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[  Session(s): all  Chamber =  Both  Bill Type = all    Subjects =  Education--Primary & Secondary--Textbooks ]

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HB 254 87-0 (2021) Author: Bernal, Diego Relating to purchases made by a school district and open-enrollment charter school using the instructional materials and technology allotment. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
SB 1716 87-0 (2021) Author: Taylor, Larry | et. al.
Sponsor: Bonnen, Greg | et. al.
Relating to a supplemental special education services and instructional materials program for certain public school students receiving special education services. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 391 86-0 (2019) Author: Blanco, César | et. al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al.
Relating to student access to public school instructional materials and technology. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 396 86-0 (2019) Author: VanDeaver, Gary
Sponsor: Hughes, Bryan
Relating to acceptable uses of the instructional materials and technology fund and the instructional materials and technology allotment. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/19
HB 4383 86-0 (2019) Author: Bohac, Dwayne Relating to a reporting requirement for public schools regarding instructional materials and technology. House: Public Education Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
SB 4 86-0 (2019) Author: Taylor, Larry Relating to public school finance and public education. Senate: Education Left pending in committee
SB 1032 86-0 (2019) Author: Hall, Bob Relating to the right of a parent of a public school student to request that the student receive instruction or an assessment instrument in a printed format. Senate: Education Referred to Education
SB 1612 86-0 (2019) Author: Hall, Bob Relating to requiring that human sexuality instruction in public schools be approved by the State Board of Education. Senate: Education Referred to Education
HB 213 85-0 (2017) Author: Canales, Terry | et. al. Relating to requirements regarding electronic access to instructional materials provided in printed book format purchased for public schools. House: Public Education Withdrawn from schedule
HB 617 85-0 (2017) Author: Leach, Jeff | et. al. Relating to the inclusion of American principles in the public school curriculum and instructional materials. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 884 85-0 (2017) Author: King, Ken Relating to a revision of the essential knowledge and skills of the public school foundation curriculum and proclamations for the production of instructional materials. House: Public Education Received from the House
HB 1042 85-0 (2017) Author: Blanco, César Relating to student access to public school instructional materials and technology. House: Public Education Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm.
HB 1857 85-0 (2017) Author: King, Ken Relating to the instructional material list and supplemental instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 3487 85-0 (2017) Author: Huberty, Dan Relating to the creation of an instructional materials web portal by the commissioner of education. House: Public Education Withdrawn from schedule
HB 3526 85-0 (2017) Author: Howard, Donna
Sponsor: Taylor, Larry
Relating to instructional materials and technology for public schools. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 4140 85-0 (2017) Author: Bohac, Dwayne Relating to the instructional materials and technology allotment, open education resource instructional materials, and the State Board of Education long-range technology plan. House: Public Education Committee report sent to Calendars
SB 605 85-0 (2017) Author: Huffines, Don | et. al. Relating to procedures for the review and selection of certain instructional materials by public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools. Senate: Education Co-author authorized
SB 801 85-0 (2017) Author: Seliger, Kel | et. al.
Sponsor: King, Ken
Relating to the instructional material list and supplemental instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/17
SB 810 85-0 (2017) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois | et. al.
Sponsor: Howard, Donna
Relating to the purchase and use of open educational resources. House: Higher Education
Senate: Higher Education
Effective immediately
SB 1481 85-0 (2017) Author: Taylor, Larry
Sponsor: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Relating to the instructional materials and technology allotment, open education resource instructional materials, and the State Board of Education long-range technology plan. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Placed on General State Calendar
SB 1484 85-0 (2017) Author: Taylor, Larry | et. al.
Sponsor: Huberty, Dan
Relating to the creation of an instructional materials web portal by the commissioner of education. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm.
SB 1784 85-0 (2017) Author: Taylor, Larry
Sponsor: Huberty, Dan
Relating to open-source instructional material for public schools. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 842 84-0 (2015) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to review of public school instructional materials for compliance with accessibility standards. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 1013 84-0 (2015) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to requirements regarding electronic access to instructional materials provided in printed book format purchased for public schools. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 1163 84-0 (2015) Author: VanDeaver, Gary | et. al. Relating to the percentage of the annual distribution from the permanent school fund set aside for the state instructional materials fund. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 1474 84-0 (2015) Author: VanDeaver, Gary | et. al.
Sponsor: Eltife, Kevin
Relating to the placement of money in the state instructional materials fund and payment of the instructional materials allotment. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/15
HB 2564 84-0 (2015) Author: Nevárez, Poncho Relating to prohibiting a publisher or manufacturer from requiring a school district or open-enrollment charter school to place a minimum order of instructional materials. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 2810 84-0 (2015) Author: King, Ken Relating to proclamations issued by the State Board of Education for instructional materials. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 3260 84-0 (2015) Author: Herrero, Abel Relating to a study and report regarding the use of open-source instructional materials at public schools. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 3403 84-0 (2015) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to public school curriculum and textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 3571 84-0 (2015) Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al. Relating to rules which insure that local independent school district selection of non-state adopted instructional materials to be purchased with state funds, is as accountable and transparent as the State Board of Education approval process for state-adopted instructional materials. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 3896 84-0 (2015) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to student access to public school instructional materials and technology. House: Public Education Committee report sent to Calendars
SB 1211 84-0 (2015) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to procedures for the review and selection of certain instructional materials by public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools. Senate: Education Left pending in committee
SB 1711 84-0 (2015) Author: Campbell, Donna Relating to rules which insure that local independent school district selection of non-state adopted instructional materials to be purchased with state funds, is as accountable and transparent as the State Board of Education approval process for state-adopted instruction materials. Senate: Education Left pending in committee
HB 2014 83-0 (2013) Author: Strama, Mark Relating to procedures applicable to adoption of the public school curriculum by the State Board of Education. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 3771 83-0 (2013) Author: Coleman, Garnet Relating to the adoption and permanent student ownership of low-cost mathematics and science instructional material. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
SB 197 83-0 (2013) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to procedures applicable to adoption of the public school curriculum by the State Board of Education. Senate: Education Referred to Education
HB 6 82-0 (2011) Author: Eissler, Rob | et. al.
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to the foundation curriculum, the establishment of the instructional materials allotment, and the adoption, review, and purchase of instructional materials and technological equipment for public schools. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
1 hr. notice-to suspend rules
HB 560 82-0 (2011) Author: Christian, Wayne | et. al. Relating to electronic textbooks, state-developed open-source textbooks, and other instructional materials for public schools. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 1539 82-0 (2011) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to state ownership of school textbooks. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 1905 82-0 (2011) Author: Perry, Charles Relating to public school textbooks for career and technology education. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 2217 82-0 (2011) Author: Martinez Fischer, Trey Relating to the essential knowledge and skills of the social studies curriculum used in the public schools. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 2302 82-0 (2011) Author: Coleman, Garnet Relating to transferring to the Texas Education Agency and the commissioner of education the statutorily assigned responsibilities of the State Board of Education concerning textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 2464 82-0 (2011) Author: Frullo, John Relating to textbooks adopted by the State Board of Education for public schools. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 2627 82-0 (2011) Author: Branch, Dan Relating to the purchase of classroom sets of textbooks for public schools. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 3257 82-0 (2011) Author: Strama, Mark Relating to procedures applicable to adoption of the public school curriculum by the State Board of Education. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 3504 82-0 (2011) Author: Villarreal, Mike Relating to transferring primary authority for the adoption of the public school curriculum and textbooks from the State Board of Education to the commissioner of education. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
SB 6 82-0 (2011) Author: Shapiro, Florence | et. al. Relating to the foundation curriculum, the establishment of the instructional materials allotment, and the adoption, review, and purchase of instructional materials and technological equipment for public schools. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Public Education
SB 391 82-0 (2011) Author: Patrick, Dan
Sponsor: Eissler, Rob
Relating to the provision of electronic samples of a textbook adopted by the State Board of Education. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/11
SB 1326 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to procedures applicable to adoption of the public school curriculum by the State Board of Education. Senate: Education Referred to Education
SB 1642 82-0 (2011) Author: Davis, Wendy Relating to transferring primary authority for the adoption of the public school curriculum and textbooks from the State Board of Education to the commissioner of education. Senate: Education Referred to Education
SJR 29 82-0 (2011) Author: Ogden, Steve Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the provision of free textbooks to students attending private primary and secondary schools in this state. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance
HB 6 82-1 (2011) Author: Eissler, Rob Relating to the foundation curriculum, the establishment of the instructional materials allotment, the adoption, review, and purchase of instructional materials and technological equipment for public schools, and the administration of state assessment instruments to public school students. House: Public Education Committee report sent to Calendars
HR 198 82-1 (2011) Author: Eissler, Rob Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 6. Reported enrolled
SB 6 82-1 (2011) Author: Shapiro, Florence
Sponsor: Eissler, Rob | et. al.
Relating to the foundation curriculum, the establishment of the instructional materials allotment, and the adoption, review, and purchase of instructional materials and technological equipment for public schools; providing penalties. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
See remarks for effective date
SR 107 82-1 (2011) Author: Shapiro, Florence Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 6. Reported enrolled
HB 1332 81-0 (2009) Author: Maldonado, Diana | et. al.
Sponsor: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to responsibility for public school textbooks and technological equipment and to failure by students to return textbooks or technological equipment. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 2261 81-0 (2009) Author: Patrick, Diane Relating to establishing a select committee to review the manner in which textbooks for use in public schools are funded, adopted, and purchased. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 2488 81-0 (2009) Author: Hochberg, Scott
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to open-source textbooks and other instructional materials for public schools. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/09
HB 2959 81-0 (2009) Author: Coleman, Garnet Relating to adoption and ownership of mathematics and science textbooks for public school students. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 4294 81-0 (2009) Author: Branch, Dan | et. al.
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence | et. al.
