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[  Session(s): all  Chamber =  Both  Bill Type = all    Subjects =  Transportation--Aviation ]

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HB 1739 87-0 (2021) Author: Romero, Ramon | et. al.
Sponsor: Creighton, Brandon
Relating to certain contracts regarding airports operated by or on behalf of a local government. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Removed from local & uncontested calendar
HB 2637 87-0 (2021) Author: Cook, David | et. al. Relating to the creation of the urban air mobility advisory committee. House: Transportation Laid on the table subject to call
HB 2957 87-0 (2021) Author: Geren, Charlie
Sponsor: Hughes, Bryan
Relating to inspections and examinations by the Railroad Commission of Texas of certain sites and facilities conducted using unmanned aircraft. House: Energy Resources
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
No action taken in committee
HB 3325 87-0 (2021) Author: Lozano, J. M. Relating to the terminology used to describe transportation-related accidents. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Referred to Transportation
HB 3756 87-0 (2021) Author: Goldman, Craig Relating to airport police forces, including the authority to commission peace officers and the rights, privileges, and duties of those officers. House: Transportation Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm.
HB 3762 87-0 (2021) Author: Dominguez, Alex Relating to the closing of beaches for space flight activities in certain counties. House: County Affairs Withdrawn from schedule
HB 4436 87-0 (2021) Author: Cyrier, John
Sponsor: Perry, Charles
Relating to the operation of aircraft in or on protected freshwater areas. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Water, Agriculture & Rural Affairs
Effective immediately
SB 763 87-0 (2021) Author: Powell, Beverly | et. al.
Sponsor: Cook, David | et. al.
Relating to the creation of the urban air mobility advisory committee. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective immediately
SB 825 87-0 (2021) Author: Springer, Drew Relating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport. Senate: State Affairs Committee report printed and distributed
SB 1098 87-0 (2021) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to certain contracts regarding airports and associated air navigation facilities operated by or on behalf of a local government. Senate: Transportation Meeting cancelled
SB 1550 87-0 (2021) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Goldman, Craig
Relating to airport police forces, including the authority to commission peace officers and the rights, privileges, and duties of those officers. House: Transportation
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21
SB 1583 87-0 (2021) Author: Hughes, Bryan Relating to inspections and examinations by the Railroad Commission of Texas of certain sites and facilities conducted using unmanned aircraft. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
SB 1945 87-0 (2021) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the terminology used to describe transportation-related accidents. Senate: Transportation Referred to Transportation
SB 1970 87-0 (2021) Author: Hughes, Bryan Relating to the mailing of passenger items prohibited beyond an airport's security screening to the passenger's residence; authorizing a fee. Senate: Transportation Referred to Transportation
SB 2187 87-0 (2021) Author: Nichols, Robert
Sponsor: Canales, Terry
Relating to passenger transportation on state aircraft. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Committee report sent to Calendars
SB 76 87-2 (2021) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the regulation and operation of open-enrollment charter schools. Filed
HB 1168 86-0 (2019) Author: Anchía, Rafael | et. al.
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Vetoed by the Governor
HB 2066 86-0 (2019) Author: Bohac, Dwayne Relating to the sales and use tax exemption for the repair, remodeling, or maintenance of aircraft. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 2666 86-0 (2019) Author: Wilson, Terry M. Relating to the sales and use tax exemption for certain aircraft. House: Ways & Means Withdrawn from schedule
HB 2705 86-0 (2019) Author: Capriglione, Giovanni | et. al. Relating to job order contracting for certain airport facilities by certain joint airport boards. House: Transportation Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm.
HB 2801 86-0 (2019) Author: Goldman, Craig Relating to airport police forces and security vehicles, including the authority to commission peace officers and the rights, privileges, and duties of those officers. House: Transportation Withdrawn from schedule
HB 3082 86-0 (2019) Author: Murphy, Jim
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian | et. al.
Relating to investigating and prosecuting the criminal offense of operating an unmanned aircraft over or near certain facilities. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor
HB 4024 86-0 (2019) Author: Romero, Ramon | et. al. Relating to certain contracts regarding airports and associated air navigation facilities operated by or on behalf of a local government. House: Transportation Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
HB 4180 86-0 (2019) Author: Miller, Rick Relating to the applicability of the prohibition on certain ad valorem tax incentives relating to wind-powered energy devices located near a military aviation facility. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 4262 86-0 (2019) Author: Darby, Drew
Sponsor: Hughes, Bryan
Relating to liens on aircraft for certain charges. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Left pending in committee
SB 123 86-0 (2019) Author: West, Royce Relating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
SB 1214 86-0 (2019) Author: Schwertner, Charles | et. al.
Sponsor: Wilson, Terry M.
Relating to the sales and use tax exemption for certain aircraft. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/19
SB 1219 86-0 (2019) Author: Alvarado, Carol
Sponsor: Thompson, Senfronia
Relating to human trafficking signs at certain transportation hubs. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective on 9/1/19
SB 1366 86-0 (2019) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to airport police forces and security vehicles, including the authority to commission peace officers and the rights, privileges, and duties of those officers. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice
SB 1875 86-0 (2019) Author: Fallon, Pat Relating to fees for picking up or dropping off passengers at an airport. Senate: Transportation Referred to Transportation
SB 1964 86-0 (2019) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to the use of certain aviation and air transportation-related tax proceeds for aviation facilities development. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance
SB 1996 86-0 (2019) Author: Birdwell, Brian Relating to investigating and prosecuting the criminal offense of operating an unmanned aircraft over or near certain facilities. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice
SB 2050 86-0 (2019) Author: Schwertner, Charles | et. al.
Sponsor: VanDeaver, Gary
Relating to the creation of the aviation development account. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 102 85-0 (2017) Author: Guillen, Ryan Relating to exemptions from ad valorem taxes, the sales and use tax, and the franchise tax for certain businesses during an initial period of operation in this state. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 803 85-0 (2017) Author: Dale, Tony Relating to a temporary exemption from the sales and use tax and the franchise tax for certain businesses engaged in space flight activities. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 1105 85-0 (2017) Author: Miller, Rick Relating to granting certain municipalities authority to adopt development regulations around certain military facilities; creating a criminal offense. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Left pending in committee
HB 1210 85-0 (2017) Author: Phillips, Larry Relating to passenger security screening. House: Transportation Left pending in committee
HB 1552 85-0 (2017) Author: Geren, Charlie Relating to job order contracting for an airport, air navigation facility, airport hazard area, or roadway controlled and operated by a joint airport board. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation
HB 1624 85-0 (2017) Author: Simmons, Ron Relating to the confidentiality of personal identifying information collected by certain airport governing boards. House: Transportation Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm.
HB 1682 85-0 (2017) Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al. Relating to the sales and use tax exemption for the repair, remodeling, or maintenance of aircraft. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee
HB 3057 85-0 (2017) Author: Anchía, Rafael Relating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 3207 85-0 (2017) Author: Gonzales, Larry Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation
HB 3591 85-0 (2017) Author: Thompson, Ed Relating to the composition of the aviation advisory committee. House: Transportation Received from the House
HB 3951 85-0 (2017) Author: Gonzales, Larry Relating to the functions of the Texas Department of Transportation relating to aircraft owned or leased by the state; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft. House: Transportation Committee report sent to Calendars
SB 312 85-0 (2017) Author: Nichols, Robert | et. al.
Sponsor: Gonzales, Larry | et. al.
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft; creating a criminal offense. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
See remarks for effective date
SB 1023 85-0 (2017) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Simmons, Ron
Relating to the confidentiality of personal identifying information collected by certain airport governing boards. House: Transportation
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective immediately
SB 1024 85-0 (2017) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Davis, Yvonne
Relating to the use of certain lighting equipment on airport security vehicles. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Transportation
Effective on 9/1/17
SB 1522 85-0 (2017) Author: Nichols, Robert
Sponsor: Thompson, Ed
Relating to the composition of the aviation advisory committee. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective immediately
SB 1816 85-0 (2017) Author: Burton, Konni Relating to abolishing the spaceport trust fund and the disposition of the balance of that fund. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
SB 2055 85-0 (2017) Author: West, Royce Relating to the sales and use tax exemption for the repair, remodeling, or maintenance of aircraft. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee
HB 175 85-1 (2017) Author: Anchía, Rafael Relating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
HB 362 85-1 (2017) Author: Gutierrez, Roland Relating to granting certain local governments general zoning authority around federal military installations; creating a criminal offense. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Left pending in committee
SB 115 85-1 (2017) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to granting certain local governments general zoning authority around federal military installations; creating a criminal offense. Filed
HB 79 84-0 (2015) Author: Guillen, Ryan Relating to exemptions from the sales and use tax and the franchise tax for certain businesses during an initial period of operation in the state. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 102 84-0 (2015) Author: Fletcher, Allen | et. al. Relating to the creation of the offense of cargo theft. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Laid on the table subject to call
HB 554 84-0 (2015) Author: Springer, Drew | et. al.
Sponsor: Creighton, Brandon | et. al.
Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of possessing or carrying a weapon in or into the secured area of an airport. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/15
HB 571 84-0 (2015) Author: Pickett, Joseph Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of possessing or carrying a weapon in or into the secured area of an airport. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
HB 750 84-0 (2015) Author: Frullo, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Fraser, Troy
Relating to a landowner's liability for certain aviation activities on or above the owner's land. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs
HB 893 84-0 (2015) Author: Miller, Rick Relating to granting certain local governments general zoning authority around certain military facilities; providing a penalty. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Left pending in committee
HB 946 84-0 (2015) Author: Workman, Paul | et. al. Relating to painting and marking requirements for certain meteorological evaluation towers; creating an offense. House: Agriculture & Livestock Laid on the table subject to call
HB 1401 84-0 (2015) Author: Geren, Charlie Relating to the issuance of bonds by certain municipalities jointly operating an airport to fund a public pension fund. House: Investments & Financial Services Referred directly to s/c on Bond Indebtedness by chair
HB 1458 84-0 (2015) Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Sponsor: Estes, Craig
Relating to the sales and use tax exemption for the repair, remodeling, or maintenance of aircraft. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
HB 1605 84-0 (2015) Author: Martinez, Armando
Sponsor: Taylor, Van
Relating to the issuance of the Texas Airport Directory; eliminating a fee. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective on 9/1/15
HB 1954 84-0 (2015) Author: Parker, Tan Relating to the licensing of vehicles for hire and passenger transportation services by certain airport governing boards; authorizing the imposition of fees; expanding the authorization to require an occupational license; amending a provision subject to a criminal penalty. House: Transportation Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 1984 84-0 (2015) Author: Bonnen, Greg | et. al. Relating to the aerospace and aviation office of the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office and to the aerospace and aviation advisory committee. House: Business & Industry Laid on the table subject to call
HB 2009 84-0 (2015) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the use of certain aviation and air transportation-related tax proceeds for aviation facilities development. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 2294 84-0 (2015) Author: Bohac, Dwayne Relating to the audit, assessment, and collection of sales and use tax on general aviation aircraft under the Texas Tax Code. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 2436 84-0 (2015) Author: Phillips, Larry Relating to passenger security screening. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation
HB 3077 84-0 (2015) Author: Zerwas, John | et. al. Relating to funding for trauma facilities, emergency medical services, and emergency medical air transportation. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency & Reform
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
HB 3287 84-0 (2015) Author: Paddie, Chris Relating to the sales and use taxation of aircraft. House: Ways & Means Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 3901 84-0 (2015) Author: Miller, Rick
Sponsor: Taylor, Van
Relating to the repossession of an aircraft. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/15
SB 458 84-0 (2015) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie | et. al.
