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22 Document(s) [ Subject: Automobile insurance ]
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Flood insurance | Health insurance | Insurance industry | Insurance, Texas Department of | Medical bill balance billing | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | Pharmaceutical industry | Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool | Texas Windstorm Insurance Association | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.86 In7 | |
Session: | 86th R.S. (2019) | |
Online version: | View report [83 pages File size: 5,196 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 86th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
2. | Study the adequacy of the state’s insurance laws on regulating the introduction of insurtech products into the Texas insurance market. Include in the study the impact of big data, blockchain, internet of things, and artificial intelligence technologies on industry practices such as claims handling, underwriting, and policy writing. Study whether these technologies present challenges for any of the state’s insurance laws, including the state’s anti-discrimination, data privacy, anti-rebate, and licensing laws and regulations. Additionally, examine the pros and cons of adopting a regulatory sandbox and consider sandbox programs that are implemented in other states. | |
3. | Monitor the State Auditor's review of agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction. The Chair shall seek input and periodic briefings on completed audits for the 2019 and 2020 fiscal years and bring forth pertinent issues for full committee consideration. | |
Committee: | Senate Transportation | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Highway finance | Natural gas production | Oil production | Privatization | Semi-trailer trucks | TexasSure | Toll roads | Traffic | Traffic safety | Transportation, Texas Department of | Uninsured motorists | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.83 T685 | |
Session: | 83rd R.S. (2013) | |
Online version: | View report [43 pages] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Examine the anticipated impact increased oil and gas production will continue to have on roadways and bridges. Make recommendations to enhance the safety and infrastructure damaged by truck activity related to oil and gas exploration and production. | |
2. | Evaluate the Texas Department of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organization's progress on reducing congestion on the 100 Most Congested Roadway segments and make recommendations to advance the development of the remaining congestion relief projects. | |
3. | Evaluate Comprehensive Development Agreements (CDA) and Design/Build project delivery methods and make recommendations for their future role in reducing congestion and continuing the state's economic growth. | |
4. | Examine the implementation of SB 1792, 83rd R.S., which provides remedies for habitual violators of nonpayment of tolls and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. | |
5. | Study and monitor the state's efforts to protect taxpayers from uninsured motorists. Make recommendations to improve compliance of maintaining motor vehicle liability insurance and registration. | |
Committee: | Senate Business and Commerce | |
Title: | Interim Report - Insurance | |
Library Catalog Title: | Property and casualty and automobile insurance : interim report to the 79th Texas Legislature / Senate Committee on Business and Commerce. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Homeowners insurance | Insurance reform | Mold remediation | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.78 B963i | |
Session: | 78th R.S. (2003) | |
Online version: | View report [61 pages File size: 832 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study the implementation of SB 14, 78th R.S., SB 127, 78th R.S., and HB 329, 78th R.S., the property and casualty insurance reform and mold remediation measures passed by the 78th Legislature, to determine whether the legislation meets the Legislature's goals of reducing homeowners' insurance costs and stabilizing the market. If not, make recommendations for reducing homeowners' insurance costs. Examine implementation of new policies relating to the use of credit scoring and its impact on consumers and the market. Coordinate activities with the Joint Property and Casualty Insurance Legislative Oversight Committee. | |
2. | Study the implementation of SB 14, 78th R.S., as it relates to the automobile insurance market to ensure that the legislation meets the Legislature's goals of ensuring a stable market. Make recommendations for improving consumer satisfaction and expanding the market. Coordinate activities with the Joint Property and Casualty Insurance Legislative Oversight Committee. | |
Committee: | Senate Infrastructure Development and Security | |
Title: | Interim Report - Transportation | |
Library Catalog Title: | Senate Committee on Infrastructure Development and Security report to the 79th Legislature : transportation. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Driver Responsibility Program | Emergency medical services | Federal funds | Highway construction | Highway finance | Highway planning | Motor fuels taxes | Regional mobility authorities | Texas Mobility Fund | Toll roads | Traffic violations | Trans-Texas Corridor | Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century | Transportation planning | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.78 In5t | |
Session: | 78th R.S. (2003) | |