Relating to textbooks, electronic textbooks, instructional material, and technological equipment in public schools. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 4553 81-0 (2009) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to special textbooks for the education of blind and visually impaired students in public schools. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 4557 81-0 (2009) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the review and adoption cycle for public school textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HCR 284 81-0 (2009) Author: Hochberg, Scott
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in H.B. No. 2488. Signed by the Governor
SB 144 81-0 (2009) Author: Ellis, Rodney | et. al. Relating to exemptions from the sales tax for certain school supplies and instructional materials. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized
SB 2275 81-0 (2009) Author: Seliger, Kel | et. al. Relating to the adoption of the public school curriculum and textbooks; transferring authority from the State Board of Education to the commissioner of education. Senate: Education Co-author authorized
HB 77 80-0 (2007) Author: Naishtat, Elliott | et. al. Relating to the adoption of public school textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 188 80-0 (2007) Author: Hochberg, Scott | et. al.
Sponsor: Van de Putte, Leticia
Relating to the adoption of textbooks and the use of credits for textbooks or other instructional materials in a school district or open-enrollment charter school. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 844 80-0 (2007) Author: Olivo, Dora | et. al. Relating to accountability under the statewide public school accountability system for a student placed in a disciplinary alternative education program. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 1569 80-0 (2007) Author: Goolsby, Tony | et. al. Relating to participation in school district services and activities by home-schooled students. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 1665 80-0 (2007) Author: Howard, Charlie Relating to certain requirements relating to public school reading instruction and textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 2874 80-0 (2007) Author: Davis, Yvonne Relating to establishment of a state public school curriculum commission. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 3419 80-0 (2007) Author: Eissler, Rob Relating to public school instructional materials. House: Public Education Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 3509 80-0 (2007) Author: Patrick, Diane Relating to the creation of a task force to evaluate redistribution of surplus textbooks owned by the State of Texas. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 3510 80-0 (2007) Author: Patrick, Diane Relating to reforms to the system by which the state procures, purchases, and distributes textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 3944 80-0 (2007) Author: Herrero, Abel Relating to requiring public school textbooks to include references to persons who have made important contributions. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
SB 1698 80-0 (2007) Author: Shapiro, Florence Relating to public school instructional materials. Senate: Education Referred to Education
SB 1899 80-0 (2007) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia Relating to the adoption of textbooks and the use of credits for textbooks or other instructional materials in a school district or open-enrollment charter school. Senate: Education Referred to Education
HB 2 79-0 (2005) Author: Grusendorf, Kent | et. al.
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to public education, public school finance matters, and the imposition of a state ad valorem tax; imposing criminal penalties. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Senate appoints conferees-reported
HB 4 79-0 (2005) Author: Grusendorf, Kent | et. al.
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to the use of technology by public schools. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Placed on intent calendar
HB 220 79-0 (2005) Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al. Relating to the State Board of Education review of public school textbooks. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 221 79-0 (2005) Author: Howard, Charlie Relating to the reading curriculum used in public schools and to reading textbooks for public school students. House: Public Education Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 253 79-0 (2005) Author: Naishtat, Elliott | et. al. Relating to the adoption of public school textbooks. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 349 79-0 (2005) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to a credits program for the purchase of textbooks and related materials by a school district or open-enrollment charter school. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 386 79-0 (2005) Author: McCall, Brian | et. al. Relating to participation in school district services and activities by home-schooled students. House: Public Education Placed on General State Calendar
HB 620 79-0 (2005) Author: Olivo, Dora | et. al. Relating to accountability under the statewide public school accountability system for a student placed in a disciplinary alternative education program. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 668 79-0 (2005) Author: Jones, Jesse | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of juvenile justice alternative education programs for free textbooks for use in the programs. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 1658 79-0 (2005) Author: Farrar, Jessica | et. al. Relating to programs and services for sexual health and the prevention of abortion. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health
HB 2067 79-0 (2005) Author: Anderson, Charles "Doc" Relating to required curriculum in the public schools. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 2534 79-0 (2005) Author: Chisum, Warren | et. al. Relating to the content requirements and limitations for public school textbooks. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 3205 79-0 (2005) Author: Coleman, Garnet Relating to depictions of gender and ethnicity in textbooks used in the public schools. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 3452 79-0 (2005) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to public education and public school finance matters. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HCR 152 79-0 (2005) Author: Olivo, Dora Encouraging the State Board of Education to ensure that public schools teach students about Hispano contributions to the development of Texas and the United States and that all of the state's history and government textbooks include such information. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
SB 253 79-0 (2005) Author: West, Royce | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of juvenile justice alternative education programs for free textbooks for use in the programs. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Public Education
SB 378 79-0 (2005) Author: Deuell, Bob Relating to the State Board of Education review of public school textbooks. Senate: Education Referred to Education
SB 975 79-0 (2005) Author: West, Royce Relating to accountability under the statewide public school accountability system for a student placed in a disciplinary alternative education program. Senate: Education Referred to Education
SB 1392 79-0 (2005) Author: Shapiro, Florence Relating to the correction of errors during the review and adoption process for public school textbooks. Senate: Education Referred to Education
SB 1700 79-0 (2005) Author: Averitt, Kip Relating to the use of electronic textbooks in public schools. Senate: Education Referred to Education
SCR 35 79-0 (2005) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Encouraging the State Board of Education to ensure that public schools teach students about Hispano contributions to the development of Texas and the United States and that all of the state's history and government textbooks include such information. Senate: Education Referred to Education
HB 2 79-1 (2005) Author: Grusendorf, Kent
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to public education and public school finance matters; imposing criminal penalties. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Point of order sustained
HB 15 79-1 (2005) Author: Hochberg, Scott | et. al. Relating to public education and public school finance matters. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 28 79-1 (2005) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to the use of credits for textbooks or other instructional materials in public schools. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 38 79-1 (2005) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the adoption of public school textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HR 446 79-1 (2005) Author: Grusendorf, Kent Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 2. Reported enrolled
SB 2 79-1 (2005) Author: Shapiro, Florence Relating to public education and public school finance matters; making an appropriation; imposing criminal penalties. Senate: Education Committee report printed and distributed
SR 129 79-1 (2005) Author: Shapiro, Florence Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 2. Filed
SR 140 79-1 (2005) Author: Shapiro, Florence Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 2. Record vote
HB 2 79-2 (2005) Author: Grusendorf, Kent Relating to public education and public school finance matters; imposing criminal penalties. House: Public Education Reform, Select Reason for vote recorded in Journal
HB 31 79-2 (2005) Author: Hochberg, Scott | et. al. Relating to public education and public school finance matters. House: Public Education Reform, Select Referred to Public Education Reform, Select
HB 51 79-2 (2005) Author: Nixon, Joe | et. al. Relating to appropriations for textbooks. House: Public Education Reform, Select Referred to Public Education Reform, Select
HB 53 79-2 (2005) Author: Merritt, Tommy | et. al. Relating to property tax relief, health insurance for public school teachers, and public school textbooks. House: Public Education Reform, Select Referred to Public Education Reform, Select
HB 62 79-2 (2005) Author: Grusendorf, Kent | et. al. Relating to public school instructional materials and instructional technology; making an appropriation. House: Public Education Reform, Select
Senate: Education
Referred to Education
SB 8 79-2 (2005) Author: Shapiro, Florence
Sponsor: Grusendorf, Kent
Relating to public education and public school finance matters; imposing criminal penalties. House: Public Education Reform, Select
Senate: Education
Committee report sent to Calendars
SB 37 79-2 (2005) Author: Eltife, Kevin | et. al. Relating to the salary paid to certain professional employees of public schools, health care compensation supplementation for public school employees, and to appropriations for public school textbooks. Senate: Education Co-author authorized
SB 38 79-2 (2005) Author: Shapiro, Florence | et. al. Relating to appropriations for textbooks. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized
HB 36 79-3 (2006) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to the use of credits for textbooks or other instructional materials in a school district or open-enrollment charter school. House: Public Education Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 165 79-3 (2006) Author: Howard, Charlie Relating to the reading curriculum used in public schools and to reading textbooks for public school students. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 167 79-3 (2006) Author: Howard, Charlie Relating to the State Board of Education review of public school textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 173 78-0 (2003) Author: Griggs, Bob Relating to the use of electronic textbooks in public schools. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 451 78-0 (2003) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to the selection and purchase of certain textbooks by a school district or open-enrollment charter school and to a program to study the use of credits for textbooks. House: Public Education Considered in Calendars
HB 689 78-0 (2003) Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al. Relating to the adoption and ownership of mathematics and science textbooks for public grade school students. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 1133 78-0 (2003) Author: Grusendorf, Kent Relating to free textbooks for private school students. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 1172 78-0 (2003) Author: Madden, Jerry | et. al.
Sponsor: Staples, Todd
Relating to public school textbooks. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Placed on intent calendar
HB 1409 78-0 (2003) Author: Hardcastle, Rick Relating to the state textbook depository and distribution and handling of textbooks. House: Government Reform Left pending in committee
HB 1447 78-0 (2003) Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al. Relating to the authority of the State Board of Education regarding public school curriculum and textbooks. House: Public Education Considered in Calendars
HB 1448 78-0 (2003) Author: Howard, Charlie Relating to State Board of Education rules concerning textbooks and to adoption of textbooks by the board. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 1914 78-0 (2003) Author: Howard, Charlie Relating to certain requirements relating to public school reading and mathematics instruction and textbooks. House: Public Education No action taken in committee
HB 1915 78-0 (2003) Author: Howard, Charlie Relating to the reading curriculum used in public schools and to reading textbooks for public school students. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 1917 78-0 (2003) Author: Howard, Charlie Relating to adoption of textbooks by the State Board of Education and to selection of textbooks by school districts. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 2072 78-0 (2003) Author: Grusendorf, Kent
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to payment by district employees for missing textbooks or instructional technology in public schools. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 2908 78-0 (2003) Author: Eissler, Rob
Sponsor: Van de Putte, Leticia
Relating to the development of essential knowledge and skills for subjects in the enrichment curriculum. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Committee report printed and distributed
HB 3422 78-0 (2003) Author: Olivo, Dora Relating to the development of essential knowledge and skills for subjects in the enrichment curriculum. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 3459 78-0 (2003) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al.
