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Interim Hearings – Week of September 9, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


September 10, 2024
House Committee on Appropriations
1. Update on the Texas economy.

2. Review the state finance implications of the implementation of House Bill 4990 as it relates to the Texas Pharmaceutical Initiative.

3. Review the state finance implications of the implementation of House Bill 8 as it relates to the public junior college state finance program.

4. Interim Charge 1: Monitor and oversee the implementation and impact of appropriations under Article II for reimbursement rates.

5. Interim Charge 1: Monitor and oversee the implementation of programs assisting victims with crime and revenues associated with the awards. Monitor the federal revenue trends and resources available to efficiently administer timely payments to those awarded grants from the Trusteed Programs within the Office of the Governor and the Office of the Attorney General.


House Committee on International Relations & Economic Development
Monitoring: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

  • HB 1755, relating to the creation of the Lone Star Workforce of the Future Fund; and
  • HB 4451, relating to a report by the Texas Workforce Commission regarding apprenticeship opportunities in this state for emerging and high-demand industries.

The Committee will receive an update from the Texas Workforce Commission and the Texas Economic Development & Tourism Office.

Charge: Early Childhood Education Industry: Evaluate the current state of the early childhood education industry. Review current early childhood policies and evaluate their effectiveness, including barriers to enter the Child Care Services program.


House Select Committee on Securing Texas from Hostile Foreign Organizations (Tyler)
Charge: Study the threat posed by hostile foreign organizations and related entities on the Texas economy, security, and values.

Charge: Examine rates of intellectual property (IP) theft in the state and identify the industries most impacted. Make recommendations to better secure the IP of government and businesses operating in the state and ensure Texas remains competitive in the face of economic aggression by hostile foreign organizations.




September 12, 2024
House Committee on Business & Industry
Charge: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

  • HB 4, relating to the regulation of the collection, use, processing, and treatment of consumers' personal data by certain business entities; imposing a civil penalty.

Charge: Evaluate the impact on housing prices and rent caused by institutional buyers to determine whether policy changes are needed to ensure families and individuals are not unfairly priced out of homeownership.

Charge: Examine the proliferation of fraudulent deeds purporting to convey the sale or transfer of real or personal property. Recommend policy changes that will better protect potential victims from this illicit activity.






Interim Hearings – Week of September 2, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


September 3, 2024
Senate Committee on Water, Agriculture & Rural Affairs
Charge: Water System Reliability: Evaluate water systems in Texas and identify opportunities to better equip those systems to serve the public. Review the coordination of relevant state agencies dealing with Texas water issues and identify opportunities for improved coordination and effectiveness.

Charge: Monitoring: Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs passed by the 88th Legislature, as well as relevant agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction. Specifically, make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, or complete implementation of the following:

  • Senate Bill 28, relating to financial assistance provided and programs administered by the Texas Water Development Board;
  • Senate Bill 1289, relating to the disposal of reclaimed wastewater;
  • Senate Bill 1414, relating to the temporary regulation of the practice of veterinary medicine by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; and
  • Senate Bill 1648, relating to the Centennial Parks Conservation Fund.


State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory Committee
The State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) will meet at 4:00 p.m. and The Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Advisory Committee (TIRF) will meet following the SWIFT hearing. The advisory committees shall review the overall operation, function, and structure of the funds at least semiannually and may provide comments and recommendations to the board on any matter.


Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Advisory Committee
The Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Advisory Committee (TIRF) will meet at 4:30 p.m. or upon recess/adjournment of the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory Committee (SWIFT). The advisory committee shall review the overall operation, function, and structure of the resiliency fund at least semiannually and may provide comments and recommendations to the board on any matter.




September 4, 2024
Senate Committee on Finance
Charge: Continue Cutting Property Taxes: Identify the best combination to further increase the amount of homestead exemption and compression to continue cutting Texans' property taxes.
Additionally, establish and report on the cost of eliminating:

  • School maintenance and operation property taxes;
  • All school property taxes; and
  • All property taxes.

Determine the fiscal consequences of each action, including whether revenue reallocations would be required for public education funding and local government funding, and impacts on the state's ability to respond to disasters and other urgent priorities. For example, determine the effect on other state programs if general revenue were used to fully replace school property taxes, particularly during economic downturns. Evaluate and report on how much state revenue would need to be generated to replace foregone property tax revenue, and from what source.

