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12 Document(s) [ Subject: Disaster relief ]
Committee: | Senate Finance | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Business taxes | Community Development Block Grants | Computer networks | Disaster relief | Investment of public funds | Property taxes | State government contracts | Tax and expenditure limits | University finance | University research | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.86 F49 | |
Session: | 86th R.S. (2019) | |
Online version: | View report [41 pages File size: 3,210 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Investment of State Funds: Review the investment strategies and performance of funds invested through the Teacher Retirement System, the Permanent School Fund, and university funds. Make recommendations to better coordinate and leverage Texas' purchasing power to maximize investment income to the state. | |
2. | Agency Technology: Review current and prospective technology related purchases and upgrades in state agencies. Identify areas of overlap and make recommendations to eliminate duplication, improve efficiency, save costs, and improve performance. | |
3. | Spending Limit: Examine options and make recommendations for strengthening restrictions on appropriations established in Article VIII, Section 22, of the Texas Constitution, including related procedures defined in statute. Consider options for ensuring available revenues above spending limit are reserved for tax relief. | |
4. | Higher Education Research Programs: Create a comprehensive list of research projects conducted by higher education institutions that are funded by state expenditures, including an inventory of funding streams and programs supporting identified research projects. Identify best practice methods to improve efficiency and coordination of research among university systems, eliminate duplication, and align research projects with the goals of the state. | |
5. | Business Personal Property Tax: Study the economic dynamics of the current business personal property tax. Consider the economic and fiscal effects of increased exemptions to the business personal property tax, versus its elimination. Following such study, make recommended changes to law. | |
6. | Natural Disaster Funding: Review federal, state, and local eligibility and receipt of disaster funds from Community Development Block Grants -Disaster Relief and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Identify any barriers to the effective utilization of those funds and recommend any changes to statute, rule, or practice to promote the efficient deployment of those funds and expedite recovery by affected citizens, businesses, and communities. | |
Committee: | House Agriculture and Livestock | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Agriculture | Agriculture, Texas Department of | Animal Health Commission, Texas | Bees | Disaster relief | Economic impact | Exotic species | Hemp | Hurricane Harvey | Invasive species | Liens | Monarch butterflies | Natural disasters | Rural economic development | Tropical storms | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.85 Ag86 | |
Session: | 85th R.S. (2017) | |
Online version: | View report [49 pages] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Review the Texas Department of Agriculture's and the Texas Animal Health Commission's role in the response to Hurricane Harvey. Examine the short-term and long-term economic and agricultural impacts to producers in the agriculture and livestock industries in Texas as a result of Harvey. Identify ways to mitigate the impact and prevent substantial losses from Harvey and future natural disasters. | |
2. | Study the Texas olive and olive oil industry. Provide suggestions to improve, promote, and standardize the industry. Examine current policy related to the industry and examine factors such as research, marketing, labeling, standards, data collection, and the necessity of creating a commodity board or similar type of organization. | |
3. | Review the Texas Department of Agriculture's Seed Certification Program and related areas. Consider any benefits or drawbacks to privatizing the program through a nonprofit crop improvement association. | |
4. | Study the effects of declining migratory species, such as the monarch butterfly, as well as native and domesticated bee populations on agricultural production and its economic impact on the state. Identify possible causes of the population changes and monitor national trends. Make recommendations on how to improve and promote monarch butterfly and bee populations and habitats in the state. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Culture, Recreation & Tourism) | |
5. | Identify methods for the early detection of exotic invasive organisms that could threaten the production of agricultural crops, such as cotton, in Texas. | |
6. | Consider the feasibility of developing and implementing a central filing system to be used for the filing of all financing statements that cover farm products being sold and purchased in this state that are subject to an agricultural lien. | |
7. | Evaluate the uses of industrial hemp and the economic feasibility of developing an industrial hemp market under existing or future state and federal regulations. Examine the processing and manufacturing process requirements of multiple bi-products, including feed, food, fiber, cosmetics, supplements, and building materials. | |
8. | Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature. | |
Committee: | Senate Finance | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Alamo | Alternatives to incarceration | Appropriations bill riders | Business taxes | Criminal justice | Delinquent taxes | Disaster relief | Driver Responsibility Program | Economic Stabilization Fund | Economy | Emergency medical services | Federal aid | Federal funds | Fees | General Land Office, Texas | Hurricane Harvey | Interest rates | Juvenile justice system | Legislative Budget Board, Texas | Natural disasters | Personal property taxes | Probation | State budget certification | State budgets | Tax refunds | Texas Emissions Reduction Plan | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.85 F49 | |
Session: | 85th R.S. (2017) | |
Online version: | View report [64 pages] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Monitor all funds currently being used to address Hurricane Harvey relief and recovery. Identify ways to maximize the use of federal funds and ensure the efficient use of state funds. | |
2. | Evaluate the long-term impact of Hurricane Harvey on the Texas economy and the gulf coast region. | |
3. | Alamo Historical Site Renovation: Monitor the expenditures of state funds appropriated to the General Land Office for the preservation, maintenance, and operation of the Alamo historical site. Ensure the funds are spent to emphasize the architectural design and the historical impact the battle had on the development of Texas as a nation and as a state. | |
4. | Economic Stabilization Fund: Examine options to increase investment earnings of the Economic Stabilization Fund in a manner that mini mizes overall risk to the fund balance. Investment options should ensure the liquidity of a sufficient portion of the balance so that the legislature has the resources necessary to address the needs of the state, including natural disasters. Evaluate how the Economic Stabilization Fund constitutional limit is calculated; consider alternative methods to calculate the limit, and alternative uses for funds above the limit. | |
5. | Texas Emission Reduction Plan: Review the Texas Emission Reduction Plan (TERP) and its economic benefits to the state. Examine whether the state's investment in TERP, including transfers from the Department of Transportation, are being effectively utilized to comply with federal air quality standards, reduce pollution, and protect the public health of Texans. | |
6. | Request to Exceed Review: Review all riders requiring interim action by the Legislative Budget Board to reduce the number of times interim budget modification is necessary. | |
7. | Fee Structure Review: Review state General Revenue - Dedicated fees and make recommendations to reduce fees and lessen reliance on General Revenue - Dedicated fee balances to certify the budget. | |
8. | Adult and Juvenile Corrections Funding: Examine the funding patterns used to fund the juvenile justice system and adult probation departments. Develop recommendations to ensure the Texas Juvenile Justice Department budget does not dis-incentivize the use of cost-effective best practices such as diverting youth from the juvenile justice system, providing services to youth in their community, and keeping youth closer to home. In addition, review funding to adult probation departments and ensure it provides for an equitable distribution to all Texas Probation Departments. | |
9. | Trauma Funding: Review revenue sources currently funding the state's trauma system and the impact of declining revenues and balances in General Revenue - Dedicated accounts. Evaluate the impact of statutory changes affecting trauma system funding, including efforts to eliminate the Driver Responsibility Program. Examine ways to ensure sustainability of the trauma system in Texas. | |
10. | Property Tax on Business Personal Property: Evaluate the property tax as it applies to business personal property and the current $5oo exemption. Quantify the economic effect of taxing business personal property and determine whether the tax places Texas at a competitive disadvantage relative to other states. Evaluate the burden on taxpayers and local governments of administering the property tax on business personal property and determine whether the current $soo exemption should be increased. | |
11. | Interest Rate Disparity: Evaluate the rate of interest charged on delinquent property taxes and delinquent state taxes, compared to the rate of interest paid on property tax refunds and state tax refunds. • Evaluate the effect of interest rate disparity on the assessment decisions of governments and the payment decisions of taxpayers. • Quantify the amount by which state and local governments profit from interest rate disparity. • Identify best practices among other states regarding interest rates charged and paid. • Recommend a plan and timeline to reduce interest rate disparity. | |
