Interim Hearings - Week of September 26 Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.
Charge 1: Aspects of the property tax system that contribute to rising property tax levies and taxpayer dissatisfaction
- Senate Select Committee for Property Tax Reform & Relief, committee information, video/audio archives, documents and downloads, and presentations, including Overview of Property Tax System in Texas, December 7, 2015
- Interim Charge Recommendations to the 82nd Legislature (Property Tax System), Senate Committee on Finance, January 2011
- Interim Report to the 82nd Texas Legislature (Property Tax Appraisals), House Committee on Ways & Means, January 2011
- Interim Report to the 81st Legislature, House Select Committee on Property Tax Relief and Appraisal Reform, December 2008
- Findings and Recommendations: a Report from the Texas Task Force on Appraisal Reform, Texas Task Force on Appraisal Reform, January 2007
- Texas Property Tax System, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Charge 2: Impact of franchise tax repeal
- Southwest Royalties, Inc. v. Glenn Hegar, Comptroller of Public Accounts; Opinion (No. 14-0743), Supreme Court of Texas, June 17, 2016
- "Texas Budget Spared in Court Ruling on Drilling Tax Case," Texas Tribune, June 17, 2016
- "Multiple Lawsuits Could Spell Budget Doomsday for State," Texas Tribune, March 31, 2016
- "Franchise Tax Lawsuit Could Cost $1.5 Billion a Year," Fiscal Notes, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, June-July 2015
- American Multi-Cinema, Inc. et al. v. Glenn Hegar et al.; Memorandum opinion, April 30, 2015; Appellees'/cross-appellants' motion for rehearing and for reconsideration en banc, June 5, 2015
Charge 4: State Auditor's review of
Chapter 313 agreements
- An Audit Report on Selected Major Agreements Under the Texas Economic Development Act, Texas State Auditor's Office, August 2015
- Report of the Texas Economic Development Act, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, January 2015
- An Audit Report on Selected Major Agreements Under the Texas Economic Development Act, Texas State Auditor's Office, November 2014
- Interim Report to the 81st Texas Legislature (Joint Charge 3 - Texas Economic Development Act), House Committee on Economic Development and House Committee on Energy Resources, January 2009
- Interim Report (Charge 3 - Texas Economic Development Act), Senate Finance Subcommittee on Property Appraisal and Revenue Caps, January 2009
- Tax Code Chapter 313 - Value Limitation and Tax Credits (forms and reports, school value limitation agreement documents, statutes and rules, guidelines and frequently asked questions), Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Charge 6: Competitiveness of Texas' tax structure for marine goods and services compared to other states
Charge 8: Implementation of increased residence homestead exemption as approved by the voters in Proposition 1 (
SJR 1, 84th Legislature, R.S.)
Charges related to school finance including, but not limited to, Additional State Aid for Tax Reduction (ASATR), recapture, and the Cost of Education Index (CEI)
- Manual for Districts Subject to Wealth Equalization: 2016-2017 School Year, Texas Education Agency Office of School Finance, Spring 2016
- Texas School Finance: Basics and Reform, Texas Public Policy Foundation, March 2016
- The Facts About Additional State Aid for Tax Reduction (ASATR), Texas School Coalition, 2016
- Chapter 41 Wealth Equalization (Laws, rules, reports), Texas Education Agency
- School Finance Made Easy Part 1: Educational Instruction and Operation, Center for Public Policy Priorities, 2015
- An Introduction to School Finance in Texas, TTARA Research Foundation, Revised June 2014
- Competing Perspectives on the Cost of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, 2003
- A Study of Uncontrollable Variations in the Cost of Texas Public Education: A Summary Report Prepared for the 77th Texas Legislature (Technical Supplement), Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin, November 1, 2000
- 19 Texas Administrative Code §§203.1-203.3, Cost of Education Index
- Texas Education Code §42.2516, Additional State Aid for Tax Reduction
- 19 Texas Administrative Code §61.1011, Additional State Aid for Tax Reduction (ASATR)
- School Finance Litigation Archive, Texas Legislative Reference Library
Topic: Border security and operations, including efforts of local law enforcement
- Life on the Border: Examining Border Security through the Eyes of Local Residents and Law Enforcement, Border and Maritime Security Subcommittee, Homeland Security Committee, May 9, 2016
- Interim Hearings - Week of March 21, 2016, Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs & Military Installations, Subcommittee on Border Security, Legislative Reference Library, March 14, 2016
