
HR 12 Caption: Appointing a committee to investigate un-American activities in the State.
46th Regular Session
HB 244 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that the governing body of any political subdivision of this State shall prepare or cause to be prepared semiannually a report of all transactions; providing penalties.
HB 344 Caption: Relating to defining publication, newspaper, political subdivision, district and certain mandatory expressions.
HB 516 Caption: Relating to validating acts of city officials and proceedings of city governing bodies in borrowing money from The Reconstruction Finance Corporation or other agencies of the United States Government for the purpose of making repairs and extensions, or either, to a dam comprising part of a waterworks system.
HCR 205 Caption: Approving the suspension of certain Joint Rules so that the House might consider HB 344.
HR 233 Caption: Authorizing the Committee on Representation to investigate the true purpose of lobbyists soliciting donations from those over the age of 65.
HR 262 Caption: Providing for the Committee on Representation before the Legislature to investigate the true purpose and effect of an alleged effort to solicit monetary contributions from retirees.