Legislation authored by Walter Elmer Pope

Includes legislation with Walter Elmer Pope as the primary author for the 35th through 46th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

46th Regular Session
HB 52 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Chapter of the Acts of the 39th Legislature (3rd C.S.); granting ad valorem taxes to the City of Corpus Christi for sea walls.
HB 53 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain Section of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; short line rates in railroad charges.
HB 54 Caption: Relating to adding a new clause to a certain Section of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (3rd C.S.); defining agricultural labor.
HB 55 Caption: Relating to the requirement of the Railroad Commission of Texas to prescribe rules and regulations governing the issuance of tickets and bills of lading intrastate motor bus and truck carriers for transportation of passengers and property for hire; providing penalties.
HB 56 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Special Laws of the 42nd Legislature; making provisions for repurchase applicable and effective to certain tracts of land in Loving and Brewster Counties.
HB 57 Caption: Relating to granting permission to Victor Alexander Surber to bring suit against the State of Texas, and/or Highway Department, in a Court of competent jurisdiction, in Nueces County, Texas, for damages for personal injuries received by him while on duty in the employ of the Highway Department of the State of Texas, and which injuries are alleged to have produced damages to the said Victor Alexander Surber.
HB 385 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain House Bill of the General Laws of the 44th Legislature (1st C.S.); requiring licenses for the operation, maintenance, opening or establishment of stores in this State, etc.
HB 641 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the Nueces River Conservation and Reclamation District.
HB 685 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (1st C.S.); creating the Nueces River Conservation and Reclamation District.
HB 790 Caption: Relating to prohibiting bucket shops, to define "Bucket Shops"; to define "hedge contracts"; to define "futures", "dealing in futures" and "future contracts"; to prohibit the making of future contracts, etc.; to prescribe penalties for the violation of this Act.
HB 796 Caption: Relating to confirming and validating all patents heretofore issued by the State of Texas in confirmation of Spanish or Mexican Land Grants or Titles issued by the Spanish or Mexican government prior to the Texas Revolution of 1836.
HB 802 Caption: Relating to validating certain bonds for the purpose of procuring funds to construct waterworks and sewer systems, etc.
HB 812 Caption: Relating to providing the amount of traveling and office expenses that shall be allowed by the County Board of Trustees to the County Superintendent of Public Instruction for the expenditures for traveling and office expenses in certain counties.
HB 1001 Caption: Relating to conveying to the United States of America the free and uninterrupted use, liberty, and easement of, in, and to that that certain area of three (3) miles square or larger in Nueces County Navigation District, in Nueces Bay, in Nueces County, Texas, for the erection and establishment of forts, military stations or camps, magazines, etc.
HB 1036 Caption: Relating to providing for the maximum maintenance and bond tax rate for school purposes in certain independent school districts.
HCR 45 Caption: Inviting Governor Albert B. Chandler of Kentucky to address the Legislature.
HCR 140 Caption: Authorizing the Enrolling Clerk to make certain correction in the caption of SB 220.
45th Regular Session
HB 265 Caption: Relating to reorganizing the State of Texas into supreme judicial districts for the purpose of constituting and organizing courts of civil appeals therein.
HB 433 Caption: Relating to amending certain Articles of the Texas State Penal Code; defining, prohibiting and declaring illegal trusts, monopolies and conspiracies in restraint of trade, and prescribing penalties for forming and being connected with such trusts, monopolies or conspiracies.
HB 483 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the General and Special Laws of the 43rd Legislature (2nd C.S.); further defining a nuisance and providing for the punishment of certain persons and peace officers and organizations who knowingly permit and accept receipts from any contest enumerated and referred to in certain statute.
HB 484 Caption: Relating to authorizing private corporations heretofore incorporated for the purpose of operating street or interurban railways, which have abandoned such operations, to amend their charters so as to include as a separate purpose of the corporation the acquiring, owning and operating of motor vehicles and motor buses for transportation of passengers for hire upon public ways of cities and towns and upon the public ways of the adjacent unincorporated territory within five miles from the limits of such cities and towns, under such reasonable regulations and requirements as to rates and service and as to franchises or permits as may be legally imposed from time to time by such cities and towns within the limits thereof and by the Commissioners' Courts of counties as to operations outside of the limits of such cities and towns.
HB 538 Caption: Relating to authorizing the sale of additional portions of Harbor Island and other islands in Redfish Bay, Corpus Christi Bay, and Aransas Bay and certain lands under the shallow waters of Redfish Bay, Corpus Christi Bay, and Aransas Bay with certain restrictions.
HB 624 Caption: Relating to providing that it shall be unlawful to take any fish for sale from the waters of Lake Corpus Christi, situated in the Counties of San Patricio, Jim Wells, and Live Oak, or from the waters of the Nueces River between Calallen Dam and west boundary line of Live Oak County, including all of the tributaries of the Nueces River within the boundaries of Live Oak County, San Patricio County, and Nueces County; providing a closed season for fishing in said waters; providing a suitable penalty for any violation of this Act.
HB 625 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that when any abstract of judgment has been recorded it shall, from the date of such record and index, whether it be the first or a subsequent abstract of said judgment, operate as a lien upon all of the real estate of the defendant situated in the county where such record and index are made and upon all real estate which defendant may thereafter acquire, situated in said county, said lien to continue for ten (10) years from the date of such record and index, except that if during said ten-year period the judgment becomes dormant said lien shall thereupon cease to exist, and so as to provide that the lien of any judgment so recorded and indexed prior to the effective date of this Act, if then valid, shall continue for ten (10) years from the effective date of this Act, except that if during said ten (10) years the judgment becomes dormant said lien shall thereupon cease to exist.
HB 864 Caption: Relating to requiring the Railroad Commission of Texas to prescribe rules and regulations governing the issuance of tickets and bills of lading by intrastate motor bus and truck carriers for transportation of passengers and property for hire; providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this Act.
HB 1034 Caption: Relating to conferring authority on State Parks Board to acquire for use as a public park a tract of land situated on Padre Island.
HB 1047 Caption: Relating to authorizing any number of tax-paying residents of any city, town, or other municipality or incorporated subdivision of the State, or any paying patron of any municipally owned public utility, to maintain an action for or on behalf of such city, town or other subdivision of the State, and/or the officials thereof, and/or the governing board thereof, to restrain the issuance of any illegal bonds or other unauthorized obligations, and/or to test the validity of any such bonds or other unauthorized obligations of the said city, town or subdivision of the State.