Online version: | View report [74 pages File size: 708 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study the implementation and make recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of HB 3588, 78th R.S., relating to the construction, acquisition, financing, maintenance, management, operation, ownership, and control of transportation facilities including, but not limited to, multimodal transportation and the progress, improvement, policing, and safety of transportation in Texas. Monitor and report on the adequacy and use of the trauma care funds generated as a result of the legislation and make recommendations for improving the funding of trauma care services. | |
2. | Study the proof of financial responsibility verification program administered by Texas Department of Insurance and the Department of Public Safety and make recommendations for improving compliance by drivers in Texas. | |
3. | Study and make recommendations for innovative approaches to highway construction and maintenance. Focus on recommendations for streamlining Texas Department of Transportation operations, including methods of expediting permitting procedures while maintaining environmental safeguards. Examine and make recommendations for regional options for increasing financing, including, but not limited to, the creation of a local option motor fuels tax. | |
4. | Evaluate and make recommendations relating to funding allocations for TransTexas Corridor projects. Monitor and report on the status of the projects, including their impact on local, regional, and state transportation. | |
5. | Study the federal re-authorization of TEA-21. Analyze and make recommendations relating to the impact of re-authorization on transportation in Texas, including an assessment of state plans and programs for implementing any required changes. | |
Committee: | Joint Property and Casualty Insurance, Legislative Oversight | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Property and Casualty Insurance Legislative Oversight Committee interim report to the 79th Texas Legislature | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | File and use insurance regulation system | Homeowners insurance | Insurance reform | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.78 p945c | |
Session: | 78th R.S. (2003) | |
Online version: | View report [59 pages File size: 597 kb] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | Monitor the progress of property and casualty insurance regulation reform, including the fairness of rates, underwriting guidelines, and rating manuals, the availability of coverage, the effect of rate rollbacks, credit scoring, and regulation of homeowners and automobile insurance markets. | |
Committee: | Senate Civil Justice, Interim | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report on uninsured motorists and tort reform savings. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Insurance rates | Liability insurance | Tort reform | Uninsured motorists | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.75 c499r | |
Session: | 75th R.S. (1997) | |
Online version: | View report [166 pages File size: 6,712 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study automobile liability insurance to determine alternatives to Texas' current mandatory liability system. The Committee should examine problems with the existing system, including problems arising from the large number of uninsured/underinsured motorists, fraud related to securing proof of financial responsibility, difficulties in enforcing the current system, and the expense and delay in resolving claims. In its work, the committee should examine various "no-fault" plans. The Committee may make recommendations for legislative or regulatory action. | |
2. | Evaluate the impact of tort reform legislation enacted since 1993, including its impact on insurance rates in Texas. To avoid duplication of resources, the Committee should coordinate its work with the Senate Interim Committee on Economic Development. | |
3. | Assess whether additional changes should be made to the civil justice system. Among other issues the Committee may identify, the Committee may review laws concerning class action lawsuits, third party liability, premises liability, collection of judgement, and filing of amicus curiae briefs. In its work, the Committee should evaluate potential effects of insurance rates. | |
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | House Committee on Insurance, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1998 : a report to the House of Representatives, 76th Texas Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Banks and banking | Health insurance | Homeowners insurance | Insurance industry | Insurance rates | Insurance, Texas Department of | Prompt payment of insurance claims | State mandates | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.76 IN7 | |
Session: | 75th R.S. (1997) | |
Online version: | View report [104 pages File size: 3,310 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Conduct active oversight of the agencies under the committee's jurisdiction. | |
2. | Study the incremental costs of health insurance benefits mandated by the legislature. Explore ways for the legislature to obtain accurate information on the costs of mandates proposed by legislation. Evaluate the effects, if any, of currently mandated benefits on premium costs, the market, and access to coverage. | |
3. | Review issues related to insurance company claims handling and the laws relating to failure to handle claims in good faith. | |