Sponsor: Bonnen, Greg | et. al.
Relating to the aerospace and aviation office of the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office and to the aerospace and aviation advisory committee. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective on 9/1/15
SB 505 84-0 (2015) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al.
Sponsor: Workman, Paul
Relating to painting and marking requirements for certain meteorological evaluation towers; creating an offense. House: Agriculture & Livestock
Senate: Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs
Effective on 9/1/15
SB 530 84-0 (2015) Author: Hancock, Kelly
Sponsor: Parker, Tan
Relating to the licensing of vehicles for hire and passenger transportation services by certain airport governing boards; authorizing the imposition of fees; expanding the authorization to require an occupational license; amending a provision subject to a criminal penalty. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective immediately
SB 798 84-0 (2015) Author: Estes, Craig Relating to the sales and use tax exemption for the repair, remodeling, or maintenance of aircraft. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance
SB 1133 84-0 (2015) Author: Taylor, Van Relating to the repossession of an aircraft. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Industry
SB 1396 84-0 (2015) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Paddie, Chris
Relating to the sales and use taxation of aircraft. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/15
SB 1493 84-0 (2015) Author: Uresti, Carlos Relating to emergency medical air transportation funding. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance
SB 1828 84-0 (2015) Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Sponsor: Fletcher, Allen
Relating to the creation of the offense of cargo theft. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15
HB 138 83-0 (2013) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to funding for certain commercial service airport projects. House: International Trade & Intergovernmental Affairs
Senate: Transportation
Effective immediately
HB 278 83-0 (2013) Author: Craddick, Tom | et. al.
Sponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to the liability of a municipality for certain space flight activities. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/13
HB 417 83-0 (2013) Author: Davis, John Relating to the composition of the aviation advisory committee. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation
HB 605 83-0 (2013) Author: Lozano, J. M. Relating to the authority of municipalities or counties to adopt regulations or take other actions relating to airport hazard areas. House: County Affairs Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
HB 1348 83-0 (2013) Author: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Sponsor: Uresti, Carlos
Relating to the taxation of certain tangible personal property located inside a defense base development authority. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Senate: Finance
Effective on 1/1/14
HB 1656 83-0 (2013) Author: Eiland, Craig | et. al. Relating to funding for emergency medical air transportation provided to patients enrolled in the state Medicaid program; imposing a surcharge. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee
HB 1791 83-0 (2013) Author: Davis, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to the facilitation and operation of space flight activities in this state. House: Economic & Small Business Development
Senate: Economic Development
Effective on 9/1/13
HB 1832 83-0 (2013) Author: Miller, Rick Relating to granting certain local governments general zoning authority around certain military facilities; providing a penalty. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Left pending in committee
HB 1891 83-0 (2013) Author: Gonzales, Larry Relating to the authority of the commissioner of agriculture to approve the testing and sale of certain aviation gasoline. House: Agriculture & Livestock Left pending in committee
HB 2387 83-0 (2013) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to the ad valorem taxation of certain tangible personal property located inside a defense base development authority. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Senate: Finance
Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair
HB 2390 83-0 (2013) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to a franchise tax credit for certain research and development activities by taxable entities in the aerospace industry. House: Economic & Small Business Development - S/C Manufacturing Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 2451 83-0 (2013) Author: King, Tracy
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the exclusion by taxable entities engaged in providing services as an agricultural aircraft operation of certain costs in determining total revenue for purposes of the franchise tax. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on 1/1/14
HB 2839 83-0 (2013) Author: Frullo, John Relating to a landowner's liability for certain aviation activities on the owner's land. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 3035 83-0 (2013) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda Relating to the qualifications for the exemption from ad valorem taxation for certain tangible personal property located in this state for a limited time. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 3135 83-0 (2013) Author: Lucio III, Eddie Relating to the appointment and removal of directors of a spaceport development corporation. House: Economic & Small Business Development Referred to Economic & Small Business Development
HB 3850 83-0 (2013) Author: Anchía, Rafael Relating to the promotion of Texas airports in the international marketplace. House: International Trade & Intergovernmental Affairs Referred to International Trade & Intergovernmental Affairs
HJR 129 83-0 (2013) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda Proposing a constitutional amendment to extend the number of days that certain tangible personal property that is exempt from ad valorem taxation due to its location in this state for a temporary period may be located in this state for purposes of qualifying for the tax exemption. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HR 866 83-0 (2013) Author: Hunter, Todd Expressing support for a Federal Aviation Administration unmanned aircraft systems test site in Texas and urging state offices to join in the effort to pursue this FAA designation. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education
SB 267 83-0 (2013) Author: Seliger, Kel Relating to the liability of a municipality for certain space flight activities. Senate: State Affairs Left pending in committee
SB 1144 83-0 (2013) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the appointment and removal of directors of a spaceport development corporation. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development
SB 1636 83-0 (2013) Author: Deuell, Bob
Sponsor: Davis, John | et. al.
Relating to the facilitation and operation of space flight activities in this state. House: Economic & Small Business Development
Senate: Economic Development
HB 71 82-0 (2011) Author: Martinez, Armando | et. al. Relating to the fee charged for the Texas Airport Directory. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Referred to Transportation & Homeland Sec.
HB 245 82-0 (2011) Author: Gallego, Pete | et. al. Relating to limiting the liability of space flight entities. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Laid on the table subject to call
HB 787 82-0 (2011) Author: Kuempel, John
Sponsor: Wentworth, Jeff
Relating to abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, discarded, and inoperable aircraft and vessels. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective on 9/1/11
HB 2043 82-0 (2011) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to the taxation of certain tangible personal property located inside a defense base development authority. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Postponed
HB 3253 82-0 (2011) Author: Martinez Fischer, Trey Relating to ad valorem tax relief for certain commercial aircraft temporarily located in this state for manufacturing or assembly purposes. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee
HB 3533 82-0 (2011) Author: Larson, Lyle | et. al. Relating to granting certain local governments general zoning authority around certain military facilities; providing a penalty. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Left pending in committee
HB 3703 82-0 (2011) Author: Raymond, Richard Pena Relating to the use of certain aviation and air transportation-related tax proceeds for aviation facilities development. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee
HB 3727 82-0 (2011) Author: Hilderbran, Harvey | et. al.
Sponsor: Uresti, Carlos
Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of certain commercial aircraft that are temporarily located in this state for manufacturing or assembly purposes. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/11
SB 115 82-0 (2011) Author: Uresti, Carlos | et. al.
Sponsor: Gallego, Pete
Relating to limiting the liability of space flight entities. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately
HB 92 81-0 (2009) Author: Martinez, Armando | et. al. Relating to the fee charged for the Texas Airport Directory. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Referred to Transportation & Homeland Sec.
HB 1078 81-0 (2009) Author: Truitt, Vicki Relating to increasing the penalty for illegal ground transportation solicitation at certain airports. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation
HB 1340 81-0 (2009) Author: Bonnen, Dennis Relating to an exemption from Texas Commission on Fire Protection training requirements for certain aircraft fire fighting and rescue fire protection personnel. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee
HB 2056 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallego, Pete Relating to granting certain local governments general zoning authority around certain military facilities; providing a penalty. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Placed on General State Calendar
HB 2229 81-0 (2009) Author: Parker, Tan Relating to creating a recognition day in honor of aviation maintenance technicians. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Government Organization
Referred to Government Organization
HB 2314 81-0 (2009) Author: Gattis, Dan
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to the designation of the Texas Department of Transportation as the contracting agent for certain airports. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective on 9/1/09
HB 2324 81-0 (2009) Author: Howard, Charlie Relating to authorizing the Texas Board of Criminal Justice to sell certain real property for municipal airport expansion. House: Land & Resource Management
Senate: Administration
Referred to Administration
HB 2375 81-0 (2009) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue for certain transportation systems. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 3030 81-0 (2009) Author: Heflin, Joe Relating to an exemption from the sales and use tax for machinery and equipment used in an agricultural aircraft operation. House: Ways & Means Committee report sent to Calendars
SB 334 81-0 (2009) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Pickett, Joseph
Relating to the repeal of the authority of the Texas Department of Transportation to regulate air carriers. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective immediately
SB 467 81-0 (2009) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to the use of certain aviation and air transportation-related sales and use tax proceeds for aviation facilities development. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance
SB 958 81-0 (2009) Author: Hegar, Glenn
Sponsor: Heflin, Joe
Relating to an exemption from the sales and use tax for certain aircraft, including machinery and equipment used in an agricultural aircraft operation. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/09
SB 1149 81-0 (2009) Author: Hegar, Glenn | et. al.
Sponsor: Howard, Charlie
Relating to authorizing the Texas Board of Criminal Justice to sell certain real property for municipal airport expansion. House: Land & Resource Management
Senate: Government Organization
Effective immediately
SB 1615 81-0 (2009) Author: Wentworth, Jeff Relating to the authorization of airport authorities and the issuance of bonds and the exercise of eminent domain by the authorities. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Left pending in committee
SB 1642 81-0 (2009) Author: Harris, Chris Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue for certain transportation systems. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development
SB 1669 81-0 (2009) Author: Nichols, Robert
Sponsor: Phillips, Larry
Relating to the authority and powers of regional mobility authorities. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Committee report sent to Calendars
SB 2439 81-0 (2009) Author: Uresti, Carlos Relating to the regulation of development around certain military facilities; providing a penalty. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Senate: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations
Reported favorably w/o amendment(s)
HB 100 80-0 (2007) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to the fee charged for the Texas Airport Directory. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Referred to Transportation & Homeland Sec.