HB 1104 Caption: Relating to providing that all crude petroleum oil and products of crude petroleum oil in storage and in the various oil fields of Texas on and prior to March 1, 1937, shall be classified, and after paying taxes and penalties held to be legal and tenderable oil and products of oil.
HCR 84 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to study the states policy of leasing and drilling on certain lands.
45th 1st Called Session
HB 21 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas State Penal Code; defining a hedge contract; defining what shall constitute a prima facie case in prosecutions for the violation of law as to dealing in future; defining certain terms used herein; providing certain taxes.
HB 71 Caption: Relating to amending amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; appointment and compensation of County Auditors in certain counties, and providing for additional compensation for the County Auditors in such counties having more than 200,000 population and not more than 300,000 population according to the last Federal Census where there is a city and county hospital to care for city and county patients, and where a financial record for such hospital must be kept and reports made to the city and county.
HB 78 Caption: Relating to conferring authority on State Parks Board to acquire for use as a public park a tract of land situated on Padre Island.
HR 20 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to investigate the Jockey Fund of the Racing Commission in order to recover certain funds.
44th Regular Session
HB 95 Caption: Relating to imposing additional duties on commissioners' courts and the governing bodies of incorporated cities and towns relating to public utilities.
HB 164 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Acts of the 43rd Legislature (R.S.); raising the salaries of Justices of the Peace and Constables in certain counties, and providing for excess fee remuneration; providing that this Act shall become effective on its passage.
HB 179 Caption: Relating to withdrawing from sale or lease for minerals or otherwise all lands situated in the bed of the Nueces River between the lower boundary of La Fruta Dam, now being reconstructed by the City of Corpus Christi, and the junction of the Nueces River with the eastern boundary line of McMullen County.
HB 668 Caption: Relating to governing the use of pasture or grazing land owned by two (2) or more parties under one fence or enclosure; providing punishment and penalties.
HB 688 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Special Laws of the 42nd Legislature; Public School Land in certain counties subject to forfeiture so as to make the provisions for repurchase applicable and effective.
HB 756 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas Penal Code; prescribing a penalty for the violation of the liquor laws set out in said Article.
HB 758 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas Penal Code; prescribing penalty for the crime of forgery the same as that of theft of the same amount of property involved.
HB 759 Caption: Relating to prescribing the punishment for the passing of forged instruments.
HB 760 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas Penal Code; prescribing the punishment for the possession of a forged instrument with intent to pass the same.
HB 816 Caption: Relating to authorizing persons, concerns, associations, and corporations operating motor bus lines in Texas under certificates of convenience and necessity to carry, for hire, express packages weighing not more than seventy-five (75) pounds per package.
HB 899 Caption: Relating to amending certain Sections of the General Laws of the 42nd Legislature (R.S.); requiring an election to be held for dividing school districts or adding to school districts, and the method of holding said elections, and requiring ratification by the Legislature of all school districts laid out and/or attempted to be established, combined, abolished, or changed by the county board of trustees.
HB 916 Caption: Relating to preventing the obstruction and cluttering up of the designated State highways of the State of Texas; providing punishment for violations under this Act.
HB 954 Caption: Relating to giving to the producers of farm products the right and privilege of producing without limitation in amount, to be sold and consumed in the markets of the world other than in the United States, free of all taxes and duties as provided in the Constitution of the State of Texas.
HB 998 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Title of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that a perpetual care cemetery association or corporation in operation on March 15, 1934, shall be regarded as legal under its organization plan, under certain conditions.
HCR 34 Caption: Directing the Enrolling Clerk of the House to make certain corrections to H.B. No. 515.
HCR 134 Caption: Suspending Joint Rule Nos. 22, 23, and 32 for final disposition of H.B. No. 998.
HCR 160 Caption: Suspending Joint Rule Nos. 22, 23, and 24 for final disposition of H.B. Nos. 171, 179, and 994.
HCR 187 Caption: Suspending Joint Rule Nos. 11, 22, 23, 24, and 32 for the Senate to consider H.B. No. 179.
HJR 16 Caption: Proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Texas, so as to repeal all provisions of the Constitution levying, authorizing the levy of, or permitting the levying of, an ad valorem tax on property located within the State of Texas, and directing the Legislature to enact laws to raise sufficient revenue for the economical administration of government, including the subdivisions of the State, from taxes other than ad valorem tax on property.
HR 4 Caption: Providing for the election of certain Officers of the House.
HR 101 Caption: Directing the Appropriations Committee to prepare all appropriation bills in regards to Section 6, Article 8 of the Texas Constitution.
44th 1st Called Session
HB 9 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (R.S.); providing an open season or period of time when it shall be lawful to hunt or kill wild mourning doves in all of the South Zone of this State.
HB 48 Caption: Relating to amending and adding a new Section to a certain Senate Bill of the General and Special Laws of the 43rd Legislature (2nd C.S.); the issuance of bonds, notes, or warrants payable from revenues other than taxation, for the construction, maintenance, and operation of certain improvements in certain cities, and authorizes such cities to borrow money from the United States Governments or other Federal Agencies, or from any person, firm, or corporation.
HB 49 Caption: Relating to withdrawing from sale or lease for minerals or otherwise all lands owned by the State of Texas situated in the bed of, and between the cut banks of the Nueces River between the lower boundary of La Fruta Dam, now being reconstructed by the City of Corpus Christi, and the junction of the Nueces River with the eastern boundary line of McMullen County.
HB 57 Caption: Relating to releasing the interest and penalties on all delinquent ad valorem and poll taxes that were delinquent on or before August 1, 1935, due the State, any county, city, school district, road district, levee improvement district, water improvement district and water control and improvement district, irrigation district and other defined subdivisions of the State, provided same are paid before March 15, 1936.
HB 77 Caption: Relating to creating a fund for Old Age Assistance; granting old age assistance to resident citizens of the State of Texas over the age of 65 years and prescribing the qualifications prerequisite to such Assistance.
HB 100 Caption: Relating to validating all consolidation of a common school district or districts with a contiguous independent school district created by a general or special law, after elections held under certain statute, and amendments thereto, after a majority of the voters in each of said districts voted in favor of such consolidation.
HB 141 Caption: Relating to creating the Nueces River Conservation and Reclamation District under the authority of Section 59 of Article 16, of the Constitution of Texas authorizing subordinate districts and for the creation and government thereof.