4. | Conduct a review of the various lines of insurance and the extent to which the lines are regulated as to (1) premium rates, (2) policy forms, (3) financial integrity, (4) market conduct, and (5) other factors determined by the committee. | |
5. | Monitor federal banking reform initiatives to see that state interests in the regulation of financial institutions and insurance companies are protected. (Joint with the House Committee on Financial Institutions) | |
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Insurance, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1996 : a report to the House of Representatives, 75th Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Building codes | Texas Catastrophic Property Insurance Association | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.75 in7 | |
Session: | 74th R.S. (1995) | |
Online version: | View report [50 pages File size: 2,167 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Conduct active oversight of agencies under the committee's jurisdiction. | |
2. | Study practices related to the repair and salvage of motor vehicles under automobile insurance policies. | |
3. | Study the long-term financial stability and solvency of the Texas Catastrophe Property Insurance Association. | |
4. | Review proposals to change building specifications in the plan of operation for the Texas Catastrophe Property Insurance Association. | |
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Committee on Insurance, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Insurance industry | Insurance, Texas Department of | Redlining | State agency mandated reports | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.73 in7h | |
Session: | 73rd R.S. (1993) | |
Online version: | View report [28 pages File size: 1,299 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Assess the existence and extent of discrimination by personal lines insurers in Texas, specifically including the practice know as "redlining"; examine the laws, rules and remedies relating to discrimination; and make recommendation as appropriate. | |
2. | Examine the data collection activities of the Texas Department of Insurance and the industy advisory and statistical organizations, as prescribed by HB 1461, 73rd Legislature, Regular Session. Make recommendations concerning the extension, alteration or elimination of the parallel activities authorized by HB 1461, 73rd Legislature, Regular Session. | |
3. | Review remedies available to third-party claimants under insurance policies when the insurer does not act in good faith on a claim. | |
4. | Conduct active oversight of agencies under the committee's jurisdiction, including a study of mandated reports to the legislature and legislative agencies. The study should consist of a review of the legislative reporting requirements of all agencies to identify areas where reporting obligations could be streamlined and agency accountability improved. The committee shall make specific recommendations about the continuation, modification or elimination of required legislative reports. | |
Committee: | Joint Rate and Policy Form Regulation, Select | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report of the Select Committee on Rate and Policy Form Regulation to the 74th Texas Legislature : pursuant to House Bill 1461 of the 73rd Legislature, article 1.50, Texas Insurance Code. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Homeowners insurance | Insurance deregulation | Insurance industry | Insurance rates | Insurance regulation benchmark system | Uninsured motorists | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.73 in7 | |
Session: | 73rd R.S. (1993) | |
Online version: | View report [386 pages File size: 21,862 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | The committee shall study insurance rate and policy form regulation in this state. The committee shall assess: (1) the effects of changes made by the 72nd Legislature in insurance regulation to identify whether the purpose of the department should be further changed from insurance rate and policy form regulation and directed to: (A) regulation of the financial conditions of companies and market conduct; and (B) provision of consumer services; (2) the degree of competition in the insurance industry in this state; and (3) the availability of motor vehicle insurance, the number of uninsured drivers, and the number of drivers insured through the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association, on a geographic area basis, to assess if certain geographic areas of the state are underserved. | |
2. | The committee shall appoint an independent consulting firm to evaluate the activities of advisory organizations in this state, including their impact on competition in the insurance market, their use by insurers, and their impact on availability and affordability of coverage, and any other matters relevant to determining their continued authorization. The committee shall include in its report to the legislature a recommendation for the future role of the advisory organizations in this state. | |
3. | The committee shall appoint an independent consulting firm to evaluate the costs and benefits of each of the systems and include in its report to the legislature a recommendation for future data collection consistent with its recommendations on rates. | |