Sponsor: Bivins, Teel
Relating to fiscal matters involving certain governmental educational entities, including public school finance, program compliance monitoring by the Texas Education Agency, amounts withheld from and the use of compensatory education allotments, the public school technology allotment, the accounting for the permanent school fund, employee benefits provided by certain educational entities, the uses of the telecommunications infrastructure fund, and participation in a multijurisdictional lottery game. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date
SB 259 78-0 (2003) Author: West, Royce Relating to the state textbook depository and distribution and handling of textbooks. Senate: Education Referred to Education
SB 682 78-0 (2003) Author: Janek, Kyle Relating to a state allotment to school districts for teacher salaries. Senate: Education Left pending in committee
SB 815 78-0 (2003) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia
Sponsor: Eissler, Rob
Relating to the development of essential knowledge and skills for subjects in the enrichment curriculum. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/03
HB 33 78-1 (2003) Author: Deshotel, Joe Relating to an increase in the cigarette tax and to the use of that increase to purchase textbooks. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 33 78-2 (2003) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to the program to study the use of credits for textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 32 78-3 (2003) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to certain public school textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 41 78-3 (2003) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to the program to study the use of credits for textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 12 78-4 (2003) Author: Hochberg, Scott Relating to the selection and purchase of certain textbooks by a school district or open-enrollment charter school and to a program to study the use of credits for textbooks. House: Public School Finance, Select Referred to Public School Finance, Select
HB 623 77-0 (2001) Author: Hochberg, Scott | et. al.
Sponsor: Bivins, Teel
Relating to the selection, distribution, and use of public school textbooks; providing administrative and criminal penalties. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
See remarks for effective date
HB 759 77-0 (2001) Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al. Relating to the adoption and ownership of mathematics and science textbooks for public grade school students. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 992 77-0 (2001) Author: Hochberg, Scott
Sponsor: Sibley, David
Relating to circumstances under which a publisher or manufacturer of textbooks must maintain or arrange for a textbook depository in this state. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/01
SB 1755 77-0 (2001) Author: Sibley, David Relating to circumstances under which a publisher or manufacturer of textbooks must maintain or arrange for a textbook depository in this state. Senate: Education Referred to Education
HB 646 76-0 (1999) Author: Howard, Charlie Relating to selection of textbooks by school districts. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 1965 76-0 (1999) Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al. Relating to the reading curriculum used in public schools and to reading textbooks for public school students. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HCR 4 76-0 (1999) Author: Haggerty, Pat Recognizing Juan de Onate and early Spanish explorers and requesting that the State Board of Education and the Texas Education Agency seek proper recognition of their contributions in state-adopted American history books. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 199 75-0 (1997) Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al. Relating to State Board of Education rules concerning textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 200 75-0 (1997) Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al. Relating to selection of textbooks by school districts. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 766 75-0 (1997) Author: Junell, Robert | et. al. Relating to the technology allotment under the foundation school program. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
SB 297 75-0 (1997) Author: Ratliff, Bill | et. al.
Sponsor: Junell, Robert
Relating to the technology allotment under the foundation school program. House: Public Education
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
HB 696 74-0 (1995) Author: Culberson, John Relating to a waiver from statutes and rules for a school district or campus regarding textbook selection. House: Public Education No action taken in committee
HB 697 74-0 (1995) Author: Culberson, John Relating to textbooks used in the public schools. House: Public Education No action taken in committee
HB 709 74-0 (1995) Author: Wilson, Ron Relating to the purchase of textbooks by school districts. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 1174 74-0 (1995) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to access to school textbooks. House: Public Education Left pending in committee
HB 3 73-0 (1993) Author: Carona, John Relating to public school textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 867 73-0 (1993) Author: Wilson, Ron | et. al. Relating to the purchase of textbooks by school districts. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 890 72-0 (1991) Author: Grusendorf, Kent Relating to the recovery by the state of damages for substantive factual errors contained in textbooks. House: Public Education 1st Printing sent to Calendars
HB 164 70-0 (1987) Author: Hammond, Bill Relating to public school textbooks adopted by the State Board of Education. House: Public Education Referred to subcommittee
HB 165 70-0 (1987) Author: Hammond, Bill Relating to the selection of public school textbooks by school districts. House: Public Education Referred to subcommittee
HB 849 70-0 (1987) Author: Ceverha, Bill Relating to state textbook committees. House: Public Education Referred to subcommittee
HB 1287 70-0 (1987) Author: Haley, Bill
Sponsor: Parker, Carl
Relating to public school textbooks. House: Public Education Left as pending business in comm.
HB 1386 70-0 (1987) Author: Wilson, Ron
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the presence of elected school board members at certain meetings. House: Public Education Reported favorably w/o amendments
HB 1485 70-0 (1987) Author: Hammond, Bill Relating to the custody of public school textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 1759 70-0 (1987) Author: Culberson, John Relating to the ability of the state to adopt magnetic media for use in public schools. House: Public Education Referred to subcommittee
HB 2462 70-0 (1987) Author: Patronella, David
Sponsor: Uribe, Hector
Relating to teacher editions of textbooks in braille. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HCR 84 70-0 (1987) Author: Grusendorf, Kent
Sponsor: Krier, Cynthia
Requesting the State Board of Education to study feasibility of an eight-year cycle for the adoption of certain textbooks. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Signed by the Governor
SB 598 70-0 (1987) Author: Lyon, Ted
Sponsor: Hammond, Bill
Relating to public school textbooks adopted by the State Board of Education. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective in 90 days - 8/31/87
SCR 47 70-0 (1987) Author: Krier, Cynthia Requesting the State Board of Education to study feasibility of an eight-year cycle for the adoption of certain textbooks. Senate: Education Postponed in committee
HB 152 70-2 (1987) Author: Haley, Bill Relating to textbook review and the state textbook committee. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 422 69-0 (1985) Author: Burnett, Dick Relating to the maximum length of the adoption cycle and adoption contracts for public school textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 1406 69-0 (1985) Author: Uher, D.R. Relating to the adoption cycle for public school textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 1521 69-0 (1985) Author: Hammond, Bill Relating to bonds for school district trustees or employees to ensure faithful accounting of textbooks and of money from the sale of textbooks. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Education
HB 1540 69-0 (1985) Author: Colbert, Paul Relating to the composition of the State Textbook Committee. House: Public Education Laid on the table subject to call
SB 1235 69-0 (1985) Author: Parker, Carl
Sponsor: Colbert, Paul
Relating to the composition of the State Textbook Committee. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 309 68-0 (1983) Author: Hill, Gerald Relating to public commentary on a book submitted for adoption as a textbook for use in public schools. House: Public Education Coauthor authorized
HB 2225 68-0 (1983) Author: Gamez, Joe Relating to the provision of textbooks for nonpublic school students. House: Public Education Referred to subcommittee
SB 27 68-0 (1983) Author: Farabee, Ray
Sponsor: Hill, Gerald
Relating to public school textbooks. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
SCR 129 68-0 (1983) Author: Brooks, Chet Recognizing General Bernardo de Galvez and his prominent part in American history and requesting that the State Board of Education and Texas Education Agency request such recognition in the state adopted American history textbooks. House: Public Education Referred to Committee on Public Education
HB 1 68-2 (1984) Author: Hammond, Bill Relating to the public school system, including administration, finance, personnel, students, and programs. House: Public Education Coauthor authorized
HB 49 68-2 (1984) Author: Berlanga, Hugo Relating to the public school system, including administration, finance, personnel, students, and programs. House: Public Education See remarks
HCR 30 68-2 (1984) Author: Vowell, Jack
Sponsor: Santiesteban, H.
Recognizing General Bernardo de Galvez and his prominent role in American history and requesting that the State Board of Education and TEA seek proper recognition in history textbooks. House: Cultural and Hist. Resources Signed by the Governor
SB 4 68-2 (1984) Author: Jones, Grant Relating to the public school system, including administration, finance, personnel, students, and programs. No action taken
HB 1446 67-0 (1981) Author: Von Dohlen, Tim Relating to the provision of textbooks for nonpublic school students. House: Public Education Referred to Committee on Public Education
HCR 114 67-0 (1981) Author: Denton, Betty Requesting that obsolete textbooks be donated to Latin American countries. House: Public Education Referred to Committee on Public Education
SB 333 67-0 (1981) Author: Santiesteban, H.
Sponsor: Von Dohlen, Tim
Relating to the provision of textbooks for nonpublic school students. House: State Affairs
Senate: Education
Committee report printed and sent to Committee on Calendars
HB 1087 66-0 (1979) Author: Von Dohlen, Tim Relating to the provision of textbooks for nonpublic school students. House: Public Education Reported from subcommittee favorably without amendments
HB 2023 66-0 (1979) Author: Glossbrenner, Ernestine Relating to the date on which the commissioner of education recommends appointees to the state textbook committee. House: Public Education Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . . .
SB 307 66-0 (1979) Author: Santiesteban, H. Relating to the provision of textbooks for nonpublic school students. Senate: Education Coauthor authorized
SB 698 66-0 (1979) Author: Mengden, Walter Relating to the appointment of members to the State Textbook Committee. Senate: Education Referred to Committee on Education
SB 789 66-0 (1979) Author: Mauzy, Oscar
Sponsor: Glossbrenner, Ernestine
To change the day on which the commissioner of education shall recommend to the State Board of Education the names of persons for appointment to the state textbook committee to conform to the day of a State Board of Education meeting. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
SB 1305 66-0 (1979) Author: Snelson, W.E. "Pete" An Act providing for the development and implementation of a balanced adoption cycle for proclamation of needs for textbooks and other instructional materials. Senate: Education Referred to Committee on Education
HB 198 65-0 (1977) Author: Weddington, Sarah Relating to a sales and use tax exemption for printed matter and publications of public kindergartens and primary and secondary schools. House: Ways & Means Considered by committee in formal meeting
HB 428 65-0 (1977) Author: Uher, D.R. To aid and enhance instruction in secular courses taught by nonpublic schools by providing for textbooks to be furnished without cost to pupils attending nonpublic schools; defining nonpublic schools; providing for accreditation, certifying, or approving nonpublic schools; providing for a manner of requisitioning, acquisition, distributing, handling, and disposition of the textbooks; defining the title and custody of such textbooks; creating a Supplemental Textbook Fund; amending the Textbook Fund. House: Public Education Rules failed to suspend
HB 970 65-0 (1977) Author: Green, Gene Relating to requiring written statements from the commissioner of education and the State Board of Education giving the reasons for the removal of textbooks from the list of books recommended by the State Textbook Committee. House: Public Education Considered by committee in public hearing
HB 974 65-0 (1977) Author: Torres, Ruben M. Relating to the time for appointment of the State Textbook Committee and for adoption of textbooks. House: Public Education Laid on the table subject to call
HB 1448 65-0 (1977) Author: Delco, Wilhelmina
Sponsor: Mauzy, Oscar
Relating to the manufacture of braille materials. House: Social Services
Senate: Education
Effective in 90 days
HB 1910 65-0 (1977) Author: Jackson, Lee Relating to the definition of textbooks for public school students. House: Public Education Assigned to General State Calendar
SB 140 65-0 (1977) Author: Santiesteban, H. To aid and enhance instruction in secular courses taught by nonpublic schools by providing for textbooks to be furnished without cost to pupils attending nonpublic schools; defining nonpublic schools; providing for accreditation, certifying, or approving nonpublic schools; providing for a manner of requisitioning, acquisition, distributing, handling, and disposition of the textbooks; defining the title and custody of such textbooks; creating a Supplemental Textbook Fund; amending the Texas Education Code. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Committee on Public Education
SB 207 65-0 (1977) Author: Andujar, Betty Relating to the immunity from civil liability of witnesses in the process of school book selection ; providing a remedy for witnesses who are sued; and declaring an emergency. Senate: Jurisprudence Reported from committee favorably substituted
SB 430 65-0 (1977) Author: Hance, Kent Relating to requiring that each contract entered into between the State Board of Education and a textbook publisher contain a provision stating that the publisher will provide certain teacher training institutions with a free copy of each book covered by the contract. Senate: Education Referred to Committee on Education
SB 1036 65-0 (1977) Author: Mauzy, Oscar Relating to the manufacture of braille materials for certain entities. House: Social Services
Senate: Education
Referred to Committee on Social Services
SB 1037 65-0 (1977) Author: Mauzy, Oscar
Sponsor: Torres, Ruben M.
Relating to the time for appointment of the State Textbook Committee and to the time and notice thereof for the adoption of textboods by the State Board of Education. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
90 Day Bill
SB 1038 65-0 (1977) Author: Mauzy, Oscar Relating to the definition of textbooks for public school students. Senate: Education Referred to subcommittee
SB 1051 65-0 (1977) Author: Hance, Kent Relating to state adoption of certain instructional materials used in public schools. Senate: Education Referred to subcommittee
HB 3 65-1 (1977) Author: Coleman, Ronald Relating to public school education; relating to the length of the school year; relating to salaries of school personnel; relating to the operating cost allotment to school districts; relating to the allotment to school districts for transportation services; relating to the personnel unit allotments; relating to special education for handicapped children; relating to each school district's share of the foundation school program cost; relating to minimum foundation school program costs; relating to equalization aid for program enrichment; relating to property appraisals, assessment ratios, and tax rates of certain school districts; relating to the composition of the central Education Agency; relating to regional service centers; relating to the authority of school districts to charge fees. House: Public Education Posting rule suspended
SB 2 65-1 (1977) Author: Jones, Gene Relating to public school education; relating to the length of the school year; relating to salaries of school personnel; relating to the operating cost allotment to school districts; relating to the allotment to school districts for transportation services; relating to the personnel unit allotments; relating to special education for handicapped children; relating to each school district's share of the foundation school program cost; relating to minimum foundation school program costs; relating to equalization aid for program enrichment; relating to property appraisals, assessment ratios, and tax rates of certain school districts; relating to the composition of the Central Education Agency; relating to regional service centers; relating to the School Tax Assessment Practices Board; relating to the authority of school districts to charge fees; relating to textbooks; relating to educational television; and making an appropriation. Senate: Committee of the Whole Referred to Committee of the Whole Senate
HB 388 64-0 (1975) Author: Coody, Bill
Sponsor: Mauzy, Oscar
Relating to the availability of discontinued textbooks for use in city and county jail libraries, institutions within the Department of Corrections, and other state agency institutions. House: Public Education Effective immediately
HB 479 64-0 (1975) Author: Wieting, Leroy J. Relating to the approval of certain school textbooks which contain material regarding the origins or creation of man and the world. House: Public Education Referred to Committee on Public Education
HB 907 64-0 (1975) Author: Korioth, A.J. "Al" Relating to the disposal of textbooks discontinued for use in the public schools of the State of Texas. House: Public Education Referred to Committee on Public Education
HB 1020 64-0 (1975) Author: Uher, D.R. To aid and enhance instruction in secular courses taught by nonpublic schools by providing for textbooks to be furnished without cost to pupils attending nonpublic schools; defining nonpublic schools; providing for accreditation, certifying, or approving nonpublic schools; providing for a manner of requisitioning, acquisition, distributing, handling, and disposition of the textbooks; defining the title and custody of such textbooks; creating a Supplemental Textbook Fund. House: Public Education Referred to subcommittee
HB 1034 64-0 (1975) Author: McAlister, R.B. Relating to the definition of textbooks for public school students. House: Public Education Referred to Committee on Public Education
HB 1224 64-0 (1975) Author: Slay, Chester Relating to the immunity of witnesses in the process of the school book selection from civil liability; providing a remedy for witnesses who are sued. House: Judiciary Reported from committee favorably with amendments
HB 1306 64-0 (1975) Author: Presnal, Bill Providing an emergency appropriation to the State Board of Education; setting a limit on expenditures. House: Appropriations Message from the Governor
SB 415 64-0 (1975) Author: Andujar, Betty Relating to the immunity of witnesses in the process of school book selection from civil liability when the testimony followed the statutory and administratve guidelines of the State board of Education; providing for a remedy for witnesses who are sued. House: Judiciary
Senate: Jurisprudence
Reported from committee favorably with amendments
SB 463 64-0 (1975) Author: Santiesteban, H. To aid and enhance instruction in secular courses taught by nonpublic schools by providing for textbooks to be furnished without cost to pupils attending nonpublic schools; defining nonpublic schools; providing for accreditation, certifying, or approving nonpublic schools; providing for a manner of requisitioning, acquisition, distributing, handling, and disposition of the textbooks; defining the title and custody of such textbooks; creating a Supplemental Textbook Fund. Senate: Education Referred to Committee on Education
SB 474 64-0 (1975) Author: Hance, Kent Relating to the definition of textbooks for public school students. Senate: Education Referred to Committee on Education
SB 818 64-0 (1975) Author: Mauzy, Oscar Relating to the definition of textbooks as provided for in Chapter 12 of the Texas Education Code. Senate: Education Referred to subcommittee
SB 899 64-0 (1975) Author: Mauzy, Oscar Relating to the definition of textbooks as provided for in Chapter 12 of the Texas Education Code. Senate: Education Reported from committee favorably with amendments
SB 1000 64-0 (1975) Author: Hance, Kent Relating to requiring that each contract entered into between the State Board of Education and a textbook publisher contain a provision stating that the publisher will provide certain teacher training institutions with a free copy of each book covered by the contract. Senate: Education Referred to Committee on Education
HB 960 63-0 (1973) Author: Korioth, A.J. "Al" Relating to the disposal of textbooks discontinued for use in the public schools of the State of Texas. House: Education Subcommittee hearing date
HB 1164 63-0 (1973) Author: Kubiak, Dan Relating to the provision of free textbooks in certain state-approved courses. House: Education Sent to Calendar Committee
HB 1246 63-0 (1973) Author: McDonald, Felix Relating to the definition of textbooks as provided for in Chapter 12 of the Texas Education Code. House: Education Reported favorably
HB 1661 63-0 (1973) Author: Kubiak, Dan Relating to textbooks and other teaching materials for kindergarten pupils; amending Subsections (a), (b), and (g), Section 12.04, Texas Education Code; and declaring an emergency. House: Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Committee on Education
HB 1729 63-0 (1973) Author: Wieting, Leroy J. Relating to the approval of cerain school textbooks which contain material regarding the origins or creation of man and the world; amending Chapter 12, Texas Education Code, by adding a Section 12.241; and declaring an emergency. House: Education Sent to Calendar Committee
HCR 127 63-0 (1973) Author: Hanna, Joe
Sponsor: Creighton, Tom
Requesting State Board of Education and Textbook Committee to study means of reducing cost of textbooks. House: Education
Senate: Administration
Filed without Governor's signature
SB 342 63-0 (1973) Author: Mengden, Walter Relating to textbooks for use in the public schools of the state. Senate: Education Referred to Committee on Education
SB 635 63-0 (1973) Author: Mengden, Walter To amend Section 12.03 of the Texas Education code. Senate: Education Referred to Committee on Education
SB 677 63-0 (1973) Author: Mengden, Walter Relating to textbooks for blind and visually handicapped children attending private, non-profit schools. Senate: Education Reported favorably
SB 692 63-0 (1973) Author: Ogg, Jack
Sponsor: Kubiak, Dan
Relating to the provision of free textbooks in certain state-approved courses. House: Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 328 62-0 (1971) Author: Jungmichel, Charles Relating to extending the provisions of Section 2.08, Texas Education Code, to any employee of any textbook publishing company selling textbooks in Texas or to any person receiving any payments of money from any such companies.
HB 779 62-0 (1971) Author: Traeger, John Relating to textbooks for children enrolled in kindergarten classes in the public schools of the state.
HB 834 62-0 (1971) Author: Mengden, Walter Relating to textbooks for use in the public schools of the state.
HB 1019 62-0 (1971) Author: Blanton, Jack | et. al.
Sponsor: Mauzy, Oscar
Relating to concerning the location and/or change of textbook depository(ies) and the approval thereof by the State Board of Education as the shipping point for a textbooks supply.