HCR 27 Caption: Directing the Enrolling Clerk of the House to make certain corrections to H.B. No. 141.
44th 2nd Called Session
HB 38 Caption: Relating to licensing a certain type of game, which is sometimes called "Keeno," "Skill Ball" or "Bingo," regulating the operation thereof, designating the penalties for the violation of the provisions of this Act.
HB 55 Caption: Relating to the compensation of certain district, county, and precinct officers and providing the method and means by which such officers shall be compensated for their services.
HB 96 Caption: Relating to imposing an occupation or excise tax of five cents on each gallon of motor fuel, or fractional part thereof, to accrue and be paid as provided as certain law now exists, or as hereafter amended.
HB 102 Caption: Relating to releasing the interest and penalties on all delinquent ad valorem and poll taxes that were delinquent on or before August 1, 1925, due the State, any county, city, school district, road district, levee improvement district, water improvement district and water control and improvement district, irrigation district and other defined subdivisions of the State, provided same are paid before March 15, 1936.
HB 121 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas Penal Code; defining a hedge contracts and what shall constitute a prima facie case in prosecutions for violation of law as to dealing in future.
44th 3rd Called Session
HB 23 Caption: Relating to providing a method of escheating certain property to the State of Texas for the benefit of the Old Age Assistance Fund, and making it unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or association of persons now engaged in or to engage in any violation of the trust and conspiracies against trade laws of this State.
HB 28 Caption: Relating to providing revenues for Old Age Assistance; granting old age assistance to resident citizens of the State of Texas over the age of 65 years and prescribing the qualifications prerequisite to such assistance.
43rd Regular Session
HB 78 Caption: Relating to defining, registering and regulating real estate brokers within the State of Texas.
HB 92 Caption: Relating to repealing certain statute relating to the Division of Child Welfare; providing for the transfer of certain duties to the State Board of Health.
HB 93 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the duties of highway patrolmen.
HB 94 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to the organization, compensation, regulation, duties, and qualifications of the State Ranger Force.
HB 95 Caption: Relating to imposing additional duties on commissioners courts and the governing bodies of incorporated cities and towns, relating to public utilities.
HB 155 Caption: Relating to prescribing the oath or affirmation to be taken and subscribed to by each professor, instructor, or teacher in public schools, colleges, and universities of this State.
HB 156 Caption: Relating to the designation, survey, construction, opening, and maintenance of a State Highway from Chapman Ranch to Rio Grande, Texas, via Kingsville, Premont, and Falfurrias; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith.
HB 157 Caption: Relating to the designation, survey, construction, opening, and maintenance of a State highway from the point of intersection of Highway No. 128 with the Corpus Christi-Bluntzer Public Road in Nueces County, Texas, to Sonors, Texas, via Orange Grove, Dilley, Batesville, Uvalde, and Rocksprings; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith.
HB 158 Caption: Relating to the designation, survey, construction, opening, and maintenance of a State highway from Gregory, Texas, to Elgin, Texas, via Refugio, Goliad, Yorktown, Westoff, Gonzales, Waelder, and Bastrop; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith.
HB 273 Caption: Relating to abolishing the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission and creating the office of Game, Fish, and Oyster Commissioner.
HB 318 Caption: Relating to repealing certain statute relating to the Board of Pardons and paroles.
HB 406 Caption: Relating to abolishing the State Board of Control and creating the office of State Purchasing Agent for various eleemosynary institutions and other institutions and boards and departments of the State of Texas.
HB 427 Caption: Relating to the designating, survey, construction, opening, and maintenance of a State Highway from Riviera to Raymondville, Texas, via Sarita; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith.
HB 438 Caption: Relating to allowance of sheriffs for the safekeeping, support, and maintenance of prisoners confined in jail,and the pay of guards.
HB 660 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any county commissioners court or governing body of any incorporated town or city in the State of Texas to buy or authorize the purchase of any automobile for use by such commissioners court or city governing body or any officer or agent of any county or incorporated city or town in the State of Texas, and providing penalties for violation of this Act; repealing all laws in conflict herewith.
HB 694 Caption: Relating to abolishing the Industrial Accident Board and Commissioner of Labor Statistics, and creating the Labor Commission of Texas.
HB 758 Caption: Relating to requiring the county commissioners court of each county of the State of Texas to work county convicts on the public roads or public improvements of the county.
HB 761 Caption: Relating to bringing additional persons, firms, and corporations under the intangible assets tax laws; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith.
HB 798 Caption: Relating to making the provisions of the criminal statutes with reference to trusts and conspiracies against trade applicable to secret rebate, or other rebate, or drawback, or commission given by any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the sale of drugs or medicine or filling doctor's or other prescription for any drug or medicine, and making applicable to this Act the penalties provided in certain statute of the Penal Code for trusts and conspiracies against trade violations.
HB 809 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for the State Board of Education, the Texas State Textbook Commission, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, any county school superintendent, any city school superintendent, or public school authority, or official, or board of trustees to require or permit the teaching of any textbook, or book of any character, on any subject, as a substitute, or in lieu of, or otherwise, in any public school of Texas, or other institution, for which free textbooks are permitted to be furnished under the provisions of the free textbook laws of the State of Texas.
HB 810 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to notice of competitive bids and the right to referendum so as to provide that it shall not apply to cities and towns acting under authority of this Act until after June 1, 1934, instead of after June 1, 1932.
HB 811 Caption: Relating to forfeiture, revalue, and repurchase of public school lands.
HB 889 Caption: Relating to the construction and maintenance of a channel through Padre Island, Mustang, Island, and St. Jo Island, or any of said islands; providing for the extension of time for the completion of such channel.
HB 914 Caption: Relating to staying all sales under execution, or order of sale, or under any deed of trust, mortgage or other contract giving or granting any power of sale of real property for debt now advertised to be made on May 2, 1933, or which was advertised for sale on March 7, 1933, or April 4, 1933, but which sale was stayed and postponed by virtue of Acts of the Forty-third Legislature, until the first Tuesday in June, 1933..
HB 923 Caption: Relating to empowering certain cities to build, construct and maintain bridges across streams, inlet or arm of the Gulf of Mexico, and providing rules and regulations for operation.
