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50 Document(s) [ Subject: State budgets ]

Committee: Senate Administration
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Legislative process | State agencies | State budgets |
Library Call Number: L1836.85 Ad65
Session: 85th R.S. (2017)
Online version: View report [21 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Programmatic Budget Structure: Develop detailed programmatic budget structure for all legislative agencies for use in the General Appropriations Act.
2. Legislative Agency Report Review: Review and evaluate the fiscal note and government efficiency report process and make recommendations on potential improvements in timeliness and accuracy.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Appropriations
Title: Subcommittee on Disaster Impact and Recovery, subcommittee meeting handouts and testimony, April 18, 2018 (Economic Stabilization Fund)
Library Call Number:
Session: 85th R.S. (2017)
Online version: View document [209 pages  File size: 12,113 kb]
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Alamo | Alternatives to incarceration | Appropriations bill riders | Business taxes | Criminal justice | Delinquent taxes | Disaster relief | Driver Responsibility Program | Economy | Emergency medical services | Federal aid | Federal funds | Fees | General Land Office, Texas | Hurricane Harvey | Interest rates | Juvenile justice system | Legislative Budget Board, Texas | Natural disasters | Personal property taxes | Probation | Rainy Day Fund | State budget certification | State budgets | Tax refunds | Texas Emissions Reduction Plan |
Library Call Number: L1836.85 F49
Session: 85th R.S. (2017)
Online version: View report [64 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor all funds currently being used to address Hurricane Harvey relief and recovery. Identify ways to maximize the use of federal funds and ensure the efficient use of state funds.
2. Evaluate the long-term impact of Hurricane Harvey on the Texas economy and the gulf coast region.
3. Alamo Historical Site Renovation: Monitor the expenditures of state funds appropriated to the General Land Office for the preservation, maintenance, and operation of the Alamo historical site. Ensure the funds are spent to emphasize the architectural design and the historical impact the battle had on the development of Texas as a nation and as a state.
4. Economic Stabilization Fund: Examine options to increase investment earnings of the Economic Stabilization Fund in a manner that mini mizes overall risk to the fund balance. Investment options should ensure the liquidity of a sufficient portion of the balance so that the legislature has the resources necessary to address the needs of the state, including natural disasters. Evaluate how the Economic Stabilization Fund constitutional limit is calculated; consider alternative methods to calculate the limit, and alternative uses for funds above the limit.
5. Texas Emission Reduction Plan: Review the Texas Emission Reduction Plan (TERP) and its economic benefits to the state. Examine whether the state's investment in TERP, including transfers from the Department of Transportation, are being effectively utilized to comply with federal air quality standards, reduce pollution, and protect the public health of Texans.
6. Request to Exceed Review: Review all riders requiring interim action by the Legislative Budget Board to reduce the number of times interim budget modification is necessary.
7. Fee Structure Review: Review state General Revenue - Dedicated fees and make recommendations to reduce fees and lessen reliance on General Revenue - Dedicated fee balances to certify the budget.
8. Adult and Juvenile Corrections Funding: Examine the funding patterns used to fund the juvenile justice system and adult probation departments. Develop recommendations to ensure the Texas Juvenile Justice Department budget does not dis-incentivize the use of cost-effective best practices such as diverting youth from the juvenile justice system, providing services to youth in their community, and keeping youth closer to home. In addition, review funding to adult probation departments and ensure it provides for an equitable distribution to all Texas Probation Departments.
9. Trauma Funding: Review revenue sources currently funding the state's trauma system and the impact of declining revenues and balances in General Revenue - Dedicated accounts. Evaluate the impact of statutory changes affecting trauma system funding, including efforts to eliminate the Driver Responsibility Program. Examine ways to ensure sustainability of the trauma system in Texas.
10. Property Tax on Business Personal Property: Evaluate the property tax as it applies to business personal property and the current $5oo exemption. Quantify the economic effect of taxing business personal property and determine whether the tax places Texas at a competitive disadvantage relative to other states. Evaluate the burden on taxpayers and local governments of administering the property tax on business personal property and determine whether the current $soo exemption should be increased.
11. Interest Rate Disparity: Evaluate the rate of interest charged on delinquent property taxes and delinquent state taxes, compared to the rate of interest paid on property tax refunds and state tax refunds. • Evaluate the effect of interest rate disparity on the assessment decisions of governments and the payment decisions of taxpayers. • Quantify the amount by which state and local governments profit from interest rate disparity. • Identify best practices among other states regarding interest rates charged and paid. • Recommend a plan and timeline to reduce interest rate disparity.
12. Monitoring: Monitor the implementation of the following funding initiatives: • CPS Critical Needs - Monitor the impact of salary increases and additional caseworkers allocated to Child Protective Services last interim. • Health Care Costs Across State Agencies - Monitor coordination efforts among state agencies to improve health care and reduce costs pursuant to Article IX, Section 10.06 and Section 10.07. • Behavioral Health - Monitor the state's progress in coordinating behavioral health services and expenditures across state government, pursuant to Article IX section 10.04, including the impact of new local grant funding provided by the 85th Legislatu re. • Sporting Goods Sales Tax - Identify state and local park needs and determine whether the Sporting Goods Sales Tax is meeting those needs.
Committee: House Economic and Small Business Development
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Career preparedness | Career schools | e-commerce | Economic development | Economic development incentives | Economy | Energy industry employment | High tech employment | High tech industry | Natural gas industry | Office of Economic Development and Tourism | Oil industry | Rural economic development | Short-term rentals | Small businesses | State budgets | Transportation network companies | Workforce | Workforce Commission, Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.84 Ec74h
Session: 84th R.S. (2015)
Online version: View report [31 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the impacts of the declining price of oil and the continuously depressed price of natural gas on the Texas economy and the fiscal implications for the Texas budget. Consider impacts on local communities most dependent on oil and gas activity, including impacts on supporting economies such as retail, manufacturing, housing industries, etc. Recommend strategies for sustained energy development and workforce growth during times of depressed energy prices. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Energy Resources)
2. Evaluate what local governments are doing to attract businesses to their communities and examine ways the state can leverage these practices and provide support. Include ways to improve local economic development programs to ensure a continued return on investment for taxpayers. In addition, study the authority, financial accountability, and types of statutorily allowed expenditures of economic development corporations. Provide analysis of 4A and 4B sales tax programs and determine if they are still meeting their intended purpose effectively.
3. Study opportunities and financial incentives for expansion and growth of small businesses in Texas. Examine if adequate resources and capital exist for small businesses. Include analysis of any regulatory or tax hurdles and provide recommendations to alleviate these burdens. Furthermore, review programs available to provide training and support to develop business management and finance skills. Consider financial incentives that would incentivize expansion of existing small businesses and growth for new small businesses.
4. Oversee implementation of HB 26 (84R). Review best practices for measuring success of economic development incentives. Consider general metrics or principles to aid the Legislature in determining viable and sustainable incentive programs that provide a "Return on Investment" for taxpayers.
5. Evaluate Texas's competitiveness with other states in recruiting and cultivating high-growth, high-tech industries, fostering economic development, and creating new jobs. Examine if current incentives and regulations assist or hinder the state's ability to compete with other states for economic growth and sustainability.
6. Examine if the state has an adequately diversified economic foundation and make recommendations on how to better achieve diversification. Look at ways to achieve balance between rural and urban economic development. Consider methods to improve workforce development initiatives and incentives that will improve re-employment after layoffs and release from incarceration as well as methods to improve employment rates for recent graduates.
