Senate Committee on Judiciary - 12th 1st C.S. (1870)

Committee Members



Lieutenant Governor appointed members of the standing Committee on Judiciary on 1/19/1871 naming Fountain as chair and Parsons, Bowers, Hall, Saylor, Pickett, Dohoney, and Ruby as members. Petition by J.M. Thurmond and letter from Governor Edmund J. Davis appear at S.J. of Tex., 12th Leg., R.S. 149 (1871) and are restated as part of the Committee's report. On motion of Senator Saylor, petition and letter from Governor referred to Committee on Judiciary 2/3/1871. Senate vote on motion found at S.J. of Tex., 12th Leg., R.S. 304 (1871) and at S.J. of Tex., 12th Leg., R.S. 308 (1871)

12th Flanagan, Douglas, Mills and Broughton Added to by Adjourned Session, page 22 by motion to add all lawyers to the Judiciary committee.

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