HB 937 Caption: Relating to validating bonds of cities and towns issued for the purchase, construction, improvement or repair of any light, gas, water or sewer system owned and operated by such city or town, where such bonds have been approved, as to legality and purpose, by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
HB 939 Caption: Relating to eliminating the requirement of the payment of a poll tax for the year 1933, and providing for the payment of a registration fee in lieu of the poll tax for 1933, where poll tax has not been paid when this Act becomes effective; providing for paying registration fee between January 1, 1933, and July 25, 1933.
HCR 9 Caption: Determining the order of business of the House and Senate.
HCR 25 Caption: Granting permission to J.F. Cage and T.C. Cage of the Cage Brothers firm to sue the State Highway Department and the State of Texas.
HCR 26 Caption: Granting permission to William Heuermann and J.A. Miller of the firm Heuermann and Miller to sue the State Highway Department and the State of Texas.
HCR 50 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to select appropriate names for the National Guard encampments.
HCR 54 Caption: Granting N.E. Ross, Roy Johnson, Roy Ross, Dan E. Cook, Rose M. Cook, and R.W. Johnson permission to sue the Game, Fish, and Oyster Commission of Texas and the State of Texas.
HCR 55 Caption: Granting Tom Loftas permission to sue the Game, Fish, and Oyster Commission of Texas and the State of Texas.
HCR 76 Caption: Granting J.M. McCarty permission to sue the State Highway Department of Texas and the State of Texas.
HCR 104 Caption: Authorizing the Commissioner of Agriculture and the Texas Rehabilitation and Relief Commission to make arrangements with the Mexican government regarding potential locations for dams on the Rio Grande.
HCR 110 Caption: Granting trustees of the Hug-the-Coast Highway Association permission to use space along the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
HJR 23 Caption: Proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Texas, so as to repeal all provisions of the Constitution levying, authorizing the levy of, or permitting the levying of, an ad valorem tax on property, located within the State of Texas, and directing the Legislature to enact laws to raise sufficient revenue for the economical administration of government, including the subdivisions of the State, from taxes other than ad valorem tax on property.
HJR 47 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 4, of Article XV, of the Constitution of Texas, providing that impeachment shall only extend to removal from office, and not disqualify the official impeached from thereafter holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under this State to which such impeached official may be hereafter elected.
HJR 48 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 1, Article XVI, of the Constitution of the state of Texas relating to the oath of officers of this State.
HR 6 Caption: Providing for the appointment of temporary committees on rules and appropriations.
HR 31 Caption: Determining the order of procedure in the House.
HR 114 Caption: Providing for the lending of a legislative manual of the 42nd Legislature to Alice Senior High School.
HR 188 Caption: Proposing to amend House Rule #32, Section #5.
43rd 1st Called Session
HB 13 Caption: Relating to providing for the method and time of securing certificates of exemption by persons exempt under the law from payment of poll taxes, and providing that during the continuous residence of the exempt voter in the voting precinct where such exemption certificate was issued, no additional permanent exemption certificate shall be required.
HB 38 Caption: Relating to authorizing certain navigation districts to borrow money and encumber property.
HB 45 Caption: Relating to validating and legalizing the creation of navigation districts heretofore created; validating and legalizing the authorization and issuance of bonds issued by or on behalf of navigation districts and the levy of taxes for the payment thereof.
HB 49 Caption: Relating to the appointment of election judges and clerks in election precincts where there are one hundred citizens, or more, who have paid their poll tax or received their certificates of exemption; providing that the prescribed judge appointed shall in all cases belong to the party that at the last general election cast the largest vote for Governor throughout the State.
HB 60 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute creating the Seventy-ninth Judicial District of Texas so as to change the terms of and time of holding the terms of district court in Starr, Brooks, Duval, and Jim Wells Counties, Texas.
HB 129 Caption: Relating to selection of depositories by all navigation districts; defining the powers and obligations of such depositories.
HB 130 Caption: Relating to defining certain powers of the State Board of Education.
HB 135 Caption: Relating to apportioning the State of Texas into Congressional Districts, naming the counties composing same, and providing for the election of a Member of the Congress of the United States from each district, transferring Duval County from the Fourteenth to the Fifteenth District.
HB 163 Caption: Relating to ceding to the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, all public lands within the bed of the Nueces River, from its mouth to its junction with the eastern boundary line of McMullin County.
HB 192 Caption: Relating to providing for the granting of charters for corporations, and the renewal thereof, for the purchase, sale, and distribution of water and water rights, and the building of pipelines, plants, and the equipment thereof.
HCR 39 Caption: Relating to the deposit of certain securities.
HCR 75 Caption: Suspending Joint Rule #23 so that the House might consider SB 64.
43rd 2nd Called Session
HB 2 Caption: Relating to providing that in all judgments foreclosing any lien on property, real or personal, except a tax lien, no execution, order of sale or writ of possession shall issue until after the expiration of seven hundred and thirty (730) days after the rendition of a final judgment.
HB 3 Caption: Relating to providing that in all sales of real estate made under powers conferred under any deed of trust or other contract lien notice of such proposed sale shall be given by posting written notice thereof for one hundred four (104) consecutive weeks prior to the day of sale.
HB 4 Caption: Relating to stay all sales under execution or order of sale or under any deed of trust, mortgage or other contract giving or granting any power of sale of real property for debt now advertised to be made on February 6, 1934, until the first Tuesday in March, 1934.
HB 8 Caption: Relating to releasing all interest and penalties on registration fees on motor vehicles for which a license fee is due on or before January 31, 1934, and extending the time of payment of same until April 1, 1934.
HB 32 Caption: Relating to reducing registration license fees on commercial motor vehicles, without trailers or semi-trailers, when same are used exclusively by the owner thereof, in the transportation of his poultry, dairy, livestock, and farm products, grown or produced by him, to market or to other points for sale or possessing, and for the transportation of laborers and supplies, without charge, by the owner of such commercial motor vehicle, from places of purchase to his own farm or ranch for his exclusive use.
HB 118 Caption: Relating to regulating the conducting in public competition for prizes, awards, or admission fees, any personal, physical, or mental endurance contests; declaring that any house, structure, building,place, or open air space that is being used for purposes in violation of the provisions of this Act is declared to be a nuisance; prescribing the character of judgment that shall be entered against the continuation of such nuisance.
HB 136 Caption: Relating to withdrawing from sale or lease for minerals or otherwise all lands situated in the bed of the Nueces River between the lower boundary of La Fruta Dam, now being reconstructed by the City of Corpus Christi, and the junction of the Nueces River with the eastern boundary of McMullen County.