7. Evaluate how Texas can support shared economy growth in the state and include implications of such growth on existing, traditional businesses. Develop characteristics by which to classify "shared economy" business and determine how the state can ensure customer security and satisfaction as well as public health without enacting burdensome regulations.
8. Examine partnerships between higher education institutions, public school districts, and workforce that promote postsecondary readiness. Provide coordination recommendations to ensure vocational, career, and technical education programs are more accessible. Determine the most effective ways to invest in these partnerships and programs to direct at-risk students to stable career paths. Examine current rules and laws limiting employers from providing meaningful internships, apprenticeships, and other opportunities. Consider new methods to finance workforce training programs and associated assets in high schools and postsecondary schools, including ways to reduce or eliminate these costs and options to incentivize businesses to invest in training equipment for schools. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Public Education)
9. Conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of the agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 84th Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee should: a. consider any reforms to state agencies to make them more responsive to Texas taxpayers and citizens; b. identify issues regarding the agency or its governance that may be appropriate to investigate, improve, remedy, or eliminate; c. determine whether an agency is operating in a transparent and efficient manner; and d. identify opportunities to streamline programs and services while maintaining the mission of the agency and its programs. e. monitor the impact of major economic development legislation passed by the 84th Legislature. f. include updates regarding transfer of duties and services from health and human services agencies to the Texas Workforce Commission, including implementation of SB 208 and SB 212. Coordinate with the Legislative Oversight Committee constituted by SB 208, when necessary. g. evaluate the impact of incentive reform legislation, including the elimination of the Emerging Technology Fund and the transition of contracts to the Comptroller's office.
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Franchise taxes | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Local government debt | Medical education | Mental health services | Pension liabilities | Property taxes | Sales taxes | State budgets | State government debt | State purchasing | Tax and expenditure limits | Tax holidays |
Library Call Number: L1836.84 F49
Session: 84th R.S. (2015)
Online version: View report [86 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Property Tax Process: Study the property tax process, including the appraisal system, and recommend ways to promote transparency, simplicity, and accountability by all taxing entities. (Charge to a select subcommittee on Property Tax Reform and Relief)
2. Reduce Tax Burden: Examine and develop options to further reduce the tax burden on property owners. (Charge to a select subcommittee on Property Tax Reform and Relief)
3. Franchise Tax: Study the benefits, including the dynamic effects, of continuing to phase out the franchise tax. Consider alternate approaches to funding the Property Tax Relief Fund.
4. Spending Limit: Examine options and make recommendations for strengthening restriction on appropriations established in Article VIII Section 22 of the state constitution, including related procedures defined in statute. Consider options for ensuring available revenues above spending limit are reserved for tax relief.
5. Fiscal Responsibility: Review the budgeting format of other states, such as whether they use strategy-based budgeting, program-based budgeting, or some other approach and discuss the level of transparency with each approach. Review and make recommendations to reduce state debt liabilities, including state pension liability. Consider how to incentivize state agencies, boards, and commissions to identify and realize savings to taxpayers.
6. Coordinating Behavioral Health Services and Expenditures: Monitor the state's progress in coordinating behavioral health services and expenditures across state government, pursuant to Article IX Sec. 10.04. Identify ways state agencies that provide mental health services are collaborating and taking steps to eliminate redundancy, create efficiency, utilize best practices, ensure optimal service delivery, and demonstrate expenditures are coordinated and in furtherance of a behavioral health statewide strategic plan. Identify barriers that prevent the coordination of behavioral health services. Make recommendations to maximize use of state funding for mental health.
7. Sales Tax Holiday: Review the state's current sales tax holiday structure and determine its economic benefit to the state. Evaluate and consider the merits of any potential expansion of the tax holiday either in the application of the sales tax exemption or the timing of the holiday.
8. Monitoring Charge: Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Finance Committee during the 84th R.S. and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Specifically, monitor the following: 1) Tax relief provided to property owners; 2) The gradual phase out of the franchise tax; 3) Support for and the enhancement of graduate medical education; 4) Efforts of the Department of Information Resources (DIR) to modernize the technology of state agencies; 5) The implementation of required changes to state agency contracting, purchasing, and accounting procedures; and 6) Monitor the implementation of Health and Human Services Commission Rider 50.
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim charge recommendations to the 82nd Legislature
Subjects: Affordable housing | Aging and Disability Services, Texas Department of | Border security | Business taxes | Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas | Disaster relief | Economic stabilization | Federal aid | Highway finance | Hospitals | Mineral rights | Nursing education | Prepaid tuition plans | Property tax exemptions | Property taxes | Rural health care | State budgets | Tax and expenditure limits | Tax appraisals | Tax incentives | Tax revenue | Tobacco taxes | Traffic | Transportation, Texas Department of | Tropical storms | University finance | University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston |
Library Call Number: L1836.81 F49
Session: 81st R.S. (2009)
Online version: View report [158 pages  File size: 7,366 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review and make recommendations regarding existing and future public debt at all levels of government in Texas, including independent school districts, cities, other local governments and the Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan.
2. Study the impact of recent hurricanes for which a federal disaster declaration was issued on local economies. Examine the basis for the distribution of federal dollars for hurricane cleanup across the state. Review past methods of distribution, including those involving the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs and the Office of Rural Community Affairs. Develop policy and statutory recommendations to ensure that the system of distribution is effective to address needs of the various regions of the state in the event of future disasters. Provide effective budget oversight of state agencies that received appropriations as a result of hurricane damage. Examine the rebuilding of University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and the collection and proper deposit of federal reimbursements.
3. Review the effect that Texas Business Tax credits, such as a research and development credit, have on economic development in Texas. Determine whether the costs of various tax credits would be adequately offset by the net increase in state sales tax and other revenues and jobs produced by each credit. Focus on businesses relocating to or from the State of Texas, the impact on the tax base, employment, and the overall economic condition of the state.
4. Identify and evaluate potential improvements to the property tax system. Consider and make recommendations relating to the following:
  • Methods to increase public participation in the tax rate-setting process and ensure fairness in appraisal protests and appeals;
  • Requirement that property appraisal values may not increase by more than inflation and/or population growth, or another amount to be determined by local taxing authorities, with a maximum cap of 10 percent;
  • Exemptions provided to community housing development organizations to determine if changes are needed to ensure that the public benefits outweigh the revenue loss;
  • Methods and procedures for determining a real property interest in oil or gas in place, as contained in Texas Tax Code Sec. 23.175, including how market-based data and market-based methodology could possibly be used to ensure fair, reliable, and equitable price forecasts of oil and gas interests. Analyze the need for the creation of an Oil and Gas Valuation Advisory Committee to assist in forecasting current calendar year statewide average prices for oil and gas; and
  • the constitutional constraints and fiscal implications of exempting real property, leased to a school, as defined by Section 11.21 of the Tax Code, from ad valorem taxation.
5. Examine the Texas Tomorrow Fund and its impact on institutions of higher education. Assess current and future costs, the ability of institutions to absorb the costs, and make recommendations for ensuring a sound fiscal approach to managing the fund for the future.
6. Study the impact of changing the constitutional and statutory spending limit based on the sum of the rate of population growth and the rate of inflation. Examine what past biennial spending limits would have been, and what the next biennium's limit might be, under a new definition. Consider the impact of exempting growth from federally mandated programs.