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Committee on Insurance, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1992 : a report to the House of Representatives, 73rd Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Age discrimination | Americans with Disabilities Act | Automobile insurance | Credit insurance | Dentists | Health insurance | Insurance industry | Insurance, Texas Department of | Medically uninsured | Office of Public Interest Counsel | Senior citizens | Texas Catastrophic Property Insurance Association | Uninsured motorists | Workers' compensation | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.72 in7 | |
Session: | 72nd R.S. (1991) | |
Online version: | View report [63 pages File size: 2,598 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Carry out budget and oversight responsibilities for all agencies, boards, and commissions listed in Rule 3, Section 18. A. Monitor and oversee documentation of salary increases. B. Verify the number and status of outcomes and outputs as identified in the Appropriations Bill (HB 1, 72nd Legislature, 1st Called Session). C. Review agencies' existing performance standards and determine whether new standards are needed. | |
2. | Monitor and coordinate with the Texas Health Policy Task Force as it relates to accessible and affordable health care insurance. | |
3. | Study no-fault auto insurance. | |
4. | Study the impact on current Texas insurance policies of the Americans with Disabilities Act. | |
5. | Study supervision, conservation, and liquidation of insurers. | |
6. | Study cancellation of personal auto insurance of the elderly. | |
7. | Study modifications of rate regulation in Texas concerning auto and fire allied lines. | |
8. | Study establishment and regulation of dental referral plans. | |
9. | Study credit life and credit accident and health regulation. | |
10. | Review the operation of the Texas Catastrophe Property Insurance Association * | |
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim report of the Insurance Committee, Texas House of Representatives, 71st Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Insurance rates | Insurance, Texas State Board of | Long-term care insurance | Title insurance | Uninsured motorists | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.71 in7 | |
Session: | 71st R.S. (1989) | |
Online version: | View report [22 pages File size: 721 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | To monitor all activities and to have budget oversight responsibilities for those agencies, boards and commissions as listed in Rule 3, Section 18. | |
2. | To study no-fault insurance. | |
3. | To study financial responsibility laws relative to automobile insurance. | |
4. | To study Title Insurance regulations and industry practices. | |
5. | To study gaps in the availability of insurance coverage for long term care for the elderly. | |
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim report of the Insurance Committee, Texas House of Representatives, 69th Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Birth defects | Children's health insurance | Environmental cleanup | Hazardous substances | Health insurance | Liability insurance | Preferred provider organizations | Property insurance | Texas Catastrophic Property Insurance Association | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.69 in7 | |
Session: | 69th R.S. (1985) | |
Online version: | View report [55 pages File size: 1,308 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Monitor all activities and have budget oversight responsibilities for those agencies, boards and commissions as listed in Rule 3, Section 17. | |
2. | Study the advantages and disadvantages of the preferred provider organization (PPO) health insurance plan, with particular emphasis on consideration of quality of services, access to services, cost of care rendered, the effect on existing physician-patient relationships, and a proposed legislative/regulatory structure for such medical care delivery and financing arrangements; in conjunction with Human Services and Public Health Committees. | |
3. | Study the need in Texas to make available to newborn infants accident and sickness insurance benefits covering sickness or illness including congenital benefits. | |
4. | Study possible reforms in the State's mandatory liability insurance laws. | |
5. | Study the problems and financial soundness of the CAT (catastrophic) insurance pool and the potential liability to the State of maintaining the present system. | |
6. | Study the feasibility of mandatory extended care coverage for head injury victims after that victim has left the initial care facility of a licensed hospital. | |
7. | Study the availability of and rising costs of liability insurance in Texas. | |
8. | Study liability and insurability problems being faced by the engineering and construction companies who seek to participate in the cleanup of hazardous waste disposal sites in Texas. | |
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim report of the Insurance Committee, Texas House of Representatives, 68th Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Consumer protection | Deceptive Trade Practices-Consumer Protection Act | Fire prevention | Firefighters | Health insurance | Insurance industry | Insurance rates | Property insurance | Rural issues | State buildings | State mandates | Texas Catastrophic Property Insurance Association | Tropical storms | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.68 in7 | |
Session: | 68th R.S. (1983) | |
Online version: | View report [255 pages File size: 7,620 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | To monitor all activities and have budget oversight responsibilities for those agencies, boards and commissions as listed in Rule 3, Section 16. | |