- Border Security Statistics, Texas Department of Public Safety
Topic: Legislative oversight and monitoring of agencies
Charge 1: Texas Department of Transportation's role in responding to natural disasters
Charge 7: Oversize or overweight corridors
Topic: Transportation funding mechanisms, including Texas Emissions Reduction Plan funds, reduction and rededication of Motor Fuels Tax Collection timely payment deduction including Comptrollers administrative and enforcement allowance associated with motor fuels tax collection
- Overview of Major Transportation Funding Actions by the 84th Legislature and Selected Alternative Funding Options (Presentation), Legislative Budget Board, September 2015
- Sources and Uses of the Clean Air Account and Texas Emissions Reduction Plan Account (Presentation), Legislative Budget Board, September 2015
- Transportation Funding Options: Legislative Policy Report, Legislative Budget Board, February 2015
- Interim Report to the 84th Legislature, Senate Select Committee on Transportation Funding, Expenditures & Finance, January 2015
- Interim Report to the 84th Legislature, House Select Committee on Transportation Funding, Expenditures & Finance, December 2014
- Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP), Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Topic: Transportation reinvestment zones for use by municipalities and counties transportation funding
Topic: Short or long term funding options that could enhance transportation construction, design, planning, or maintenance
Charge 1: Implementation of federal regulations
- States' Reactions to EPA Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards, National Conference of State Legislatures, April 18, 2016
- EPA Regulations: Too Much, Too Little, or On Track?, Congressional Research Service, February 9, 2016
- The Clean Power Plan: Focus on Implementation and Compliance, The Brattle Group, January 2016
- ERCOT Analysis of the Impacts of the Clean Power Plan: Final Rule Update, Electric Reliability Council of Texas, October 16, 2015
- Well Within Reach: How Texas Can Comply With and Benefit From the Clean Power Plan, Environmental Defense Fund, October 2015
- The Many Problems of the EPA's Clean Power Plan and Climate Regulations: A Primer, The Heritage Foundation, July 7, 2015
- Potential Impact of Proposed EPA Regulations on Low Income Groups and Minorities, National Black Chamber of Commerce, June 2015
- Analysis of the Impacts of the Clean Power Plan (Requested by Rep. Lamar Smith), U.S. Energy Information Administration, May 2015
- Grinding to a Halt: Examining the Impacts of New Ozone Regulations on Key Transportation Projects, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 2015
- Impacts of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule on the ERCOT System, Electric Reliability Council of Texas, September 1, 2011
House and Senate Select Committees on State Real Property Data Collection, Reporting, & Assessment (Joint Hearing) Topics: Update from agencies on the status of the report on the statewide strategy, required by
HB 3750, 84th R.S., that will ensure all real property owned by the state is adequately insured; potential benefits of maintaining a comprehensive database of all real property owned by the state
Charges related to school finance including, but not limited to school facilities
- Foundation School Program Funding For School Facilities Issue Brief, Texas Legislative Budget Board, April 2016
- Instructional Facilities Allotment Program (Laws, rules, reports), Texas Education Agency
- School Finance 101: Funding of Texas Public Schools, Texas Education Agency Office of School Finance, Revised September 2014
- An Introduction to School Finance in Texas, TTARA Research Foundation, Revised June 2014
- "The Impact of Facilities on the Cost of Education," National Tax Journal, March 2011
- School Finance Litigation Archive, Texas Legislative Reference Library
Charge 5: Investment performance benchmarks utilized by the state's pension funds and impact of portfolio diversification and short-and long-term market assumptions
- Investment Policy, Employee Retirement System of Texas, August 16, 2016
- 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Teacher Retirement System of Texas, November 18, 2015
- 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Employee Retirement System of Texas, November 16, 2015
- Guide to Public Retirement Systems in Texas, Pension Review Board, February 2015
- Study of the Financial Health of Texas Public Retirement Systems, Pension Review Board, December 2014
- Investment Policy Statement, Teacher Retirement System of Texas, Effective October 1, 2014
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