7. Study and make recommendations regarding formula funding and its impact on the cost of attendance and methods of financing higher education institutions, including funding differences for pharmacy and nursing programs; research funding; performance funding; and funding for institutions that face capacity student enrollment. Specifically address the following:
  • Methods of financing capital projects at higher education institutions, including the levels of deferred maintenance, the impact of deferred maintenance on the ability to offer basic instructional services, and the methods used to finance deferred maintenance projects. Recommend alternatives for providing a structured and recurring funding mechanism more suited to the state's fiscal capacity and institutional needs
  • Supplemental funding for structured programs that are essential for student success and for meeting the goals of Closing the Gaps, including those that provide concentrated student academic and personal support services for universities that enroll a high proportion of non-traditional or at-risk students. Study and make recommendations regarding the quality and effectiveness of academic advising, focusing on resources, staff development, and impact on time­ to-degree.
8. Review the capacity of rural hospitals, rural hospital infrastructure, and the statewide impact of services provided by rural hospitals. Make recommendations for funding options to help communities that do not have adequate resources to replace aging infrastructure and consider the creation ofa rural hospital infrastructure support program similar to the courthouse preservations fund.
9. Examine transportation funding concepts contained in legislation considered during the 81 st Legislature, Regular and Special Sessions. Analyze options and make recommendations relating to historical funding strategies, including prioritization of existing revenues, as well as alternative state and local transportation funding concepts. (Joint charge with Senate Transportation and Homeland Security Committee)
  • Ensure that the pass-through program reimbursements to contractors and local public entities are based on actual project costs and not cost estimates.
  • Prioritize necessary road construction projects and target financing to those segments that affect the largest number of Texans through congestion mitigation.
  • Ensure that Texas receives the best value for its investment. (Subcharges added pursuant to Dewhurst letter dated 4/8/2010.)
10. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Finance, 81 st Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Specifically, monitor the following:
  • The Legislative Budget Board effectiveness and efficiency review of Chapter 313, Tax Code. Consider whether tax provisions provide a net benefit to the state.
  • Monitor ongoing faculty recruitment and retention for Texas nursing schools, and assess the impact ofincreased state funds to nursing schools to increase faculty salaries and add new teaching schools.
  • Monitor the use of Byrne Grant Border security funds, including whether additional funds need to be spent on communications interoperability.
  • Monitor the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) implementation of SB 643, emergency legislation relating to Texas' state supported living centers (SSLCs), implementation of Special Provisions relating to All Health and Human Services Agencies, Section 48, Contingency Appropriation for the Reshaping of the System for Providing Services to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, and implementation of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Settlement Agreement terms.
  • Provide effective budget oversight of Texas Department of Transportation's implementation of Riders 55 and 56, appropriations from State Highway Fund No. 006 and Proposition 12 General Obligation Bonds for reducing congested road segments.
  • Monitor the revenue receipts associated with the weight-based tobacco tax.
  • Monitor the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas grant making process to ensure that funds are spent efficiently and effectively.
  • Monitor the expenditure of federal American Resource and Recovery Act funds. Review the extent to which federal stimulus funds affected each agency's ability to meet or surpass its Performance Measure Targets. Consider the effect that delays in federal approvals have had on funding for public education and weatherization programs.
Committee: House Fiscal Stability, Select
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Select Committee on Fiscal Stability, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2010 : a report to the House of Representatives, 82nd Texas Legislature
Subjects: State budget shortages | State budgets |
Library Call Number: L1836.81 F525
Session: 81st R.S. (2009)
Online version: View report [13 pages  File size: 975 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Assess the state's ability to meet its current and future budget obligations and determine whether the past and anticipated budget shortfalls are due primarily to the current economic recession or a more systemic problem.
Committee: Senate Health and Human Services
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 82nd Legislature
Subjects: Adult Protective Services | Aging and Disability Services, Texas Department of | At-risk youth | Child abuse | Children's Health Insurance Program | Cloning | Crime prevention | Diet and nutrition | Emergency management | Families | Family and Protective Services, Texas Department of | Family violence | Federal government | Foster care | H1N1 virus | Health care | Health care providers | Health insurance | Human services | Long-term care | Medicaid | Medicaid eligibility | Medical Board, Texas | Medical errors | Medical research | Mental health services | Mentally ill persons | Nurses | Obesity | Physicians | Quality of care | Senior citizens | Services for persons with disabilities | State budgets | Stem cell research | Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System |
Library Call Number: L1836.81 H349
Session: 81st R.S. (2009)
Online version: View report [272 pages  File size: 6,511 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Upon passage of federal legislation relating to reform of the health care industry and health insurance industry that the Texas Health and Human Services Commission estimates will costs the State of Texas $2 to 2.5 billion per year in General Revenue beginning as early as 2013, study the implications of such legislation on Texas, the health care industry, and public and private insurance. Study and monitor the implementation of the insurance regulatory changes, changes to high risk pool, and any other insurance mandates. Study the health care policy changes and the impact to the Medicaid and CHIP programs and the state budget. Assess the impact to all state uninsured and uncompensated care programs and county programs for the uninsured, including county property tax programs to pay for the uninsured. Make recommendations for the efficient implementation of programs. (Joint charge with Senate State Affairs Committee)
2. Study the benefits, efficiencies and costs, and effectiveness of the social service related prevention and early intervention programs at the health and human services agencies, the juvenile and adult criminal justice agencies and other government agencies that have programs that address mental illness, substance abuse, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, single-parent families, absentee fathers, early pregnancy, and unemployment. Study other states' prevention programs and efforts to administer these programs through a merged prevention department. Make recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of these programs.
3. Review the timeliness and efficiency of the Health and Human Service Commission's eligibility system. Include a review of staffing levels and staffing distribution; implementation of Rider 61; and the increased demand on the system. Make recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the system, focusing on policy changes that will not create a large financial burden for the state.
4. Study and make recommendations on the state's role for facilitating the exchange of health care information in the future, including using the Medicaid exchange as a framework for the statewide exchange of health information between health care providers to improve quality of care; what information the state should provide; how to use this information to improve care management, prevent medical errors, and reduce unnecessary services; and policies and statutory changes needed to ensure that privacy is protected. Study the feasibility of developing multiple regional health information technology exchanges in Texas.
5. Study the state's current and long-range need for physicians, nurses, dentists and other allied health and long-term care professionals. Provide recommendations for ensuring sufficient numbers of health care professionals, focusing on medically underserved and rural areas of the state as well as the Border region. Consider health care delivered by Advanced Practice Nurses in terms of access, cost and patient safety and include an assessment of independent prescriptive authority with those states in which prescriptive authority is delegated by a physician. Make recommendations to enhance the efficient use of Advanced Practice Nurses in Texas.
6. Explore strategies to support the needs of aging Texans, including best practices in nursing home diversion, expediting access to community services, and programs to assist seniors and their families in navigating the long-term care system with the goal of helping seniors remain in the community. Study the guardianship program implemented by the Department of Aging and Disabilities and the Department of Adult Protective Services, including the efficiency and effectiveness of the program, the relationship between the two agencies, the appropriate rights for parents, and whether clients and their assets are adequately protected to ensure the state is appropriately identifying seniors in need of protection.
7. Examine how the state could enact policies to improve the overall health of Texans, focusing on programs that compliment individually-based prevention with community­based prevention to reduce obesity rates by increasing physical activity, improving nutrition, and improving self-management of chronic diseases such as diabetes. Examine obesity-related health disparities between different ethnic groups and ways to narrow these gaps. Consider the fiscal and health impact of second-hand smoke on businesses and service sector employees. Study state-level initiatives to incorporate these individual and community-based prevention strategies, including initiatives pursued in other states.
