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Interim Hearings and Sunset Commission Meeting – Week of December 9, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


December 9, 2024
House Committee on House Administration
Topic: Invited testimony only from any Member or Member-elect of the 89th Legislature who submits a proposal for a suggested rule change to the Committee on House Administration




December 11, 2024
Sunset Advisory Commission
Consideration and possible action on the new recommendations for the following agencies:

Staff presentation and public testimony:






Interim Hearings – Week of December 2, 2024, and New Sunset Staff Reports

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


December 3, 2024
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Grid Reliability
Review the implementation of legislation related to the regulation of the electricity market in Texas enacted by the 87th and 88th Legislatures.




New Sunset Staff Reports
2024-25 Review Cycle
The Sunset Advisory Commission staff released the following staff reports in November 2024:

  1. Trinity River Authority of Texas
  2. Angelina and Neches River Authority / Lower Neches River Authority
  3. Texas Ethics Commission
  4. River Authority Uniformity Study




Interim Hearings and Sunset Commission Meeting – Week of November 11, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


November 11, 2024
Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education
Charge: Higher Education - “Faculty Senates”: Review and analyze the structures and governance in higher education, focusing on the role of “faculty senates,” and like groups, in representing faculty interests to higher education institution administrations. Make recommendations to establish guidelines for the role and representation of faculty by “faculty senates,” and like groups, at higher education institutions in Texas.

Charge: Stopping DEI to Strengthen the Texas Workforce: Examine programs and certificates at higher education institutions that maintain discriminatory diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies. Expose how these programs and their curriculum are damaging and not aligned with state workforce demands. Make recommendations for any needed reforms to ensure universities are appropriately educating students to meet workforce needs.

Charge: Improving K12-College Pathways: Review the availability of Advanced Placement and dual credit course offerings in high schools and examine the transfer requirements required for students to receive higher education course credit. Identify the current challenges to streamlining the transfer process, including adequate counseling for high school students. Make recommendations to ensure students receive credit for successful completion of these courses.




November 13, 2024
Senate Committee on Health & Human Services
Charge: Protecting Vulnerable Texans in Emergencies: Examine commercial residential settings for the elderly and individuals with intellectual disabilities, including assisted living facilities, boarding homes, group homes, and independent living communities. Identify emergency preparedness and response protocols required during severe weather for these populations. Make recommendations, if necessary, for the establishment and enforcement of emergency protocols to ensure vulnerable populations are protected.

Charge: Examining the links between Nutrition and Chronic Disease: Examine the role that food supply plays in chronic disease. Identify ways that Texas can support a healthier food supply, including ways to better inform consumers and incentivize food producers. Make recommendations for reforming the state’s health-related research efforts to improve public health through enhanced nutritional awareness, revised pharmaceutical development, and non-pharmacological interventions.




November 14, 2024
Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Economic Development
Charge: Enhancing Workforce Productivity: Study ways to increase the state’s workforce productivity, including access to childcare. Make recommendations, within existing resources, to maintain childcare availability to support a growing workforce.


Sunset Advisory Commission
Consideration and possible action on the new recommendations for the following agency:
Texas Real Estate Commission special-purpose review

Staff presentation and public testimony:






Interim Hearings and Sunset Commission Meeting – Week of August 12, 2024

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


August 12, 2024
House Committee on Public Education
Charge: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:

  • HB 1605, relating to instructional material and technology, the adoption of essential knowledge and skills for certain public school foundation curriculum subjects, and the extension of additional state aid to school districts for the provision of certain instructional materials; authorizing a fee;
  • HB 2209, relating to establishing the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership (R-PEP) program and creating an allotment and outcomes bonus under the Foundation School Program to support the program; and
  • SB 2124, relating to an advanced mathematics program for public school students in middle school.

Charge: Consider issues and matters to increase educational opportunities in Texas to ensure that students and families have increased options to attend a high-quality school, regardless of circumstance. Evaluate the use of education savings accounts in other states and make recommendations for a Texas program, including suggestions on eligibility and prioritization of applicants.




August 13, 2024
House Committee on Agriculture & Livestock
Charge: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
HB 1750, relating to the applicability of certain city requirements to agricultural operations; and
HB 2308, relating to nuisance actions and other actions against agricultural operations.

Charge: Examine foreign ownership of farm-, timber-, and pastureland and agricultural processing facilities in Texas to determine whether Texas industries and supply chains are adequately protected from threats and disruptions and if further safeguards and restrictions on ownership are needed.


House Committee on Public Education
Charge: Examine the causes for and the impact to student outcomes of the increasing number of newly hired Texas teachers who are not certified by the State Board for Educator Certification. Make recommendations to enhance opportunities for uncertified teachers to become certified and strengthen parental rights and notifications.

Charge: Evaluate opportunities to improve students’ foundational early literacy and numeracy outcomes in Pre-Kindergarten through the third grade. Study best practices for identifying students requiring reading and math intervention and providing evidence-based intervention strategies. Recommend changes and evaluate investments to increase the number of students achieving reading and math proficiency by the end of third grade.




