On May 31, 2011, Governor Perry added
congressional redistricting to the list of
topics to be considered by the 1st Called Session of the 82nd Legislature. Below you will find resources and information on congressional redistricting in Texas.
How many congressional seats did Texas gain after the 2010 Census?
Texas gained 4 seats, giving it a total of 36 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.
What will be the average population of each Texas Congressional district?
According to the Texas Legislative Council's
Redistricting website, the "ideal," or average, population of each congressional district in Texas is 698,488, based on 36 districts. For comparison, in 2001, the ideal district population was 651,619, based on 32 districts (House Research Organization,
Census 2010: Implications for Texas)
Where can I find data on current U.S. Congressional districts in Texas?
Maps, socioeconomic profiles, election reports, and population counts for Texas congressional districts are available on the
Congressional Districts page of the Texas Legislative Council's Redistricting website. Similar data for individual districts is also available in
Who Represents Me?
What are the current congressional redistricting bills and where are maps of the proposed districts?
At the time of this post, The Texas Legislature Online shows
seven bills filed during the 1st Called Session of the 82nd Legislature related to congressional redistricting. Proposed maps are available on the Texas Legislative Council's
Redistricting website.
How can I view congressional redistricting bills from previous legislative sessions?
The Legislative Reference Library has compiled a list of all redistricting bills introduced in the Texas Legislature from the 17th Legislature (1881) through the 81st Legislature (2009). Go to
Congressional Redistricting Bills in Texas, 17th-81st Legislatures.
Is congressional redistricting required by the constitution?
Yes. The United States constitution calls for reapportionment of congressional seats according to the population from a decennial census (Section 2, Article I). The Texas Constitution requires the legislature to redistrict Texas house and senate seats during its first regular session following publication of each United States decennial census (Section 28, Article III). For additional information on legal requirements, see
Texas Redistricting - Legal Requirements for the Process.
Additional resources:
Historical Atlas of United States Congressional Districts, 1789-1983 (Leg. Reference Library 912.73 M366H - Room use only.)
Historical Atlas of State Power in Congress, 1790-1990 (Leg. Reference Library 328.3345 C76H)
Census 2010: Implications for Texas (House Research Organization, Jan. 21, 2010)
Congressional Apportionment (U.S. Census Bureau)
Data for 2011 Redistricting in Texas (Texas Legislative Council, Feb. 2011)
Guide to 2011 Redistricting (Texas Legislative Council, July 2010)
Texas Congressional District Maps (1846-2010) (Texas Legislative Council)
Texas Redistricting Library (Texas Legislative Council)
Texas State Data Center
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