HB 1467 62-0 (1971) Author: Blythe, W.J. "Bill" Relating to the selection of textbooks by the state board of education and by local school districts.
HR 153 62-0 (1971) Author: Blythe, W.J. "Bill" Concerning changes in certain textbooks.
SB 437 62-0 (1971)
Sponsor: Traeger, John
Relating to textbooks for children enrolled in kindergarten classes in the public schools of the State.
HB 291 61-0 (1969) Author: Graves, Curtis M. | et. al. Relating to providing for a selection of public school history textbooks which forthrightly and objectively portray the role of the American Negro and other minority groups.
HB 1047 61-0 (1969) Author: Reed, Ewell Richard "Dick" Relating to regulations by school districts concerning textbooks.
HB 1181 61-0 (1969) Author: Hale, L. DeWitt Relating to revising the provisions pertaining to the public school textbook and educational materials program.
SB 251 61-0 (1969) Author: Mauzy, Oscar Relating to regulations by school districts concerning textbooks.
SB 477 61-0 (1969) Author: Schwartz, A.R. "Babe" | et. al. Relating to revising the provisions pertaining to the public school textbook and educational materials program.
HB 683 60-0 (1967) Author: Graves, Curtis M. | et. al. Relating to providing for a selection of public school history textbooks which forthrightly and objectively portray the role of the American Negro and other minority groups.
HB 187 59-0 (1965) Author: Floyd, Jr., Paul W. Relating to authorizing the State Board of Education to supply equipment and tangible apparatus to blind scholastics.
SB 35 59-0 (1965) Author: Cole, Criss Relating to authorizing the State Board of Education to supply free textbooks to blind and visually handicapped scholastics.
HB 218 58-0 (1963) Author: Wilson, Charles N. "Charlie" | et. al. Relating to making the costs of the free textbook program a prior claim on the Available School Fund; providing an effective date.
HB 499 58-0 (1963) Author: Ligarde, Honore | et. al. Relating to providing a formula for distribution of textbooks on the subject of Homemaking in certain grades.
HB 853 58-0 (1963) Author: Cowles, L. Nelson | et. al. Relating to establishing a calendar for state textbook selection, which shall be adhered to by the State Textbook Committee, the State Board of Education, the Commissioner of Education, and the Texas Education Agency.
SB 115 58-0 (1963) Author: Parkhouse, George M. Relating to making the costs of the free textbook program a prior claim on the Available School Fund; providing an effective date.
SB 169 58-0 (1963) Author: Kazen, Jr., Abraham "Chick" Relating to providing a formula for distribution of textbooks on the subject of Homemaking in certain grades.
HB 70 57-0 (1961) Author: Preston, George L. Relating to amending a certain Statute providing a formula distribution of textbooks on the subject of agriculture to certain grades.
SB 98 57-0 (1961) Author: Herring, Charles Relating to amending a certain Statute providing a formula for distribution of textbooks on the subject of agriculture to certain grades.
HB 149 56-0 (1959) Author: Cowen, Warren C. "Red" | et. al. Relating to amending certain statutes so as to provide that the State Board of Education shall select and adopt a uniform list of textbooks on certain subjects to be used in all elementary grades of the public free schools.
SB 226 56-0 (1959) Author: Secrest, Jarrard Relating to authorizing the State Board of Education to acquire, purchase and contract for books published in Large Type as well as Braille recommended as suitable for use as textbooks for the education of the blind scholastics in the public school systems of Texas.
SB 271 56-0 (1959) Author: Secrest, Jarrard Relating to amending certain acts to require the State Board of Education to provide multiple list of textbooks, including journalism, in high school grades.
HB 253 55-0 (1957) Author: Blanchard, H.J. "Doc" | et. al. Relating to amending certain Statutes so as to permit common school districts and/or common consolidated school districts with a scholastic population of three hundred (300) or more to requisition textbooks in the same manner as city and town superintendents.
SB 255 55-0 (1957) Author: Smith, Preston Earnest Relating to the prescribed Studies of the Texas Public Schools; removing exemptions provided for certain children whose religious beliefs are in conflict with certain prescribed courses.
SB 456 55-0 (1957) Author: Kazen, Jr., Abraham "Chick" | et. al. Relating to authorizing the State Board of Education to acquire, purchase and contract for books published in Braille recommended as suitable for use as textbooks for the education of the blind scholastics in the public school systems of Texas, pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by the State Board.
HB 96 54-0 (1955) Author: Bell, Marshall O. Relating to authorizing the State Board of Education to contract for the rebinding and rehabilitation of free textbooks used in the free public school system of Texas; prescribing the procedure for calling of bids and the awarding of contracts on all such books or designated classifications of same; providing for a bidder's bond; providing for a performance bond by each successful bidder; requiring approval of such contracts.
HB 585 54-0 (1955) Author: Kennard, Don | et. al. Relating to amending certain Statutes to provide that Common School Districts with a scholastic population of 2,500 or more may elect to have their textbooks requisitioned and distributed in the same manner as applies to city and town superintendents.
SB 50 54-0 (1955) Author: Latimer, Oswald E. "Ozzie" Relating to authorizing the State Board of Education to contract for the rebinding and rehabilitation of free textbooks used in the free pubic school system of Texas; prescribing the procedure for calling of bids and the awarding of contracts on all such books or designated classifications of same; providing for a bidder's bond; providing for a performance bond by each successful bidder; requiring approval of such contracts in compliance with Article XVI, Section 21, Constitution of Texas; providing the Attorney General shall prepare the contract form(s), and when requested by the State Board of Education, shall file suit against any such contractor for breach of contract; providing for the preparation and availability of specifications and stipulations to constitute a part of the contract by incorporation or copy attachment; providing textbooks may be restored for use and rehabilitated by and under the supervisions of the Texas Education Agency when the same do not need rebinding; providing authority heretofore existing and recognized in the State Board of Control to execute such contracts shall be superseded by the authority granted herein to the State Board of Education.
SB 249 54-0 (1955) Author: Willis, Doyle Relating to amending certain Statutes so as to permit common school districts with a scholastic population of 2500 or more to requisition textbooks in the same manner as city and town superintendents.
HB 305 53-0 (1953) Author: Bradshaw, Floyd Francis | et. al. Relating to amending certain Statutes by reducing the amount of performance bond to be carried by local school districts covering textbooks assigned to them; providing for amount of contractor's bonds.
HB 566 53-0 (1953) Author: Bell, Marshall O. | et. al. Relating to making it unlawful to use or keep or allow to be used or kept in any public school or State supported institution of higher learning certain types of books, or other publications or literature which seek to discredit or reflect on the American form of government or way of life, or which are written by persons with communist or subversive connections or background and are not so identified by certain printing and labeling; providing for complaints, investigations, determinations, orders, penalties, and forfeitures in connection with violations.
HB 576 53-0 (1953) Author: Johnson, J. Pearce | et. al. Relating to prescribing what labels shall be printed in textbooks.
SB 152 53-0 (1953) Author: Aikin, Jr., A.M. Relating to amending certain Statutes by reducing the amount of performance bond to be carried by local school districts covering textbooks assigned to them.
SB 177 53-0 (1953) Author: Lock, Ottis E. Relating to amending certain Statutes by reducing the amount of bond to be executed by contractors for textbooks.
SB 230 53-0 (1953) Author: Russell, Joe Relating to prescribing what labels shall be printed in textbooks.
HB 147 53-1 (1954) Author: Pyle, Joe Relating to authorizing the State of Texas to raise funds through a medium of advertising in textbooks which are State-owned; to use the money earned and saved by and through said advertising to purchase text books, school library books, school supplies and other library books bought and paid for by the State; for payment of teachers' salaries, for rehabilitation of delinquents, for buildings, furnishings and materials and supplies needed for research in incurable diseases of children, to aid children with incurable diseases, and for all costs pertaining to the carrying out of this Act; to manufacture book covers containing advertising; to use therefor prison labor from the State Penitentiary; to print advertising on designated State-purchased, State-used and distributed supplies; to provide for rebinding of all State-owned books by prison labor.
HB 148 53-1 (1954) Author: Pyle, Joe Relating to authorizing the State of Texas to require all books for public use to be covered and that all books which are issued to the public, public library books, rental library books, school library books as well as the school text books which are now covered by requirement, college library books, university library books, and private and parochial school library books, and any and all books which are to be used by and reissued to the public shall be covered; fixing a penalty.
HB 149 53-1 (1954) Author: Pyle, Joe Relating to amending certain Statutes so as to provide a change in the practice of removing book covers before each reissue; authorizing the use of plastic or comparable material on text book covers, library book covers and covers for other books issued to the public and requiring their removal at the close of each fourth (4th) semester of use.
SB 386 52-0 (1951) Author: Bullock, Pat M. Relating to authorizing the State Board of Education to combine subjects on recommendation of the State Textbook Committee and the State Commissioner of Education and to adopt text books for such combined subjects, and providing the manner and method therefor.
HB 306 51-0 (1949) Author: Tippen, William K. "Bill" | et. al. Relating to amending a previous Act, providing for a multiple list of free textbooks in the elementary grades in specified subjects; providing for a multiple list of free textbooks in high school grades for certain subjects, providing for the addition of subjects in the elementary and high school grades for which free textbooks are to be supplied and the conditions under which such books are to be added to the list of free textbooks, authorizing the State Board of Education to prescribe specific rules under which such books are to be selected, introduced, and used in local school systems, providing that existing contracts may not be affected by adoptions under this Act.
HB 844 51-0 (1949) Author: Johnson, J. Pearce Relating to amending a previous Act, to reduce the amount of contractor's bond, relating to textbooks.
SB 37 51-0 (1949) Author: Proffer, Robert L. "Bob" Relating to amending a previous Act, providing for multiple list of free textbooks in public schools.
HB 107 50-0 (1947) Author: Isaacks, Samuel Jackson "Sam" Relating to creating the "Texas Textbook Committee"; providing for penalty for violation of terms of Act; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict; providing that any partial invalidity of this Act shall not affect other parts hereof.