HB 738 80-0 (2007) Author: Bonnen, Dennis
Sponsor: Jackson, Mike
Relating to an exemption from Texas Commission on Fire Protection training requirements for certain aircraft fire fighting and rescue fire protection personnel. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Vetoed by the Governor
HB 1586 80-0 (2007) Author: Flores, Kino
Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to the creation of the offense of illumination of an aircraft by intense light. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07
HB 2749 80-0 (2007) Author: Veasey, Marc
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the award of a contract by an airport authority created by certain municipalities. House: County Affairs
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Removed from local & uncontested calendar
HB 2774 80-0 (2007) Author: Geren, Charlie Relating to areas of an airport where weapons are prohibited; providing a penalty. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Reported favorably as substituted
HB 2955 80-0 (2007) Author: Jackson, Jim Relating to the terms and conditions for access to airports owned or operated by certain local governments. House: Transportation Left pending in committee
HB 3094 80-0 (2007) Author: Van Arsdale, Corbin Relating to the annexation of a municipally owned airport. House: Land & Resource Management Referred to Land & Resource Management
HCR 249 80-0 (2007) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Urging Congress and the Federal Aviation Administration to reexamine federal policies on the mitigation of aircraft noise. House: Transportation Committee report sent to Calendars
SB 613 80-0 (2007) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the creation of the offense of illumination of an aircraft by intense light. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice
SB 1003 80-0 (2007) Author: Harris, Chris Relating to areas of an airport where weapons are prohibited; providing a penalty. Senate: Criminal Justice No action taken in committee
SB 1349 80-0 (2007) Author: Patrick, Dan
Sponsor: Van Arsdale, Corbin
Relating to the annexation of certain municipally owned airports. House: Land & Resource Management
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
SB 1406 80-0 (2007) Author: Wentworth, Jeff Relating to the authorization of airport authorities and the issuance of bonds and the exercise of eminent domain by the authorities. House: Land & Resource Management
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Referred to Land & Resource Management
SB 1462 80-0 (2007) Author: Shapiro, Florence Relating to the terms and conditions for access to airports owned or operated by certain local governments. Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security Referred to Transportation & Homeland Sec.
SB 1618 80-0 (2007) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Veasey, Marc
Relating to the award of a contract by an airport authority created by certain municipalities. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
HB 216 79-0 (2005) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to the fee charged for the Texas Airport Directory. House: Transportation Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 234 79-0 (2005) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to the authority of certain development corporations to undertake projects for airport facilities or retail businesses or facilities. House: Economic Development Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 1566 79-0 (2005) Author: Farabee, David Relating to possession of a deadly weapon in a secured area of an airport; creating an offense. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Subcommittee members named
HB 2702 79-0 (2005) Author: Krusee, Mike
Sponsor: Staples, Todd
Relating to the construction, acquisition, financing, maintenance, management, operation, ownership, and control of transportation facilities and the progress, improvement, policing, and safety of transportation in this state; providing a penalty. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective immediately
HCR 245 79-0 (2005) Author: Krusee, Mike
Sponsor: Staples, Todd
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections to H.B. No. 2702. Signed by the Governor
HR 2270 79-0 (2005) Author: Krusee, Mike Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 2702. Reported enrolled
SB 149 79-0 (2005) Author: Wentworth, Jeff
Sponsor: Giddings, Helen
Relating to the recording of certain aircraft repair and maintenance liens; providing a criminal penalty. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective immediately
SB 433 79-0 (2005) Author: Wentworth, Jeff
Sponsor: Casteel, Carter
Relating to the authorization of airport districts and the issuance of bonds and the exercise of eminent domain by the districts. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 1090 79-0 (2005) Author: Madla, Frank
Sponsor: Menendez, Jose | et. al.
Relating to the powers and duties of a defense base development authority. House: Defense Affairs & State-Federal Relations
Senate: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations
Effective on 9/1/05
SB 1706 79-0 (2005) Author: Staples, Todd Relating to the construction, acquisition, financing, maintenance, management, operation, ownership, and control of transportation facilities and the progress, improvement, policing, and safety of transportation in this state; providing a penalty. Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security Not again placed on intent calendar
SR 1098 79-0 (2005) Author: Staples, Todd Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 2702. Reported enrolled
HB 481 78-0 (2003) Author: Wilson, Ron Relating to racial profiling by airport security personnel; imposing a criminal penalty. House: Law Enforcement Left pending in committee
HB 483 78-0 (2003) Author: Wilson, Ron | et. al. Relating to the requirements for the establishment of a state airport in Central Texas. House: Transportation Left pending in committee
HB 598 78-0 (2003) Author: Chisum, Warren Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Aerospace Commission. House: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development
HB 1528 78-0 (2003) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda Relating to a declaration of a local state of disaster by certain joint airport boards. House: Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations
Senate: Infrastructure Development and Security
Referred to Infrastructure Dev & Security
HB 1718 78-0 (2003) Author: Goodman, Toby Relating to the application of the public information law to information pertaining to the security or vulnerability of the infrastructure, buildings, or operations of an airport. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
HB 2859 78-0 (2003) Author: Wohlgemuth, Arlene
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to the regulation of obstructions to air navigation. House: Transportation
Senate: Infrastructure Development and Security
Effective immediately
HB 3527 78-0 (2003) Author: Hamric, Peggy Relating to the abolition of the State Aircraft Pooling Board, to the transfer of certain functions associated with the board to the Texas Building and Procurement Commission, and to providing for contracts with private charter aircraft providers in lieu of a central pool of state-owned aircraft. House: Government Reform Left pending in committee
SB 269 78-0 (2003) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Aerospace Commission. Senate: Government Organization Referred to Government Organization
SB 756 78-0 (2003) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Harper-Brown, Linda
Relating to a declaration of a local state of disaster by certain joint airport boards. House: Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations
Senate: Infrastructure Development and Security
Effective immediately
SB 809 78-0 (2003) Author: Harris, Chris Relating to the application of the public information law to information pertaining to the security or vulnerability of the infrastructure, buildings, or operations of an airport. Senate: Infrastructure Development and Security Left pending in subcommittee
SB 915 78-0 (2003) Author: Fraser, Troy Relating to the method and source of funding for the State Aircraft Pooling Board. Senate: Government Organization Record vote
SB 1706 78-0 (2003) Author: Wentworth, Jeff
Sponsor: Wohlgemuth, Arlene
Relating to the authorization of airport authorities and the issuance of bonds and exercise of eminent domain by the authorities. House: Transportation
Senate: Infrastructure Development and Security
Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 1492 77-0 (2001) Author: Hardcastle, Rick | et. al.
Sponsor: Duncan, Robert
Relating to notice and marking requirements for certain antenna structures. House: Transportation
Senate: Business & Commerce
Left pending in committee
HB 1939 77-0 (2001) Author: Bonnen, Dennis Relating to the fee charged by the Texas Department of Transportation for the Texas Airport Directory. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs
HB 2050 77-0 (2001) Author: Truitt, Vicki Relating to the land uses authorized at certain airports operated jointly by two municipalities. House: Land & Resource Management Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 2051 77-0 (2001) Author: Truitt, Vicki | et. al. Relating to the composition of joint boards governing certain airports. House: Transportation Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 2052 77-0 (2001) Author: Truitt, Vicki Relating to the acquisition of property for certain purposes by populous home-rule municipalities. House: Land & Resource Management Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 2083 77-0 (2001) Author: Lewis, Glenn Relating to the use of certain revenue by certain municipalities that have territory within the boundaries of certain airports. House: Transportation Laid on the table subject to call
HB 2123 77-0 (2001) Author: Tillery, Dale Relating to the reimbursement of expenses incurred by certain airports for providing municipal services within the boundaries of a municipality. House: Transportation
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Intergovernmental Relations
HB 2320 77-0 (2001) Author: Talton, Robert Relating to the disposition by municipalities of property in certain air navigation facilities. House: Land & Resource Management Considered in Local & Consent Calendars
HB 2522 77-0 (2001) Author: Wilson, Ron
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Transportation to establish and maintain a state airport in Central Texas. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately
HB 3081 77-0 (2001) Author: Burnam, Lon | et. al.
Sponsor: Moncrief, Mike
Relating to imposing liens on aircraft for nonpayment of fuel charges. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/01
HB 3390 77-0 (2001) Author: Oliveira, Rene Relating to sales tax exemption for certain property used in the repair, remodeling or maintenance of aircraft. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee
SB 569 77-0 (2001) Author: Cain, David | et. al.
Sponsor: Lewis, Glenn
Relating to the use of certain revenue by, and other rights and responsibilities of, certain municipalities that have territory within the boundaries of certain airports. House: Transportation
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/01
SB 881 77-0 (2001) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the use of certain revenue by certain municipalities that have territory within the boundaries of certain airports. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Committee report printed and distributed
SB 882 77-0 (2001) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the composition of joint boards governing certain airports. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations No action taken in committee
SB 883 77-0 (2001) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the acquisition of property for certain purposes by populous home-rule municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations No action taken in committee
SB 916 77-0 (2001) Author: Jackson, Mike
Sponsor: Talton, Robert
Relating to the disposition by municipalities of property in certain air navigation facilities. House: Land & Resource Management
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/01
SB 1228 77-0 (2001) Author: Carona, John Relating to the reimbursement of expenses incurred by certain airports for providing municipal services within the boundaries of a municipality. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to s/c by chair
SB 1374 77-0 (2001) Author: Moncrief, Mike Relating to imposing liens on aircraft for nonpayment of fuel charges. Senate: Business & Commerce No action taken in committee
SB 1479 77-0 (2001) Author: Madla, Frank Relating to sales tax exemption for certain property used in the repair, remodeling or maintenance of aircraft. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee
SB 1617 77-0 (2001) Author: Armbrister, Kenneth Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Transportation to establish and maintain a state airport in Central Texas. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
HB 581 76-0 (1999) Author: Allen, Ray Relating to permitting county officers and employees to receive reduced airline fares while engaged in official county business. House: County Affairs Companion considered in lieu of in committee
HB 1620 76-0 (1999) Author: Wohlgemuth, Arlene
Sponsor: Fraser, Troy
Relating to the regulation of aircraft on water. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/99
HB 1863 76-0 (1999) Author: Garcia, Domingo | et. al. Relating to the jurisdiction of municipal courts in certain criminal cases, punishable only by a fine, that arise under the rules, orders, and resolutions of a joint airport board. House: Judicial Affairs Considered in Local & Consent Calendars
HB 1871 76-0 (1999) Author: Wilson, Ron Relating to continued commercial air service at municipal airports. House: Transportation Left pending in subcommittee
HB 2008 76-0 (1999) Author: Walker, Gary
Sponsor: Fraser, Troy
Relating to the approval of contracts entered into by the Texas Department of Transportation for the development of aeronautics. House: Transportation
Senate: Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 2043 76-0 (1999) Author: Brimer, Kim Relating to the administrative adjudication of parking offenses at certain airports operated jointly by two municipalities. House: Transportation Laid on the table subject to call
HB 2087 76-0 (1999) Author: Goodman, Toby | et. al. Relating to air quality standards for certain airports. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee
HB 2119 76-0 (1999) Author: Smith, Todd Relating to the offense of trespassing on an aircraft. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Laid on the table subject to call
HB 2574 76-0 (1999) Author: Hilbert, Paul
Sponsor: Brown, J. E.
