Legislation authored by Lon E. Alsup

Includes legislation with Lon E. Alsup as the primary author for the 42nd through 47th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

47th Regular Session
HB 1 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the contingent expenses, and to pay the mileage and per diem of members and the per diem of officers and employees of the Regular Session of the Forty-seventh Legislature, and to pay any unpaid accounts or expenses of the Forty-sixth Legislature.
HB 4 Caption: Relating to repealing all local or special laws regulating the taking, possession, or sale of fur-bearing animals in so far as they apply to Panola County, Texas.
HB 11 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; payment of persons holding elections of local school trustees.
HB 12 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (R.S.); sale of minnows from Panola County streams.
HB 19 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Chapter of the General and Special Laws of the 41st Legislature (2nd C.S.); operation of vehicles on public highways; providing nothing herein shall be construed as authorizing increase in size or dimensions of commercial motor vehicles as now provided by law.
HB 26 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the General Laws of the 43rd Legislature (3rd C.S.); license plates for trucks owned and operated by farmers.
HB 36 Caption: Relating to making it the duty of the Game, Fish, and Oyster Commission to provide open season, bag limits and other regulations governing the taking of wild birds, mammals, and fresh water fish; providing certain penalties and the effective date of this Act.
HB 88 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 41st Legislature (2nd C.S.); defining "Commercial Motor Vehicle"; prescribing license fees for the registration of road tractors, trailers or semi-trailers, and motor busses.
HB 151 Caption: Relating to defining the jurisdiction of the County Court of Panola County and diminishing its civil jurisdiction; providing that the District Court of Panola County shall have jurisdiction in all civil matters over which by law the County Court would have jurisdiction; providing for the transfer of civil causes from the County Court to the District Court of Panola County.
HB 176 Caption: Relating to providing for the establishment of a vending stand in the Capitol Building for promoting the training and establishment of blind persons as operators of vending stands.
HB 231 Caption: Relating to providing for the prevention of sabotage; providing that certain unlawful entries on, injuries to, and interference with property shall constitute a felony; authorizing the closing of streets on highways in the interest of national safety; providing certain penalties.
HB 232 Caption: Relating to regulating the manufacture, sale, distribution, use and possession of explosives.
HB 233 Caption: Relating to making certain appropriations from the General Revenue Fund for the purpose of promoting public school interests and assisting local districts in the teaching of vocational agriculture, home economics, trades and industries, vocational rehabilitation, and rehabilitation for crippled children according to the Federal laws governing vocational education.
HB 270 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; protective agriculture.
HB 284 Caption: Relating to making a certain appropriation during a certain period of time for the purpose of promoting public school interest and equalizing the educational opportunities afforded by the State to all children of scholastic age within the State; providing for the allotment and expenditure of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Joint Legislative Advisory Committee relating to the administration of this Act.
HB 377 Caption: Relating to making it a misdemeanor and imposing a fine for obstructing or to willfully keep radio programs from being clearly brought in over Radios.
HB 380 Caption: Relating to making a certain appropriations for the month of March, April, and May of 1941 to defray the expenses of the State Department of Public Welfare incurred in connection with the distribution of surplus commodities, the investigation and certification of clients to Works Progress Administration, Civilian Conservation Corps, and National Youth Administration, the administration and liquidation of federal programs in Texas.
HB 591 Caption: Relating to designating this Act as the "Anti-Loss Leader Act"; defining "cost to the retailer"; providing for a mark-up to cover cartage costs of certain amounts; providing for penalties.
HB 648 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) or as much thereof as may be necessary, out of any funds in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to pay the contingent expenses, and to pay the mileage and per diem of members and the per diem of officers and employees of the Regular Session of the Forty-seventh Legislature.
HB 652 Caption: Relating to empowering the Commissioners Court to fix the salary of county officers in certain counties.
HB 676 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes by fixing maximum charges to be paid by candidates for State Senator or State Representative, or Chief Justice, or Associate Justice of a Court of Civil Appeals, or for Representative in Congress, or for any other district office upon application to have name placed on primary ballot.