Charge: Monitor Property Tax Relief: Monitor the appropriations supporting, and implementation of, the following legislation passed during the 88th Legislature, Regular or Special Sessions, and approved by voters, amending the Texas Constitution:.




September 5, 2024
House Committee on Environmental Regulation (Houston)
Charge: Monitoring: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

  • HB 3060, relating to the regulation of recycling and recycled products; and
  • HB 4885, relating to programs established and funded under the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP).

Charge: Impact of EPA rules on Texas: Evaluate and address the implications of recent EPA regulations proposed and promulgated rules to assess their collective impact on air quality in Texas. Examine the necessity for a new State Implementation Plan and explore potential legislative measures to ensure a balanced approach that promotes regulatory compliance while preserving economic vitality, especially in counties identified as at risk of violation.

Charge: Hydrogen Industry Impacts & Recommendations: Evaluate the environmental impacts of the industrial development of emerging markets for hydrogen, including production, transportation, storage, power generation, and other competitive market opportunities. Make recommendations needed to build a competitive hydrogen industry in the state.

Charge: Concrete Batch Plants in Houston: The committee will hear invited testimony on the impact of concrete batch plants regulated by TCEQ on air, land and water in Houston.


House Committee on Insurance
Subject: Examine and evaluate the effects of current regulations on the contractual relationships between pharmacists, pharmacies, health benefit plan issuers, and pharmacy benefit managers(PBMs). Assess the effectiveness of existing laws in promoting transparency and fairness in drug pricing and out-of-pocket expenses for consumers. Study how PBM rebates function within the prescription drug market. Study programs which aim to increase transparency,improve quality of care for patients, and support public policy decisions. Analyze the effects of prohibiting certain contractual provisions that limit the ability of insurers to guide patients toward specific healthcare providers.

Subject: Examine the impact of current economic challenges on the escalating cost of health insurance premiums and options available to Texans in the small business and individual health insurance markets. Investigate solutions including the availability of a small business health options program and ways Texas can better manage and control administration of and the rising costs in our health insurance market.

Subject: Review the current practices and impacts of prior authorization in the healthcare system in Texas.

Subject: Review the impact of healthcare mandates on healthcare providers, insurers, and patients.

Subject: Review the current state of network adequacy in Texas, focusing on the availability and accessibility of healthcare providers within health insurance networks.

Subject: Review the use of current practices and policies regarding the imposition of hospital facility fees.

Subject: Review the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare and health insurance industry. Assess current applications of AI in clinical settings and for tasks such as claims processing, fraud detection, and for personalized insurance plans. Study how AI could improve existing practices relating to risk assessment, underwriting, and customer service. Study ethical and legal concerns associated with AI, including data privacy, algorithmic bias, and transparency. Review the regulatory and oversight mechanisms needed to ensure responsible use of AI in the healthcare and health insurance industry.


Senate Committee on Finance
Charge: Mental Health Services and Inpatient Facilities: Monitor the implementation of Senate Bill 30, 88th Legislature, Regular Session, with regard to appropriations made for expanding mental health services and inpatient facilities across the state. Report on the progress of inpatient facility construction projects. Assess and report on the effectiveness of spending on mental health services.

Charge: Monitor Infrastructure Funds: Monitor the appropriations supporting, and implementation of, the following legislation passed during the 88th Legislature, Regular or Special Sessions, and approved by voters, amending the Texas Constitution:


Senate Committee on Local Government
Charge 1: Local Government Spending of Directly Distributed Federal Funds: Examine how local governments spend funds directly distributed to them by the federal government, such as Harris County's use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to set up a guaranteed-income pilot program. Make recommendations to ensure that the spending of such funds is transparent, accountable, and within the legitimate purposes for local governments under Texas law.

Charge 2: Extra-Territorial Jurisdictions: Study issues related to the implementation of Senate Bill 2038 and House Bill 3053, 88th Legislature, and make recommendations to secure and enhance the protection of landowners' property rights.






Interim Hearings – Week of August 26, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


August 26, 2024
House Committee on Elections
Charge: Adherence to Texas Election Laws: Evaluate the Secretary of State’s Election Audit Program’s findings and solicit information regarding emergent election issues in other counties. Make recommendations to ensure counties faithfully adhere to Texas election laws and those tasked with administering and enforcing the law receive appropriate resources and training.

Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction:

  • the storage and management processes for voter registration data and those tasked with administering and monitoring these processes.

The Committee will also be hearing invited testimony only to solicit information regarding potential emergent election issues in other counties.


