Party affiliation - 49th Legislature

  Totals based on membership as of first day of the regular session, January 9, 1945

House of Representatives

Democrats in the House of Representatives [147 of 147 = 100%]

George Ernest Adams
John Mack Allison
Henry Lee Atkinson
Noel Carlton Baker
William Arthur Barber
Cecil Hamilton Barnes
Marshall Odom Bell
Dallas Averd Blankenship
Thomas R. Bond
William Wade Bridgers
Sherwood Brown
Marvin Albert Bundy
George Garrett Calhoun
Claude Callaway
Arthur Washington Cato
Augustine Celaya
William Raleigh Chambers
Edgar Octave Chapman
Andrew Wallace Coker
Neveille Colson
Charles Montgomery Conner
Paul Counts
Wilfred Roy Cousins, Jr.
Elmer Lee Covey
Carlton Wesley Crawford
John Leake Crosthwait
James William Cummings
Harry Lincoln Davis
Thomas Walter Deen
John Rankin Donnell
LaFayette Lionel Duckett
Winford Lee Dunn
Elmer D. Elliott
John Taylor Ellis, Sr.
Roger Quincy Evans
John Preston Fant
Ennis Carl Favors
Florence Fenley
Marvin Daniel Fertsch
Rae Files Still
Charles Richard Floyd
William S. Foster
Joseph Warren Gandy
Clifton Clinton Gardner
Douglas David Gathings
Orion Elwin Gerron
Claud Henry Gilmer
Jessy Franklin Gray
Albert Nelson Green
Julian Preston Greer
Robert Nathan Grisham
Sam C. Hanna
Joseph Thomas Harris
Howard Gallemore Hartzog
James McDonald Heflin
Jewell Huntington Helpinstill
Aaron Robin Henderson
Ligon L. Holstein
John Charles Hoyo
William Earl Huddleston
Henry Anton Hull
Joseph Clinton Humphrey
Isom Price Hydrick
Samuel Jackson Isaacks
Hayes Johnson
Albert Martin Jones
Fred Jesse Jones
Harry Phillip Jordan
Dann Kirby
Gus Myers Lanier
Charles Vernon Lansberry
Hubert Amos Lee
Henry Grady Lehman
Homer LaKirby Leonard
Felix Hope Leslie
Boniface Juvenal Leyendecker
Carswell Gilford Lightfoot
George H. Little
John Taylor Lock
Jack Edward Love
Jap Lucas
John Albert Luedemann
Jake Marshall Mabe
Durwood Manford
Edward Pinkney Mangum
Preston P. Mangum
Donald Moore Markle
Obel Lindsey McAlister
Charles Melford McFarland
Charles Samuel McLellan
Houston McMurry
Lon Tucker Messer
Roger Q. Mills
William Calvin Montgomery
Carlton Moore
Grady Moore
Otho Harris Moore
Monta Brown Morgan
Carl Edmund Nicholson
George Marshall Parkhouse
Luman Anderson Parton
Lee Roy Pearson
Hugh Bedford Peterman
James Davis Pickens
Charlie D. Pigg
Ned Price
Robert Lee Proffer
Harry Douglas Pruett
Jasper Boon Pruett
William Henry Rampy
Mervyn Lee Ramsey
David Read
Robert Lee Reader
William Otey Reed
Woodrow Wilson Roark
Harley Herman Sadler
Jonathan Benjamin Sallas
Samuel Columbus Sellers
Reuben E. Senterfitt
Benjamin Homer Sharpe
Marvin Bishop Simpson
Andrew Bonifer Smith
Julian Obie Smith
Max Carlton Smith
Newton Franklin Smith
Preston Smith
Will L. Smith
Rudolph Benjamin Spacek
James Thomas Sparks
John Peter Stubbs
Elizabeth Suiter
Frank G. Svadlenak
Frederick G. Swanson
Marmaduke Keyes Thomas
Arnold J. Vale
Frank Benjamin Voigt
David Burnett Walker
Jesse Floyd Ward
Mainor Nelson Westbrook
Frank Edd White
Sterling Whitfield Williams
W. Albert Williamson
Joseph Edwin Winfree
Albert Patrick Wiseman
Hugh Nolan Wood
James Myddleton Woods
Herman R. Yezak


Democrats in the Senate [31 of 31 = 100%]

Districts represented by more than one person
H District 38 Charles Richard Floyd Democrat 01/09/1945 - 02/17/1945  
H District 38 Eugene Flowers Harrell Democrat 03/22/1945 - 01/14/1947   Not included in the statistics above.
S District 26 J. Franklin Spears Democrat 01/09/1945 - 05/29/1946  
S District 26 Walter Tynan Democrat 07/27/1946 - 01/11/1949   Not included in the statistics above.

Members not listed above
H District 68 John Junior Bell Democrat 03/09/1945 - 01/14/1947   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 12 Ottis Elmer Lock Democrat 01/11/1945 - 01/14/1947   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 6 Cecil Storey Democrat 01/15/1945 - 01/14/1947   Not included in the statistics above.