HB 678 Caption: Relating to requiring the Comptroller of Public Accounts to collect all State occupation taxes levied; authorizing Comptroller of Public Accounts to make and publish rules and regulation; providing civil penalties for violation of such rules and regulations.
HB 679 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes relating to the system of bookkeeping, ledgers, and accounts as may be necessary to show the sources of the State's revenues and the purposes for which expenditures are made.
HB 904 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of a certain amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any funds in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to pay the contingent expense, and to pay the mileage and per diem of officers and employees of the Regular Session of the Forty-Seventh Legislature.
HB 912 Caption: Relating to creating a Legislative Investigating Committee of five (5) members, three (3) from the House and two (2) from the Senate for the purpose of investigating the expenditure of State and local monies received by School Districts; describing the duties of said Committee.
HB 1005 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation to supplement Transportation Aid.
HB 1059 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act by providing the effective date for making grants of aid and assistance to the needy blind and for destitute dependent children.
HB 1066 Caption: Relating to making certain appropriation to pay the contingent expense, and to pay the mileage and per diem of members and the per diem of officers and employees of the Regular Session of the Forty-seventh Legislature.
HCR 3 Caption: Adopting temporary Joint Rules.
HCR 23 Caption: Relating to drafting permanent joint rules for the Senate and House.
HCR 81 Caption: Extending time for registration of commercial motor trucks.
HCR 83 Caption: Authorizing extension time for registration of commercial motor vehicles for the 1941 registration year.
HCR 88 Caption: Authorizing extension of time until April 28, 1941, tp register commercial vehicles for the registration year of 1941.
HCR 152 Caption: Placing H.B. No 76 into immediate effect.
HCR 191 Caption: Declaring the intent of the Legislature with respect to sections of rural aid bill providing for teacher salary allowances.
HCR 274 Caption: Allocating a certain amount of money to advisory legislative committee authorized by rural aid bill.
HCR 279 Caption: Granting the Legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Thursday, June 26,1941, and ending on Tuesday, July 1, 1941.
HCR 290 Caption: Suspending joint rules for the purpose of permitting the Senate to consider H.B. No.11 and H.B. No. 1107.
HJR 40 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to provide for the relief of all persons or families in dependent and needy circumstances.
HR 5 Caption: Granting authorization to the committee on contingent expense to make necessary expenditures regarding Speaker's quarters.
HR 6 Caption: Granting the Speaker authorization to appoint a temporary committee on appropriation.
HR 24 Caption: Electing the children of House members to the office of mascot.
HR 88 Caption: Relating to providing for extra committee rooms.
HR 89 Caption: Fixing order of business in the House.
HR 104 Caption: Urging the regional chambers of commerce of the state to consolidate into one body.
HR 106 Caption: In memory of Walter E. Jones.
HR 148 Caption: Providing for the payment of certain accounts.
HR 188 Caption: Congratulating R. Emmet Morse on the occasion of his birthday.
HR 241 Caption: Requesting the Senate for the appointment of a conference committee.
HR 313 Caption: Authorizing the Contingent Expense Committee to use certain space to hold meetings.
HR 330 Caption: Relating to Eleemosynary Committee.
HR 361 Caption: Appointing a committee to investigate revenue statutes of the State.
HR 364 Caption: Relating to retaining certain employees after adjournment of the regular session for the purpose of completion of certain duties.
HR 381 Caption: Relating to appointment of certain committees.
47th 1st Called Session
HB 38 Caption: Relating to amending certain Sections of the Acts of the 47th Legislature; providing that no money herein appropriated shall be spend for the purchase of passenger cars/automobiles in excess of Eight Hundred Fifty ($850.00) Dollars.
HCR 14 Caption: Relating to corrections in school aid appropriation bill.
HCR 24 Caption: Relating to registration of livestock, agricultural productions and timber.
HR 3 Caption: Relating to salaries of Capitol employees.
HR 35 Caption: Relating to post session work.
HR 43 Caption: Relating to appointment of committee to notify the Governor and Senate on adjournment sine die.