House Committee on Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Interim Charge #1: Monitoring - Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD), related to giving updates on the status of the agency, and how past legislation has impacted the agency, both good and bad, as well as providing updates to the ways the agency can and will utilize funding to provide better resources serving juveniles.

Interim Charge #2: "Best Interest of Child" in Family Law: Examine the Texas Family Code definition of "best interest of child" used in determining issues of conservatorship of and access to a child; determine whether policy changes can better protect the rights and interest of children and parents.

Interim Charge #3: Juvenile Justice System Outcomes - Evaluate the system for adjudicating and disposing of cases involving delinquent conduct and determine whether changes to juvenile court proceedings and improvements to the planning and funding for services to keep children in the juvenile justice system closer to home will lead to better overall outcomes for youth and public safety.




August 27, 2024
House Committee on Human Services
Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction.

  • Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) agency status update

Charge: Monitor and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

  • HB 1575, relating to improving health outcomes for pregnant women; and
  • SB 24, relating to the powers and duties of the Health and Human Services Commission and the transfer to the commission of certain powers and duties from the Department of Family and Protective Services.

Charge: Evaluate access to Home and Community-based Services (HCS) waivers, including the interest list, effects of inflation on the cost of services, and availability of services and service providers. Consider the long-term stability of long-term services and supports in waiver programs and consider alternative delivery models.


Senate Committee on Business & Commerce
Charge: Artificial Intelligence: Examine the development and utilization of artificial intelligence (AI). Evaluate the implications of AI adoption across the public and private sectors. Make recommendations for a responsible regulatory framework for AI development, including data privacy, industry standards, consumer protections, risk mitigation, and compliance processes. Propose any necessary changes to state law to protect the Texas radio, television, music, and film industries against unauthorized use by AI. Monitor the findings of the Texas Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council.

Charge: Texas Energy Fund: Review and report on the impact of Senate Bill 2627, the Powering Texas Forward Act, as passed by the 88th Legislature, which established the Texas Energy Fund (TEF) to provide grants and loans to finance the construction, maintenance, modernization, and operation of electric facilities in Texas.






Interim Hearings – Week of August 19, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


August 20, 2024
House Committee on Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Charge: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

HB 90, relating to benefits for certain members of the Texas military forces and survivors of members of the Texas military forces;

HB 671, relating to a veteran suicide prevention campaign;

In addition to the above legislation, the Committee will also be considering the implementation of:

HB 1457, relating to required military informed care or military cultural competency training for certain personnel of entities that provide mental health services to veterans or veterans' families before award of a state agency grant;

HB 2951, relating to the establishment of a service dog pilot program for certain veterans;

SB 538, relating to the use of appropriated money by the Texas State Guard for recruiting and retention purposes;

Charge: Identification and Support of Texas Veterans: Identify barriers to identifying and verification of veteran status. Make recommendations to improve identification efforts to better engage and support the state’s veteran populations.

Texas Military Department

Charge: Recruitment and Retention: Investigate current strategies for attracting new members to include JROTC/ROTC expansion and retaining existing personnel. Assess current retention rates and identify factors leading to personnel turnover.

Charge: Benefits: Review the current benefits package offered to members of the Texas State and National Guard, focusing on aspects such as healthcare, education incentives, and family support programs.

Charge: Facilities and Armories: Evaluate the state of existing facilities and armories in terms of their capacity, safety, and suitability for current and future operational needs.




August 21, 2024
House Committee on Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Charge: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation:

SB 422, relating to the authority of certain military service members to engage in a business or occupation in this state;

Charge: Professional License Portability for Military and Spouses:?Evaluate compliance statewide with the Section 19 of the Veterans Auto and Education Improvement Act of 2022 (P.L. 117-333, 50 U.S.C. §4025a), concerning the portability of professional licenses of service members and spouses and make recommendations to ensure that service members and their spouses may, under appropriate circumstances, continue to practice under a license issued by another jurisdiction.

Charge: Strength of Texas Military Bases:?Review the federal criteria for considering and recommending base closure or realignment and evaluate the strength of Texas Military Bases under the scoring system utilized by the U.S. Department of Defense. Make recommendations to mitigate the risk of realignments or closures of military installations in Texas.

Charge: Charge: Recruitment and Retention:?Investigate current strategies for attracting new members to include JROTC/ROTC expansion and retaining existing personnel. Assess current retention rates and identify factors leading to personnel turnover.