8. Study the state's ability to appropriately respond to the H1N1 influenza pandemic by examining issues related to vaccine distribution and capacity. Consider the benefit of providing the state's independent school districts and various health authorities with standardized protocols for issues including, but not limited to, vaccine administration, absenteeism and the cancellation of school and other school-related events. Assess the state's ability to track and record H1N1 vaccinations through the ImmTrac registry, and review statutes governing ImmTrac to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of immunization information systems.
9. Study current state health care quality improvement initiatives in Texas, including statewide health care-associated infection and adverse event reporting, reimbursement reductions in the Texas Medicaid program for preventable adverse events, potentially preventable readmissions identification, health information technology implementation, pay-far-performance programs, and other initiatives aimed at improving the efficiency, safety, and quality of health care in Texas. Identify statutory changes that may build upon efforts to improve quality of care and contain health care costs in Texas. Study policies that encourage and facilitate the use of best practices by health care providers including the best way to report and distribute information on quality of care and the use of best practices to the public and to promote health care provider and payment incentives that will encourage the use of best practices. The study/recommendations could also include assessing the best way to bring provider groups together to increase quality of care, the use of best practices, and reduce unnecessary services.
10. Study current practices of the Texas Medical Board relating to disclosure of complaints.
11. Review the types of human stem cell and human cloning research being conducted, funded, or supported by state agencies, including institutions of higher education. Make recommendations for appropriate data collection and funding protocols.
12. Review the Medicaid HCBS waivers (CBA, STAR Plus, CLASS, MDCP, DBMT, TxHmL) and develop recommendations to assure that people with significant disabilities, regardless of disability label or age, receive needed services to remain in or transition to the community. Review should look at the delivery system, eligibility, service packages, rate structures, workforce issues and funding caps. Examine options for the provision of services for children aging out of the Medicaid system. Make recommendations for streamlining/combining these waivers, ensuring that these waivers are cost effective or create cost savings, and developing policies that contain costs in an effort to increase access to these services. The review should examine other states' community care waivers and provide recommendations relating to efforts that have been successful in other states.
13. Study the type, duration, frequency and effectiveness of mental health services available to and accessed by abused and neglected Texas children. Recommend strategies to address the impact of the trauma, and enhance therapeutic services available to this population in an effort to eliminate the cycle of abuse and neglect.
14. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services, 81st Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation.
  • Monitor Department of Family and Protective Services' implementation of the U.S. Fostering Connections Act, including the new Kinship Care program. Include recommendations on how to optimize the use of monetary assistance to qualified relative caregivers.
  • Monitor the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) implementation of SB 643, relating to Texas' state-supported living centers (SSLCs), implementation of Special Provisions relating to All Health and Human Services Agencies, Section 48. Contingency Appropriation for the Reshaping of the System for Providing Services to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, and implementation of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Settlement Agreement terms.
Committee: House Transportation
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Transportation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2006 : a report to the House of Representatives, 80th Texas Legislature
Subjects: Air transportation | Automobile Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority | Border crossings | Border issues | Border transportation | Burlington Northern Santa Fe | Counties | Electricity transmission and distribution | Electronic surveillance | Eminent domain | Federal funds | International trade | Land use regulations | Ports | Railroads | Rental companies | Rights of way | State budgets | Transportation planning | Transportation, Texas Department of | Underground utility lines | Union Pacific | Vehicle dealerships | Vehicles |
Library Call Number: L1836.79 T687
Session: 79th R.S. (2005)
Online version: View report [63 pages  File size: 12,744 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review the regulation of utilities by the Texas Department of Transportation relating to utility access along the edge of the road right-of-way and placement of utility facilities along public road rights-of-way. Recommend strategies for the Public Utility Commission and the Department of Transportation to deliver assets of value to the state.
2. Study the relationship between Texas Department of Transportation, the Federal Aviation Administration and other federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security. Review the effectiveness and efficiency of the funding process for airports, and capacity needs for commercial and private demands. Examine further needs with regard to private and public airports.
3. Examine the transportation planning coordination of land use, including planning for large transportation corridors.
4. Research and study the permissibility of rental care companies to sell used rental motor vehicles on credit union premises and other locations not continuously used for the conduct of used rental motor vehicle sales. Analyze comparative laws from other states permitting such sales by rental car companies on premises other than those owned by the rental car companies.
5. Consider the rail relocation needs of the major metropolitan areas of Texas. Identify possible funding sources.
6. Study the economic infrastructure of the state's main trade corridors with special emphasis on the ability to enhance trade and transportation through increased use of technology. (Joint interim charge with the House Committee on Border and International Affairs)
7. Study the current border and coastal transportation infrastructure and any enhancements needed to meet gorwing international trade and economic development. (Joint interim charge with the House Committee on Border and International Affairs)
8. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction.
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim Report - General Budget and Tax Issues
Library Catalog Title: Interim report of the Senate Finance Committee : recommendations to the 79th Legislature.
Subjects: Employees Retirement System of Texas | Fire Fighter's Pension Commissioner | Judicial Retirement System of Texas | Public retirement systems | Rainy Day Fund | State budget certification | State budgets | State government debt | Tax revenue | Teacher Retirement System of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.78 F49 v. 1
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [355 pages  File size: 15,793 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. General Budget Oversight. Monitor state agency implementation of HB 1, 78th R.S., by reviewing key strategies, programs, and rider provisions.
2. Revenue Oversight. Monitor and track the Texas' key revenue sources. Develop recommendations to keep the Legislature apprised of key revenue source activity throughout the duration of this and future fiscal biennia.
3. General Budget and Tax Issues Rainy Day Fund. Track the history of appropriations out of and deposits of revenue into the Texas' rainy day fund. Monitor FY 2004-2005 deposits of revenue to the fund. As needed, make recommendations on how to improve revenue sources and the manner in which the fund can be spent. Pension Fund Review. Report on the current condition of the state's pension systems, including an analysis of unfunded liabilities. Make recommendations, as necessary, to ensure Texas meets its financial obligations in the future. Issuance of State Bonds. Review the role of the Public Finance Authority and the Bond Review Board in the issuance of state bonds, and make recommendations, as necessary, for improvements. Budget Certification. Study the budget certification process. Make recommendations on how to improve the process of certifying the state budget by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. General Appropriations Act Bill Pattern Review. Review effectiveness of current and past bill patterns, and make recommendations, as necessary, for improvements.
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim Report - health and human services demand
Library Catalog Title: Interim report / Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health and Human Services Demand.
Subjects: Human services | State budgets |
Library Call Number: L1836.77 F49HHS
Session: 77th R.S. (2001)
Online version: View report [171 pages  File size: 5,683 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Evaluate the processes by which health and human services agencies assess the demand for services and allocate their appropriations to address program demands and requested rate increases.
Committee: House Appropriations
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Appropriations, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2000 : a report to the House of Representatives, 77th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Correctional officer salaries | State agencies | State budgets | State employee salaries | State employee turnover | State employees | State government contracts | Tobacco settlement receipts |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 ap65
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [97 pages  File size: 4,308 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Actively monitor through hearings and research the appropriations made by the 76th Legislature, including the disposition of tobacco settlement proceeds.
2. Review practices of state agencies and institutions in salary administration, contract employees, general contracting practices including monitoring the performance of contractors, Year 2000 performance, and attainment of performance goals.