46th Regular Session
HB 4 Caption: Relating to authorizing the creation and operation of mutual assessment life insurance associations and mutual assessment health and accident insurance associations, both statewide and local.
HB 15 Caption: Relating to the creation of the State Department of Public Welfare.
HB 132 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for attorneys, etc to charge a fee or solicit contributions for any services that they might render to obtain benefits for any person in Social Security program as it applies to old age assistance, blind, dependent child, or child welfare service, with respect to applications before the State department; prescribing a penalty.
HB 133 Caption: Relating to requiring any person hunting any quail outside of the county of his residence, upon the private lands of another person in Erath, Hood, and Panola Counties, to first obtain and have in his possession a written permit.
HB 134 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the setting of any steel trap, snare, or deadfall in Panola County for the purpose of taking any fur-bearing animals for a period of two (2) years; providing a penalty for violation of this Act.
HB 401 Caption: Relating to prohibiting any institution of higher learning supported in whole or in part by State funds to require as a prerequisites for certain degrees any foreign language and or any mathematics with certain exception.
HB 576 Caption: Relating to providing that the Commissioners' Courts in certain counties shall have authority to fix salaries of county officials.
HB 678 Caption: Relating to granting the owner or operator of any oil or gas well which produces salt water or waters containing minerals the right to return to said waters to any horizon from which such salt water or waters have been produced or which previously produced salt water or waters containing minerals in an appreciable degree; prescribing a penalty therefor.
HB 863 Caption: Relating to making provisions in certain independent school districts in this State, for an election to determine tax rate to be levied for payment of bonds and interest thereon.
HB 926 Caption: Relating to appropriating the sum of Eight Hundred Fifteen Thousand ($815,000.00) Dollars per year, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the next biennium beginning September 1, 1939, and ending August 31, 1941, from the General Revenue Fund for the purpose of promoting public school interests, etc.
HB 933 Caption: Relating to making certain appropriation for the biennium beginning September 1, 1939 and ending August 31, 1941 for the purpose of promoting public school interest and equalizing the educational opportunities afforded by the State to all children of scholastic age within the State.
HB 1038 Caption: Relating to making certain appropriation for the administration expenses of the Texas Relief Commission, incurred in connection with the distribution of surplus commodities and the investigation and certification of clients to Works Progress Administration, Civilian Conservation Corps and National Youth administration.
HB 1089 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 42nd Legislature (R.S.); more adequately defining the powers of the Governor of Texas in appointing the members of the State Commission for the Blind.
HB 1097 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the contingent expenses and per diem of members.
HB 1126 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the contingent expenses and per diem of members.
HB 1129 Caption: Relating to making certain appropriations out of monies in the Texas Old Age Assistance Fund for the use of the Texas Old Age Assistance Commission in paying administrative expenses for the remainder of the biennium ending August 31, 1939.
HB 1138 Caption: Relating to suspending the operation of the provisions of Senate Bill No. 9, Acts of the 46th Legislature, Regular Session, 1939.
HCR 174 Caption: Providing for adjournment sine die.
HCR 178 Caption: Providing for adjournment sine die.
HCR 182 Caption: Providing for adjournment sine die.
HCR 197 Caption: Approving the suspension of certain Joint Rules so that the House might consider HB 1138.
HCR 203 Caption: Approving the suspension of certain Joint Rules so that the House might consider HB 1138.
HCR 209 Caption: Providing for certain appropriation from the Contingent Expense Funds for an advisory committee on rural aid.
HJR 17 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment combining the offices of County Clerk and County Treasurer.
HR 2 Caption: Adopting temporary Rules of the House, including a temporary Committee on Rules and Committee on Appropriations.
HR 12 Caption: Providing for the appointment of legal advisors of the House.
HR 14 Caption: Providing for the printing of the prayer of Guy H. Wilson in the House Journal.
HR 15 Caption: Providing for the mailing of the House Journal.
HR 24 Caption: Fixing order of business in the House.
HR 107 Caption: Providing for investigation into the gasoline tax refund.
HR 139 Caption: Directing the Committee on Highways and Motor Traffic to reach an agreement with the State Highway Department permitting the construction of rural electrification lines.