Charge: Defense Research & Partnerships:?Review the role and contributions of the University of Texas San Antonio to the defense of the state and nation through defense research, especially with regard to security infrastructure, talent recruitment, and development of partnerships with the federal government.






Interim Hearings and Sunset Commission Meeting – Week of August 12, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


August 12, 2024
House Committee on Public Education
Charge: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

  • HB 1605, relating to instructional material and technology, the adoption of essential knowledge and skills for certain public school foundation curriculum subjects, and the extension of additional state aid to school districts for the provision of certain instructional materials; authorizing a fee;
  • HB 2209, relating to establishing the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership (R-PEP) program and creating an allotment and outcomes bonus under the Foundation School Program to support the program; and
  • SB 2124, relating to an advanced mathematics program for public school students in middle school.

Charge: Consider issues and matters to increase educational opportunities in Texas to ensure that students and families have increased options to attend a high-quality school, regardless of circumstance. Evaluate the use of education savings accounts in other states and make recommendations for a Texas program, including suggestions on eligibility and prioritization of applicants.




August 13, 2024
House Committee on Agriculture & Livestock
Charge: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
HB 1750, relating to the applicability of certain city requirements to agricultural operations; and
HB 2308, relating to nuisance actions and other actions against agricultural operations.

Charge: Examine foreign ownership of farm-, timber-, and pastureland and agricultural processing facilities in Texas to determine whether Texas industries and supply chains are adequately protected from threats and disruptions and if further safeguards and restrictions on ownership are needed.


House Committee on Public Education
Charge: Examine the causes for and the impact to student outcomes of the increasing number of newly hired Texas teachers who are not certified by the State Board for Educator Certification. Make recommendations to enhance opportunities for uncertified teachers to become certified and strengthen parental rights and notifications.

Charge: Evaluate opportunities to improve students’ foundational early literacy and numeracy outcomes in Pre-Kindergarten through the third grade. Study best practices for identifying students requiring reading and math intervention and providing evidence-based intervention strategies. Recommend changes and evaluate investments to increase the number of students achieving reading and math proficiency by the end of third grade.




August 14, 2024
Sunset Advisory Commission
Staff presentation and public testimony:




August 15, 2024
House Committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety
Charge 1: Monitoring: Conduct active oversight of all associated rule making and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
HB 3290, relating to the next generation 9-1-1 service fund;
SB 602, relating to the law enforcement authority of federal border patrol agents.

Charge 3: Use of Less-Lethal Devices in Law Enforcement: Study the use of less-lethal devices in law enforcement encounters, including recent incidents, and their potential to reduce the risk of death or injury to officers and suspects. Consider methods to increase the use of less-lethal devices for the safety and benefit of all parties.

Charge 4: Communications Interoperability: Study the communications challenges of first responders and emergency personnel. Make recommendations, considering the need for a cross-agency communications upgrade or statewide interoperability plan, to increase reliable, available, and modern communications for public safety and emergency response purposes in communities across the state.




August 16, 2024
House Committee on State Affairs
Charge: Review TWIA Funding: Review current state policy as it relates to the operation and funding of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA), including state agency capacity to effectively oversee TWIA. Evaluate the ability of state agencies and instrumentalities to secure the seacoast region's ability to produce energy and advance science and technology, including the role of reinsurance in maintaining economic security and ways to reduce the burden of reinsurance purchases on energy production and scientific and technological advances, while maintaining adequate coverage for policyholders.






Interim Hearings – Week of July 29, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


July 29, 2024
Senate Special Committee on Hurricane & Tropical Storm Prep, Recovery, & Electricity
Topic: Review the state and electric utility companies' preparedness and response to hurricanes and tropical storms.




July 31, 2024
House Committee on State Affairs
Charge: Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

HB 9, relating to the development and funding of broadband and telecommunications services;

HB 2555, relating to transmission and distribution system resiliency planning by and cost recovery for electric utilities;

HB 5174, relating to the establishment and administration of the Texas Semiconductor Innovation Consortium;

SB 1699, relating to electricity service in the ERCOT power region, including the participation of aggregated distributed energy resources in the ERCOT market;

SB 2627, relating to funding mechanisms to support the construction, maintenance, modernization, and operation of electric generating facilities; and

In addition to the above legislation, the Committee will also be considering the implementation of:

HB 1500, relating to the continuation and functions of the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Office of Public Utility Counsel, and the functions of the independent organization certified for the ERCOT power region; increasing an administrative penalty.