Relating to allocation for ad valorem tax purposes of the value of certain business aircraft used outside this state. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective immediately
HB 3402 76-0 (1999) Author: Hardcastle, Rick Relating to the creation of the aviation development account in the state highway fund. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs
HB 3422 76-0 (1999) Author: Davis, Yvonne | et. al. Relating to the sharing of revenue among a municipality and other municipalities that jointly operate an airport in the territory of the municipality. House: Ways & Means Laid on the table subject to call
HB 3588 76-0 (1999) Author: Alexander, Clyde Relating to the use of competitive bidding by an airport governed jointly by two municipalities. House: Transportation Left pending in committee
SB 204 76-0 (1999) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Allen, Ray
Relating to permitting county officers and employees to receive reduced airline fares while engaged in official county business. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/99
SB 787 76-0 (1999) Author: Harris, Chris
Sponsor: Brimer, Kim
Relating to the administrative adjudication of parking offenses in certain municipalities and at certain airports operated jointly by two municipalities. House: Transportation
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective immediately
SB 841 76-0 (1999) Author: Harris, Chris
Sponsor: Garcia, Domingo
Relating to the jurisdiction of municipal courts in certain criminal cases, punishable only by a fine, that arise under the rules, orders, and resolutions of a joint airport board. House: Judicial Affairs
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/99
SB 889 76-0 (1999) Author: Harris, Chris Relating to air quality standards for certain airports. Senate: Natural Resources Withdrawn from intent calendar
SB 1071 76-0 (1999) Author: Fraser, Troy Relating to contracts for the development of aeronautics. Senate: Economic Development Removed from local & uncontested calendar
SB 1072 76-0 (1999) Author: Fraser, Troy Relating to the use of certain tax revenue for airports. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance
SB 1101 76-0 (1999) Author: Cain, David Relating to the use of competitive bidding by an airport governed by a joint board. House: Transportation
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Transportation
SB 1480 76-0 (1999) Author: Cain, David | et. al.
Sponsor: Davis, Yvonne
Relating to the sharing of revenue among a municipality and other municipalities that jointly operate an airport in the territory of the municipality. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
SB 1558 76-0 (1999) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Smith, Todd
Relating to the offense of trespassing on an aircraft. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/99
HB 979 75-0 (1997) Author: Junell, Robert | et. al.
Sponsor: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Relating to the duration of certain agreements between a local government and this state or the United States in connection with an airport or air navigation facility. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately
HB 1938 74-0 (1995) Author: Horn, Jim Relating to permitting local law enforcement authorities to receive reduced airline fares while engaged in certain official duties. House: State Affairs Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
HB 3002 74-0 (1995) Author: Finnell, Charles Relating to the use of frequent flyer bonuses awarded to certain state officers and employees. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
SB 954 74-0 (1995) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Sponsor: Dukes, Dawnna | et. al.
Relating to noise abatement requirements of certain municipal airports. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars
SB 1242 74-0 (1995) Author: Haywood, Tom Relating to certain state-paid travel and the use of state-owned aircraft by certain state officers and employees. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
HB 331 73-0 (1993) Author: Hudson III, Samuel Relating to the duty of a commercial air carrier to notify passengers of threats of violence against aircraft operated by the carrier. House: Transportation Left pending in committee
HB 1053 73-0 (1993) Author: Finnell, Charles Relating to the use of frequent flyer bonuses awarded to certain state officers and employees. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee
HB 1358 73-0 (1993) Author: Goodman, Toby Relating to the issuance of a commercial driver's license. House: Public Safety Referred to Public Safety
HB 1464 73-0 (1993) Author: Brimer, Kim | et. al. Relating to the regulation of property at certain airports. House: Transportation Coauthor withdrawn
HB 1851 73-0 (1993) Author: Bosse, Fred Relating to the state airport funding program. House: Transportation Left pending in committee
SB 184 73-0 (1993) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Sponsor: Maxey, Glen
Relating to the regulation of certain air transfer vehicles and staff as emergency medical services vehicles. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/93
SB 630 73-0 (1993) Author: Harris, Chris Relating to the issuance of a commercial driver's license. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
SB 891 73-0 (1993) Author: Shelley, Dan Relating to the creation of airport authorities by political subdivisions; authorizing taxes and granting the power of eminent domain. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
HB 40 72-0 (1991) Author: Hudson III, Samuel Relating to the duty of a commercial air carrier to notify passengers of threats against aircraft operated by the carrier. House: Transportation Referred to subcommittee
HB 705 72-0 (1991) Author: Cain, David Relating to the continuation and functions of the State Aircraft Pooling Board. House: Government Organization Left pending in committee
HB 1415 72-0 (1991) Author: Gibson, Bruce Relating to an exemption from the sales and use tax for aircraft used exclusively for the purpose of training or instructing pilots. House: Ways & Means Referred directly to subcommittee by chair
HB 1707 72-0 (1991) Author: Delco, Wilhelmina Relating to noise abatement for certain municipal airports. House: State Affairs Reported from s/c favorably with substitute
HB 2343 72-0 (1991) Author: Carter, Bill Relating to the creation of the offense of unlawfully carrying weapons at an airport. House: Public Safety Laid on table subject to call in committee
HB 2344 72-0 (1991) Author: Carter, Bill Relating to foreign trade zones established by joint airport boards. House: Ways & Means Laid on the table subject to call
HR 143 72-0 (1991) Author: Wallace III, Ralph Requesting the City of Houston, the Houston City Council, and the Department of Aviation not to impose an airport access tax. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs
SB 382 72-0 (1991) Author: Carriker, Steven
Sponsor: Cain, David
Relating to the continuation and functions of the State Aircraft Pooling Board. House: Government Organization
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/91
SB 417 72-0 (1991) Author: Montford, John Relating to creating an offense of going into a secured area in an airport with a weapon. Senate: Criminal Justice Laid on table subject to call in committee
SB 637 72-0 (1991) Author: Harris, Chris
Sponsor: Carter, Bill
Relating to foreign trade zones established by joint airport boards. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Economic Development
Effective immediately
SB 800 72-0 (1991) Author: Dickson, Temple Relating to the regulation of obstructions to safe air navigation. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development
SB 825 72-0 (1991) Author: Harris, Chris | et. al.
Sponsor: Carter, Bill
Relating to the creation of the offense of unlawfully carrying weapons at an airport. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/91
SR 151 72-0 (1991) Author: Henderson, Don | et. al. Requesting that the City of Houston, the Houston City Council, and the Department of Aviation not impose an airport access tax for off-site parking lots. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations
HB 9 72-1 (1991) Author: Cain, David | et. al.
Sponsor: Glasgow, Bob
Relating to the regulation, construction, financing, and use of highways, rail facilities, airports, and other facilities for public transportation, including the regulation of private vehicles operated on highways. House: Government Organization
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/91
HB 37 72-1 (1991) Author: Gibson, Bruce Relating to an exemption from the sales and use tax for aircraft used exclusively for the purpose of training or instructing pilots. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HR 251 72-1 (1991) Author: Cain, David Suspending the Rules of the House of Representatives, 72nd Legislature to permit the conference committee appointed to adjust the differences between the house and senate versions of H.B. No. 9. Reported enrolled
SB 6 72-1 (1991) Author: Glasgow, Bob | et. al. Relating to the regulation, construction, financing, and use of highways, rail facilities, airports, and other facilities for public transportation, including the regulation of private vehicles operated on highways. Senate: State Affairs Reported favorably with substitute
SR 22 72-1 (1991) Author: Harris, Chris Requesting the lieutenant governor to establish an interim study committee to examine regional transportation issues in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations
HR 561 70-0 (1987) Author: Cooper, Anne Honoring civilian aviation personnel who died in service of Air America, Civil Air Transport, Southern Air Transport, and Air Asia. Reported enrolled
HB 235 67-0 (1981) Author: Cary, Reby Relating to fees charged at certain airports. House: Transportation
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Committee on Intergovernmental Relations
HB 504 67-0 (1981) Author: Finnell, Charles
Sponsor: Glasgow, Bob
Relating to the appraisal of property limited in use to public access airport space purposes by deed or voluntary restrictions. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Reported from committee favorably without amendments
HB 505 67-0 (1981) Author: Finnell, Charles
Sponsor: Harris, O.H.
Relating to the appraisal records of certain airport facilities or improvements for purposes of ad valorem taxation. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HB 641 67-0 (1981) Author: Evans, Charles
Sponsor: Meier, Bill
Relating to the venue to prosecute an offense committed on the premises of an airport operated jointly by two municipalities and situated in two counties. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HB 803 67-0 (1981) Author: Evans, Charles
Sponsor: Harris, O.H.
Relating to the expenditure of proceeds of airport revenue bonds by joint boards created by two cities for furniture, fixtures and equipment at airport operated by such joint board without the necessity of competitive bidding. House: Intergovernmental Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
HB 1032 67-0 (1981) Author: Laney, James Relating to the authority of municipalities over areas in which airport hazards are located. House: Intergovernmental Affairs Committee laid on table subject to call
HB 1033 67-0 (1981) Author: Laney, James Relating to airport zoning regulations. House: Intergovernmental Affairs Committee laid on table subject to call
HB 1766 67-0 (1981) Author: Evans, Charles Relating to exemption from ad valorem taxation certain airport property used by the public. House: Ways & Means Referred to subcommittee
HB 2231 67-0 (1981) Author: Valles, Robert "Bob" Relating to the expenditure by certain cities of proceeds from airport revenue bonds without the necessity of competitive bids and performance and payment bonds. House: Business & Industry Referred to subcommittee
HB 2232 67-0 (1981) Author: Valles, Robert "Bob"
Sponsor: Santiesteban, H.
Relating to the expenditure of the proceeds of airport revenue bonds in certain cities with a population of 400,000 or more. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
HCR 192 67-0 (1981) Author: Green, Gene
Sponsor: Williams, Lindon
Expressing support for the proposed new air service by Pan Am, American and Braniff. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Economic Development
Signed by the Governor
HJR 76 67-0 (1981) Author: Evans, Charles Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide property tax relief by exempting from ad valorem taxation certain property of airports used by the public. House: Constitutional Amendments Referred to subcommittee
SB 114 67-0 (1981) Author: Harris, O.H. Relating to taxation of public airport facilities that are leased to private air carriers. Senate: Finance Considered by committee in public hearing
SB 243 67-0 (1981) Author: McKnight, Peyton
Sponsor: Laney, James
Relating to the sale and distribution of aviation fuel by aviation fuel dealers and exemptions from excise tax. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on . . . . . . . . . .