12. | Monitoring: Monitor the implementation of the following funding initiatives: • CPS Critical Needs - Monitor the impact of salary increases and additional caseworkers allocated to Child Protective Services last interim. • Health Care Costs Across State Agencies - Monitor coordination efforts among state agencies to improve health care and reduce costs pursuant to Article IX, Section 10.06 and Section 10.07. • Behavioral Health - Monitor the state's progress in coordinating behavioral health services and expenditures across state government, pursuant to Article IX section 10.04, including the impact of new local grant funding provided by the 85th Legislatu re. • Sporting Goods Sales Tax - Identify state and local park needs and determine whether the Sporting Goods Sales Tax is meeting those needs. | |
Committee: | House General Investigating and Ethics | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Campaign finance and expenditure reports | Charities | Conflicts of interest | Disaster relief | Employee benefits | Ethics Commission, Texas | Federal funds | Financial disclosures | Gifts and donations | Government ethics | Government travel | Hurricane Harvey | Judicial campaigns | Lobbyists | Penalties and sentences (Criminal justice) | State agencies | State employee benefits | State employees | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.85 G286 | |
Session: | 85th R.S. (2017) | |
Online version: | View report [64 pages] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Maintain oversight of federal, state, local, and charitable funds spent in response to Hurricane Harvey. Investigate instances of waste, fraud, or abuse involving such funds. Ensure that the State of Texas is maximizing federal disaster aid. | |
2. | Review conflict of interest laws governing public officers and employees to ensure that such laws are adequate to maintain the public’s confidence in government decision-making. Review personal financial statement requirements to ensure that the public has sufficient information on the private financial interests of public officers. | |
3. | Review criminal penalties under Chapter 305, Government Code (registration of lobbyists) and recommend improvements to maintain the integrity of legislative and administrative processes. | |
4. | Examine the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act and identify opportunities to improve the Act. | |
5. | Review procedures and processes used at the Texas Ethics Commission. Identify ways to resolve complaints more efficiently. | |
6. | Examine employment policies and practices at state agencies relating to the hiring of individuals who were terminated from employment with another state agency for misconduct. | |
7. | Review the implementation of S.B. 73 (85R) relating to leave policies and procedures for state employees. | |
8. | Examine laws and policies regulating travel by state agency officials to ensure that travel expenditures are in the best interest of the state. | |
9. | Investigate the use of state agency resources to participate in trade associations and groups funded by industries regulated by the agency. | |
10. | Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature. | |
Committee: | Senate Intergovernmental Relations | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Affordable housing | Bond issues | Disaster relief | Emergency management | Extraterritorial jurisdiction | Federal aid | Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. | Housing | Land use regulations | Legislative process | Municipal annexation | Natural disasters | Public improvement districts | Solid waste disposal | Special taxing districts | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.85 L786 | |
Session: | 85th R.S. (2017) | |
Online version: | View report [126 pages] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Examine and report on ways to improve the coordination of rebuilding housing and infrastructure following a natural disaster, including evaluating additional cost effective options for FEMA to utilize in providing direct housing assistance immediately following a disaster, creation of comprehensive lists of housing opportunities or web portals to disseminate information to survivors, ways to automatically waive local government regulations to facilitate rebuilding, and additional local resources available for rebuilding efforts. | |
2. | Monitor the distribution of federal disaster relief funds related to housing and infrastructure, including community development block grant (CDBG) funds, to ensure the timely dissemination of monies by state entities to local governments for reconstruction efforts. Develop recommendations for any statutory changes necessary to improve the efficiency of disaster recovery efforts, maximize housing and infrastructure funds, and ensure cooperation between private and government partners. | |
3. | Review and recommend options to expedite debris removal, including cutting unnecessary regulation and streamlining the process. | |
4. | Identify and report on existing disaster training opportunities available for local officials and make recommendations for training programs that equip them to efficiently interact with state and federal agencies during times of disaster. | |
5. | ETJ Limitations and Notice: Review the existing regulatory authority granted to home-rule municipalities within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), including practices used by cities to expand ETJ boundaries, and whether proper notification is provided to property owners added to a city's ETJ following an annexation proceeding. Determine the limitations that need to be placed on a city's authority within the ETJ to better protect the private property rights of individuals and landowners, and ways to notify individuals of the impact of being within a city's ETJ. Develop a statewide rule and minimum requirements for such notifications. | |