Charge: Assessing utility preparedness, response, and recovery protocols, as well as reviewing recent performance in addressing severe weather events.


House Select Committee on Youth Health & Safety
Charge 2: Behavioral Health Services for At-Risk Youth: Evaluate programs and services currently available to children and families that are either involved with, or at a high risk for becoming involved with, the foster care and juvenile justice systems. Study the current barriers for accessing community-based behavioral health services for children with intense behavioral health needs, with an emphasis on ensuring that parents do not have to give up custody of children to gain access to services.






Interim Hearings – Week of July 22, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


July 24, 2024
House Select Committee on Securing Texas from Hostile Foreign Organizations
Charge: Study the threat posed by hostile foreign organizations and related entities on the Texas economy, security, and values.

Charge: Evaluate the ways in which hostile foreign organizations acquire property, including real property, in Texas as well as the attendant risks. Recommend policy changes to mitigate the risks posed by ownership of Texas assets by hostile foreign organizations.



Interim Hearings – Week of July 8, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


July 8, 2024
House Committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety CANCELED
Charge 1: Monitoring: Conduct active oversight of all associated rule making and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

HB 3290, relating to the next generation 9-1-1 service fund;

SB 602, relating to the law enforcement authority of federal border patrol agents.

Charge 2: Firearm Purchasing Fees: Examine existing firearm purchasing and transfer fees. Consider their efficacy and the impact of reducing or eliminating the fees.

Charge 3: Use of Less-Lethal Devices in Law Enforcement: Study the use of less-lethal devices in law enforcement encounters, including recent incidents, and their potential to reduce the risk of death or injury to officers and suspects. Consider methods to increase the use of less-lethal devices for the safety and benefit of all parties.

Charge 4: Communications Interoperability: Study the communications challenges of first responders and emergency personnel. Make recommendations, considering the need for a cross-agency communications upgrade or statewide interoperability plan, to increase reliable, available, and modern communications for public safety and emergency response purposes in communities across the state.


House Committee on State Affairs CANCELED
Charge: Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

HB 9, relating to the development and funding of broadband and telecommunications services;

HB 2555, relating to transmission and distribution system resiliency planning by and cost recovery for electric utilities;

HB 5174, relating to the establishment and administration of the Texas Semiconductor Innovation Consortium;

SB 1699, relating to electricity service in the ERCOT power region, including the participation of aggregated distributed energy resources in the ERCOT market;

SB 2627, relating to funding mechanisms to support the construction, maintenance, modernization, and operation of electric generating facilities; and

In addition to the above legislation, the Committee will also be considering the implementation of:

HB 1500, relating to the continuation and functions of the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Office of Public Utility Counsel, and the functions of the independent organization certified for the ERCOT power region; increasing an administrative penalty.




July 9, 2024
House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence
Charge 1: Monitoring: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

  • HB 17, relating to official misconduct by and removal of prosecuting attorneys.

In addition to the above legislation, the committee will consider the implementation of:

HB 842, Relating to prohibiting the suspension of a person's driver's license or extension of the period of a driver's license suspension for certain driving while license invalid convictions; authorizing a fee.

HB 1826, Relating to the establishment of an organized retail theft task force.

HB 2897, Relating to the prosecution of the offense of theft of service.

HB 3956, Relating to the creation of DNA records for a person arrested for a felony offense and the expunction of DNA records in certain circumstances.

HB 4906, Relating to the installation and use of tracking equipment and access to certain communications by certain peace officers.


House Select Committee on Youth Health & Safety CANCELED
Charge 2: Behavioral Health Services for At-Risk Youth: Evaluate programs and services currently available to children and families that are either involved with, or at high risk for becoming involved with, the foster care and juvenile justice systems. Study the current barriers for accessing community-based behavioral health services for children with intense behavioral health needs, with an emphasis on ensuring that parents do not have to give up custody of children to gain access to services.






Interim Hearings – Week of June 10, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


June 10, 2024
House Committee on State Affairs
Charge: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. The Committee will be hearing invited testimony only regarding the following agencies: Electric Reliability Counsel of Texas, Office of Public Utility Counsel, Public Utility Commission of Texas, Texas Department of Information Resources, and Texas Sunset Advisory Commission.




June 11, 2024
House Committee on Insurance
Subject: Examine the appraisal process within property and casualty insurance policies.

Subject: Review current funding mechanism for the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA). Examine the role of reinsurance in relation to TWIA. Examine catastrophe funding in relation to TWIA.