3. Examine trends in pay and turnover in state agencies and institutions with a focus on the most highly paid executive positions and the lowest paid positions, such as correctional officers, human service caseworkers, food service workers, MHMR aides and assistants, and therapist technicians.
Committee: House Appropriations
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Appropriations, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1998 : a report to the House of Representatives, 76th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Appellate courts | High technology | State agencies | State budgets | State employee salaries | State employees | Supreme Court, Texas | Year 2000 computer problem |
Library Call Number: L1836.75 ap65
Session: 75th R.S. (1997)
Online version: View report [75 pages  File size: 3,496 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Perform a comprehensive evaluation of performance-based budgeting and strategic planning, including costs and benefits. Review the original goals of the programs and assess the extent to which they have met expectations. Report specific achievements that would not have occurred under previous systems. Develop performance measures to evaluate success of the systems.
2. Study the duplication of state services. Compile an inventory of programs in which there is an apparent duplication of state services. Based on the inventory, select specific services for detailed study and recommendations.
3. Review implementation of new job classification plans. Evaluate agency actions in response to new plans. Continue study to improve consistency and equity among agencies and titles while preserving essential management flexibility.
4. Determine whether the methods of funding Texas courts, especially the Supreme Court and the Courts of Appeals, are the most efficient and effective. Evaluate other funding options. Include a review of any benefits achieved by the additional funding provided to the courts for fee collection and enhanced technology.
5. Study opportunities for agencies to use technology to deliver products and services more effectively. Maintain active oversight on the Year 2000 initiative.
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report of the Senate Finance Committee : recommendations to the 76th Legislature.
Subjects: Government travel costs | State budgets | State employee salaries | State employees |
Library Call Number: L1836.75 f49
Session: 75th R.S. (1997)
Online version: View report [292 pages  File size: 12,163 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Based upon the work of the Finance Subcommittees, make any necessary recommendations for legislative or state agency action.
2. Review the use of riders in the Appropriations Bill and recommend guidelines to evaluate proposed riders for appropriateness and legality.
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Committee documentation: daily minutes record
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1803.9 F49 75
Session: 75th R.S. (1997)
Online version: View document [1 pages  File size: 28 kb]
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Interim committee report of the Senate Finance Committee to the 75th Legislature.
Subjects: Child care | Computer networks | Data management | Federal funds | Federal government | Higher education | Higher education affordability | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Medicaid | State budgets | Telecommunications infrastructure | Tuition | University budgets | University finance | Welfare | Welfare reform |
Library Call Number: L1836.74 f49f
Session: 74th R.S. (1995)
Online version: View report [272 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To evaluate the impact on Texas government finance resulting from proposed changes in federal funding mechanisms and to make recommendations to implement changed funding mechanisms.
2. To monitor implementation of tuition and student use fee increases, HB 815, 74th R.S. and HB 1792, 74th R.S., by higher education institutions. The Committee shall issue a report identifying the impacts and uses of tuition and student use fee increases.
3. To evaluate use of emerging telecommunication infrastructure for efficiencies in collection and disbursement of state funds and to evaluate the impact of technology and its effect on the demand for state appropriations.
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim report - Selected state agency performance
Library Catalog Title: Interim report of the Senate Finance Committee on selected state agency performance : to the 75th Legislature.
Subjects: State agencies | State agency budgets | State budgets |
Library Call Number: L1836. 74 f49
Session: 74th R.S. (1995)
Online version: View report [64 pages  File size: 5,057 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Identify instances of excess appropriations and monitor forecasted unexpended balances of fiscal year 1996 appropriations, evaluating the reasons for such balances. This inquiry should focus on the major projected unexpended balances such as those at the Department of Health, Texas Department of Human Services, and Texas Department of Criminal Justice including managed health costs for inmates.
2. Evaluate for the period from 1986 to present the caseload, enrollment and population estimating methodologies used by state agencies and institutions to form the basis of their legislative appropriation requests and make recommendations to improve those methodologies and allow the Legislature to make interim adjustments in appropriations based on inaccurate estimates.
3. Monitor Assessment of Agency Performance as indentified by the Legislative Budget Board staff for major agencies and institutions and recommend ways to further enhance the state's performance based budgeting system including enhanced use of rewards for compliance and sanctions for noncompliance with established performance measures, such as those establishing graduation rates and target employment caps.
Committee: Senate Health and Human Services
Title: Interim report - Reforming Medicaid
Library Catalog Title: Reforming Medicaid in Texas : interim report.
Subjects: Child nutrition programs | Fraud | Health and Human Services Commission, Texas | Human Services, Texas Department of | Managed care | Medicaid | Medicaid eligibility | State budgets | Welfare fraud |
Library Call Number: L1836.73 m468
Session: 73rd R.S. (1993)
Online version: View report [137 pages  File size: 7,824 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review and evaluate the options provided by the State Medicaid Director and make recommendations for state or federal administrative action that could be taken in the short term under current law, if any, with the goal of fundamentally changing the Medicaid delivery system to achieve significant savings in the Texas Medicaid Program in FY '96-'97.
2. Review Medicaid and other related programs in Texas and other states, such as Tennessee and Oregon, to identify cost-saving methods that have proven successful or have the potential to prove successful.
3. Identify barriers at the federal level, whether statutory or administrative, that restrict or limit Texas' ability to achieve substantial Medicaid cost-savings.
4. Make recommendations for state legislation, if necessary, to substantially reduce the growth in demand for spending in the 1996-97 Medicaid budget and following budget periods.
5. Review compliance by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission with the requirements of HB 7, 72nd Legislature, 1st Called Session and subsequent amendments thereto.
6. At the direction of the Lieutenant Governor, investigate allegations of fraud, mismanagement or waste in any health and human services program or agency involving substantial loss or risk of future loss to the state.
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate Health and Human Services
Title: Interim Report - Interest groups' recommendations on Medicaid reform
Library Catalog Title: Interest groups' recommendations on Medicaid reform.
Library Call Number: L1836.73 h349i 1&2
Session: 73rd R.S. (1993)
Committee: Senate Health and Human Services
Title: Committee documentation: daily minutes record, draft minutes, testimony of Richard C. Ladd, HHSC Commissioner (HHSC accomplishments, reorganization, LBB budget recommendations, DHS summary of impact of legislative budget estimates), guardianship
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1803.9 H88 73
Session: 73rd R.S. (1993)
Online version: View document [30 pages  File size: 529 kb]
Committee: House Appropriations
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Committee on Appropriations : interim study and report to the 73rd state Legislature.
Subjects: High-speed rail | State agency performance measures | State budgets |
Library Call Number: L1836.72 ap65
Session: 72nd R.S. (1991)
Online version: View report [50 pages  File size: 1,574 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the development of the high-speed rail.
2. Monitor and oversee legislation enacted during the 72nd Regular and Special Called Sessions that was considered by the Appropriations Committee; Performance Audit Review Recommendations; and any agency-initiated changes.
3. Carry out budget and oversight responsibilities for all agencies, boards, and commissions listed in Rule 3, Section 2. A. Monitor and oversee documentation of salary increases. B. Verify the number and status of outcomes and outputs as identified in the Appropriations Bill (HB 1, 72nd Legislature, 1st Called Session). C. Review agencies' existing performance standards and determine whether new standards are needed.
Committee: Senate Finance, Interim
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Interim committee report of the Senate Interim Committee on Finance to the 73rd Legislature.