HR 161 Caption: Expressing gratitude to the Verhalen Nursery of Scottsville for their gift of jonquils to the House.
HR 163 Caption: Providing for reimbursement from the Contingent Expense Fund for the members of the committee organized to investigate various departments of State.
HR 201 Caption: In memory of R.H. Chadwick of Carthage, Pensacola County.
HR 203 Caption: Proposing an amendment to rules relating to personal privilege.
HR 207 Caption: Authorizing the Speaker to immediately reduce the employees of the House to a minimum.
HR 224 Caption: Providing for additional compensation for members of the House.
HR 239 Caption: Providing for the printing of four hundred copies of the Texas Legislative Manual of the Forty-sixth Legislature.
HR 300 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to investigate gasoline tax refunds.
HR 302 Caption: Providing for certain staff of the House to work beyond the adjournment of the 46th Legislature.
HR 318 Caption: Approving all vouchers issued by investigating committees created during the 46th Legislature.
HR 326 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to investigate the condition and accuracy of the House voting machine.
HR 328 Caption: Providing for the purchase of one volume of Ray's Session Laws for each member of the House.
HR 339 Caption: Notifying the Senate and Governor that the House has completed its work for this session of the 46th Legislature.
45th Regular Session
HB 55 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas; providing for the payment of salaries of the County Board of Trustees out of the State and County Available School Fund.
HB 56 Caption: Relating to providing for the amount that may be allowed by County Boards of Trustees to the County Superintendents of Public Instruction for expenditures for office and traveling expenses in certain counties according to the last preceding Federal Census.
HB 112 Caption: Relating to providing for the erection of a State Office Building, making an appropriation therefor.
HB 210 Caption: Relating to authorizing and requiring the Board of Regents or the Governing Body of each State Institution of Higher Learning in the State of Texas to provide a State Book Depository for students enrolled in each Institution beginning September, 1937.
HB 420 Caption: Relating to providing Workmen's Compensation for State employees.
HB 573 Caption: Relating to creating "The Public Assistance Service" for the needy blind; defining persons considered blind and eligible for relief.
HB 736 Caption: Relating to providing that any person, firm, corporation or association of persons engaging in the occupation of cleaning and/or pressing clothing or other materials, and any person, firm, corporation or association of persons engaged in the business of printing, who shall transact or solicit business in this State shall maintain a business establishment within the State; providing a penalty for violation of the provisions of this Act.
HCR 28 Caption: Granting a certain state district judge permission to leave the State during the next biennium.
HCR 64 Caption: Commending W. Lee O'Daniel for his song titled "Beautiful Texas".
HCR 157 Caption: Instructing the Enrolling Clerk to make certain corrections in H. B. No. 7.
HJR 24 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas, amending Article XVI, Section 61, providing for the abolishing of the salary method of compensating all District, County and Precinct officers of this State, and further providing that the Legislature may prescribe laws for compensating all District, County and Precinct officers on a fee basis.
HJR 26 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Article III of the Constitution of the State of Texas, providing that the Legislature shall have the power to provide, under such limitations and restrictions as may be deemed by the Legislature expedient for assistance to the blind and for aid to dependent children and for the payment of same not to exceed Fifteen Dollars per month each to actual bona fide citizens of Texas and providing that the requirements for the length of time of actual residence in Texas shall never be less than five years during the nine years immediately preceding the application for such assistance to the blind and continuously for one year immediately preceding such application and providing that the Legislature may impose such requirements as may be found expedient in cases of aid to dependent children.
HJR 26 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Article III of the Constitution of the State of Texas, providing that the Legislature shall have the power to provide, under such limitations and restrictions as may be deemed by the Legislature expedient for assistance to the blind and for aid to dependent children and for the payment of same not to exceed Fifteen Dollars per month each to actual bona fide citizens of Texas and providing that the requirements for the length of time of actual residence in Texas shall never be less than five years during the nine years immediately preceding the application for such assistance to the blind and continuously for one year immediately preceding such application and providing that the Legislature may impose such requirements as may be found expedient in cases of aid to dependent children.