SB 403 67-0 (1981) Author: McKnight, Peyton
Sponsor: Laney, James
Relating to continuation of the Texas Aeronautics Commission and regulation of aeronautics. House: Government Organization
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on . . . . . . . . . .
SB 461 67-0 (1981) Author: Glasgow, Bob Relating to airport zoning regulations. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Committee on Intergovernmental Relations
SB 462 67-0 (1981) Author: Glasgow, Bob
Sponsor: Laney, James
Relating to the authority of public agencies and municipalities over area in which airport hazards are located. House: Intergovernmental Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on . . . . . . . . . .
SB 483 67-0 (1981) Author: Farabee, Ray
Sponsor: Laney, James
Relating to airport zoning regulations and the authority of political subdivisions to regulate the use of land near airports; amending the Airport Zoning Act. House: Transportation
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on . . . . . . . . . .
SB 525 67-0 (1981) Author: Harris, O.H. Relating to the expenditure of proceeds of airport revenue bonds by joint boards created by two cities pursuant to Article 46d-14, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, for furniture, fixtures and equipment at airports operated by such joint board without the necessity of competitive bidding where such revenue bonds are secured soley by the lease payments of private entities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Committee on Intergovernmental Relations
SB 970 67-0 (1981) Author: Glasgow, Bob
Sponsor: Finnell, Charles
Relating to the appraisal and taxation of privately owned airport property restricted to use by the public and to certain penalties. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on . . . . . . . . . .
SB 1109 67-0 (1981) Author: Santiesteban, H. Relating to the application of the Act to certain cities with a population of 400,000 or more, providing for severability, and declaring an emergency. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations No action taken
SB 1110 67-0 (1981) Author: Santiesteban, H. Relating to the expenditure of certain cities of proceeds from airport revenue bonds without the necessity of competitive bids and performance and payment bonds, providing for severability, and declaring an emergency. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations No action taken
HB 154 67-1 (1981) Author: London, David Relating to a surcharge for the purchase of an airline ticket. House: Transportation Referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 541 66-0 (1979) Author: Evans, Charles Relating to the taxation of airline passenger transportation services. House: Ways & Means Referred to Subcommittee on Revenue Administration
HB 968 66-0 (1979) Author: Nowlin, James Relating to tax-free sales of gasoline by airport gasoline dealers for delivery into the fuel tanks of aircraft. House: Ways & Means Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
HB 1146 66-0 (1979) Author: Laney, James
Sponsor: Howard, Ed
Relating to the custody, control, operation, and maintenance of aircraft owned or leased by the state. House: Transportation
Senate: Administration
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HB 1297 66-0 (1979) Author: Laney, James
Sponsor: Meier, Bill
Relating to policy forms, endorsements, a gross premiums tax, and rules for aircraft insurance. House: Insurance
Senate: Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 1486 66-0 (1979) Author: Maloney, Robert Relating to regulation of air carrier access to certain airports. House: Transportation Referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 1661 66-0 (1979) Author: Lewis, Gibson Relating to certification requirements for aircraft crash and rescue fire fighters by the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education; providing a penalty. House: State Affairs Scheduled for future calendar placement
HB 1808 66-0 (1979) Author: Gibson, Jay
Sponsor: Jones, Grant
Relating to annexation by a city of its municipally owned airport. House: Intergovernmental Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HB 2100 66-0 (1979) Author: Henderson, Don
Sponsor: Williams, Lindon
Relating to the expenditure of the proceeds of airport revenue bonds in certain cities. House: Transportation
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
HB 2251 66-0 (1979) Author: Lyon, Ted Relating to the prosecution of an offense committed on the premises of any airport operated jointly by two municipalities and situated in two counties. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Considered by committee in public hearing
SB 180 66-0 (1979) Author: Braecklein, Bill Relating to taxation of public airport facilities that are leased to private air carriers. House: Ways & Means
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
SB 772 66-0 (1979) Author: Harris, O.H.
Sponsor: Maloney, Robert
Amending Chapter 344, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945. House: Transportation
Senate: Economic Development
Vetoed by the Governor
SB 958 66-0 (1979) Author: Braecklein, Bill Relating to the prosecution of an offense committed on the premises of any airport operated jointly by two municipalities and situated in two counties. Senate: Jurisprudence Reported from committee favorably without amendments
SB 962 66-0 (1979) Author: Williams, Lindon Relating to expenditure of proceeds of certain airport revenue bonds, validating certain provisions previously made for such expenditures, containing other matters relating to the subject and declaring an emergency. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Committee on Intergovernmental Relations
SB 1153 66-0 (1979) Author: Meier, Bill Relating to policy forms, endorsements, a gross premiums tax, and rules for aircraft insurance. House: Natural Resources
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . . .
SB 1212 66-0 (1979) Author: Harris, O.H. Relating to the power of certain life insurance companies to provide coverage for aircraft risks through reinsurance. Senate: Economic Development Reported from committee favorably without amendments
HB 317 65-0 (1977) Author: Uher, D.R. Relating to the powers of certain political subdivisions to regulate the use of land in the vicinity of airports. House: State Affairs Reported from subcommittee favorably without amendments
HB 633 65-0 (1977) Author: Mankins, Jimmy
Sponsor: McKnight, Peyton
Relating to classification of air carriers and exemption of certain carriers from regulation. House: Transportation
Senate: Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 937 65-0 (1977) Author: Nugent, James E.
Sponsor: Farabee, Ray
Relating to policy forms and endorsements for aircraft insurance. House: Insurance
Senate: Economic Development
Effective in 90 days
HB 939 65-0 (1977) Author: Kaster, James J.
Sponsor: Traeger, John
Relating to validation of certain actions of the Texas Aeronautics Commission. House: Transportation
Senate: Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 943 65-0 (1977) Author: Clark, Bill Relating to the powers and duties of the Commission for the Texas Civil Air Patrol. House: State Affairs Laid on the table subject to call
HB 1203 65-0 (1977) Author: Davis, Bob
Sponsor: Harris, O.H.
Relating to ad valorem taxation of certain private leaseholds in publicly owned property. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 2072 65-0 (1977) Author: Hoestenbach, John Relating to airport fixed base operators being distrubutors for purposes of the motor fuel tax. House: Ways & Means Assigned to General State Calendar
HB 2262 65-0 (1977) Author: Baker, Andrew Z. Relating to requirement of the sale of aviation motor fuel having certain octane ratings; providing a penalty. House: Transportation Referred to Committee on Transportation
SB 38 65-0 (1977) Author: Moore, W.T. "Bill"
Sponsor: Keese, Bill
Relating to limitations on the liability of air carriers. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately
SB 362 65-0 (1977) Author: Meier, Bill
Sponsor: Evans, Charles
Authorizing joint airport boards to created by certain cities pursuant. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
90 Day Bill
SB 592 65-0 (1977) Author: Hance, Kent
Sponsor: Clark, Bill
Relating to the powers and duties of the Commission for the Texas Civil Air Patrol; making provision for clerical and administrative services. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
90 Day Bill
SCR 51 65-0 (1977) Author: Harris, O.H.
Sponsor: Kaster, James J.
Memorializing the United States Government, the Executive Departments concerned and the Civil Aeronautics Board, to permit international flights between Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport and Europe. Signed by Governor
HB 490 64-0 (1975) Author: Pentony, Joe Relating to the maintenance of a flight log by state agencies operating or maintaining aircraft. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to Committee on State Affairs
HB 924 64-0 (1975) Author: Craddick, Tom Relating to the pooling of state-owned aircraft. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to Committee on State Affairs
HB 1243 64-0 (1975) Author: Slay, Chester Relating to retaining motor fuel taxes on motor fuel used in noncommercial aircraft, providing for motor fuel tax refunds to air carriers and commercial charter airlines licensed by the United States or the state for motor fuel used in commercial flights; providing for the allocation and distribution of certain unrefundable and unrefunded motor fuel to the Texas Aeronautics Commission and to publically owned airports in this state. House: Transportation Referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 1338 64-0 (1975) Author: Uher, D.R. Relating to powers of certain political subdivisions to regulate use of land in the vicinity of airports. House: Intergovernmental Affairs Reported from committee with substitute
HB 1648 64-0 (1975) Author: Evans, Charles Relating to exempting from the Limited Sales, Excise, and Use Tax Act certain aircraft used for the purpose of pilot training and instruction. House: Transportation Reported from committee favorably without amendments
HB 1652 64-0 (1975) Author: Geiger, Richard S. Relating to regluation of air carriers. House: Transportation Considered by committee in public hearing
HB 1653 64-0 (1975) Author: Geiger, Richard S. Relating to regulation of air carriers. House: Transportation Reported from committee favorably without amendments
SB 698 64-0 (1975) Author: Traeger, John Relating to the provision of intrastate air service. Senate: State Affairs Reported from committee favorably substituted
SB 770 64-0 (1975) Author: Meier, Bill Relating to the regulation and certification of air carriers. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Committee on Intergovernmental Relations
SB 900 64-0 (1975) Author: Andujar, Betty Relating to the authority of the Texas Aeronautics Commission to issue certificates of service and designate service from airports. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Committee on Economic Development
SB 959 64-0 (1975) Author: Longoria, Raul Relating to regulation of air carriers. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Committee on Economic Development
SB 960 64-0 (1975) Author: Longoria, Raul Relating to regulation of air carriers. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Committee on Economic Development
SB 1108 64-0 (1975) Author: Hance, Kent Relating to the powers of certain political subdivisions to regulate the use of land in the vicinity of airports. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Reported from committee favorably substituted
HB 82 63-0 (1973) Author: Williams, Lindon
Sponsor: Wolff, Nelson
Relating to the establishment of airport security forces in certain airports and to the commissioning of certain employees of airport security forces as peace officers. House: Intergovernmental Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Signed by the Governor
HB 534 63-0 (1973) Author: Heatly, W.S. "Bill" Relating to the use of aircraft for predator animal control in certain counties in circumstances which are necessary to protect human and natural resources; providing for the issuance of permits; requiring reports; authorizing Parks and Wildlife Commission to make regulations; providing penalties. House: Environmental Affairs Sent to Calendar Committee
HB 680 63-0 (1973) Author: Nabers, Lynn Relating to the use of aircraft for predator animal control in circumstances which are necessary to protect human and natural resources; providing for the issuance of permits; requiring reports; authorizing the Texas Animal Health Commission to make regulations; providing penalties; and declaring an emergency. House: Environmental Affairs Considered in public hearing
HB 694 63-0 (1973) Author: Craddick, Tom Relating to pooling of state-owned aircraft; and declaring an emergency. House: Appropriations
Senate: Economic Development
Reported favorably
HB 893 63-0 (1973) Author: Edwards III, Jimmie C. Relating to insurance coverage for aircraft and persons operating aircraft owned by the Department of Corrections. House: Transportation Laid on the table subject to call
HB 1173 63-0 (1973) Author: McAlister, R.B. Relating to imposition, administration, collection, and enforcement of a tax on sellers of certain fuel used in aircraft; providing that the motor fuel tax applies to fuel used in aircraft; providing penalties. House: Revenue & Taxation Referred to subcommittee
HB 1208 63-0 (1973) Author: Tupper, Jr., Charles Relating to the authority of governing bodies of airports to impose a passenger boarding fee; and declaring an emergency. House: Intergovernmental Affairs Committee hearing date
HB 1294 63-0 (1973) Author: Sage, Joseph F. Relating to the powers of certain political subdivisions to regulate use of certain land in the vicinity of airports. House: Intergovernmental Affairs
Senate: Administration
Referred to Committee on Administration
HB 1671 63-0 (1973) Author: Doyle, Terry Relating to regulation of air carriers; amending Subdivision 3 of Section 6, Chapter 344, Act of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 as amended (Article 46c-6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and declaring an emergency. House: Transportation Referred to Committee on Transportation
SB 44 63-0 (1973) Author: Jones, Grant
Sponsor: Nabers, Lynn
Relating to the use of aircraft for predator animal control in certain counties in circumstances which are necessary to protect human and natural resources; defining the term "predator animals"; providing for the issuance of permits; requiring reports; authorizing the Parks and Wildlife Commission to make regulations and assess fees; providing penalties. House: Environmental Affairs
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective immediately
SB 251 63-0 (1973) Author: Hightower, Jack
Sponsor: Heatly, W.S. "Bill"
Relating to the use of aircraft for predator animal control in certain counties in circumstances which are necessary to protect human and natural resources; providing for the issuance of permits; requiring reports; authorizing the Parks and Wildlife Commissions to make regulations; providing penalties. House: Environmental Affairs
Senate: Natural Resources
90 Day Bill
SB 258 63-0 (1973) Author: Wolff, Nelson Relating to regulation of air carriers. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Committee on Intergovernmental Relations
SB 265 63-0 (1973) Author: Moore, W.T. "Bill"
Sponsor: Edwards III, Jimmie C.