Subjects: State agency performance measures | State budgets | Tax revenue | Tax system |
Library Call Number: L1836.72 f49
Session: 72nd R.S. (1991)
Online version: View report [178 pages  File size: 5,902 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. The Committee shall study tax equity.
2. The Committee shall monitor the tax and fee impact of HB 11, 72nd Legislature, 1st Called Session, and track the revenue stream generated.
3. The Committee shall monitor the outcomes and outputs as specified in the most recent Appropriations Bill.
4. The Committee shall monitor the cash and debt management practices of the State Treasurer's Office.
Committee: Joint Capital Construction, Select, Interim
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the Select Interim Committee on Capital Construction.
Subjects: State budgets |
Library Call Number: L1836.70 c172
Session: 70th R.S. (1987)
Online version: View report [151 pages  File size: 5,526 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the financing of public capital facilities. The study shall include, but not be limited to, an assessment of infrastructure needs, a review and evaluation of current procedures and construction priorities, and recommendations for improving the existing funding mechanisms.
Supporting documents
Committee: Joint Capital Construction, Select, Interim
Title: HCR 189, 70th Leg.
Library Call Number: HCR 189
Session: 70th R.S. (1987)
Online version: View document [2 pages  File size: 185 kb]
Committee: House Appropriations
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 70th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: State budgets |
Library Call Number: L1836.69 d36
Session: 69th R.S. (1985)
Online version: View report [56 pages  File size: 1,953 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the structure of funds within the state treasury, particularly the impact on legislative decision making of statutory and constitutionally dedicated funds.
Committee: House Appropriations
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 69th Texas Legislature, Texas House of Representatives / Appropriations Committee.
Subjects: Computers and government | Databases | Distributed electricity generation | Electric power plants | Energy conservation | Government travel costs | Health insurance | Job training programs | State agencies | State agency budgets | State budgets | State buildings | State employees | Tuition | University finance | Welfare-to-work |
Library Call Number: L1836.68 ap65
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View report [55 pages  File size: 1,748 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To monitor all activities and have budget oversight responsibilities for those agencies, boards and commissions as listed in Rule 3, Section 2.
2. To investigate the feasibility of having state offices in foreign countries for use of various state agencies, including but not limited to: a. The Department of Agriculture b. The Industrial Commission c. The Tourist Development Agency
3. To review the capital outlay requirements of various facilities operated by the state in order to: a. Determine the need for state-owned floor space in Travis County. b. Set priorities in regards to the capital outlay of all state agencies and institutions.
4. To review state employees group insurance to: a. Determine the most cost effective bidding procedures available to the state. b. Examine alternatives to reducing state costs for the employees' group health insurance program.
5. To have interim oversight of all automated services in state government to: a. Determine the role of automation in state government. b. Research the possibility of coordination of automated services of small state agencies into a Central Automated System.
6. To review the travel policies and the transportation needs of state agencies to: a. Analyze the necessity of travel and the reimbursement policies of state agencies and institutions. b. Consider the feasibility of advanced telecommunication in lieu of travel. c. Explore the feasibility of having a motor pool for all Austin based state agencies. d. Examine the use of TDC in repairing and reconditioning state owned vehicles.
7. To review funding sources and general revenue to determine: a. Policies concerning estimates of local income as an offset to general funding. b. The appropriate policy in the application of indirect cost as it relates to federal and private funding in the method of financing state agencies and institutions. c. The impact of general rider provisions, with particular emphasis of Sec. 67, Art. V, as it relates to proportional funding of selected agencies. d. Review budget and agency policies (including salary, leave, and travel policies) of those agencies whose budgets are not controlled by the General Appropriations Act.
8. To study the possibility of state agencies and institutions developing sources of energy for their own consumption.
9. To conduct a comparative study to determine the most effective means of helping the welfare-unemployed enter the state work force.
10. To review in cooperation with the House Committee on Higher Education in tuitional policies of institutions of higher education as it pertains to exemptions, particularly in payment of tuition of out-of-state students.
11. To review planning and coordination of research by state agencies for the purpose of recommending those changes which will improve effectiveness and utility of the research product. Review shall include, but not be limited to: a. Research funded through state appropriations, federal grants, private grants, and interagency contracts.
12. To review the advantages and disadvantages of annual vs. biennial appropriations.
Committee: Joint Fiscal Policy, Select
Title: Hazardous waste fees
Library Catalog Title: Hazardous waste fees : a report to the Joint Select Committee on Fiscal Policy, state of Texas.
Subjects: State budgets | Tax revenue | Tax system |
Library Call Number: L1836.68 f52h
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View report [26 pages  File size: 1,120 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Prepare analyses of significant spending issues in Texas' state government as well as examen needs and/or demands for state spending and the effectiveness of state spending as well as the effects of changes in state spending.
2. Prepare analyses of Texas' state government revenue structure and associated issues including how various elements may be affected by national and state economic conditions.
3. Prepare analyses of potential changes in the revenue structure including analysis of how such changes might affect the different segments of the business community and general population
4. Prepare analyses of intergovernmental fiscal issues in Texas, particularly trends associated with state and local government in Texas.
Committee: Joint Fiscal Policy, Select
Title: Interim report - volume A
Library Catalog Title: Report to Joint Select Committee on Fiscal Policy.
Subjects: Legislative process | State budgets | Tax revenue | Tax system |
Library Call Number: L1836.68 f52s a
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View report [23 pages  File size: 734 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Prepare analyses of significant spending issues in Texas' state government as well as examen needs and/or demands for state spending and the effectiveness of state spending as well as the effects of changes in state spending.
2. Prepare analyses of Texas' state government revenue structure and associated issues including how various elements may be affected by national and state economic conditions.
3. Prepare analyses of potential changes in the revenue structure including analysis of how such changes might affect the different segments of the business community and general population
4. Prepare analyses of intergovernmental fiscal issues in Texas, particularly trends associated with state and local government in Texas.
5. Prepare and publish a "Handbook on Government Finances in Texas" as a result of the committee's studies.
6. Communicate alternatives to all segments of the Texas community and seek advice and counsel from those who will be active participants, directly or indirectly, in legislative decision-making.
Committee: Joint Fiscal Policy, Select
Title: Interim Report - volume B
Library Catalog Title: Report to Joint Select Committee on Fiscal Policy.
Subjects: Legislative process | State budgets | Tax revenue | Tax system |
Library Call Number: L1836.68 f52s b
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View report [304 pages  File size: 9,260 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Prepare analyses of significant spending issues in Texas' state government as well as examen needs and/or demands for state spending and the effectiveness of state spending as well as the effects of changes in state spending.
2. Prepare analyses of Texas' state government revenue structure and associated issues including how various elements may be affected by national and state economic conditions.
3. Prepare analyses of potential changes in the revenue structure including analysis of how such changes might affect the different segments of the business community and general population
4. Prepare analyses of intergovernmental fiscal issues in Texas, particularly trends associated with state and local government in Texas.
5. Prepare and publish a "Handbook on Government Finances in Texas" as a result of the committee's studies.
6. Communicate alternatives to all segments of the Texas community and seek advice and counsel from those who will be active participants, directly or indirectly, in legislative decision-making.
Committee: Joint Fiscal Policy, Select
Title: Interim Report - volume C
Library Catalog Title: Report to Joint Select Committee on Fiscal Policy.
Subjects: Legislative process | State budgets | Tax revenue | Tax system |
Library Call Number: L1836.68 f52s c
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View report [102 pages  File size: 1,965 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Prepare analyses of significant spending issues in Texas' state government as well as examen needs and/or demands for state spending and the effectiveness of state spending as well as the effects of changes in state spending.