HB 143 Caption: Relating to authorizing certain cities in this State to issue bonds,notes or warrants, payable from revenues other than taxation, for construction, maintenance, and operation of a toll bridge or toll bridges, over and across any stream, inlet, or arm of the Gulf of Mexico, or entrance channel to a port in any such city.
HCR 12 Caption: Relating to securities deposited with the State Treasurer.
HCR 30 Caption: Granting J.M. McCarty permission to sue the State Highway Department.
HCR 50 Caption: Suspending Joint Rule #11 so that the House might consider HB 136.
43rd 3rd Called Session
HB 9 Caption: Relating to reducing registration license fees on commercial motor vehicles, without trailers or semi-trailers, when same are used exclusively by the owner thereof, in the transportation of his poultry, dairy, livestock and farm products, grown or produced by him to market, or to other points for sale or processing, and for the transportation of laborers from their place of residence and materials, tools, equipment and supplies, without charge, by the owner of such commercial motor vehicle from place of purchase or storage to his own farm or ranch for his exclusive use or use on such farm; prescribing penalties for violation thereof.
HB 25 Caption: Relating to releasing the interest and penalties on all delinquent ad valorem and poll taxes that were delinquent on or before August 2, 1934, due the State, any county, city, school district, road district, levee improvement district, water improvement district, , and water control and improvement district, irrigation district, and other defined subdivisions of the State, provided same are paid on or before March 31, 1935, with an addition of one percent (1%) on said taxes.
HB 101 Caption: Relating to reducing registration license fees on commercial vehicles, without trailers or semi-trailers, when same are used exclusively by the owner thereof, in the transportation of his poultry, dairy, livestock, and farm products, grown or produced by him, to market or to other points for sale or processing, and for the transportation of laborers and supplies, without charge, by the owner of such commercial motor vehicle from the place of purchase to his own arm or ranch for his exclusive use.
HB 102 Caption: Relating to withdrawing from sale or lease for minerals or otherwise all lands situated in the bed of the Nueces River, between the lower boundary of La Fruta Dam, now being maintained by the City of Corpus Christi, and the junction of the Nueces River with the eastern boundary line of McMullen County.
HB 103 Caption: Relating to raising the salaries of justice of peace and constables in certain counties, and providing for excess fee remuneration.
HCR 18 Caption: Granting Henry Schmidt permission to sue the State Highway Department and the State of Texas.
HCR 19 Caption: Granting Mrs. J.W. McCarty permission to sue the State Highway Department and the State of Texas.
HCR 20 Caption: Designating State Highways 1 and 6 as Gold Star World War Memorial Highways 1 and 6.
43rd 4th Called Session
HB 7 Caption: Relating to releasing the interest and penalties on certain delinquent ad valorem and poll taxes; providing for penalties.
HB 67 Caption: Relating to authorizing certain cities and towns to build, construct, enlarge, encumber or purchase municipal boathouses, and boat piling protections, and wharfs, docks, walks, ways, walls, bulkheads and fills in connection with and in aid of the use of such boathouses, and boat piling protections.
HB 76 Caption: Relating to raising the salaries of justice of peace and constables in certain counties, and providing for excess fee remuneration; providing that this Act shall become effective on its passage.
HB 78 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to removal of disabilities of minority so as to provide that such disabilities may be removed for all legal purposes at the age of eighteen.
HCR 11 Caption: Affirming by two-thirds vote that HB 7 is in full force and effect upon passage.
42nd Regular Session
HB 8 Caption: Relating to providing that it shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of this State or any other person to build, construct, erect or maintain any building, structure, memorial, monument, or statue within the inclosure around the Capitol ground in the City of Austin, without the authority theretofore given by statute or concurrent resolution by the Legislature of the State of Texas; and prescribing a penalty.
HB 21 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to free passes, franks and transportations.
HB 22 Caption: Relating to providing time for payment of taxes for State, county, common-school district, etc.
HB 91 Caption: Relating to defining, registering and regulating real estate brokers within the State of Texas.
HB 108 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes so as to provide for the creation of private corporations for the purpose of buying and selling products of the soil and to own, maintain and operate cotton seed oil and other mills.
HB 120 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes relating to preparation of statement of facts in trials, providing that no formal bill of exception shall be necessary in certain cases.
HB 157 Caption: Relating to authorizing Fair Associations, bona fide farmers and livestock raisers to hold public exhibitions of farm, dairy, poultry, agricultural products and live stock and to conduct contests with respect thereto.
HB 428 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes so as to permit guardians to take out title insurance policies on real estate loans, mortgages and investments.
HB 522 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes to provide that the value of suits against a city or town shall be brought within the county where such city or town is situated.
HB 615 Caption: Relating to empowering certain cities to encumber their light and water systems.
HB 626 Caption: Relating to imposing additional duties on Commissioner's Courts and the governing bodies of incorporated cities and towns relating to public utilities; providing a penalty.
HB 658 Caption: Relating to regulating all personal, physical, mental endurance contests in public competition for prizes and awards and admission fees; prescribing penalties.
HB 724 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to the collection of taxes to pay interest on bonds issued by navigation districts.
HB 725 Caption: Relating to granting certain rights to cities in regard to navigation districts.
HB 727 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Game, Fish and Oyster commission to construct a channel through Padre Island, Mustang Island and St. Jo Island; making an appropriation.
HB 757 Caption: Relating to prescribing the oath or affirmation to be taken and subscribed to by each professor, instructor or teacher in public schools, colleges and universities of this State.
HB 937 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to taxation of domestic insurance companies so as to provide that such domestic insurance companies shall pay taxes on all their personal property.
HB 968 Caption: Relating to declaring unlawful the administering or fixing of any fare of any public utility in this state supplying, transporting or selling any gas, light, heat, electric power or telephone or telegraph service by any manager pecuniarily interested; providing a penalty.
HB 969 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes by providing for the publication of notice to certain defendants in tax suits, so that said notice shall show the years and the amount of taxes for each year for which suit is brought.
HB 974 Caption: Relating to declaring certain acts unlawful and providing a penalty.
HB 981 Caption: Relating to granting certain cities power to encumber their water, light, and gas systems.
HB 1023 Caption: Relative to amending certain Statutes regulating the creating of Private Corporations.