HR 55 Caption: Memorializing the Works Progress Administration to not approve certain contracts involving the Brazos River Conservation and Declamation District.
HR 70 Caption: Directing the Committee on Contingent Expenses to provide for the distribution of House Journals to the Members of the House.
HR 107 Caption: Inviting M. F. Witherspoon to address the House.
HR 124 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to investigate the usage of certain funds appropriated for rural schools.
HR 155 Caption: Providing for additional funds to the Contingent Expense Committee.
HR 231 Caption: Providing for the purchase of Ray's Advance Session Laws.
HR 306 Caption: Directing the creation of committees to inform the Senate and the Governor that the House is ready to adjourn Sine Die.
45th 1st Called Session
HCR 9 Caption: Declaring legislative intent regarding the effective date of S. B. No. 185.
HR 1 Caption: Directing the creation of two committees to inform the Governor and the Senate that the House is organized.
HR 14 Caption: Providing funds in order to employ a clerks for the various investigating committees created by the House.
HR 32 Caption: Directing the Committee on Contingent Expenses to prove for the purchasing of stamps.
HR 54 Caption: Authorizing the State Board of Legal Examiners permission to use the House Chamber on June 28, 1937.
HR 56 Caption: Providing for the purchase of copies of Ray's Session Laws for the Members of the House.
HR 57 Caption: Providing for the printing of the House Journals.
45th 2nd Called Session
HB 117 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Senate Bill of the Acts of the 45th Legislature (R.S.); promoting public school interest by providing an additional One Million ($1,000,000.00) Dollars for transportation aid.
HCR 32 Caption: Directing the Texas Livestock Sanitary Commission to dispose of a certain length of fence in Panola County.
HR 1 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to notify the Governor and the Senate that the House is organized
HR 2 Caption: Providing for employees of the House.
HR 13 Caption: Inviting Hazel Beckman and Lloyd Sparkman to address the House.
HR 14 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to investigate the Equalization Fund.
HR 59 Caption: Providing for the purchase of copies of Ray's Session Laws.
HR 61 Caption: Commending State Rep. Clyde Bradford for his frugality concerning the use of State funds.
HR 62 Caption: Providing for a Custodian of the House.
HR 63 Caption: Providing for post-session work.
HR 65 Caption: Directing the creation of committees to notify the Governor and the Senate that the House is ready to adjourn Sine Die.
44th Regular Session
HB 26 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the taking of minnows for purpose of sale from certain waters of Panola, Wise, Collin and Comal Counties; providing a penalty.
HB 27 Caption: Relating to authorizing and requiring the Governing Board of The University of Texas, the Agricultural Mechanical College of Texas, the State Teachers Colleges, the College of Arts and Industries and the College of Industrial Arts at Denton to establish and maintain at each institution under the control of such board, a bookstore.
HB 118 Caption: Relating to placing the Texas State Highway Commission under the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Law.
HB 119 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925; providing for the payment of salaries of the county board of trustees out of the State and County Available School Fund.
HB 120 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes; payment of persons holding elections of local school trustees.
HB 141 Caption: Relating to declaring it to be the policy of the State to provide for the standardization of tomatoes as a protection to grower, shipper, carrier, receiver, and consumer.
HB 231 Caption: Relating to fixing the salary of the official shorthand reporter in each judicial district of this State, either civil or criminal, in this State.
HB 259 Caption: Relating to abolishing the office of district attorney for the One Hundred and Twenty-third Judicial District; and providing the effective date of this Act.
HB 483 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the General Laws of the 43rd Legislature (R.S.); providing and imposing an occupation or excise tax of five (5) cents on each gallon of motor fuel or fractional part thereof, such tax to be paid upon the first sale, distribution, or use of motor fuel in this State.
HB 934 Caption: Relating to levying an additional tax of fifty cents per barrel on all beer imported into this State from any other State or foreign country for sale, handling, use consumption, or distribution in the State of Texas; fixing penalties.
HCR 76 Caption: Amending the Joint Rules of the Legislature relating to the creation of committees.