2. Prepare analyses of Texas' state government revenue structure and associated issues including how various elements may be affected by national and state economic conditions.
3. Prepare analyses of potential changes in the revenue structure including analysis of how such changes might affect the different segments of the business community and general population
4. Prepare analyses of intergovernmental fiscal issues in Texas, particularly trends associated with state and local government in Texas.
5. Prepare and publish a "Handbook on Government Finances in Texas" as a result of the committee's studies.
6. Communicate alternatives to all segments of the Texas community and seek advice and counsel from those who will be active participants, directly or indirectly, in legislative decision-making.
Committee: House Appropriations
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, Sixty-eighth Legislature : report of the Committee on Appropriations, Texas House of Representatives, Sixty-seventh Legislature.
Subjects: Federal funds | Government travel costs | Property insurance | State agencies | State budgets | University finance |
Library Call Number: L1836.67 ap65
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View report [42 pages  File size: 1,452 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the implementation of federal budgetary changes and their impact on state agency programs, with emphasis on block grants versus categorical grants.
2. Coordinate, cooperate and assist the House Standing Committee with oversight functions for all agencies; review the method by which the new travel provisions dealing with increased per diem in high-cost areas are being implemented and review out-of-state travel expenses by those agencies which are authorized to have a higher per diem when traveling out of state; review the state policy in relation to the use of state vehicles, including aircraft, to determine what operations are the most efficient and practical.
3. Examine the state policy of funding to reimburse colleges and universities for uninsured losses to property; review the appropriate subcommittee process to determine what, if any, adjustments could be made to make the process work more efficiently; review and recommend any necessary changes in the current process and format through which agencies develop and submit operating budgets to the Executive and Legislative Budget Office.
4. Develop a suggested approach for implementation of the General Appropriations Act which allows the Legislature to set per diem of board members; Determine the feasibility of developing a way to divert fund balances that remain in special funds over and above the needs of the current biennium without the necessity for statutory change; review the method by which a capital projects budget could be developed for the General Appropriations Act.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Appropriations
Title: Interim Report - Per diem compensation of state board members
Library Catalog Title: An inventory of statutes concerning per diem compensation of state board members / House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Special Provisions ; [compiled by the staff of the Texas Legisltaive Council].
Library Call Number: L1836.67 c738i
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View document [102 pages  File size: 3,168 kb]
Committee: House Appropriations
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives sixty-sixth legislature / report of the Committee on Appropriations, Texas House of Representatives, sixty-fifth legislature.
Subjects: Federal funds | State agency budgets | State budgets | State buildings | State employee salaries |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 AP65
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [53 pages  File size: 1,387 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review the statutes of those state agencies which are not currently funded under the appropriations bill but whose funds may be appropriated by the legislature.
2. Review the procedures of the appropriative process and recommend changes in House rules, committee procedures, etc. as needed to improve the appropriative process.
3. Review the states allotment of federal funds and the process by which they flow into the state, developing future projection trends with particular focus on funds used for salaries to pay state employees.
4. Review of space requirements of state agencies and recommendations as to future construction and possible sources of funding in lieu of the now defunct 2 cent tax for State Building Construction.
5. Special oversight of budget activities of all state agencies with particular emphasis on implementation and use of an interactive budget monitoring system for committees and members of the legislature.
6. Review of agency, board and commission fees and licenses, determining if these have become outdated or do not generate necessary revenues as was originally intended when fee structure was enacted.
Committee: House Appropriations
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the Committee on Appropriations, Texas House of Representatives, 64th Legislature.
Subjects: Federal funds | Legislative process | State agencies | State agency budgets | State budgets | State buildings |
Library Call Number: L1836.64 ap65
Session: 64th R.S. (1975)
Online version: View report [68 pages  File size: 2,290 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the current practice of the state's leasing of office and building space to determine its efficiency and economy to the state. This subcommittee shall have the duty of studying the feasibility of state ownership of buildings, either through purchase of existing buildings of by new construction in lieu of leasing.
2. Review the fiscal notes process used by the House for accuracy and methodology and make recommendations for any improvement. This subcommittee is to include in its deliberations a study of the advisability of the inclusion of a fiscal note requirement on all bills having local fiscal implications.
3. Review all state agencies that do not receive their appropriations through biennial legislative appropriation and whose monies are not deposited with the state treasury.
4. Study the continued development a streamlining the appropriations process of the House of Representatives as it applies to the General Appropriations Bill.
5. Study the procedure for the attainment of federal funds, particularly those funds which are not appropriated to agencies through the General Appropriations Bill. Emphasis is to be given to those funds that are allowed to accumulate to the agency with no direction or restriction for spending mandated by either State or Federal governments.
Committee: House Ways and Means
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report, Sixty-fifty [i.e. fifth] legislative session / Texas House of Representatives, Committee on Ways and Means.
Subjects: Natural gas | Natural gas industry | Natural gas utility rates and charges | State budgets | Tax revenue |
Library Call Number: L1836.64 w368
Session: 64th R.S. (1975)
Online version: View report [70 pages  File size: 2,380 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the taxation of natural gas. Consider the effects of changes to the tax structure on the natural gas industry, consumers, the state economy and state revenues. *
2. Evaluate whether to continue the using the Omnibus Tax Clearance Fund system to allocate tax revenues. *
Supporting documents
Committee: House Saving Taxes
Title: Transcripts of the the House Committee on Saving Taxes, Volume 1, November 13-14, 1959; January, February 19, March 4, 1960
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1836.56 SA94T 1959-1960 V. 1
Session: 56th R.S. (1959)
Online version: View document [455 pages  File size: 738,317 kb]
Committee: House Saving Taxes
Title: Transcripts of the House Committee on Saving Taxes, Volume 2, March 5, March 12, March 18, 1960
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1836.56 SA94T 1959-1960 V. 2
Session: 56th R.S. (1959)
Online version: View document [236 pages  File size: 108,612 kb]
Committee: Senate General Appropriations Bill Preparation, Special
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report relating to departmental appropriations
Subjects: State budgets |
Library Call Number: S.J. of Tex., 46th Leg., R.S. 359 (1939)
Session: 45th R.S. (1937)
Online version: View report [5 pages  File size: 204 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Make a study of the various State departments for the biennium beginning in September, 1939, which properly are included in the regular session of the Legislature. Make its report to the Finance Committee of the Senate of the Forty-sixth Legislature not later than thirty days after the convening of the Forty-sixth Legislature in the Regular Session.
Committee: Senate Investigating
Title: Interim Report - State Funds, Supplement
Library Catalog Title: Supplement to report of special committee
Subjects: Lower Colorado River Authority | State budget shortages | State budgets |
Library Call Number: S.J. of Tex., 45th Leg., 2nd C.S. 11 (1937)
Session: 45th R.S. (1937)
Online version: View report [20 pages  File size: 1,061 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Make a detailed inquiry into the general operation of all State Governmental Departments, Institutions and Agencies, are being administered and expended in accordance with law; to determine the needs of such Institutions and Agencies; to ascertain and make recommendations back to the Senate concerning economies which can be effected through the elimination of duplication and inefficient organization of such Governmental Departments, Institutions and Agencies.