HB 1035 Caption: Relating to imposing an occupation tax measured by gross receipts on each individual, firm, association collecting any charge on any record, composition, sheet music or musical composition by or through any radio distribution or reception.
HB 1042 Caption: Relating to validating the conversion of certain navigation districts.
HCR 9 Caption: Relating to Garret Cotton acreage plan.
HCR 47 Caption: Recalling H.B 725 from the Governor.
42nd 3rd Called Session
HB 12 Caption: Relating to releasing the interest and penalties on certain delinquent taxes.
HB 13 Caption: Relating to releasing the collection fees or interest on advance payments of certain taxes.
HB 14 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes in regard to sale of real estate.
HB 15 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes relating to the sale of real estate.
HB 16 Caption: Relating to redeeming real estate sold under certain conditions.
HB 18 Caption: Relating to the designation, survey, construction, opening and maintenance of a State Highway from Chapman Ranch to Rio Grande Texas via Kingsville, Premont and Falfurrias.
HB 19 Caption: Relating to the designation, survey, construction, opening and maintenance of a State Highway from Gregory, Texas to Elgin, Texas via Refugio, Goliad, Yorktown, Westoff, Gonzales, Waelder and Bastrop.
HB 20 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to administrative control of the State Highway Department.
HB 25 Caption: Relating to providing for the allocation of the occupation taxes levied and collected under certain Acts; providing the manner of distribution; making an appropriation.
HB 50 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act by extending time for certain cities to comply with requirements of "Bond and Warrant Law of 1931."
HR 31 Caption: Inviting Mrs. Clara Driscoll Sevier to address the House.
42nd 4th Called Session
HCR 5 Caption: Relating to the abandonment of railroad lines in LaSalle county.
HR 9 Caption: Appointing a committee to investigate statutes and constitutional provisions for the purpose of reelection matters.
41st Regular Session
HB 57 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute providing for fixing the venue where the appointment of guardians may be made.
HB 58 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute providing that sand and other deposits having no commercial value taken for the raising of the grade of the salt flats in the Northern part of Corpus Christi and the lowlands lying North of the North boundary line of the City of Corpus Christi in Nueces County, Texas, and South of the South boundary line of the town of Portland in San Patricio County, Texas, shall be exempt from the provisions of Title 67 of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas.
HB 280 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute by regulating headlamps and spotlights of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
HB 287 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute by providing for an occupation tax upon wholesale dealers in gasoline on all gasoline so sold by any such dealer; repealing all laws in conflict herewith said amendment.
HB 501 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to Judicial regulation of rates of public utilities.
HB 502 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws regulating the assessment of candidates for the payment of primary expenses.
HB 515 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws by inserting the words "the County or Counties in which such District is situated" in lieu of the words "the Board of Directors, supervisor or other governing body of such District."
HB 516 Caption: Relating to providing for the conversion of certain Navigation Districts and defining and declaring the powers of all Navigation Districts.
HB 517 Caption: Relating to granting to Nueces County Navigation District No.1 or its successors all right, title and interest of the state of Texas to certain submerged lands lying under the waters of Corpus Christi Bay and Nueces Bay.
HB 558 Caption: Relating to changing the regulation of motor bus transportation from the Railroad Commission of Texas to the Board of Highway Commissioners of the State of Texas; denying all interlocking management or control of railroad corporations and motor bus and truck line owners or corporations; providing penalties.
HB 670 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Nueces County.
HB 740 Caption: Relating to providing for the extension of the term of oil and gas permit No. 11752 from a period of two years to a period of five years from its date.
HB 748 Caption: Relating to diminishing the civil jurisdiction of the County Court of Nueces County.
HCR 34 Caption: Requesting the Governor to return H. B. No. 670 to the House for further consideration.
HR 63 Caption: Memorializing Congress to appropriate certain funds for the eradication of the pink boll worm.
41st 1st Called Session
HB 68 Caption: Relating to authorizing the payment of annual ad valorem taxes in two payments; providing a penalty.
41st 2nd Called Session
HB 136 Caption: Relating to creating the 113th Judicial District Court for Nueces County; defining its jurisdiction; prescribing the duties of the District Clerk with respect thereto.
HB 155 Caption: Relating to imposing an excise tax on motor fuels; prescribing penalties.
HB 158 Caption: Relating to providing for the concentration of the Texas Prison System; making an appropriation.
HB 159 Caption: Relating to permitting the use of the monies therein granted and donated to the payment of the interest and sinking fund of bonds issued, whenever there is a surplus of said funds over and above the requirements of the bonds issued; amending certain laws.
HB 199 Caption: Relating to creating and validating Nueces County Water Improvement District Number One, situated wholly within Nueces County, Texas.
41st 4th Called Session
HB 59 Caption: Relating to authorizing any district that may have availed itself of the provisions of Article 8195 and become a Conservation and Reclamation District to issue bonds of said district for the purpose of refunding any indebtedness incurred prior to the time of such change and to levy a tax in payment thereof.
HB 70 Caption: Relating to fixing the metes and bounds of the Alice Independent School District, located in Jim Wells County, Texas, and validating the proceedings of the County School Trustees of said County in changing the boundaries of Alice Independent School District in said County and validating all proceedings had with respect to levying a tax of $1.00 upon the $100.00 valuation of all taxable property in said School District.
HB 90 Caption: Relating to the fixing of the shipping district in the area patented by virtue of said Act and providing for determining, defining and fixing the boundary line between the property patented by virtue of said Act and property of private citizens along the shore line of Corpus Christi Bay.
HB 91 Caption: Relating to the issuing of sea wall bonds.
HB 92 Caption: Relating to providing for the purchase of Navigation Districts from the State of Texas of any lands and flats belonging to said State covered or partly covered by the waters of the bays or other arms of the sea within said District, authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Office to sell said lands at a price of One Dollar ($1.00) per acre, providing application and the issuance of patents and the disposition of the proceeds of said sale.
41st 5th Called Session
HB 40 Caption: Relating to creating the 117th Judicial District Court for Nueces County; defining its jurisdiction.
HB 95 Caption: Relating to providing for the construction of housing accommodations in the Texas Prison System; making an appropriation.
HB 96 Caption: Relating to wild turkeys so as to further extend the period of time during which it is unlawful to take, kill, wound, shoot at, hunt for or possess, dead or alive, wild turkeys in certain counties.
HB 124 Caption: Relating to the manner of holding elections for the issuing of Seawall Bonds.