August 14, 2024
Sunset Advisory Commission
Staff presentation and public testimony:




August 15, 2024
House Committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety
Charge 1: Monitoring: Conduct active oversight of all associated rule making and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
HB 3290, relating to the next generation 9-1-1 service fund;
SB 602, relating to the law enforcement authority of federal border patrol agents.

Charge 3: Use of Less-Lethal Devices in Law Enforcement: Study the use of less-lethal devices in law enforcement encounters, including recent incidents, and their potential to reduce the risk of death or injury to officers and suspects. Consider methods to increase the use of less-lethal devices for the safety and benefit of all parties.

Charge 4: Communications Interoperability: Study the communications challenges of first responders and emergency personnel. Make recommendations, considering the need for a cross-agency communications upgrade or statewide interoperability plan, to increase reliable, available, and modern communications for public safety and emergency response purposes in communities across the state.




August 16, 2024
House Committee on State Affairs
Charge: Review TWIA Funding: Review current state policy as it relates to the operation and funding of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA), including state agency capacity to effectively oversee TWIA. Evaluate the ability of state agencies and instrumentalities to secure the seacoast region's ability to produce energy and advance science and technology, including the role of reinsurance in maintaining economic security and ways to reduce the burden of reinsurance purchases on energy production and scientific and technological advances, while maintaining adequate coverage for policyholders.






Sunset Commission Meeting, January 11, 2023

Sunset Advisory Commission, January 11
Consideration and possible action on the recommendations for the following agencies:

Staff presentation of options to address systemic issues at the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, and consideration and possible action on those options

Final vote on commission recommendations to the 88th Legislature
Status report on Implementation of 2021 Sunset Recommendations

Interim Hearings and Sunset Commission Hearings – Week of December 5, 2022

Today's Committee Meetings on the LRL website is a calendar of interim committee hearings with links to agendas. Below are resources related to upcoming Interim Hearings.


December 5, 2022
House Committee on State Affairs
Topic: Update on the proposed changes to the ERCOT market design.




December 6, 2022
House Committee on House Administration
Topic: Invited testimony only from any Member of the 88th Legislature who submits a proposal for a suggested rules change to the Committee.


House Committee on House Administration
Topic: The committee will meet to consider the adoption of a parental leave pool.


Sunset Advisory Commission
Staff presentation and invited testimony only:




December 7, 2022
Sunset Advisory Commission
Staff presentation and invited testimony only:




December 8, 2022
House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Strategic Fiscal Review & Federal Relief Funds
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Strategic Fiscal Review and Federal Relief Funds will meet to consider the following agency reviews:

  • Texas Juvenile Justice Department
  • Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission
  • Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board
  • Texas Water Development Board
  • Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Office of Public Utility Counsel
  • Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners


State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory
Topic: The advisory committees shall review the overall operation, function, and structure of the funds at least semiannually and may provide comments and recommendations to the board on any matter.


Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Advisory
Topic: The advisory committee shall review the overall operation, function, and structure of the resiliency fund at least semiannually and may provide comments and recommendations to the board on any matter.




December 9, 2022
Senate Committee on Criminal Justice
Charge: Illegal Temporary License Plates: Examine and report on the relationship of the unlawful sale and use of temporary paper license plates with crimes related to human trafficking, drug trafficking, theft, and homicide.

Charge: Re-entry Programs for Inmates: Review current offender re-entry programs provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and county jails, and identify barriers to their success. Make recommendations to enhance successful programs to ensure adequate resources and support for released offenders.

Criminal Case Backlogs: Evaluate the current backlog of criminal cases. Consider and recommend ways to reduce delays and ensure timely resolution of cases, including an examination of methods developed by district attorneys, judges, and court administrators.

Public Safety: Examine the recent Harris County release from custody of hundreds of criminal defendants onto the streets without bond or review by a magistrate. Identify what caused this threat to public safety in Harris County and determine if it has occurred in any other counties in Texas. Make recommendations to ensure criminal defendants are timely brought before a magistrate for probable cause hearings and bond hearings, and that appropriate bond is set.






Sunset Commission Meeting, November 10, 2022

Sunset Advisory Commission, November 10
Consideration and possible action on the recommendations for the following agencies:

Staff presentation and public testimony:




Sunset Commission Meeting, January 13, 2021

Sunset Commission Meetings, December 7 & 8, 2020

Sunset Commission Meeting

Sunset Advisory Commission, December 7
Staff presentation and invited testimony only:


Sunset Advisory Commission, December 8
Approval of Sunset across-the-board (ATB) recommendations


Consideration and possible action on the recommendations for the following agencies:

Sunset Commission Meeting, November 12, 2020

Sunset Commission Meeting

Sunset Advisory Commission, November 12  CANCELED
Staff presentation and invited testimony only:


Approval of Sunset across-the-board (ATB) recommendations


Consideration and possible action on the recommendations for the following agencies:

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