2. Continue the inquiries heretofore begun relative to the application of the fee system in Texas, and relative to the operation of the apportionment of the available school fund, and to inquire into tax delinquencies and collections and any and all other matters pertaining to or affecting the revenue of the State government and the expenditures of said taxes, fees and assessments, and to inquire into other affairs and activities of governmental departments and institutions of whatever kind and character, as such activities affect the financial or other welfare of the citizens of Texas. Study and investigate the insurance code, practice and procedure in this State to the end that it may prepare a code of practice and procedure conducive to the elimination of existing irregularities, abuses, inequities and discriminations looking to relieving the citizens of this State from being taxed through their insurance premiums for the maintenance of the many and varied bureaus, associations and organizations.
Committee: Senate Investigating
Title: Interim Report - State Funds
Library Catalog Title: Preliminary report of Senate Investigating Committee appointed under Senate resolutions nos. 12 and 90, regular session of the 45th Legislature
Subjects: Lower Colorado River Authority | State budget shortages | State budgets |
Library Call Number: L1836.45 IN8RM / S.J. of Tex., 45th Leg., 2nd C.S. 25 (1937)
Session: 45th R.S. (1937)
Online version: View report [26 pages  File size: 1,560 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Make a detailed inquiry into the general operation of all State Governmental Departments, Institutions and Agencies, are being administered and expended in accordance with law; to determine the needs of such Institutions and Agencies; to ascertain and make recommendations back to the Senate concerning economies which can be effected through the elimination of duplication and inefficient organization of such Governmental Departments, Institutions and Agencies.
2. Continue the inquiries heretofore begun relative to the application of the fee system in Texas, and relative to the operation of the apportionment of the available school fund, and to inquire into tax delinquencies and collections and any and all other matters pertaining to or affecting the revenue of the State government and the expenditures of said taxes, fees and assessments, and to inquire into other affairs and activities of governmental departments and institutions of whatever kind and character, as such activities affect the financial or other welfare of the citizens of Texas. Study and investigate the insurance code, practice and procedure in this State to the end that it may prepare a code of practice and procedure conducive to the elimination of existing irregularities, abuses, inequities and discriminations looking to relieving the citizens of this State from being taxed through their insurance premiums for the maintenance of the many and varied bureaus, associations and organizations.
Committee: Joint Reductions in State Appropriations, Special
Title: Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the Committee in Regard to Reduction of State Appropriations.
Subjects: State budgets |
Library Call Number: H.J. of Tex., 43rd Leg., R.S. 3061 (1933)
Session: 43rd R.S. (1933)
Online version: View report [10 pages  File size: 339 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Draft and report to the two Houses a detailed statement showing how and in what manner the appropriations for the several departments were reduced, together with such explanatory statements as will give full and complete information in reference thereto, and that said committee be requested to make its report prior to the adjournment of the Forty-third Legislature.
Committee: Senate Tax Program
Title: Report -- Preliminary Report
Library Catalog Title: Preliminary report and recommendations of the Senate Tax Program Committee.
Subjects: Personal property taxes | Sales taxes | State budget shortages | State budgets | State income taxes | Tax administration | Tax system | Texas Constitution |
Library Call Number: L1836.43 T199/S.J. of Tex., 44th Leg., R.S. 461 (1935)
Session: 43rd R.S. (1933)
Online version: View report [55 pages  File size: 3,411 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the tax and financial situation in Texas with a view of distributing the tax burden more equitably by bringing all property under taxation of wealth now escaping its just burden; and of devising ways and means of amending our laws on taxation so that the inequalities and unfairness which now exist in our system and its administration will be eliminated as nearly as possible.
Committee:   Fiscal Survey Committee
Title: Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the Fiscal Survey Committee to the Governor and the Forty-first Legislature.
Subjects: Accounting | Audits | Comptroller of Public Accounts campaigns and elections | Fiscal management | State budgets | Treasury Department, Texas State |
Library Call Number: L1836.40 F52/S.J. of Tex., 41st Leg., 1st C.S. 457 (1929)
Session: 40th R.S. (1927)
Online version: View report [34 pages  File size: 2,119 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Make a survey of the systems of accounting and auditing used in all state departments and institutions and activities in connection therewith and all details necessary to make a complete and full report upon all matters and things needed to be done in order to establish a modern, uniform, and safe system of accounting, auditing, and financial accounting of all state departments and institutions.
Committee: Joint Welfare of the State
Title: Report
Library Catalog Title: Joint Committee report.
Subjects: State agency budgets | State budget shortages | State budgets |
Library Call Number: S.J. of Tex., 38th Leg., 3rd C.S. 42 (1923)
Session: 38th R.S. (1923)
Online version: View report [4 pages  File size: 1,791 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To consider ways and means to overcome the budget deficit.
2. To report its recommendations along with such bills and resolutions as will, when adopted, remove and overcome the discrepancy and avoid the growing deficit in the State Treasury. *
Committee: House Finance
Title: Bond indebtedness
Library Catalog Title: [Report].
Subjects: State budgets | State government debt |
Library Call Number: H.J. of Tex., 15th Leg., R.S. 232 (1876)
Session: 15th R.S. (1876)
Online version: View report [7 pages  File size: 291 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Report on the amount of money in the State Treasury, amount of appropriation made heretofore and yet unexpended, amount of State revenue required for the next two years for all purposes, amount of outstanding indebtedness of the State, the amount and character of State securities deposited in the Treasury, the condition as to the safety of the vaults and safes, and any other information deemed of value to the legislature.
2. Examine bond indebtedness in the State of Texas. *
Committee: House Finance
Title: Condition of the State Treasury
Library Catalog Title: [Report].
Subjects: State budgets | State government debt |
Library Call Number: H.J. of Tex., 15th Leg., R.S. 289 (1876)
Session: 15th R.S. (1876)
Online version: View report [7 pages  File size: 326 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Report on the amount of money in the State Treasury, amount of appropriation made heretofore and yet unexpended, amount of State revenue required for the next two years for all purposes, amount of outstanding indebtedness of the State, the amount and character of State securities deposited in the Treasury, the condition as to the safety of the vaults and safes, and any other information deemed of value to the legislature.
2. Examine bond indebtedness in the State of Texas. *
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Report
Library Catalog Title: [Report].
Subjects: State budgets | Treasury Department, Texas State |
Library Call Number: S.J. of Tex., 13th Leg., R.S. 1149 (1873)
Session: 13th R.S. (1873)
Online version: View report [5 pages  File size: 224 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Inquire and report the amount of money in the State treasury from January 1870 until February 8, 1873. *
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Report
Library Catalog Title: Report
Subjects: State budgets |
Library Call Number: S.J. of Tex., 8th Leg., 1st C.S. 48 (1861)
Session: 8th R.S. (1859)
Online version: View report [7 pages]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Inquire what amount of funds may be used from unexpended appropriations on deposit in the Treasury for public use. *
Committee: Joint Reduction of Expenditures of the State Government
Title: Report - State Asylums
Library Catalog Title: Report
Subjects: State budgets |
Library Call Number: S.J. of Tex., 8th Leg., Adj. 159 (1861)
Session: 8th R.S. (1859)
Online version: View report [5 pages  File size: 164 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Examine propriety of reducing expenditures of the state government. *
Committee: Joint Reduction of Expenditures of the State Government
Title: Report - Final
Library Catalog Title: Report
Subjects: State budgets |
Library Call Number: S.J. of Tex., 8th Leg., Adj. 189 (1861)
Session: 8th R.S. (1859)
Online version: View report [5 pages  File size: 164 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Examine propriety of reducing expenditures of the state government. *

* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.

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