HCR 104 Caption: Suspending Joint Rules Nos. 23, 24, and 32 for the final consideration of H.B. No. 27.
HJR 23 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution authorizing the Legislature to provide for Workmen's Compensation insurance for employees of the State Highway Department and other State employees, and authorizing the Legislature to provide for the payment of premiums on such policies of insurance.
HJR 50 Caption: Proposing amendments to Article III of the Constitution of the State of Texas by adding to Section 48 thereof a provision authorizing the levying of taxes for State highway purposes, and by adding to Section 49 of said Article III a provision enabling the Legislature to provide for the extension of the credit of the State for the purpose of purchasing, exchanging, refunding, assuming and/or discharging obligations at not exceeding par and accrued interest (not in default) made by counties and defined road districts in the construction of a system of State highways by means of a tax on gasoline and all other motor fuels or other sources of motor power.
HR 51 Caption: Amending the rules of the House relative to allowing Members to add their name to bills.
HR 93 Caption: In memory of former State Senator Thomas E. Boren of Panola County, Texas.
HR 115 Caption: Directing the Board of Control to negotiate with the City of Austin place stop lights at the north and south entrance of the Capitol Grounds.
HR 120 Caption: Relative to the use of the microphone on the Press table.
HR 163 Caption: Providing for the purchase of 150 copies of the first two volumes of Ray's Advance Session Laws.
44th 1st Called Session
HB 71 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (R.S.) providing for a fifty cent tax per barrel on confiscated oil.
HB 88 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the General Laws of the 43rd Legislature (R.S.); providing and imposing an occupation or excise tax of five (5) cents on each gallon of motor fuel, or fractional part thereof, such tax to accrue and be paid upon the first sale in Texas, as herein provided.
HB 89 Caption: Relating to taking over, acquiring, and/or purchasing and retaining the interest and equities of counties and defined road districts in and to all roads and highways therein, including streets and avenues in cities and towns where such streets and avenues form integral parts of designated State highways.
44th 2nd Called Session
HB 88 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that the exemption certificates for the poll tax shall be secured before the 1st day of February.
HCR 13 Caption: Granting T.O. Davis permission to be absent from his judge duties in State.
HR 29 Caption: Providing for the purchase of a copy of Ray's Session Laws for each Member of the House.
HR 45 Caption: Providing for a committee to make a survey of the State Department of Safety.
44th 3rd Called Session
HB 65 Caption: Relating to providing for the amount that may be allowed by County Boards of Trustees to the County Superintendents of Public Instruction for expenditures for office and traveling expenses in certain counties according to the last preceding Federal Census.
HCR 11 Caption: Granting W.D. and Willie Hill permission to sue the State of Texas.
HR 65 Caption: In memory of O.P. Carswell of Carthage, Texas.
43rd Regular Session
HB 28 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute so as to provide that persons who desire to marry shall procure from the County Clerk a license directed to all persons authorized by law to celebrate the rites of matrimony, and that said license shall be sufficient to celebrate such marriage.
HB 49 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute regulating the testing of automobile lights, and operation of motor vehicles, tractors, motorcycles and bicycles in Texas.
HB 60 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the taking of fur-bearing animals in certain counties.
HB 121 Caption: Relating to providing for an open season or period of time when it shall be lawful to take or kill squirrel in certain counties; providing penalties for the violation thereof; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict therewith.
HB 148 Caption: Relating to declaring it unlawful to take any game bird or game animal at any time other than during the open season; prohibiting the taking or possession of any game bird or game animal in excess of the bag limit; defining open seasons and bag limits; providing a suitable penalty; repealing all laws in conflict with this Act.
HB 298 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the farming industry.
HB 306 Caption: Relating to abolishing the office of the district attorneys in and for the One Hundred Twenty-third Judicial District and providing that the county attorneys in the neighboring counties composing the One Hundred Twenty-third Judicial District shall perform all the duties required by law to be performed by its district attorneys and shall perform all the duties required by law to be performed by its district attorneys and shall receive such fees as may now and hereafter by provided by law and fix a maximum fee therefor.
