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TxLege Terms: Concurrent/Joint/Simple Resolutions

In this occasional series, we explain terms used in the Texas legislative environment.


Texas legislators can introduce three types of resolutions*: 


Concurrent Resolution—A type of legislative measure that requires adoption by both chambers of the legislature and generally requires action by the governor. A concurrent resolution is used to convey the sentiment of the legislature and may offer a commendation, a memorial, a statement of congratulations, a welcome, or a request for action by another governmental entity. Concurrent resolutions are also used to memorialize (petition) the U.S. Congress, express the views of the legislature, designate official state symbols, and adopt official date or place designations. Additionally, concurrent resolutions are used for administrative matters that require the approval of both chambers, such as providing for adjournment or a joint session, but these types of concurrent resolutions do not require action by the governor.


Joint Resolution—A type of legislative measure that requires adoption by both chambers of the legislature but does not require action by the governor. A joint resolution is used to propose amendments to the Texas Constitution, ratify amendments to the U.S. Constitution, or request a constitutional convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Before becoming effective, the provisions of joint resolutions proposing amendments to the Texas Constitution must be approved by the voters of Texas.


Simple Resolution—The type of legislative measure that is considered only within the chamber in which it is filed. A simple resolution can offer a commendation, a memorial, a statement of congratulations, a welcome, or the views of that chamber. This type of measure is also used to name a mascot, memorialize (petition) the U.S. Congress, adopt or change rules of procedure, initiate a study by a single chamber, and request action by another governmental entity.


Resolutions in the 85th Legislature
Concurrent Resolutions, 85R
Concurrent Resolutions, 85(1)
Joint Resolutions, 85R
Joint Resolutions, 85(1)
Simple Resolutions, 85R
Simple Resolutions, 85(1)


*Definitions taken from the Texas Legislative Glossary, published by the Texas Legislative Council for the 85th Legislature.

TxLege Terms: Committee Substitute

In this occasional post, we explain terms used in the Texas legislative environment.


When a house or senate committee is considering a bill, they have various reporting options: they may report favorably without amendments, report unfavorably, report favorably as amended, or report favorably as substituted. The latter is called a "committee substitute."


A committee substitute must be "germane"—it must address the same subject as the original bill.


How can you tell that a bill has been "substituted"? On Texas Legislature Online or the Legislative Archive System, the bill's actions will include entries like "Committee substitute considered in committee" and "Reported favorably as substituted." The committee report will note if it is a substitute, and will add a "CS" to the bill number. (So, HB 20 becomes CSHB 20.) In the Journal, it will be noted with the CS until it passes to engrossment.




TxLege Terms: Enabling Legislation

In this occasional post, we explain terms used in the Texas legislative environment.


Legislators propose amendments to the Texas Constitution by filing joint resolutions (JRs). These JRs must be passed in both the house and senate by a two-thirds vote, and then approved by the voters of the state.


A legislator also may file a complementary bill to the JR describing how the JR would be implemented if approved. This complementary bill is called the enabling legislation. It may be passed during the same session as the JR or in a subsequent session. If voters reject a constitutional amendment (JR), the enabling legislation has no effect.


For example, the 84th Legislature passed seven constitutional amendments that were on the November 2015 ballot. In the House Research Organization's Amendments Proposed publication, their explanation of each ballot proposition includes whether the proposition has an enabling bill (in this case, propositions 1, 2, and 4) and what the enabling bill does. All seven constitutional amendments passed in 2015, so the joint resolutions' respective bills also went into effect as scheduled.


Investigate our Constitutional Amendments database to learn more about the process of amending Texas' constitution. Here you can search for amendments, find reports analyzing proposed amendments, see past amendment election dates and outcomes, and find additional sources.