38th Regular Session
HB 90 Caption: Relating to the relief of railway corporations having charters granted or amended since the first day of January, 1892, and which have failed or are about to fail, to construct their roads and branches, or any part thereof, within the time required by law.
HB 163 Caption: Relating to the measuring, counting, carrying, grading, weighing or classing of any oil, cotton, wool, sugar, hides, wood, coal, grain, livestock, fruits, vegetables, farm product, or other thing, article or commodity sold, stored, bartered, given in payment, or offered for ale, exchange, storage, shipment or delivery, providing that each incorrect measure, count, weight, grade or class shall constitute a separate offense, and repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith, and prescribing a penalty for violation of the same.
HB 164 Caption: Relating to providing that the parties of any written contract may agree to and stipulate for any rate of interest not exceeding seven percent per annum on the amount of the contract.
HB 168 Caption: Relating to creating a permanent Textbook Commission for the State of Texas.
HB 169 Caption: Relating to providing for the purchase and distribution by the State of free textbooks to the public school children of the State of Texas.
HB 278 Caption: Relating to requiring the payment of interest on certain deposits required from water, light, gas and telephone companies within this State; requiring the making of annual reports; providing penalties for violations hereof.
HB 357 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Office of the State of Texas to issue an oil and gas lease to Mr. Virgie D. Hardee, her heirs or assigns, for a term of five years, and subject to renewal for ten years if oil or gas should be found in paying quantities; providing for forfeiture and reinstatement.
HB 693 Caption: Relating to pro-rating the indebtedness against the Calallen Independent School District, providing that the entire Robstown Independent School District may, by an election held for that purpose.
HB 696 Caption: Relating to repealing certain act creating the Palo Alto Independent School District out of a part of the Matamoros Common School District and the Bishop Independent School District in Nueces county, Texas.
HCR 32 Caption: Requesting the Governor to return S. B. No. 355 to the Legislature for further consideration.
HCR 35 Caption: Authorizing the Joint committee investigating text book contracts to continue its work in the Interim.
HR 49 Caption: Commending the Valley Packing Company for their generous gift of grapefruits to the Members of the House.
38th 2nd Called Session
HB 51 Caption: Relating to amending certain law providing for the purchase and distribution by the State of free textbooks to the public school children of the State of Texas so as to prevent the unlawful expenditure of the State Textbook Fund and inhibit the unlawful purchase of unnecessary free textbooks.
HB 85 Caption: Relating to amending certain Article of the Penal Code of this State by omitting all of said Article after the word "hedge contract," and adding Article defining a hedge contract.
HB 86 Caption: Relating to requiring the payment of interest on certain deposits required from water, light, gas and telephone companies within this State; providing penalities for violations hereof.
HB 90 Caption: Relating to reapportioning certain authority, powers, and functions as between the Commissioner of Agriculture of the State of Texas and the Agricultural and Mechanical College and its agencies.
HB 91 Caption: Relating to changing the method of managing the business affairs of the State; abolishing the State Board of Control; repealing all laws relating thereto, except as herein specially provided, and reviving any and all laws which now stand repealed by reason of the acts relating to such Board of Control.
38th 3rd Called Session
HB 23 Caption: Relating to amending certain Article of the Penal Code of this State by omitting all of said Article after the word "hedge contract", and adding Article defining hedge contract, and amending certain Article of said Code as to what shall constitute a prima facie case in prosecutions for the violation of law as to dealing in future.
HB 69 Caption: Relating to amending, changing, modifying repealing and supplementing certain appropriations made and contained in Act making appropriations to pay the salaries of officers and employees of certain educational institutions and other expenses of maintaining and conducting them; providing for the method of paying out said appropriations.
HB 81 Caption: Relating to the fiscal affairs of the State government; providing for regular audits of the books, records and accounts of the State government through the Comptroller's Department and for special audits by the Governor.
HB 82 Caption: Relating to abolishing the Markets and Warehouse Department, and conferring all authority, powers, duties, functions, rights, and liabilities of the Commissioner of Markets and Warehouses, and of said markets and Warehouse Department and Weights and Measures Department upon the Commissioner of Agriculture.
HB 83 Caption: Relating to abolishing the Live Stock Sanitary Commission of the State of Texas and the office of each and every member thereof; conferring the authority, powers, duties and functions of said Commission and the members thereof upon the Commissioner of Agriculture of the State of Texas.
HB 123 Caption: Relating to private corporations, by adding thereto, a section providing for the formation of private corporations for the purpose of engaging in radio telegraphy and telephony, and wireless telegraphy and telephony, with authority to own, lease, construct, maintain and operate all the necessary plants, equipment and facilities thereto pertaining.
HCR 8 Caption: Requesting the governor to veto S. B. No. 32.
37th Regular Session
HB 41 Caption: Relating to a certain Act aiding the City of Corpus Christi in the construction of a sea wall and the relating taxes; providing a penalty.
HCR 42 Caption: Granting Hood Boone leave of absence.
HR 12 Caption: Providing for a Mailing Clerk of the House.
37th 1st Called Session
HB 40 Caption: Relating to the organization and government of water improvement and irrigation districts; providing for the fixing of liens and the collection of taxes, and the protection of the water supply by such districts.
HB 45 Caption: Relating to reorganizing the Twenty-eighth Judicial District of the State of Texas, and to create a Criminal District Court for the counties of Nueces, Kleberg, Kenedy, Willacy and Cameron and to prescribe the jurisdiction thereof as a criminal court.
HB 97 Caption: Relating to adding to and making a part of the Premont Independent School District in Jim Wells County, Texas, certain territory now known and designated as Common School District No. 6, Jim Wells County, Texas, as well as certain territory lying East of said Premont Independent School District and South of said Common School District No. 6, extending to the line between Jim Wells and Kleberg Counties, which is not included within any common school district.
HB 98 Caption: Relating to creating the El Carro Independent School District in the County of Jim Wells, State of Texas.
HB 99 Caption: Relating to creating the Petronila Common School District No. 7, in Nueces County, Texas, as established by the commissioners' court of said county of date February 12, 1912.
HB 100 Caption: Relating to creating the Ben Bolt Independent School District, in Jim Wells County, Texas, defining its boundaries.
HB 101 Caption: Relating to defining the boundaries of the Alice Independent School District in Jim Wells County, Texas.