Relating to insurance coverage for aircraft owned by and for persons operating aircraft used by the Department of Corrections. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Signed by Governor
SB 904 63-0 (1973) Author: Moore, W.T. "Bill"
Sponsor: Presnal, Bill
Relating to the regulation and certification of air carriers; providing penalties. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
90 Day Bill
HB 231 62-0 (1971) Author: Caldwell, Neil | et. al. Relating to noise levels for supersonic transports.
HB 377 62-0 (1971) Author: Floyd, Guy
Sponsor: Connally, Wayne
Relating to prohibiting hunting from any type of aircraft or airborne device and authorizing hunting game animals and game birds, not classified as migratory, from an automobile on private property.
HB 1532 62-0 (1971) Author: Golman, Joe H. Relating to insurance for state employees who operate motorboats, aircraft, and watercraft.
HB 1669 62-0 (1971) Author: Beckham, Vernon Relating to the creation, establishment, maintenance and operation of the Grayson County Airport Authority.
SB 113 62-0 (1971) Author: Schwartz, A.R. "Babe" | et. al. Relating to noise levels for supersonic transports.
SB 165 62-0 (1971) Author: Connally, Wayne Relating to amending Penal Code to include "Aircraft or any airborne device" in list of conveyances from which it is unlawful to hunt and to permit the hunting of game, except migratory game birds, from an automobile within boundaries of private property.
SB 929 62-0 (1971) Author: Hall, Ralph
Sponsor: Beckham, Vernon
Relating to the creation, establishment, maintenance, operation and powers of the Grayson County Airport Authority pursuant to Article IX, Section 12, of the Texas Constitution.
SB 1037 62-0 (1971) Author: Creighton, Tom Relating to amending the Motor Fuel Tax Law to exlude payment of refunds on motor fuel used in aircraft except that used for spraying purposes.
HB 8 62-4 (1972) Author: Kaster, James J. | et. al. Relating to exempting certain aviation schools and instructors from the Texas Proprietary School Act.
SB 18 62-4 (1972) Relating to exempting certain aviation schools and instructors for the Texas Proprietary School Act.
HB 188 61-0 (1969) Author: Presnal, Bill Relating to authorizing the Board of Directors of Texas A&M University to lease the airport in Brazos County now under their supervision to any municipality, public agency or airport authority.
HB 189 61-0 (1969) Author: Presnal, Bill Relating to authorizing the creation of the Brazos County, Texas, Airport Authority in Brazos County, Texas; conferring power of eminent domain, the power to adopt rules and regulations and to provide penalties for violations thereof, the power to enter into airport lease agreements and airport operating agreements with Texas A & M University, and other powers, etc.
HB 296 61-0 (1969) Author: Jones, Delwin Relating to the assignment of all aircraft owned by the state to an aircraft pool operated by the Texas Aeronautics Commission.
HB 531 61-0 (1969) Author: Cummings, Russell Bennett Relating to amending the Penal Code to include "aircraft or any airborne device" in the list of items from which it is unlawful to hunt.
HB 602 61-0 (1969) Author: McLaughlin, Jack Ray Relating to prohibiting hunting from any type of aircraft and authorizing hunting from an automobile.
HB 642 61-0 (1969) Author: Pickens, Franklin Ace Relating to authorizing the creation of the Permian Basin Airport Authority in Midland and Ector Counties, Texas.
HB 823 61-0 (1969) Author: Ray, Jr., C. L. Relating to the Texas Aeronautics Commission.
HB 824 61-0 (1969) Author: Ray, Jr., C. L. Relating to imposing a tax on the sale or distribution of aviation fuel.
HB 1309 61-0 (1969) Author: Schulle, Jr., Gerhardt A. Relating to the exclusion of certain counties from the Texas law governing the sale, use, and transportation of herbicides.
HCR 115 61-0 (1969) Author: Ray, Jr., C. L. Urging Congress to support legislation recognizing the importance of the air traffic controller.
SB 80 61-0 (1969) Author: Watson, Jr., Murray Relating to the assignment of aircraft owned by the state to an aircraft pool located at the James Connally Technical Institute of Texas A&M University, and operated by the governing board of Texas A&M University.
SCR 61 61-0 (1969) Author: Creighton, Tom Providing for the creation of the State Aircraft Committee.
HB 88 60-0 (1967) Author: Atwell, Ben | et. al. Relating to authorizing the creation of the North Central Texas Airport Authority in Dallas and Tarrant Counties.
HB 133 60-0 (1967) Author: Simpson, Joshua M. "Red" | et. al. Relating to amending certain statute by authorizing certain home-rule cities to pledge an ad valorem tax to the payment of airport operation and maintenance expense as a supplement to the revenues and income derived from the operation of their airport or airports.
HB 553 60-0 (1967) Author: Harris, Ed Relating to prohibiting a person from taking off, landing, or maneuvering an aircraft on a public highway, road, or street; providing a penalty.
HB 661 60-0 (1967) Author: Dickson, Temple Relating to authorizing the creation of the Howard County Airport Authority in Howard County, Texas.
HB 718 60-0 (1967) Author: Pickens, Franklin Ace Relating to authorizing the creation of the Permian Basin Airport Authority in Midland and Ector Counties, Texas; conferring powers and imposing duties on the authority and its board of directors, including the power of eminent domain, the power to adopt rules and regulations and to provide penalties for violations thereof, and other powers.
HB 767 60-0 (1967) Author: Whatley, Willis James | et. al. Relating to imposing a tax on the sale or distribution of aviation fuel.
HB 825 60-0 (1967) Author: Mutscher, Gus F. Relating to the issuance of certificates of public convenience and necessity to, and the regulation of, air carriers by the Railroad Commission of Texas and the Texas Aeronautics Commission.
HB 946 60-0 (1967) Author: Haines, David Graves Relating to authorizing the Board of Directors of Texas A&M University to agree with any municipality or public agency as defined in the Municipal Airports Act whereby the airport in Brazos County now operated under the supervision of said Board of Directors may be operated by such municipality or public agency upon terms and conditions mutually agreeable to all parties.
HB 956 60-0 (1967) Author: Nugent, James E. Relating to creation of the Kerr County Airport Authority.
HB 968 60-0 (1967) Author: Johnson, Jacob Edgar "Jake" Relating to prohibiting the sale of life or accident insurance by machine vending devices at airports; providing a penalty.
HB 987 60-0 (1967) Author: Nowlin, James | et. al. Relating to amending certain acts relating to city airport revenue bonds so as to make said chapter applicable to certain cities.
HB 1285 60-0 (1967) Author: Haynes, Jr., Clyde Relating to the creation, establishment, maintenance, and operation of the Orange County Airport Authority.
SB 6 60-0 (1967) Author: Parkhouse, George M. | et. al. Relating to authorizing the creation of the North Central Texas Airport Authority in Dallas and Tarrant Counties, Texas; prohibiting certain conduct of Authority personnel and directors and providing for a penalty therefor.
SB 392 60-0 (1967) Author: Moore, W.T. "Bill" Relating to authorizing the Board of Directors of Texas A&M University to agree with any municipality or public agency as defined in the Municipal Airports Act whereby the airport in Brazos County now operated under the supervision of said Board of Directors may be operated by such municipality or public agency upon terms and conditions mutually agreeable to all parties.
SB 473 60-0 (1967) Author: Bernal, Joseph J. Relating to amending certain acts relating to city airport revenue bonds.
SB 565 60-0 (1967) Author: Harrington, D. Roy Relating to the creation, establishment, maintenance, and operation of the Orange County Airport Authority.
SCR 74 60-0 (1967) Author: Harrington, D. Roy Instructing the Enrolling clerk to make certain corrections on S. B. No. 565.
SB 13 60-1 (1968) Author: Kennard, Don | et. al. Relating to further defining the powers of public agencies and joint airport boards created to operate jointly owned public airports.
HB 43 59-0 (1965) Author: Schiller, Milton Joe | et. al. Relating to amending certain acts relating to the grant or loan of appropriated funds to incorporated cities for the construction of airports and navigational facilities.
HB 109 59-0 (1965) Author: Shannon, Jr., Thomas Clifton "Tommy" | et. al. Relating to authorizing the creation of the North Central Texas Airport Authority in Tarrant County, Texas.