2. | To monitor the study being conducted by the State Board of insurance pursuant to HCR 213, 68th R.S., relating to the advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of property/casualty rate making and policy form implementation. | |
3. | To study mandated coverages in the health insurance field and recommend a coherent policy of state mandated coverages. Examine effects of mandated coverages on rates and premiums as well as the impact of utilization and adverse selection when coverages are mandated. | |
4. | To study advantages and disadvantages of alternative methods of marketing and underwriting uninsured and underinsured motorists coverage currently found in other states and their possible application in Texas, including proposals by which underinsured motorists coverage could be offered without the requirement that benefits be reduced by the amount of the other party's liability coverage. | |
5. | To study the fire record credit system as it currently affects the costs of every fire and commercial multiperil insurance policy in this state; to determine whether the provision of debits or credits based on fire loss experience has had its desired effect of enhancing fire prevention and protection; and to determine whether these desired goals could be achieved in a more equitable or less administratively burdensome manner. | |
6. | To conduct a study to determine if current Texas law regulating unfair and deceptive trade practices in the business of insurance achieves its desired goals of enhancing consumer protection and full disclosure of insurance information without unfairly punishing persons involved in the business of insurance for innocent acts, and to conduct a survey of other state laws to ascertain the advantages and disadvantages of other states' attempts to provide fair and effective consumer protection in the business of insurance. | |
7. | To study advantages and disadvantages of support for volunteer fire departments through a surcharge on insurance premiums in rural areas. | |
8. | To study advantages and disadvantages of a state self-insurance program to provide funds to replace state property and buildings in case of fire or other disasters. | |
9. | To study the impact of Hurricane Alicia on the insurance industry in Texas. Consider the issues of solvency, prices, and availability of windstorm insurance in the storm area. Also study the effectiveness of operation of the Texas Catastrophe Property Insurance Association. | |
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim report of the Insurance Committee, Texas House of Representatives, 67th Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Consumer protection | Fire prevention | Health insurance | Insurance agents | Insurance industry | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.67 in7 | |
Session: | 67th R.S. (1981) | |
Online version: | View report [172 pages File size: 59,063 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Monitor the costs and effectiveness of the compulsory auto liability law passed during the regular session as HB 197, 67th R.S.. | |
2. | Study the need for and feasibility of the establishment of fire protection standards on a statewide basis, including the development of a statewide fire code. | |
3. | Study the need for and the feasibility of additional methods by which citizens of this state may meet the requirement of financial responsibility, including self-insurance, bonding, dedicated savings accounts, and other alternatives. | |
4. | Study the need for raising the limits on financial responsibility from the current 5, 10 and 20 basis to new increased limits. | |
5. | Study the uses of temporary licenses for insurance agents to determine whether there is a continued need for the use of such licenses. | |
6. | Study the handling of claims by insurance companies to determine whether the public is being treated fairly in the adjustment and payment of claims, including recommendations for legislation, if necessary. | |
7. | Study the effects of optional coverage for part-time faculty members of junior and community colleges under the uniform group insurance program for college and university employees. | |
8. | Study the effectiveness of the assigned risk plan for motor vehicle insurance to determine if the plan is working as effectively as possible, and specifically whether a "pool" arrangement would better provide for the needs of the public in Texas, and whether the plan should be expanded to allow for more than minimum limits of coverage, and expanded to additional types of risks. | |
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim report, Sixty Sixth Legislative session / the Committee on Insurance, Texas House of Representatives. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 | Health care | Health insurance | Health maintenance organizations | Insurance industry | Insurance, Texas State Board of | Teacher health insurance | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.65 in7 | |
Session: | 65th R.S. (1977) | |
Online version: | View report [132 pages File size: 5,870 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | A study of the assigned risk plan with its effects on insurance rates and availability as well as other impact it may have, including research and recommendations on special rating categories. | |
2. | A study of health insurance, to include health insurance at the state level, mandatory health insurance, minimum standards for health insurance policies, conversion of policies, standard provisions, and group insurance for public school employees. | |