6. | Housing Affordability: Examine issues that impact housing affordability, including the effect of local government taxes, fees, and mandates. Evaluate the cost of purchasing a single-family residence in different parts of the state, factoring in the impact of local rules and regulations, to identify matters of policy with the greatest influence, and identify ways to increase transparency and awareness prior to the adoption of costly local ordinances or orders. | |
7. | Special Purpose Districts Bond Reform: Study the state agency review of tax exempt bonds issued by special purpose districts and public improvement districts used to finance water and sewer infrastructure in new residential and commercial developments. Examine the disparities that exist between the feasibility review of water and sewer bonds backed by property based assessments and those backed by ad valorem taxes, and make recommendations that ensure the continued stability of the Texas tax exempt bond market by requiring all districts to undergo appropriate reviews prior to issuance. | |
8. | Municipal Management District Uniformity: In conjunction with the appropriate legislative departments, determine whether the development of a template or standardized language for the creation of municipal management districts would provide a more effective means for legislators to ensure new special purpose districts conform to accepted standards and contain appropriate taxpayer oversight. | |
Committee: | Senate Finance | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim charge recommendations to the 82nd Legislature | |
Subjects: | Affordable housing | Aging and Disability Services, Texas Department of | Border security | Business taxes | Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas | Disaster relief | Economic stabilization | Federal aid | Highway finance | Hospitals | Mineral rights | Nursing education | Prepaid tuition plans | Property tax exemptions | Property taxes | Rural health care | State budgets | Tax and expenditure limits | Tax appraisals | Tax incentives | Tax revenue | Tobacco taxes | Traffic | Transportation, Texas Department of | Tropical storms | University finance | University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.81 F49 | |
Session: | 81st R.S. (2009) | |
Online version: | View report [158 pages File size: 7,366 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Review and make recommendations regarding existing and future public debt at all levels of government in Texas, including independent school districts, cities, other local governments and the Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan. | |
2. | Study the impact of recent hurricanes for which a federal disaster declaration was issued on local economies. Examine the basis for the distribution of federal dollars for hurricane cleanup across the state. Review past methods of distribution, including those involving the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs and the Office of Rural Community Affairs. Develop policy and statutory recommendations to ensure that the system of distribution is effective to address needs of the various regions of the state in the event of future disasters. Provide effective budget oversight of state agencies that received appropriations as a result of hurricane damage. Examine the rebuilding of University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and the collection and proper deposit of federal reimbursements. | |
3. | Review the effect that Texas Business Tax credits, such as a research and development credit, have on economic development in Texas. Determine whether the costs of various tax credits would be adequately offset by the net increase in state sales tax and other revenues and jobs produced by each credit. Focus on businesses relocating to or from the State of Texas, the impact on the tax base, employment, and the overall economic condition of the state. | |
4. | Identify and evaluate potential improvements to the property tax system. Consider and make recommendations relating to the following:
5. | Examine the Texas Tomorrow Fund and its impact on institutions of higher education. Assess current and future costs, the ability of institutions to absorb the costs, and make recommendations for ensuring a sound fiscal approach to managing the fund for the future. | |
6. | Study the impact of changing the constitutional and statutory spending limit based on the sum of the rate of population growth and the rate of inflation. Examine what past biennial spending limits would have been, and what the next biennium's limit might be, under a new definition. Consider the impact of exempting growth from federally mandated programs. | |
7. | Study and make recommendations regarding formula funding and its impact on the cost of attendance and methods of financing higher education institutions, including funding differences for pharmacy and nursing programs; research funding; performance funding; and funding for institutions that face capacity student enrollment. Specifically address the following:
8. | Review the capacity of rural hospitals, rural hospital infrastructure, and the statewide impact of services provided by rural hospitals. Make recommendations for funding options to help communities that do not have adequate resources to replace aging infrastructure and consider the creation ofa rural hospital infrastructure support program similar to the courthouse preservations fund. | |
9. | Examine transportation funding concepts contained in legislation considered during the 81 st Legislature, Regular and Special Sessions. Analyze options and make recommendations relating to historical funding strategies, including prioritization of existing revenues, as well as alternative state and local transportation funding concepts. (Joint charge with Senate Transportation and Homeland Security Committee)
10. | Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Finance, 81 st Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Specifically, monitor the following:
Committee: | House Urban Affairs | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | House Committee on Urban Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2010 : a report to the House of Representatives, 82nd Texas Legislature | |
Subjects: | Disaster relief | Economic stabilization | Energy conservation | Federal aid | Housing and Community Affairs, Texas Department of | Services for persons with disabilities | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.81 UR1 | |
Session: | 81st R.S. (2009) | |
Online version: | View report [53 pages File size: 988 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Examine the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs' (TDHCA) regional allocation formula policies and determine methodologies that could enhance equitable distribution. | |
2. | Review the TDCHA's Weatherization Assistance Program and increased funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Examine the methodology used to distribute funds and the program's effectiveness at reducing residential energy costs. Joint Interim Charge with House Select Committee on Federal Economic Stabilization Funding | |
3. | Evaluate the method of distributing federal hurricane relief funds and recommend improvements. Joint Interim Charge with House Committee on Appropriations | |
4. | Make recommendations regarding the feasibility of a housing initiative that promotes independence and prevents unnecessary institutionalization of eligible populations. | |
5. | Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction. | |
Committee: | House Local Government Ways and Means | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | House Committee on Local Government Ways & Means, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2006 : a report to the House of Representatives, 80th Texas Legislature | |
Subjects: | Air quality | Appraisal districts | County government | Disaster relief | Federal mandates | Homeland security | Indigent criminal defense | Indigent health care | Juvenile justice system | Probation | Property taxes | State mandates | Tax appraisals | Tax rollback elections | Undocumented immigrants | Water quality management | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.79 L786w | |
Session: | 79th R.S. (2005) | |
Online version: | View report [92 pages File size: 23,908 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Review the current system of appraising property located in more than one appraisal district as created in HB 703, 78th R.S.. Determine if one fair and equal value per property for ad valorem taxes is preferable to the current system, and whether it is more efficient to appraise property on a county line basis or on a jurisdictional line basis. | |
2. | Research and make recommendations regarding the Central Appraisal Districts in Texas: evaluate the makeup of the board of directors; examine whether consolidation of certain appraisal districts would save money; review appraisal districts' methodology in arriving at appraisal values; determine the impact of the Comptroller's Office audit on the operation of the appraisal district and its derivation of appraisal values. | |
3. | Compare and evaluate how counties and school districts impose (levy) property taxes, including a study and evaluation on the effective tax rate, the rollback rate, and rollback elections. | |
4. | Study the impact of unfunded mandates by state and federal governments on cities. | |
Committee: | House Environmental Affairs | |
Title: | Interim Report - IXTOC I Oil Spill | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report on the Ixtoc I oil spill / Committee on Environmental Affairs, Texas House of Representatives. | |
Subjects: | Disaster areas | Disaster relief | Environmental cleanup | Natural disasters | Oil spills | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.66 ix1 | |
Session: | 66th R.S. (1979) | |
Online version: | View report [163 pages File size: 6,107 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Monitor the immediate and long-term effects on the coastal environment of the blowout of the Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) oil well known as IXTOC 1. * | |
2. | Monitor the effects, immediate and long-term of the blowout, on the coastal environment. | |
3. | Evaluate the effectiveness of the cleanup effort and the Oil Spill Contingency Plan. | |
4. | Review federal, state, and local policies regarding assistance for natural and manmade disasters. | |