HB 402 50-0 (1947) Author: Moore, Grady Relating to amending a previous Act, to provide for the appointment, approval, qualifications and term of office for members of the State Textbook Committee; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act; providing that any partial invalidity of this Act shall not affect other parts thereof.
HB 528 50-0 (1947) Author: Blount, Ralph E. "Peppy" | et. al. Relating to amending a previous Act, providing for the adoption of textbooks for use in the public schools of the State; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith; providing that any partial invalidity of the Act shall not affect the other other parts hereof.
HB 757 50-0 (1947) Author: Hanna, Sam C. | et. al. Relating to amending a previous Act, to provide that purchase and distribution of free textbooks shall be under the management of the State Board of Education; to provide for the abolishment of the Textbook Division in the State Department of Education; repealing conflicting laws.
HB 837 50-0 (1947) Author: Wright, Jr., James Claude "Jim" Relating to creating the "Texas Textbook Committee"; providing for penalty for violation of terms of Ac; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict; providing that any partial invalidity of this Act shall not affect other parts hereof.
SB 158 50-0 (1947) Author: Bullock, Pat M. | et. al. Relating to amending a previous Act, providing that the Textbook Division in the Board of Education shall maintain a depository for all uniform textbooks used in the public schools of this State in the City of Austin.
SB 215 50-0 (1947) Author: Proffer, Robert L. "Bob" Relating to amending a previous Act, providing for the adoption of textbooks for use in the public schools of the state on the subject of driver education and safety; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith; providing that any partial invalidity of this Act
HB 24 49-0 (1945) Author: Duckett, LaFayette L. Relating to amending certain Acts by authorizing, empowering and directing the State Board of Education to adopt, purchase and distribute free text-books for the teaching of the Spanish language, and not exceeding three (3) supplemental books in Spanish for use in designated grades or sections of grades in elementary schools.
HB 25 49-0 (1945) Author: Isaacks, Samuel Jackson "Sam" Relating to creating the "Texas State Textbook Committee"; providing for the qualifications and terms of office for the members.
HB 329 49-0 (1945) Author: Evans, Roger Q. Relating to amending certain Statutes by providing that textbook custodians shall make surety bonds to cover their liability as custodians of State property.
HB 353 49-0 (1945) Author: Isaacks, Samuel Jackson "Sam" Relating to amending certain Statutes by providing that some member or employee of each District Board of Trustees enter into a bond in the sum of fifty per cent (50%) of the value of books consigned to such board.
HB 454 49-0 (1945) Author: Lock, Ottis E. Relating to amending certain Statutes so as to change the date for holding the annual meeting for continuing or discontinuing textbooks in current use and making new adoptions.
HB 493 49-0 (1945) Author: Evans, Roger Q. Relating to amending certain Statutes by reducing the amount of interest to be paid on textbook accounts if payment is delayed more than ninety days from date of delivery.
HB 576 49-0 (1945) Author: Favors, Ennis Relating to creating the "Texas State Textbook Committee" providing the qualifications and terms of office for the members of said Committee; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict.
SB 4 49-0 (1945) Author: Metcalfe, Penrose B. | et. al. Relating to amending statute relative to the purchase and distribution of free textbooks.
SB 148 49-0 (1945) Author: Crawford, A. B. Relating to amending certain Acts by increasing the membership of the Textbook Committee.
SB 265 49-0 (1945) Author: Knight, Roger A. Relating to creating the "Texas State Textbook Committee", providing the qualifications and terms of office for the members of said Committee, providing for meetings of said Committee, establishing and creating the duties of said Committee, providing for adoption of multiple lists of textbooks, etc.; providing for penalty for violation of terms of Act; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict.
SB 328 49-0 (1945) Author: Graves, William Carey "Will (Bill)" | et. al. Relating to amending certain Acts authorizing the State Board of Education to purchase text books and recorded Spanish exercises for teaching the Spanish language in such grades or sections of grades as may be designated by Board of Trustees in Independent and Common School Districts of the state.
HB 51 48-0 (1943) Author: Evans, Roger Q. Relating to placing additional duties upon the State Board of Education and the Textbook Committee with reference to preferential treatment of textbooks and teachers' manuals wholly or partly manufactured in Texas; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act.
HB 96 48-0 (1943) Author: Bridgers, William W. "Billy" | et. al. Relating to placing additional duties upon the State Board of Education and the Textbook Committee with reference to preferential treatment of textbooks and teachers' manuals wholly or partly manufactured in Texas.
HB 287 48-0 (1943) Author: Humphrey, Joe C. Relating to amending certain article of the Revised Civil Statutes in regard to the adoption of textbook on Journalism.
HB 329 48-0 (1943) Author: Isaacks, Samuel Jackson "Sam" Relating to creating the "Texas State Textbook Committee" providing the qualifications and terms of office for the members of said Committee, providing for meetings of said Committee, establishing and creating the duties of said Committee, providing for adoption of multiple lists of textbooks for use in the public schools of the State, providing for the selection and purchase of textbooks from the adopted multiple lists by proper school authorities, providing for the compensation of the members of said committee, providing for penalty for violation of terms of Act, repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict.
HB 351 48-0 (1943) Author: Carlton, William Leonard "Leonard" | et. al. Relating to granting the State Board of Education authority to adopt books in sets or series from suitable for use as supplementary readers and/or reference books or textbooks covering science, biology and related scientific subjects, such books to be of such form, composition and content to be suitable for use as textbooks, in junior and senior high schools.
HJR 14 48-0 (1943) Author: Spacek, Rudolph B. | et. al. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas to provide free textbooks for children of scholastic age attending any private, church, parochial school or academy, or any orphan asylum in Texas, at the election of such schools to use such textbooks.
SB 41 48-0 (1943) Author: Moffett, George Clarence "Cotton" Relating to repealing certain Acts authorizing the State Board of Education to adopt a multiple list of not fewer than three nor more than five textbooks for use in the last two grades in the public high schools in teaching certain subjects.
SB 141 48-0 (1943) Author: York, Joseph Alton Relating to amending certain Acts by providing a change in the powers and duties of the State Board of Education regarding the letting of contracts for text books and setting a maximum amount per scholastic to be spent for textbooks providing that the Textbook Committee shall make recommendations and that all contracts of purchase of textbooks shall be approved by the State Board of Control.
SB 168 48-0 (1943) Author: Metcalfe, Penrose B. | et. al. Relating to amending certain Statutes by providing the number of employees in the textbook division shall never exceed the number fixed in the departmental appropriation bill.
SB 186 48-0 (1943) Author: Lovelady, Karl L. | et. al. Relating to granting the State Board of Education Authority to adopt books in sets or series form suitable for use as supplementary readers and/or reference books or textbooks covering science, biology and related scientific subjects such books to be of such form, composition and content to be suitable for use as textbooks in Junior and Senior High Schools.
HB 55 47-0 (1941) Author: Bridgers, William W. "Billy" Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; filing of bids for furnishing of textbooks to the State.
HB 206 47-0 (1941) Author: Bridgers, William W. "Billy" | et. al. Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing for textbooks for use in teaching the German and Czech languages, and to add thereto a provision for textbooks for the teaching of the Spanish language.
HB 240 47-0 (1941) Author: Bullock, Pat M. | et. al. Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that the Textbook Commission shall make a multiple list of textbooks available to all public free schools; providing a list of subjects on which multiple textbooks shall be chosen.
HB 312 47-0 (1941) Author: Hutchinson, Everett C. | et. al. Relating to amending the Revised Civil Statutes relative to providing for a uniform free textbook system.
HB 743 47-0 (1941) Author: Humphrey, Joe C. Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes authorizing the Textbook Commission to select and adopt a uniform system of textbooks to be used in the public free school of Texas.
HJR 7 47-0 (1941) Author: Spacek, Rudolph B. | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide free textbooks for children of scholastic age attending any church or parochial school or academy, or any orphan asylum in Texas, at the election of such schools to use such textbooks; providing for an election to vote on the proposed Amendment.
SB 67 47-0 (1941) Author: Moore, Weaver Relating to giving to the Board of Trustees of Independent and Common School Districts the power to designate certain grades above the second grade in certain elementary schools in their respective School Districts in which the teaching of the Spanish language may be a part of the curriculum.
SB 298 47-0 (1941) Author: Smith, John Lee Relating to creating the "Texas State Textbook Committee," providing the qualifications and terms of office for the members, and providing for the adoption of multiple lists of textbooks for use in public schools of the State; providing for penalty for violation of terms of Act.
SJR 4 47-0 (1941) Author: Sulak, Louis J. | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment permitting the furnishing of State official text books free to every child of scholastic age, attending any school within the state.
HB 265 46-0 (1939) Author: Brown, Henry Turner Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing for the limitation of the amount that may be expended in the purchase and distribution of free text books for the use of the pupils of this state.
HB 346 46-0 (1939) Author: Brown, R. Lee Relating to promoting the industrialization of Texas, to economize in payment for text books, and to secure texts better suited to the needs of Texas schools by providing for the submission to the State Board of Education.
HB 775 46-0 (1939) Author: Lock, Ottis E. | et. al. Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; empowering the State Board of Education to adopt a list of textbooks for the high school subjects now on the accredited list for which no textbooks are furnished.
HB 962 46-0 (1939) Author: Baker, H. Cecil | et. al. Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing for a uniform free textbook system.
HB 1136 46-0 (1939) Author: Baker, H. Cecil | et. al. Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; the Textbook Commission; providing that the Commission shall have authority to adopt supplementary readers for the first seven grades.
HJR 35 46-0 (1939) Author: Bell, John Junior | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to permit the furnishing of State official textbooks free to every child of scholastic age attending any school within the State.
SB 182 46-0 (1939) Author: Van Zandt, Olan Rogers Relating to amending a certain Statute relating to providing that the Board of Education shall have exclusive control of books and clerical force administering the free book law.
SB 285 46-0 (1939) Author: Pace, Will D. Relating to amending a certain Act by empowering the State Board of Education to adopt for use in the public schools a multiple list of textbooks for certain subjects, by vote of at least six of its members.