Subject: Study how Artificial Intelligence(AI)has impacted the insurance industry. Examine what functions AI serves in enhancing efficiency and risk assessment, and examine potential concerns.

Subject: Examine the growth of the Texas surplus lines market.

Subject: Study current factors affecting the property and casualty insurance market in Texas. Compare the Texas insurance market to other states with respect to affordability in homeowners' insurance.


Senate Committee on Border Security
Charge: Securing the Texas-Mexico Border: Review state and local agencies' participation in border security.




June 12, 2024
House Committee on Elections
Charge: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

  • SB 1070, relating to the interstate voter registration crosscheck program; and
  • SB 1750, relating to abolishing the county elections administrator position in certain counties.

The Committee will also be hearing invited testimony only regarding Texas election law relating to ballot secrecy and those tasked with administering and monitoring this process.


Senate Committee on Business & Commerce
Charge: Electricity Market Design: Assess state efforts to provide incentives for new thermal generation. Review and report on the state of the electricity market in Texas and issues impacting the reliability and resiliency of the Texas electric grid. Consider rulemaking related to wholesale market design, including the impact of these changes on grid reliability, market revenues, costs to consumers, and the efficiency of operations. Examine and report on the direct and indirect impacts that variable resources, such as wind and solar, have on grid resiliency, consumer prices, and market uncertainty. Monitor the implementation of House Bill 1500, 88th Legislature.

Charge: Transmitting Texas Power: Identify the future electric transmission and distribution system needs of the state and recommend ways to reduce barriers to constructing the necessary electric infrastructure to support the growing demand and changes in technology. Review and make any necessary recommendations to enhance legislation passed during the 88th legislative session, including the status of projects to improve the safety and resiliency of the transmission system, as well as the effect of current and future projects on consumer costs.

Charge: Impact of Bitcoin Mining on the Texas Electric Grid: Study the impact of energy-intensive cryptocurrency mining facilities on the Texas electric grid. Report on whether any changes should be made to ERCOT demand response programs and large flexible load registration requirements to limit the impact of these facilities on system reliability and consumer costs.




June 13, 2024
Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Economic Development
Charge: Preserving Texas History: Review the historical site district designation and how such designations contribute to cultural preservation, tourism, and community identity. Report on what impact this historical designation would have on property values, site preservation, and educational opportunities within certain districts including, but not limited to, the San Jacinto Battlefield, the Alamo complex, Washington-on-the-Brazos, and Goliad.

Charge: Overcoming Federal Incompetence: Consider the impact to the Texas economy from federal interference including, but not limited to, restricting liquified natural gas exports, supply chain limitations, a net-zero carbon agenda, and other air emission provisions. Report on what impact these federal interferences will have on the Texas economy and workforce, and make recommendations to minimize the damage to Texas.

Charge: Protecting Local Taxpayers: Examine current use and imposition of local option hotel occupancy taxes. Make recommendations to enhance accountability and increase transparency in the use of these funds.






Interim Hearings – Week of June 3, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


June 4, 2024
House Committee on Human Services
Charge: Medicaid Contracting: Evaluate the appropriate role of the state in overseeing Medicaid managed care. The intention of this hearing is for the committee to be educated on the current Medicaid managed care contracting practices and models. The committee will not participate in conversation specific to any outstanding protests, appeals, or litigation relating to the STAR/CHIP, STAR+PLUS, or STAR Kids procurements.




June 5, 2024
Senate Committee on Criminal Justice
Charge: Bail Reform: Examine “charitable bail organizations” that pay bail for defendants, thereby relieving them of any financial incentive to appear in court. Study the operations and funding sources of these organizations. Make recommendations to ensure accountability for “charitable bail organizations” that provide free bond for arrested individuals that re offend while out on bond; further restrict these organizations’ ability to post bail for violent individuals; and promote transparency.

Charge: Monitoring: Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice passed by the 88th Legislature, as well as relevant agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction. Specifically, make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, or complete implementation of the following:

  • Senate Bill 1004, relating to creating the criminal offense of tampering with an electronic monitoring device and to certain consequences on conviction of that offense.




June 6, 2024
Senate Committee on Criminal Justice
Charge: Stopping Child Predators: Study how predators use Deepfake technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to harm or exploit children. Monitor the implementation of House Bill 2700, 88th Legislature, relating to prosecution of certain criminal offenses prohibiting sexually explicit visual material involving children. Recommend additional legislation to protect children as technology continues to evolve.






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