3. | Oversight responsibility of agency expenditures and related transactions. This function shall encompass a review and monitoring of all appropriations-related actions of those agencies assigned to this committee for appropriative purposes during the 65th Regular Session of the Legislature, to wit: Board of Insurance | |
4. | A study of the current definition of Texas securities as they affect insurance companies in the state; include the drafting of such a definition to regulate investments in securities by insurance companies more effectively; and make recommendations to achieve a more equitable method of premium taxation on insurance companies doing business in the state of Texas. | |
5. | A study of the services an insurance administrator performs, the methodology of regulating this growing profession, and the degree of necessity thereof, and a further study of the licensing and education requirements for insurance agents in general. | |
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Interim report, Sixty-fifth legislative session. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Fire prevention | Insurance agents | Insurance deregulation | Insurance rates | Insurance, Texas State Board of | Property insurance | Uninsured motorists | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.64 in7 | |
Session: | 64th R.S. (1975) | |
Online version: | View report [173 pages File size: 7,009 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | To study the viability and necessity of a use and file rating system for automobile and fire insurance, determining if the present rating system or another more open system would best serve the needs of Texas citizens. | |
2. | The study of the proposed federal no-fault automobile insurance legislation (S.354) and its ramifications in Texas. | |
3. | A study of mandatory liability insurance as a prerequisite to automobile operation, as 26% of Texas motorists are uninsured and involved in 68% of the accidents in Texas. | |
4. | A study of the key rating system for fire insurance as well as the rating and territorial classifications, as the statutes have not been updated. | |
5. | A study of the educational and licensing standards for all insurance agents. | |
Committee: | House Insurance | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Final Report of the Committee on Insurance, 63rd Legislature, Texas House of Representatives. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Insurance industry | State employee benefits | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836,63 in7 | |
Session: | 63rd R.S. (1973) | |
Online version: | View report [51 pages File size: 2,240 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study the impact of the prior approval insurance rate deviation system on the Texas automobile insurance market and on consumers. * | |
2. | Study the adequacy of the laws intended to prevent the delinquency or insolvency of insurance companies. Identify problems with current laws and recommend improvements to better protect policy holders. * | |
3. | Evaluate health insurance benefits offered to state employees. Study proposals to create a uniform system of group insurance for state employees. * | |
4. | Study no-fault automobile insurance policies. * | |
Committee: | Senate Automobile Insurance Rates | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | A report to the Senate of the 62nd Legislature state of Texas / by the Senate Interim Committee on Automobile Insurance Rates. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.61 au825 | |
Session: | 61st R.S. (1969) | |
Online version: | View report [43 pages File size: 2,142 kb] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | Make inquiry into the returns on investment income as a relevant factor to be considered in determining rates for automobile insurance. | |
Committee: | Joint Uninsured Motorists' Coverage | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report to the 62nd Legislature / Interim Study Committee on Uninsured Motorists' Coverage. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | Uninsured motorists | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.61 UN3 | |
Session: | 61st R.S. (1969) | |
Online version: | View report [59 pages File size: 2,542 kb] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | The Committee on Uninsured Motorists' Coverage shall review the information, data, and records accumulated by its predecessor, and collect such additional information as deemed necessary. | |
Supporting documents | ||
Committee: | Joint Uninsured Motorists' Coverage | |
Title: | Transcript, September 4, 1970 | |
Library Catalog Title: | Minutes | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.61 UN3M 9/4/70 | |
Session: | 61st R.S. (1969) | |
Online version: | View document [54 pages File size: 24,658 kb] | |
Committee: | House Insurance Investigating (State Board of Insurance, Rate Increase), Special | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Texas 57th Legislature report on a study of the increase in automobile insurance rates in Texas. | |
Subjects: | Automobile insurance | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.57 Au82/H.J. of Tex., 57th Leg. 3rd. C.S. 578 (1962) | |
Session: | 57th R.S. (1961) | |
Online version: | View report [8 pages File size: 449 kb] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | Ascertain from the State Board of Insurance, beginning immediately, all of the basic facts considered by it in the rate increase so that the House and the public may be advised. |
* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.
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