HB 461 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the collection of delinquent taxes, and providing for the collection of said taxes and for the installation of a tax or plat system; authorizing the Comptroller and commissioners court to employ competent persons to collect delinquent taxes and install a tax or plat system.
HB 547 Caption: Relating to regulating and fixing the season in which wild mourning doves, wild white winged doves, wild quail, and wild Mexican pheasants may be taken and killed.
HB 627 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the regulation of pharmacies and the sale of drugs so as to prohibit the sale of food, jewelry, hardware, tobaccos, and all other articles of commerce, except drugs and medicines, having a therapeutic value.
HB 854 Caption: Relating to providing for an open season or period of time when it shall be lawful to take or kill wild quail in certain counties; providing penalties for the violation thereof.
HB 936 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to take, sell, or barter, or to offer to sell, or barter, any minnows from the fresh waters of Panola County; providing a penalty for the violation of this Act.
HCR 30 Caption: Authorizing the Enrolling Clerk to make certain correction in HB 121.
HCR 120 Caption: Approving the suspension of Joint Rule No. 11 so that the Senate might consider HB 936, HB 894, and HB 925.
HJR 4 Caption: Proposing Amendments to Section 20, of Article V, and Section 44, of Article XVI, of the Constitution of Texas, combining the offices of county clerk and county treasurer; providing the time for its submission tot he voters of the State of Texas as required by the Constitution, and making an appropriation therefor.
HR 76 Caption: In memory of J.R. Bond, father of former Representative Thomas R. Bond.
43rd 1st Called Session
HB 164 Caption: Relating to fixing the salaries and compensation of county commissioners in counties with a population of not less than 24,060, nor more than 24,100, according to the last Federal Census, according to the last Federal Census, and providing for the manner and the fund from which said salaries shall be paid.
HCR 4 Caption: Directing the State Board of Education to rescind its recent resolution codifying qualifications for teachers.
HCR 64 Caption: Suspending Joint Rule #11 so that the House might consider SB 35.
HCR 76 Caption: Recalling SCR 23 from the Senate for further consideration.
HR 18 Caption: Relating to the use of office space by State Senators in the Capitol.
43rd 2nd Called Session
HB 56 Caption: Relating to repealing certain Act relating to the killing of quail in certain counties.
HCR 22 Caption: Providing for adjournment sine die.
43rd 3rd Called Session
HCR 23 Caption: Requesting report from the conferees of HB 1.
43rd 4th Called Session
HB 6 Caption: Relating to releasing the interest and penalties on certain delinquent ad valorem and poll taxes.
HB 13 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the Texas State Highway Commission to lease the right of ways along the State highways for advertising purposes, and directing the State Highway Commission to prescribe rules and regulations governing the leasing of those right of ways, and directing the State Highway Commission to prescribe rules and regulations for the erection and maintenance of signs on the highways.
42nd Regular Session
HB 242 Caption: Relating to providing for a Rural School Supervisor in certain counties in lieu of Teachers' Institutes.
HB 736 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to hunt or kill any wild turkey or wild deer in Panola County for a period of five years; fixing a penalty.
HB 907 Caption: Relating to fixing a period of time when it shall be lawful to take, hunt, and kill squirrels in Panola County; defining a misdemeanor and prescribing a penalty therefor.
HB 938 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code relative to the use of explosives and poisons in catching fish.
HCR 48 Caption: Recalling H.B. 242 from the Governor.
HJR 30 Caption: Proposing an amendment relative to providing that under no apportionment shall any county be entitled to more than one Senator or more than four Representatives.
HR 39 Caption: Inviting Fred Lowery to address the Legislature.
HR 68 Caption: Inviting Ebenezer Choir to sing before the Legislature.
42nd 1st Called Session
HR 29 Caption: Inviting Johnnie Pearson to address the House.
42nd 3rd Called Session
HB 26 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the use of steel traps or any other mechanical device for the taking of fur-bearing animals in certain counties in this State; providing a penalty.
HB 90 Caption: Relating to regulating and licensing all persons, firms or corporations engaged in the business of retailing, wholesaling, peddling or hawking eggs, poultry, fruit, vegetables or nuts.