HB 331 59-0 (1965) Author: Harris, Ed Relating to prohibiting a person from taking-off, landing, or maneuvering an airplane on a public highway, road, or street; providing a penalty.
HB 895 59-0 (1965) Author: Harrison, John Ray | et. al. Relating to motor fuel tax refunds for certain aircraft operators.
HB 899 59-0 (1965) Author: Johnson, Jacob Edgar "Jake" Relating to authorizing the Attorney General to purchase, operate and maintain aircraft.
HB 944 59-0 (1965) Author: Johnson, Jacob Edgar "Jake" | et. al. Relating to the acquisition and use of certain aircraft; making other provisions relating to State-owned aircraft; making an appropriation.
HCR 178 59-0 (1965)
HJR 23 59-0 (1965) Author: Shannon, Jr., Thomas Clifton "Tommy" | et. al. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas authorizing the Legislature to provide by law for the creation, establishment, maintenance and operation of Airport Authorities composed of one or more counties, or all or any part of one or more counties.
SB 10 59-0 (1965) Author: Kennard, Don Relating to authorizing the creation of the North Central Texas Airport Authority in Tarrant County, Texas.
SB 139 59-0 (1965) Author: Moore, W.T. "Bill" Relating to amending certain Acts relating to the grant or loan of appropriated funds to incorporated cities for the construction of airports and navigational facilities.
SB 159 59-0 (1965) Author: Moore, W.T. "Bill" Relating to amending certain Acts relating to aeronautics and the Texas Aeronautics Commission; pertaining to federal aid for the development of public airports and providing for the channeling of federal airport funds.
SB 383 59-0 (1965) Author: Calhoun, Jr., C. Galloway Relating to validating, ratifying, confirming and approving contracts and time warrants issued by Home Rule Cities having a population of not less than 50,000 and not more than 60,000 according to the United States census for the year 1960.
SB 458 59-0 (1965) Author: Reagan, Bruce A. Relating to amending the Airport Zoning Act of 1947, to make the provision thereof applicable to any installation related to flight, including installations for tracking and/or data acquisition, making all other provisions of the Act applicable to such installations and operations and regulating the use of property under the provisions of the Airport Zoning Act within a five-mile radius of the airport or installation related to flight.
SJR 1 59-0 (1965) Author: Kennard, Don Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas authorizing the Legislature to provide by law for the creation, establishment, maintenance and operation of Airport Authorities composed of one or more counties.
HB 155 58-0 (1963) Author: Barnes, Ben Frank | et. al. Relating to the Texas Aeronautics Commission.
HB 272 58-0 (1963) Author: Hughes, Robert H. "Bob" Relating to regulating the exemption from taxation of motor fuel used exclusively in aircraft engines; removing aircraft use of fuel from certain refund claim procedure; removing the provisions relating to allocation of unclaimed aircraft fuel refunds.
HB 300 58-0 (1963) Author: Smith, Stanford S. Relating to providing a penalty for the operation of certain aircraft while intoxicated or under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
HB 684 58-0 (1963) Author: Arledge, Roy W. | et. al. Relating to regulating the operation, purchase, and acquisition of aircraft by State agencies, departments, and institutions, and the use thereof, and providing for sale or disposal of all State-owned executive-type aircraft by all agencies, departments and institutions, with the exception of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
HB 1009 58-0 (1963) Author: Hinson, George T. Relating to permitting Commissioners Courts in certain counties to authorize the use of equipment, machinery, and employees of the county to construct, establish, and maintain public airstrips.
SB 303 58-0 (1963) Author: Cole, Criss Relating to amending the Airport Zoning Act of 1947, to expressly empower any political subdivision having more than 600,000 inhabitants, according to the last preceding Federal Census, wherein such political subdivision has located within its territorial limits an airport owned or controlled by such political subdivision and there exists an airport hazard area appertaining to such airport located outside of the territorial limits of said political subdivision owning or controlling the airport to promulgate, administer, and enforce airport zoning rules, regulations and ordinances limiting the height of structures and objects of natural growth, and otherwise regulating the use of property under the provisions of the Airport Zoning Act within a five (5) mile radius of the airport reference point of such airport.
HB 62 57-0 (1961) Author: Mullen, Bob R. | et. al. Relating to amending certain Acts providing for the enabling of the Aeronautics Commission to establish rules and regulations; establishing the Texas Applicators Pest Control Council.
HB 72 57-0 (1961) Author: Mullen, Bob R. | et. al. Relating to amending certain Acts relating to claimed and unclaimed refunds on motor fuel revenues used for aircraft purposes.
HB 166 57-0 (1961) Author: Smith, Stanford S. Relating to providing for a penalty for the operation of certain aircraft while intoxicated or under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
HB 168 57-0 (1961) Author: Shannon, Jr., Thomas Clifton "Tommy" Relating to amending the Airport Zoning Act of 1947, to empower any political subdivision in which there is located an airport owned or operated by a defense agency of the Federal government of the State of Texas and any political division in which there exists any airport hazard area appertaining to such an airport to create a joint airport zoning board.
HB 666 57-0 (1961) Author: Stewart, Vernon James Relating to the liability of owners of aircraft for accidental injuries, death or loss sustained by passengers who are guests without payment for transportation.
SB 10 57-0 (1961) Author: Roberts, Herbert Ray | et. al. Relating to amending a certain Act relating to Taxation-General-Motor Fuel Tax pertaining to claimed and unclaimed refunds on motor fuel revenues used for aircraft purposes.
SB 76 57-0 (1961) Author: Hazlewood, Grady | et. al. Relating to amending a certain Act relating to aeronautics and the Texas Aeronautics Commission and the Director of Aeronautics; its reorganization and membership.
HB 79 57-1 (1961) Author: Smith, Stanford S. Relating to providing a penalty for the operation of certain aircraft while intoxicated or under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
HB 215 56-0 (1959) Author: Stewart, Vernon James Relating to the liability of the owners or operators of aircraft for accidental injuries, death or loss sustained by passengers who are guests without payment for transportation.
HB 313 56-0 (1959) Author: Hollowell, Bill | et. al. Relating to abolishing the Texas Aeronautics Commission.
HB 494 56-0 (1959) Author: Oliver, W. T. "Boss Cajun" Relating to providing for a five per cent (5%) gross receipts tax on the business of transporting passengers for hire by air, whether scheduled or non-scheduled; providing for quarterly reports.
HB 579 56-0 (1959) Author: Dugas, Jr., Louis Relating to the procedures and administration for the licensing of aircraft operated within, from, or to the State.
SB 347 56-0 (1959) Author: Herring, Charles Relating to amending certain acts eliminating the need for the approval of the Board of Control of appointments to the Aeronautics Commission.
SB 26 56-2 (1959) Author: Willis, Doyle Relating to authorizing certain home rule cities to pledge an ad valorem tax to the payment of airport operation and maintenance expense as a supplement to the revenues and income derived from the operation of their airport or airports.
HB 174 55-0 (1957) Author: Stewart, Vernon James Relating to the liability of the owners or operators of aircraft for accidental injuries, death or loss sustained by passengers who are guests without payment for transportation.
HB 383 55-0 (1957) Author: Blanchard, H.J. "Doc" Relating to amending certain Acts to revise the minimum population limit for the issuance of Airport Revenue Bonds.
HB 557 55-0 (1957) Author: Woolsey, W. N. "Bill" | et. al. Relating to repealing certain Acts and abolishing the Texas Aeronautics Commission.
HB 666 55-0 (1957) Author: Hutchins, Jr., Edgar | et. al. Relating to the regulation of the transportation of persons or property in intrastate commerce by aircraft.
HB 308 54-0 (1955) Author: Talasek, Reuben Daniel "Rip" | et. al. Relating to prohibiting certain uses of vessels, vehicles and aircraft in connection with the possession, transportation or disposition of contraband narcotics.
HB 833 54-0 (1955) Author: Andis, Bill R. Relating to levying an intangible assets tax on each person, firm, corporation, etc., engaged in air commerce or the transportation by aircraft of persons or property for hire in intrastate, interstate, or international transportation.
HB 242 53-0 (1953) Author: Bates, Sr., James S. "Jim" | et. al. Relating to directing the Comptroller of Public Accounts on the first day of September, 1953, and the first day of March, 1954, and on each succeeding first day of September and the first day of March thereafter, to determine by any proper method or formula the amount of gasoline used in aircraft and on which no application for refund of the tax has been made by any person or corporation and against which limitation has run for the period of six months next preceding the dates September 1, 1953, and March 1, 1954, and each six months thereafter; and determining the amount of tax that would have been refunded had claims been filed according to law; to place the amount determined by the Comptroller herein in the Treasury in a special fund for the use and benefits of the Aeronautics Commission in the State of Texas.
HB 243 53-0 (1953) Author: Pipkin, Maurice Snow "Pip" | et. al. Relating to amending certain Acts by providing for the approval and registering of airports and airport sites; providing for State enforcement of laws against reckless operation of aircraft; providing for notice, hearing and judicial review of orders, acts, rules and regulations of the Aeronautics Commission; providing penalties.
SB 92 53-0 (1953) Author: Sadler, Harley Herman Relating to directing the Comptroller of Public Accounts to determine the amount of gasoline used in aircraft and on which no application for refund of the tax has been made by any person or corporation and against which limitation has run for the period of six months and to place the amount determined in the State Treasury for the Aeronautics Commission.
SB 147 53-0 (1953) Author: Sadler, Harley Herman | et. al. Relating to amending Statutes relating to providing for the approval and registering of airports and airport sites; providing for State enforcement of laws against reckless operation of aircraft; providing for notice, hearing and judicial review of orders, acts, rules and regulations of the Aeronautics Commission; providing penalties.
SB 325 53-0 (1953) Author: Moffett, George Clarence "Cotton" Relating to amending the General Appropriation Act, by authorizing the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College to maintain and operate certain passenger vehicles.
SB 328 53-0 (1953) Author: Sadler, Harley Herman | et. al. Relating to providing funds for the development of aeronautics in Texas and also to provide funds for the Available Free School Fund of Texas, determining a refund of motor fuel tax on gasoline used in aircraft.
HB 212 52-0 (1951) Author: Daniel, William Partlow "Bill" Relating to making it unlawful for any person to cause any aircraft to land on, taxi along or take off from any designated State Highway; providing for exceptions; providing penalties for the violation of this Act.
HB 455 52-0 (1951) Author: Caston, Luther P. Relating to amending certain acts by providing for the acquisition, operation, and disposal of State airports, and air navigation facilities; providing for a State airways systems; providing for the approval and licensing of airports and airport sites; providing for State enforcement of laws against reckless operation of aircraft; providing for notice, hearing and judicial review of orders, acts, rules and regulations of the Aeronautics Commission; providing penalties.