5. | Determine if changes in state law are needed to address issues which include, but are not limited to, financial disaster aid. | |
Committee: | House Intergovernmental Affairs | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 67th Legislature : report of the / Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs, Texas House of Representatives, 67th [i.e. 66th] Legislature. | |
Subjects: | County budgets | County government | County sheriffs | Disaster relief | District attorneys | District courts | Emergency management | Extraterritorial jurisdiction | Hospital districts | Indigent health care | Judicial interpretation of legislation | Liability | Municipal utility districts | Municipalities | Natural disasters | Security guards | Sovereign immunity | State Property Tax Board | Tax Assessor Examiners, Board of | Water districts | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.66 in8 | |
Session: | 66th R.S. (1979) | |
Online version: | View report [78 pages File size: 2,110 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Oversight functions shall be conducted for all appropriations-related actions of those agencies assigned to this committee for appropriative purposes during the 66th Regular Session of the Legislature. The agencies include: Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Texas Assessor Examiners State Property Tax Board (School Tax Assessment Practices Board) | |
2. | Review the legal status and effects of validation acts. | |
3. | Review the status of hospital districts in Texas created by general and special law, including processes of petition, election, funding and administration. | |
4. | Review the particular problems encountered by hospital districts which are required to treat large numbers of indigent patients or districts which support medical schools or teaching hospitals. Make recommendations regarding funding for indigent health care and residency programs. * | |
5. | Review county bidding, contracting and purchasing procedures. | |
6. | Determine the costs to counties caused by the district judicial and administrative system of Texas. | |
7. | Study risk management of elected and appointed officials of local government. | |
8. | Study the legal relationships between utility districts and cities' extraterritorial jurisdiction when the two units overlap. | |
9. | Determine the status of reserve deputy sheriffs in Texas with particular attention to the question of employment and compensation for work involving private security. | |
10. | Evaluate the adequacy of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 to determine if more state effort is needed to assist local governments in disaster relief, cleanup operations, and evacuation planning and machinery. | |
Committee: | House Urban Issues, Select | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 66th Legislature : report / of the Select Committee on Urban Issues, the Texas House of Representatives, 66th Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Counties | Disaster relief | Education | Emergency management | Flooding | Higher education | Land use regulations | Municipal annexation | Municipalities | Natural disasters | Natural resources conservation | Outdoor recreation | Property taxes | Solid waste disposal | Urban sprawl | Water conservation | Water planning | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.66 ur1 | |
Session: | 66th R.S. (1979) | |
Online version: | View report [275 pages File size: 9,908 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Determine the governance needs of Texas' urban areas in the 1980s, including ordinance making authority, property taxes, and annexation as related to growth patterns. | |
2. | Identify critical issues and potential long-range solutions regarding natural resources, educational, and governance needs of Texas cities in the 1980s. | |
3. | Review factors, including urban expansion and drainage practices, which may have contributed to the increasing frequency and severity of urban flooding. Suggest state and local flood management activities which would reduce the risk of floods. * | |
4. | Study natural resources issues facing local governments, including urban flooding, disaster assistance, emergency preparedness, hazardous waste disposal, low-level radioactive waste, water conservation, water supplies, air pollution, urban recreation and solid waste disposal. * | |
5. | Review education issues facing local governments, including teacher shortages, vocational education, student attendance and discipline, public school finance, and higher education * | |
Committee: | Joint Visit Storm Stricken District of Texas Coast | |
Title: | Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report of special legislative committee. | |
Subjects: | Disaster relief | Tropical storms | | |
Library Call Number: | S.J. of Tex., 27th Leg., R.S. 482 (1901) | |
Session: | 27th R.S. (1901) | |
Online version: | View report [45 pages File size: 3,247 kb] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | Investigate into the condition of the people residing in the district damaged by the storm on September 8, 1900, and investigate the method and manner of relief funds received by various committees in said section. * |
* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.
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