HB 87 45-0 (1937) Author: Blankenship, Dallas A. Relating to amending a certain Chapter of the Acts of the 41st Legislature (R.S.); empowering the State Textbook Commission to adopt a multiple list of textbooks in German, Czech, and French languages for use in high schools.
HB 4 44-0 (1935) Author: Shofner, William Algee "Son" | et. al. Relating to amending a certain Act of the Acts of the 41st Legislature (R.S.); empowering the State Textbook Commission to adopt certain textbooks for use in high schools.
SB 141 44-0 (1935) Author: Small, Sr., Charles Clinton "Clint" Relating to prohibiting any person interested in the publication of textbooks or in selling the same to be used in the public schools of this State from being eligible to hold certain positions in the public schools in this State.
HB 4 42-0 (1931) Author: Keller, Jack Relating to amending certain Acts relating to the powers and duties of the State Board of Education.
HB 197 42-0 (1931) Author: Hardy, Bailey Whitson Relating to making it unlawful for any teacher, instructor or professor in the public schools to require any student to purchase for class any other text book than the text book prescribed or adopted for study in that school; providing a penalty.
SB 538 42-0 (1931) Author: Greer, Julian Preston Relating to providing free textbooks for cities of ten thousand or over according to the last preceding U.S. census.
HB 90 41-0 (1929) Author: Harper, James W. | et. al. Relating to making it unlawful for any teacher, or other instructor, in any university, college, normal, public school or other educational institution of this State, which is supported in whole or in part from public funds derived by State or local taxation, to teach as a fact that mankind evolved from a lower order of animals; providing penalties. House: Education
HB 108 41-0 (1929) Author: Cox, Ernest C. Relating to courses of instruction in schools, colleges, universities and other Educational Institutions of the State of Texas. House: Education
HB 253 41-0 (1929) Author: Anderson, Preston Louis | et. al. Relating to empowering the State Text Book Commission to adopt a multiple list of text books in German for use in high schools and also other high school texts on such other subjects for use in junior high schools as may be determined by a seven-ninths vote of said Commission. House: Education
HB 680 41-0 (1929) Author: Hefley, Sam | et. al. Relating to requiring text book companies to establish and maintain a depository in the city of Austin, Texas for their goods to supply immediate demands.
HB 41 41-5 (1930) Author: Graves, William Thomas Relating to imposing a gross receipt tax upon certain individuals, companies, corporations or associations, whether incorporated under the laws of this State or Nation, engaged in publishing, printing or selling textbooks as used or will be used in the schools of this State, or owning, controlling or managing any such business within the State for the purpose of selling any such books to be used in any of the school in this State, requiring quarterly reports each year under oath of the individual, president or treasurer of such company, corporation or association, showing gross amount received from any such business done within this State during the quarter next preceding.
HB 5 40-0 (1927) Author: Harman, William Murdock Relating to fixing an ad valorem school tax to be used for purchase and distribution of free textbooks.
HB 189 40-0 (1927) Author: Brown, Henry Turner Relating to the creation of the Free Textbook Commission and defining its powers.
HB 269 40-0 (1927) Author: Young, Dewey Relating to amending certain Articles by providing that in contracting for books to be used in the public schools of the state preference is to be given to Texas authors and publishers.
HB 369 40-0 (1927) Author: Anderson, Preston Louis | et. al. Relating to amending Article 2843, Title 49, Chapter 16 of the Revised Civil Statutes, relating to the uniform system of the Textbook Commission.
HB 615 40-0 (1927) Author: Brown, Henry Turner Relating to providing for a permanent text book commission for the State of Texas.
HJR 13 40-0 (1927) Author: Anderson, Preston Louis Proposing an amendment giving to the Legislature power and authority to publish or print or have published or printed all books furnished to and used by the public schools of Texas; making an appropriation therefore.
SB 35 40-0 (1927) Author: Witt, Edgar E. | et. al. Relating to the creation of the Free Textbook Commission and defining its powers, now constituting Articles 2843 and 2860 of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925.
SB 95 40-0 (1927) Author: Woodward, Walter Calisto Relating to the erection of the Texas State Textbook Commission, the appointment of members thereof, the date and place of meetings, the qualification of the members, and providing for the installation and keeping in operation of a complete system of textbooks in all public free schools of the State of Texas.
SB 258 40-0 (1927) Author: Witt, Edgar E. Relating to free textbooks for the public free schools of this State; providing for the setting aside of funds for free textbooks used in the public free schools of this State.
SJR 13 40-0 (1927) Author: Moore, Joseph M. "Joe" Proposing an amendment relating to taxation for free public school purposes and the distribution thereof, and providing free text books for certain scholastics.
HB 49 40-1 (1927) Author: Fly, William Madden | et. al. Relating to free textbooks for the public free schools of this State; providing for the setting aside of funds for free textbooks used in the public free schools of this State.
SB 42 40-1 (1927) Author: Witt, Edgar E. | et. al. Relating to free textbooks for the public free schools of this State; providing for the setting aside of funds for free textbooks used in the public free schools of this State.
SB 69 40-1 (1927) Author: Bowers, Richard Saffarrans | et. al. Relating to fixing the maximum portion of the ad valorem school tax to be used for the purchase and distribution of free text books.
SB 93 40-1 (1927) Author: Love, Thomas Bell Relating to requiring the teaching of American ideals and intelligent patriotism in the public schools of Texas with special reference to obedience to law and to law enforcement, authorizing the State Textbook Commission to adopt a suitable textbook for giving instruction; requiring the purchase by local school boards of suitable United States flags.
HB 101 39-0 (1925) Author: Laird, John W. | et. al. Relating to creating a permanent Textbook Commission for the State of Texas, to be styled "The Texas State Textbook Commission," defining its membership and appointment; fixing a penalty for a violation of the Act. House: Education
HB 107 39-0 (1925) Author: Laird, John W. Relating to fixing a maximum portion of the thirty-five cents ad valorem school tax to be used for purchase and distribution of free text books. House: Education
HB 211 39-0 (1925) Author: Graves, William Thomas | et. al. Relating to forbidding teachers and superintendents of public schools to be interested in the sale of textbooks. House: Education
HB 506 39-0 (1925) Author: Laird, John W. Relating to continuing until August 1, 1927, the of all free text-books in use in the schools in December 1, 1924. House: Education
SB 225 39-0 (1925) Author: Witt, Edgar E. Relating to amending certain statute providing for a uniform system of textbooks. Senate: Educational Affairs
SB 229 39-0 (1925) Author: Floyd, Charles Richard Relating to amending certain Act creating a permanent Textbook Commission for the State of Texas. Senate: Educational Affairs
SJR 5 39-0 (1925) Author: Moore, Joseph M. "Joe" Proposing an amendment relating to taxation for free public school purposes and the distribution thereof, and providing free text books for certain scholastics. Senate: Constitutional Amendments
SJR 17 39-0 (1925) Author: Wirtz, Alvin Jacob | et. al. Proposing an amendment eliminating the provision that the State Board of Education shall set aside a sufficient amount out of the State Taxes to provide for free text books for the use of public schools; providing that the Commissioners' Courts of the several counties may provide free text books. Senate: Constitutional Amendments
HB 347 39-1 (1926) Author: Hall, James W. Relating to amending certain statute by providing for the extension of text book contracts. House: Education
HB 168 38-0 (1923) Author: Pope, Walter Elmer "Uncle Elmer" | et. al. Relating to creating a permanent Textbook Commission for the State of Texas.
HB 169 38-0 (1923) Author: Pope, Walter Elmer "Uncle Elmer" | et. al. Relating to providing for the purchase and distribution by the State of free textbooks to the public school children of the State of Texas.
HB 371 38-0 (1923) Author: Chitwood, Richard Mortimer Relating to forbidding trustees and teachers to be interested in the sale of textbooks.
HB 640 38-0 (1923) Author: Chitwood, Richard Mortimer Relating to amending certain law relating to the use of adopted textbooks in the public free schools of this State.
HB 641 38-0 (1923) Author: Chitwood, Richard Mortimer Relating to amending certain law providing for the setting apart of an amount sufficient to purchase and distribute the necessary school books for the use of the public free schools of this State.
HB 680 38-0 (1923) Author: Bell, Holland E. | et. al. Relating to authorizing all those persons, firms, corporations or associations of persons, who were awarded contracts to furnish text books to the State of Texas for use in the public schools of the State of Texas by the Texas State Textbook Commission at a meeting held by said commission in December, 1922, to bring suit in any district court of Travis county, Texas, against the State of Texas for the purpose of determining the legality of said contracts.
HJR 8 38-0 (1923) Author: LeStourgeon, Edward Guy Proposing an amendment to Article 16 of the Constitution of the State of Texas, giving the Legislature power and authority to publish or print or have published or printed all book furnished to and used by the public schools of Texas.
SB 251 38-0 (1923) Author: Floyd, Charles Richard Relating to amending certain law forbidding trustees or teachers to be interested in the sale of textbooks.
SB 291 38-0 (1923) Author: Pollard, Sr., Tomas (Thomas) Glover Relating to providing for the payment of a gross receipts tax by all persons, companies, corporations and associations of persons engaged in publishing, printing and selling text books used in the schools of this State.
SB 293 38-0 (1923) Author: Clark, Isaac Edgar Relating to repealing all statutes passed by the Legislature of the State of Texas authorizing and providing for the furnishing of free textbooks or textbooks purchased out of public funds to school children.
SJR 1 38-0 (1923) Author: Davis, John Relating to amending an article of the Constitution of Texas by adding thereto a new section giving to the Legislature power and authority to publish or print or have published or printed all books furnished to and used by the public schools of Texas.
SJR 17 38-0 (1923) Author: Clark, Isaac Edgar Relating to proposing an amendment to Section 3, Article 7 of the Constitution of Texas, repealing the constitutional provision authorizing the State Board of Education to set aside funds to provide free textbooks for the use of children attending the public free schools of this State.
SJR 20 38-0 (1923) Author: Doyle, William Elliott Relating to providing for revenue for the support of the public schools; providing for the levying and collecting, in addition to the above, ad valorem State tax not to exceed thirty-five cents on the one hundred ($100.00) dollars valuation.