SB 73 52-0 (1951) Author: Nokes, Jr., George O. Relating to amending Statutes relating to zoning regulations for airports include military airports.
SB 101 52-0 (1951) Author: Nokes, Jr., George O. | et. al. Relating to directing the Comptroller of Public Accounts on the first day of September, 1951, and the first day of March 1952, and on each succeeding first day of September and first day of March thereafter, to determine by any proper method or formula the amount of gasoline used in aircrafts and on which no application for refund of the tax has been made by any person or corporation and against which limitation has run for the period of six months thereafter.
SB 331 52-0 (1951) Author: Aikin, Jr., A.M. Relating to creating a Texas Department of Civil Air Patrol; providing for the use of and purpose of the Texas Wing, Civil Air Patrol.
HB 632 51-0 (1949) Author: Nokes, Jr., George O. Relating to federal aid for the development of public airports; repealing all laws in conflict herewith.
HB 670 51-0 (1949) Author: Johnson, J. Pearce | et. al. Relating to directing the Comptroller of Public Accounts on the first day of September, 1949, and the first day of March, 1950 and on each succeeding first day of September and the first day of March thereafter, to determine by any proper method or formula the amount of gasoline used in aircrafts and on which no application for refund of the tax has been made by any person or corporation and against which limitation has run for the period of six months next preceding the dates September 1, 1949 and March 1, 1950 and each six months thereafter.
SB 306 51-0 (1949) Author: Aikin, Jr., A.M. Relating to directing the Comptroller of Public Accounts on the first day of September, 1949 and the first day of March, 1950 and on each succeeding first day of September and the first day of March thereafter, to determine by any proper method or formula the amount of gasoline used in aircraft and on which no application for refund of the tax has been made by any person or corporation and against which limitation has run for the period of six months next preceding the dates September 1, 1949 and March 1, 1950 and each six months thereafter.
HB 374 50-0 (1947) Author: Shannon, James W. "Bill" Relating to amending a previous Act, to provide for the collection of a tax on the intangible assets of each person, firm, partnership, copartnership, corporation or association of persons engaged in air commerce in the State of Texas.
HB 570 50-0 (1947) Author: Templeton, R. L. | et. al. Relating to amending a previous Act, by defining certain terms, and making an emergency appropriation; providing for the acquisition, operation, and disposal of state airports and air navigation facilities; providing for a State airways system; providing penalties; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith; providing a saving clause.
HJR 50 50-0 (1947) Author: Bracewell, Jr., Joseph Searcy | et. al. Relating to proposing a constitutional amendment to provide that the Legislature shall pass appropriate legislation to create aviation districts having all the power and authority heretofore granted to conservation and reclamation districts.
SB 193 50-0 (1947) Author: Hazlewood, Grady Relating to aeronautics; defining certain terms and provisions, providing for acquisition, construction, maintenance, operation and regulation by municipalities and counties of airports and air navigation facilities; repealing conflicting laws; providing a saving clause.
SB 194 50-0 (1947) Author: Hazlewood, Grady Relating to empowering municipalities and other political subdivisions to promulgate, administer, and enforce airport zoning rules, regulations and ordinances, limiting the height of structures and objects of natural growth, and otherwise regulating the use of property in the vicinity of airports; providing a saving clause; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict.
SB 223 50-0 (1947) Author: Cousins, Jr., Wilfred Roy Relating to making it unlawful in the absence of and without the consent of the owner of an airplane for any person to drive, fly, operate such airplane or to manipulate any levers or other device to set such airplane in motion; providing a penalty.
SB 291 50-0 (1947) Author: Hazlewood, Grady Relating to amending a previous Act, providing for the acquisition, operation and disposal of state airports and air navigation facilities; providing penalties; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith; providing a saving clause.
SB 402 50-0 (1947) Author: Hazlewood, Grady Relating to amending a previous Act, increasing the membership of the Texas Aeronautics Commission, making and fixing their terms and providing for the number of members constituting a quorum.
HB 169 49-0 (1945) Author: Roark, Woodrow W. Relating to the regulation of the transportation of persons or property in intrastate commerce by aircraft.
HB 176 49-0 (1945) Author: McMurry, Houston | et. al. Relating to providing for the development of aeronautics within this State; creating a State Aeronautics Commission and the office of Director of Aeronautics; prescribing penalties; making an appropriation.
HB 177 49-0 (1945) Author: Price, Ned | et. al. Relating to providing for the acquisition, establishment, construction, enlargement, improvement, maintenance, equipment, operation and regulation of airports, other air navigation facilities and airport protection privileges by municipalities and providing the right of condemnation for such purposes.
HB 189 49-0 (1945) Author: Favors, Ennis Relating to providing for a tax of four cents a gallon on aviation gasoline used within the confines of the State of Texas, and providing certain exceptions.
HB 281 49-0 (1945) Author: Favors, Ennis Relating to providing for a gross receipts tax of two per cent (2%) upon all persons owning or operating airlines in the State of Texas which transport passengers of freight for hire.
HB 309 49-0 (1945) Author: Hull, Henry A. "Salty" | et. al. Relating to aeronautics; providing for the development thereof within this State; defining certain terms; creating a State Aeronautics Commission and prescribing the powers and duties of such Commission.
HB 341 49-0 (1945) Author: Davis, Jr., Harry L. Relating to amending certain Acts concerning the acquisition of land easements, rights-of-way, and the right of making preliminary surveys for airport purposes; prescribing procedure for condemnation.
HB 373 49-0 (1945) Author: Davis, Jr., Harry L. Relating to dealing with the regulation of the transportation of persons or property for hire in intrastate commerce by aircraft; declaring that the regulation and control of navigation and operation of aircraft for compensation or hire and intrastate commerce shall be vested in the Railroad Commission of Texas.
HB 590 49-0 (1945) Author: Favors, Ennis | et. al. Relating to amending certain Statutes to provide for the collection of a tax on the intangible assets of each person, firm, partnership, copartnership, corporation or association of persons engaged in air commerce in the State of Texas.
HB 708 49-0 (1945) Author: Stubbs, John Peter | et. al. Relating to the regulation of the transportation of persons or property in intrastate commerce by aircraft; providing for a saving clause.
SB 2 49-0 (1945) Author: Moffett, George Clarence "Cotton" Relating to requiring the State Highway Department to employ a Civil Engineer, registered under the laws of this State, experienced and skilled in design and location of highways, airports, airparks, etc., to counsel and advise the State Highway Engineer and municipal and county governments on the suitability of locations and extensions of airports, airparks, etc., to be constructed, reconstructed or extended with public funds after September 1, 1945; providing a saving clause; and repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith to the extent of such conflict.
SB 125 49-0 (1945) Author: Metcalfe, Penrose B. | et. al. Relating to aeronautics; providing for the development thereof within this State; creating a State Aeronautics Commission and the office of Director of Aeronautics; making an appropriation; prescribing penalties, and repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith.
SB 130 49-0 (1945) Author: Spears, J. Franklin Relating to the regulation of the transportation of persons or property for hire in interstate commerce by aircraft.
HB 375 48-0 (1943) Author: Hutchins, Sr., Edgar | et. al. Relating to the regulation of the transportation of persons or property in intrastate commerce by aircraft.
SB 22 48-0 (1943) Author: Fain, Jr., Clement Franklin "Clem" Relating to authorizing the Board of Regents of the Sam Houston State Teachers College of Texas to acquire and maintain and operate an airport for said institution for national defense and for instruction in aeronautics.
SB 51 48-0 (1943) Author: Lovelady, Karl L. Relating to the regulation of the transportation of persons or property in intrastate commerce by aircraft; declaring the sovereignty of space above the lands and waters of this state.
HB 292 47-0 (1941) Author: Stanford, Jr., James A. Relating to regulating aeronautics; creating a Texas Aeronautics Commission; providing certain penalties.
HB 319 47-0 (1941) Author: Love, Jack Relating to amending the Revised Civil Statutes relative to authorizing governmental agencies, either national, state, district, county, or city, operating airports to collect refunds for gasoline sold and used in aircrafts.
HB 887 46-0 (1939) Author: Hartzog, Howard G. | et. al. Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; placing airplane carriers under the intangible assets laws of this State; providing mode and manner of collecting the intangible assets tax.
HB 930 46-0 (1939) Author: Boyd, James Rush Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing for the creation of corporations for the purpose of maintaining and operating flying schools engaged in teaching the flying, operation, and maintenance of airplanes including the ownership and maintenance of necessary airplanes, hangers, and fields.
HB 704 44-0 (1935) Author: Duvall, Jesse Caldwell | et. al. Relating to authorizing any city having a population of more than one hundred and sixty thousand (160,000) inhabitants to own, operate and maintain, construct, improve and enlarge an airport and for such purpose to borrow money and issue warrants payable from taxation and further payable from the revenues of such airport.
SB 268 42-0 (1931) Author: Purl, George Clark Relating to defining "aircraft," "airport" and "beacon"; making it unlawful for any person to throw any stone or missile, or fire any gun or pistol into or against any aircraft, parachute or contrivance for navigating the air, making it unlawful to use, operate or molest any such aircraft, parachute or contrivance, and to remove any device or appliance therefrom without the consent of the owner; providing a penalty therefor.
SB 477 41-0 (1929) Author: Pollard, Sr., Tomas (Thomas) Glover | et. al. Relating to defining aircraft, public and civil, airman and providing that in interest of public safety and desirability of uniform regulation and in interest of aeronautical progress, that aircraft operating within this State should conform with respect to design, construction and airworthiness to the standards prescribed by the United States Government, and making it unlawful for the navigation of aircraft within this State whether for commercial, pleasure or noncommercial purposes, unless it is licensed and registered by the Department of Commerce of the United States in the manner prescribed by the lawful rules and regulations of the United States Government then in force.
HB 160 41-1 (1929) Author: Graves, Harry N. Relating to authorizing certain cities and counties to acquire and maintain and operate Air Ports.
SB 373 40-0 (1927) Author: Wood, Ashley Elijah Relating to regulating the flying and operation of any airship, aeroplane, or any other character of plane or machine capable of being propelled through the air, within the corporate limits of any city within the State of Texas.
SB 18 36-0 (1919) Author: Dorough, Robert Pierce "Bob" Relating to amending certain statute relating to private corporations by providing for the creation of private corporations for the purpose of construction, building and manufacture of aeroplanes, to buy, sell and otherwise deal therein, and to operate, or have operated, any such machine for the purpose of carrying passengers and freight and to maintain all necessary starting and alighting grounds and fields.

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