HB 115 Caption: Relating to amending the law relating to apportionment of ad valorem taxes.
HB 116 Caption: Relating to amend the law relating to records of new counties.
37th 2nd Called Session
HB 7 Caption: Relating to amending the law relating to free textbooks for public schools.
36th Regular Session
HB 6 Caption: Relating to granting to the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, all right, title and interest of the State of Texas to certain land lying and being situated under the waters of Corpus Christi Bay.
HB 7 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes so as to permit soldiers who have been honorably discharged to vote without payment of a poll tax.
HB 8 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles by prohibiting the use of VARA in making public and private land surveys; providing a unit of linear measure for the purpose.
HB 9 Caption: Relating to the measuring, counting, carrying, grading, weighing or classing of any oil, cotton, wool, sugar, hides, wood, coal, grain, live stock, fruits, vegetables, farm products of other thing, article or commodity sold, stored, pledged, bartered, given in payment, or offered for sale, exchanged, storage, shipment or delivery, providing that each incorrect measure, count, weight, grade or class shall constitute a separate offense, prescribing a penalty for violation of the same.
HB 270 Caption: Relating to providing for rendition and assessment for taxation of the interest in land of the lessee under an oil or mineral lease, and that taxes shall be paid by the owner of the fee simple title to the land upon the value of the land subject to the lease, and by the lessee upon the value of his lease hold interest in the land.
HB 447 Caption: Relating to repealing certain Act promoting agriculture and stockraising and prohibiting the hunting with firearms or dogs upon the inclosed and posted lands of another in all counties within this State not especially named as exempt under the provisions of the Act.
HB 468 Caption: Relating to repealing certain Act creating the Robstown Independent School District in Nueces County.
HB 556 Caption: Relating to preventing the purchase and storing of cotton seed by the ginners of this State and prescribing the method of charging for ginning; requiring the removal of the seed and ginned cotton from the gin; limiting the operation of the ginner; prescribing a penalty.
HR 71 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a mailing clerk.
36th 1st Called Session
HB 3 Caption: Relating to amending certain sections of the Revised Civil Statutes by adding thereto authority to the holder of a certificate of honorable discharge from the Military Service of the United States and to widows of deceased soldiers to vote without payment of a poll tax.
HB 5 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles relating to poll taxes by excepting from the provisions thereof the holder of a certificate of honorable discharge from the military service and widows of deceased soldiers who died in the military service after January 1, 1915.
36th 2nd Called Session
HB 134 Caption: Relating to creating the London Independent School District, known as Common School District No.2, in Nueces County, Texas, to provide for the election of trustees, for the raising of revenue, issuing bonds, building and maintaining public free schools, declaring valid an issue of bonds heretofore made, declaring valid a maintenance tax heretofore levied.
HCR 6 Caption: Requesting that the Commissioner General of Immigration and the Secretary of Labor of the Unted States control and regulate the temporary admission and return of farm laborers from Mexico.
HCR 14 Caption: Requesting that Walter J. Crawford resign as member of the Board of Regents of the State Normal Schools of Texas for white teachers in relation to the purchase of Blue Ridge Farm.
HR 47 Caption: Recalling HCR 6 from the Senate.
HR 53 Caption: Requesting that Governor Hobby resign due to Blue Ridge Farm matter.
HR 58 Caption: Requesting that W.G. Pryor resign as Prison Commissioner.
36th 3rd Called Session
HCR 2 Caption: Relating to Sine Die adjournment.
35th Regular Session
HB 63 Caption: Relating to granting the city of Corpus Christi title to certain lands situated under the waters of Corpus Christi Bay and the right to such sand, dredge, spoil or other such material and the right to construct a shipping district; also fixing the rights of riparian owners and granting the right of eminent domain and reserving all mineral rights to the State.
HB 64 Caption: Relating to the taking of sand from bays so as to authorize the city of Corpus Christi to use sand and other deposits for raising grade of flats and lowlands.
HB 65 Caption: Relating to creating the Eightieth Judicial District of Texas, to be composed of Nueces County.
HB 66 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the use of the vara in making public and private land surveys and providing a unit of linear measure for the purpose; providing penalties.
HB 67 Caption: Relating to making the county clerk ex officio clerk of the commissioners' courts, providing for ay for the publication of the minutes of the commissioners' courts.
HB 68 Caption: Relating to requiring the Governor of Texas to appoint an inspector of hides and animals in Nueces County.
HB 69 Caption: Relating to regulating the business of abstracting titles to real estate; creating a board of abstract examiners for the examination of abstract plants and licensing; fixing penalties.
HB 70 Caption: Relating to regulating the use of weights and measures, authorizing the inspection of the books or accounts of the person measuring or grading articles or commodities.
HB 71 Caption: Relating to regulating the purchase of junk or salvage, providing for uniform affidavits of junk sellers; providing punishment.
HB 72 Caption: Relating to providing for the establishment, maintenance and government of two State Normal Colleges to be known as South Texas State Normal College and Stephen F. Austin State Normal College.
HB 137 Caption: Relating to providing that corporations organized for the purpose of constructing or acquiring the power to maintain and operate street railways shall be authorized to manufacture, supply and sell electricity and gas to the public and to municipalities.
HB 681 Caption: Relating to authorizing appropriation of the revenues from public utilities to the bonded indebtedness of cities and towns.
HB 694 Caption: Relating to remitting taxes to the city of Corpus Christi.
HB 799 Caption: Relating to aiding the city of Port Aransas by releasing the inhabitants and property from the payment of ad valorem taxes for a period of five years.
HB 824 Caption: Relating to providing a tax on non-intoxicating malt liquors.
35th 1st Called Session
HB 72 Caption: Relating to amending an act creating the Robstown Independent School District in Nueces County.
HCR 4 Caption: Relating to the construction of a dam in Nueces County.
HR 69 Caption: Providing for the delivery of the block picture of the Representatives.
HR 77 Caption: Relating to shipbuilding in Texas.
35th 2nd Called Session
HB 4 Caption: Relating to regulating the purchase of junk by persons engaged as junk dealers or in the junk business, providing for uniform affidavits of junk sellers.
35th 3rd Called Session
HB 60 Caption: Relating to repealing acts of the Thirty-fifth legislature establishing State normal schools.
35th 4th Called Session
HB 90 Caption: Relating to regulating the purchase of junk by persons engaged as junk dealers or in the junk business, providing punishment for the violation of same.