HB 51 38-2 (1923) Author: Pope, Walter Elmer "Uncle Elmer" Relating to amending certain law providing for the purchase and distribution by the State of free textbooks to the public school children of the State of Texas so as to prevent the unlawful expenditure of the State Textbook Fund and inhibit the unlawful purchase of unnecessary free textbooks.
HB 194 37-0 (1921) Author: Darroch, John C. | et. al. Relating to a certain Act regarding the apportion funds for purchase of books for public schools.
HB 302 37-0 (1921) Author: Thomason, William Edgar | et. al. Relating to amending the law relating to free text books.
HB 556 37-0 (1921) Author: Thomason, William Edgar | et. al. Relating to amend a certain Act securing greater efficiency in the distribution, etc., of uniform text books.
HB 567 37-0 (1921) Author: Greer, Julian Preston Relating to amend a certain Act regarding the free text book law.
SB 130 37-0 (1921) Author: Witt, Edgar E. | et. al. Relating to amending the present textbook laws for the purpose of securing greater efficiency in uniform text book adoptions, distribution, etc.
SB 301 37-0 (1921) Author: Clark, Isaac Edgar Relating to proposing the repeal of the free textbook law of the State.
HB 124 37-1 (1921) Author: Melson, John McCullough Relating to making it possible for the State Text Book Commission to renew contracts wherever advantageous to the interest of the State and to grant to the said Commission the power to take such action in the adoption of textbooks for the public schools as may be necessary in the interests of economy and of an efficient school system.
SB 54 37-1 (1921) Author: Darwin, Henry Lewis Relating to providing for the renewing of the contract for the purchase of State textbooks.
HB 7 37-2 (1921) Author: Pope, Walter Elmer "Uncle Elmer" Relating to amending the law relating to free textbooks for public schools.
HB 11 36-0 (1919) Author: Nordhaus, Eugene S. | et. al. Relating to providing free text-books for public school children.
HB 122 36-0 (1919) Author: Davis, John Relating to amending certain acts in order to carry out the provisions of Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Texas, providing free textbooks for the use of children attending the public free schools of the State; authorizing and empowering the State Board of Education to set aside a sufficient amount out of the revenues derives from state taxation, set apart annually for the benefit of the public free schools.
HB 166 36-0 (1919) Author: Nordhaus, Eugene S. | et. al. Relating to authorizing the Board of Education of the State and of counties, cities, local systems, separate school districts, and district agricultural, vocational or training schools to adopt school books, other than the regular basal elementary school books provided for by the uniform textbook law, from an approved list issued by the State Board of Education, and to purchase all school books and sell, rent or furnish them free to pupils; providing punishment and penalties for the violation of this Act.
HB 197 36-0 (1919) Author: Davis, John Relating to authorizing the Board of Education of the State and counties, cities, local systems, separate school districts, and district agricultural, vocational or training schools to adopt school books, other than the regular basal elementary school books provided for by the uniform textbook law, from an approved list issued by the State Board of Education, and to purchase all school books and sell, rent or furnish them free to pupils; providing punishment and penalties for the violation of this Act.
HB 489 36-0 (1919) Author: Horton, Frank B. Relating to amending certain statute changing one limit of meeting by providing that teachers of state institutions may serve on the Textbook Commission, that further contracts shall be so arranged that contracts for not more than one-sixth of the total number of different adopted books shall expire in any one year, that not more than one-sixth of the total number of different adopted books can be changed in any one year, and providing a reasonable bond for supplementary books.
SB 6 36-0 (1919) Author: Dayton, George W. Relating to providing for the purchase and distribution by the State of free textbooks to the public school children of the State of Texas, making it the duty of the State Board of Education to purchase such books from a fund set aside each year out of the available school fund of the State; fixing a penalty for a violation of the Act and providing that the furnishing to the pupil of free textbooks shall not begin under this Act until the commencement of the scholastic year of 1919-20.
SB 89 36-0 (1919) Author: Dayton, George W. Relating to authorizing the Board of Education of the State of Texas and of counties, cities, local systems, separate school districts and district agricultural, vocational or training schools to adopt school books other than the regular basal elementary school books provided for by the uniform textbook law, from an approved list issued by the State Board of Education, and to purchase all school books and sell, rent or furnish them free to pupils; providing punishment and penalties for the violation of this Act, and for other purposes.
SB 118 36-0 (1919) Author: Dayton, George W. Relating to providing for the purchase and distribution by the State of free text books to the public school children of the State of Texas making it the duty of the State Board of Education to purchase such books from a fund set aside each year out of the available school fund of the State; fixing a penalty for violation of the Act.
SB 327 36-0 (1919) Author: Witt, Edgar E. Relating to amending certain statute by changing one limit of meeting, by providing that teachers of State institutions may serve on the Text-Book Commission, that further contracts shall be so arranged that contracts for not more than one-sixth of the total number of different adopted books shall expire in any year, that not more than one-sixth of the total number of different adopted books can be changed in any on e year, and providing a reasonable bond for supplementary books. Senate: Educational Affairs
HB 89 36-2 (1919) Author: Barnes, William Henry "Frank" Relating to amending certain articles relating to the bonds of textbook contractors.
HB 123 36-2 (1919) Author: Davis, John Relating to amending certain laws relating to the State Text Book Commission; changing the time of meeting of said commission; providing that the state shall make uniform adoptions of additional high school text books.
HB 183 36-2 (1919) Author: Johnson, Jack Relating to levying a State ad valorem tax for school purposes.
SB 61 36-2 (1919) Author: Suiter, William David "Will" Relating to amending certain statutes so as to provide that any Text-book contractor shall make a Bond of Twenty-thousand Dollars, ($20,000.00), for each text-book adopted, and Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), for each supplementary Text-book adopted.
SB 87 36-2 (1919) Author: Dayton, George W. | et. al. Relating to meetings and contracts by the State Text Book Commission.
HJR 27 35-0 (1917) Author: Nordhaus, Eugene S. | et. al. Proposing an amendment providing for the levy of an additional tax for school purposes and for the furnishing of free text-books; making an appropriation.
SB 289 35-0 (1917) Author: Alderdice, James Monroe | et. al. Relating to providing for a permanent Textbook Commission and Board of Revisions; making an appropriation.
HB 6 35-1 (1917) Author: Boner, Charles Wilbur Relating to amending the law providing for a uniform system of text-books.
SB 6 35-1 (1917) Author: Bee, Carlos Relating to creating a permanent text book commission for the State of Texas.
SB 9 35-1 (1917) Author: Dayton, George W. Relating to authorizing Board of Education of the State, counties, cities, etc., to adopt school books other than those provided by the text book law.
SB 16 35-1 (1917) Author: Suiter, William David "Will" | et. al. Relating to creating a permanent Textbook Commission for the State of Texas, to be styled "The Texas State Textbook Commission," defining its membership and appointment; prescribing penalties for violation of the provisions of this Act.
HB 273 34-0 (1915) Author: Nordhaus, Eugene S. | et. al. Relating to amending a certain law of the Thirty-second Legislature providing for the adoption of a system of uniform text books and the appointment of a text book board for such purpose; prescribing penalties.
HB 286 34-0 (1915) Author: Valentine, I. T. | et. al. Relating to providing that an election may be held in certain common and independent school districts to determine whether or not a majority of the legally qualified property tax-paying voters desire that text-books required by pupils within the scholastic age attending public free schools in said district shall be furnished to said pupils by the school trustees of said district free of charge and be paid for out of local tax funds; providing the manner and method of holding such elections and of declaring results.
SB 174 34-0 (1915) Author: Bee, Carlos Relating to amending a certain Act relating to the adoption of a system of uniform text books and the appointment of a Text Book Board; prescribing penalties.
SB 376 34-0 (1915) Author: Bee, Carlos Relating to providing that an election may be held in certain school districts to determine whether or not a majority of voters desire that text books shall be furnished to pupils by the school trustees of said district free of charge and be paid for out of local tax funds.
HB 850 33-0 (1913) Author: Haney, Edgar Pierce Relating to providing for the adoption of a series of dictionaries on the English language suitable for use in the primary, intermediate, high school grades of the public schools of Texas, for a term of six years, and authorizing and directing the State Textbook Board to make said adoption.
SB 11 32-1 (1911) Author: Ward, Pierce B. | et. al. Relating to providing for the adoption of system of uniform text books in this State, and for the appointment of a Text Book Board for such purpose; to authorize the adoption of other books; to prescribe penalties for violation of the provisions of this Act.
SB 41 30-1 (1907) Author: Skinner, Sidney Price | et. al. Relating to creating a State Textbook Board and to procuring for use in the public free schools of the State of Texas, for a period of five years, beginning September 1st, 1908, a series of uniform text-books, defining the duties of certain officers therein named, making appropriation therefor, defining certain misdemeanors, providing for a bond for the faithful performance of contracts, and to cover liquidated damages for fraud or collusion, and authorizing the Attorney General to bring suit therefor, and providing penalties for violation of the provisions of this act.
SB 43 30-1 (1907) Author: Harper, Alfred John Relating to creating a State Textbook Board and procuring for use in the public free schools of the State of Texas, for a period of five years, beginning September 1st, 1908, a series of uniform text-books, defining the duties of certain officers therein named, making appropriation therefor, defining certain misdemeanors, providing for a bond for the faithful performance of contracts, and to cover liquidated damages for fraud or collusion, and authorizing the Attorney General to bring suit therefor, and providing penalties for violation of the provisions of this act.
SB 10 28-1 (1903) Author: Davidson, Asbury Bascom Relating to creating a State Text-Book Board and procure for use in the public free schools of the State of Texas a series of uniform text-books , defining the duties of certain officers therein named; making an appropriation; providing penalties for violations of the provisions of this act.
SB 258 25-0 (1897) Relating to creating a State Text-Book Board and to procuring for use in the public free schools of the State of Texas a series of uniform text books; defining certain misdemeanors; providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act.
SB 2 22-0 (1891) Relating to empowering the State Board of Education to procure for use in the public free schools of the State of Texas a series of text books.

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